• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 13th, 2013

Pony Sigma

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Found 4 stories in 21ms

Total Words: 12,171
Estimated Reading: 48 minutes

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Rainbow Dash discovers that Derpy is being bullied out of her temporary home in Cloudsdale, and decides to help the awkward Pegasus.

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Twilight's years at Celestia's school were far from ordinary. Here are the challenging trials, dangerous spells, and important lessons that made her the mare we know today.

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Pinkie Pie has made it her mission to make everypony smile. So when she finds Derpy Hooves alone and crying, she tries to cheer her up by baking muffins with her. But what happens when there is an unexpected visit from the Princess?
No shipping. Later appearances by the rest of the main cast.

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