• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,441 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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The Story of a Girl

I, Little Pony

Chapter 1 – The Story of a Girl

Hi. If you’re reading this, then the magic worked! Yay me! Well, I have to admit that I didn’t do this by myself though. I had some help from Twilight Sparkle a little. Ok, I had a lot of help. I’m still learning magic you know. It’s not like I was born knowing this stuff. I’m especially not used to, what did Twilight call it? Oh that’s right “Transdimentional Apportation.” Yeah, it hurts my brain even trying to spell that.

Oh, and sorry if this book appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden, especially if it accidentally landed on your head, or while you were driving, or taking a shower. Again, I really couldn’t say where exactly to have this appear, and even Twilight couldn’t pinpoint an exact place. So we settled on this book appearing anywhere in my hometown. Actually I really can’t call it my hometown anymore, as I haven’t been back there for at least a month. Or has it been two months? It’s hard to keep track of when things happened exactly after when it happened.

What was the “it” that happened? Well, that’s the reason for this book actually. It’s basically my attempt to make sense of everything that happened in my life, trying to understand all the little things that led up to that one moment that changed my life and what happened afterwards. Confused? I’m sorry, but hopefully you’ll understand soon.

So how should I begin this story? I guess I should explain who I am so that you’re not thinking you’re imagining this or ate a bad piece of sushi. Anyway, my name is Julia, or it was Julia before the event happened. I suppose you want to know my last name right? Well, I actually don’t remember it right now. Funny how you know something your entire life like your name and now because things change it now is so unimportant.

You’re probably scratching your head about that part of how I used to be named Julia, right? Well, you read it right. You see I have a new name now. It’s Quill Flourish now. Yeah, I know my name sounds strange, right? But here it actually sounds ok. A new name comes with a new me I guess, and really keeping my name Julia would be weird around here as there isn’t anypony named Bob or Lisa.

That’s right, I said anypony. Sorry, that also comes with living here too. No, I don’t live on a farm or a ranch although I wouldn’t really mind that considering what I am now. Alright, I guess there’s no other way to say this, and I don’t want to confuse further, so I’ll just come out with it. The reason why I changed my name and why I keep saying how things used to be but now are no longer is really simple. I used to be human, but now I’m a pony. Not just a pony like those you see in a fair where kids ride on. I became a cartoon unicorn from the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Ok. You’re probably thinking that I need medical help or that I’ve been watching too many cartoons. Before you throw this book away or run out of the room in a panic, please hear me out. I didn’t take all this time to write this book just for a joke, and I’m not somepony that your friends put you up to pull a prank on you. I’m the real deal, and I’ve given you this to tell you the truth about my life. So please, get some popcorn or whatever snack and take a seat. If you still think I’m crazy after hearing me out, then I can’t force you to believe me.

There’s another reason why I’m writing this. My mind each day is becoming less filled with the memories of my human self and more with my life as a pony. It’s like you have a binder full of important papers and slowly each paper is being replaced with a new one that is just as important. At first this new information doesn’t make sense but as more of it replaces your old thoughts it becomes second nature. Twilight guessed that the effects of being in this new world is making this happen. So I wrote this in remembrance of what happened, because who know? Maybe one day in the future I’ll wake up and not remember that I even used to be human.

So to continue my story of who I am or more importantly who I was, I guess I can first say that I was very much like other humans. I was your average girl living an average life. Sounds cliché, right? Well, I guess you can say that, but it’s the truth. I remember that I was tall, but not freakishly tall. I was thin, but not like a celebrity or an athlete. I had a cream colored complexion, which was accented by my brown hair and blue eyes. Funny how looking back my hair was always done up in a ponytail, and now I really have a pony tail! Yeah, I guess you could say that I was a Plain Jane, just another face in the crowd. I tried doing things to stand out more like changing my clothes, but that didn’t really help.

So now that you kind of know what I look like, let me tell you about my life. I don’t remember much of my childhood anymore except a few things. I remember that I wasn’t really a girly girl, much as my parents wanted me to be. I loved exploring the woods, playing sports, and learning new things. I really liked animals, especially horses. While most kids would be frightened by such big animals, I would walk right up to one and pet it. I remember that I used to take riding lessons and how I even considered becoming a veterinarian or what used to call a “horse doctor.”

In school, from the little that I could remember, I wasn’t the most popular girl. In fact I was teased a lot, and I only really had a few good friends. I guess I did ok in school, but again I don’t remember much. What I do know is that my English teachers used to comment on how well I wrote and encouraged me to pursue that. That’s how after school I went to college for creative writing, to become an author or a journalist. I made some new friends and had a good time and actually it was better than my school days before.

Sadly what they sometimes don’t tell you after college is that you may not automatically get the job you want right away. So I had to settle working at a coffee shop. It wasn’t the most mentally challenging job but I was able to get enough money to support living on my own in an apartment. The hours weren’t bad either. The best thing was that I met my boyfriend Mark there. He was the one of the people I still miss after leaving. Oh, if this is Mark reading this, I’m sorry that things didn’t turn out the way they did and I hope that you forgive me.

Are you still there? Great! Well, if I haven’t frightened or bored you away yet, maybe you’ll stick around to read the rest. You’ll understand how I got into My Little Pony and how one simple wish that I made changed my life forever. If there’s one thing I can warn you about it’s be careful what you wish for. You might actually get what you want!

Author's Note:

This was a story that I had planned since getting into fan fiction writing. It always got pushed to the bottom of the pile when a new idea appeared. Thankfully, I'm able to present it to you now.