HOLY SHIT!!! · 1:44am Jan 22nd, 2018
I ain't been here since march of 2017?!
For about three weeks now? Idk, it's been a minute, slacking on obligations and such is fun n all. But I'm back with a new one shot and a few updates for a story that I haven't touched since publishing...
Yep, here is my short burst of creativity for the year.
Idk how long it's been a thing though, because I post a story like once a year... But apparently auto-submission has been a thing for some time now, the more you know I guess.
Oh right, and I got a new little one shot up. Bad Advice
it has begun.
But apparently MLP just won one,
and they're in line for another one... So yea, for all those who say this show is dying, ha!
Rarity called our favorite cyan speedster Dashie... It was possibly the strangest thing in the entire twenty two minutes for me.
That is all.
I absolutely hate it when I log in and go to my nice little picture/comic/gif filled user page to find like three or four little X boxes signifying broken links! I mean I sower the deepest recesses of brony media outlets to look for the funnest or coolest little gifs and what not to entertain the poor sod that manages to find there way to my profile. Only to notice that all that minimal effort I put into that crap be spat on, SPAT ON!
The storms of the south were clearly seen from the capitol atop of the mountain, and it only proved to sour the mood of the Alicorn looking down on it from her balcony. It had nearly been a full twenty four hours since Rarity took off towards Ponyville without council permission. A full twenty four hours of doubt and contemplations, like why was she so eager to go. It wasn’t like there ever was really a chance for success there, let alone survival.