• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 1,923 Views, 61 Comments

Discordia: Turn on the Lights. - overlord-flinx

You ever hear of a get out of jail free card? Well... What if there was something like that, only it protected you from the law for a whole day? And... What if that was given to the worst possible person anyone could find?

  • ...

Part 5: Abusing A Perfect Opportunity.

It was surprising... Discord and Pip had striven to view all the most interesting songs being performed within Equestria. However, one rather strange and interesting of chances had been occurring within Canterlot Castle itself while Discord's eyes were away. One that threatened to shatter the structure of Canterlot Castle at its very core. An act of great betrayal, and great comedy...

Luna thought herself safe just moments ago. Her personal guard had blocked out the sun, the center of her torment this morning. Yet now, out from nowhere, Celestia's own guards had swarmed Luna's and put them in submission; thus letting the sun rain back across the castle. When the sun started showing again, Luna took shelter inside the castle; what little there was with all the windows letting cuts of light inside. However, Luna knew better... She knew there was a storm coming, and she could not hide forever. More so, with the sound of music slowly enveloping the area of the castle, she felt her nightmares were about to come true.

Sing Together
Original: The Plagues - Princes Of Egypt
Performed: Celestia, subjects/guards, Luna.

Celes' does say, Celes' does say, Celes' does say...
This day she dost have waited for,
You will do her wishes...

For a thousand years she has waited,
For you alone, her sole sister,
She thought it through, need only you,
You cannot hide, you cannot run,
You must give up, you must turn in,
Thy fleeing is a fault,
Your escape now, it seems too thin,
It is time, the grand assault,
She seeks you now, this is your hour,
So says Celes'.

Luna pressed herself against a nearby column, trying to stay out of any source of light she could. This day was going to come sooner or later, she knew her sister too well... From the corner of her eye, she could see her sister flying outside of the windows, bringing rays of light with her and purposely trying to reflect them onto Luna.

It's only right my sister,
We both process a gift
Of greatness,
A power within our lungs...

From behind the column Luna was struggling to keep as cover from light, she snarled at her sister. "Nay will I sing! You cannot make me!"

Now Luna do try
To listen to your sister,
Your sister so very loves you,
So please just sing with me.

The lights from the windows shifted and Luna felt her hoof start to tap as the light touched her. She yanked herself away and shuddered, feeling that horrible sensation of music again. "No way, I decline this!"

You sing so well,
How would you deprive all subjects,
Robbing them of this gift,
They'd all love to hear it,
So why be so cold?

Suddenly, the light of the windows dimmed and shifted away. Luna poked her head out from her cover, skeptical about the sudden shift. But, Celestia was nowhere to be found. No a single sign of her... Not even the sun... That's when Luna felt herself become VERY cold and frightened. Before she could react, the main castle doors flung open and Celestia stood clearly to Luna, wings curled against her sides.

You my dear sister,
Now it's time to feel my wing.

Luna tried to jump for a new spot of cover, but it was too late. Celestia stretched her wings wide, bringing with them a bright, shining light from her feathers that rained onto Luna and bathed her in sunlight.

Time for you to sing!

So says Celes'!

Luna tried to hide her face under her wing, but the light was far too strong. Against herself, her mouth started moving.

How could you, my own sister,
How dare you make me sing along,
You know I hate a song.

She loves your voice, so do sing more.

I would say my hate is absolute,
Yet if it does bring you cheer:
Then only now for here,
I shall sing with you.

Thus say Luna.

Just this once...
Let us sing as one.

...You ever feel like we're missing something?

Yes. But it's probably lame.