What would you do, if somepony you knew and loved for years, turned out to be somepony they weren't?
Berry Punch always thought her marefriend's cutie mark was a funny thing. A dentist with an hourglass Cutie Mark? That didn't make any sense, but she didn't make a big deal out of it. All Berry Punch knew was that in her hour of need, when she had her heart broken a daughter to tend to, and alcohol was her only savior, Minuette entered her life, and everything was going to be ok.
That is, until the day Berry found Minuette's strange Fobwatch, etched in strange markings that would be the the clues to her real identity.
And to an old traveller who always thought he was the last of his kind, he would suddenly regain a friend he thought he had lost centuries ago
It's funny thing, identities. Most of us can't help but be who we are. Some however can hide them away, until they come back to haunt us and affect the life we now live