• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 3,047 Views, 238 Comments

The Do Dilemma - Metool Bard

What happens when you take a literary character and make her real? Hijinks, that's what.

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Disguises and Surprises

Chapter 27:
Disguises and Surprises

As the four pegasi made their way up Mt. Götterdämarerung, Daring Do and Rainbow Dash brought Scootaloo and Tailspin up to speed.

"So, let me see if I got this straight," said Tailspin as Daring concluded her story. "That booby trap in Argoats transported you to another plane of existence where your adventures are published in a series of fictional novels, and some pretentious maggot is trying to erase those adventures and you from existence."

"That's pretty much the story in a nutshell," said Daring. "There's more to it, but honestly, I can't follow that thing's logic at all."

"I'm just gonna make it easier on myself and say it hates Rainbow Dash for no good reason," said Scootaloo with an angry snort. "That's more than enough reason for me to kick its tail."

"Easy, Squirt," Rainbow said sternly. "Even if that Nihilmodo guy is a complete moron, changelings are a tricky bunch. Not to mention it somehow managed to get this far in its plans."

The area around them was suddenly bathed in green light as a beam of magic from above shot into the heart of the volcano. Soon afterward, the tremors returned.

"Case in point," said Daring, adjusting her hat. "Let's kick it into high gear, ponies! Time is of the essence!"

Nopony needed to be told twice. The four of them picked up the pace, and in no time at all, they reached the summit of Mt. Götterdämarerung. Just as they suspected, Nihilmodo was hovering above the mountain, shooting its magic into the crater.

"Hold it right there, you creep!" Rainbow called out.

Nihilmodo turned to the voice, and its eyes widened in surprise.

"Wh-wh-what?! H-how in the name of all that is holy did you get here?!" it sputtered.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I always feel better with a unicorn around," said Daring. "It was just a matter of having her copy your little spell."

"B-b-but that's impossible! You're not supposed to be here!" Nihilmodo whined. "You're supposed to resign yourself to your fate! You're supposed to cower before my genius!"

"I'm sorry, is this thing for real?" said an utterly appalled Tailspin. "Did it actually expect Daring Do to just give up? Daring never gives up!"

"Apparently, it didn't get the memo," said Daring.

"Silence!" Nihilmodo bellowed. "I will erase you, Ms. Do! I will see Rainbow Crash's mind crack like an egg! And I will prove my mettle as the greatest genius Equestria has ever known! What's more, there is nothing any of you can do to stop me!"

"Wanna bet?" Rainbow snarled, putting up her dukes.

Nihilmodo's eyes narrowed. "I don't make bets, Rainbow Crash. When you're a genius, you don't need luck. I already know that I can defeat all of you without even trying."

"But wait, didn't you just say you didn't expect us to be here?" inquired Scootaloo, tilting her head. "How are you prepared to fight us?"

Nihilmodo scoffed. "Do you actually expect me to explain my genius? Trust me, your brain would explode trying to to comprehend it."

"Ah, so that's your big plan," said Daring in mocking contemplation. "I gotta say, I've never had a villain try and bore me to death with pretentious drivel. Congrats on being the first."

Nihilmodo's expression became deadpan. "You know what? I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. I'm just going to finish my spell and cause Mt. Götterdämarerung to erupt, destroying all of you on every conceptual level."

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" proclaimed Rainbow, pounding her hooves. Daring adjusted her pith helmet, Scootaloo revved up her wings, and Tailspin lowered her goggles.

Nihilmodo sighed. "Fine. Then I'll just have to make sure you don't have anything to say about it. I'll try to leave some of you alive just so that I can watch your expressions as you disappear from existence, but I make no promises."

It then changed its form into that of Das Reingold and launched a fireball from its boney hooves. The four pegasi scattered, dodging the attack with ease. With a snarl, Nihilmodo transformed into Lightning Dust and flew after Rainbow Dash.

"I suppose you could call this a mercy killing!" it said in Lightning's voice. "I truly sympathize! After all, I'd want to end my own existence if I knew I was going to lose my sanity!"

Rainbow leered at Nihilmodo. "That's not gonna happen, you nutball! I'll make sure of it!" she hollered back.

Nihilmodo was aghast. "Oh, you did not just call me that!"

It then swerved and tried to ram Rainbow Dash. Rainbow saw the attack and maneuvered out of the way, swooping in for a counterattack. The two of them rammed each other several times, neither side giving an inch. Then, just as Rainbow made one final swoop, Nihilmodo changed into Gilda and swiped at her with its talons. Not prepared for this, she took the brunt of the attack, spinning out of control.

"Time you lived up to your nickname, Rainbow Crash!" Nihilmodo laughed. It changed into Das Reingold and prepared to launch a plume of flame after Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, Nihilmo-dummy! Over here!"

Nihilmodo's shoulders became tense. "Who said that?! Who had the gall to refer to me in such an unsavory manner?!" it demanded, turning its head. It was greeted with the sight of a smug-looking Tailspin.

"I did," said Tailspin, folding her forelegs. "So, what're you gonna do about it?"

Instead of responding, Nihilmodo launched its fireball at Tailspin. Tailspin began flying around like a madpony, the attack missing her by a mile. With a snarl of frustration, Nihilmodo continued to fire plume after plume of flame at Tailspin, only to miss every single time.

"My, what a lousy shot you are!" Tailspin teased. "You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if you were standing right in front of it!"

With a roar of aggravation, Nihilmodo transformed into the Crimson Baroness and flew after Tailspin. Tailspin allowed it to chase her, doing barrel rolls, loop-the-loops, and all other kinds of tricky maneuvers. To her surprise, Nihilmodo managed to keep pace.

"A nice diversion, but it ends here, runt!" it said with a sneer. It then caught up to Tailspin and decked her across the cheek. Tailspin was knocked off-course, falling in a downward spiral. Before Nihilmodo could pursue, it felt a tap on its shoulder. It turned around to see Daring Do, an angry inferno blazing in her magenta eyes.

"You want sensitivity? I'll give you sensitivity," she said coldly. "Nobody messes with my partner."

She then punched Nihilmodo across the jaw. Nihilmodo growled and changed into Gilda, swiping at Daring with its talons. Daring narrowly dodged the scratch and punched again. The two continued to exchange blows, making their way down towards Mt. Götterdämarerung.


Meanwhile, Scootaloo was circling the crater on her scooter, waiting for her opportunity to join the fray. She caught sight of Rainbow Dash dropping from the sky and gasped in horror.

"Rainbow Dash!" she cried out, racing towards her idol. She managed to catch up to her just as Rainbow recovered from the dive.

"Nngh. That was pretty dirty," Rainbow growled, rubbing her cheek.

"Rainbow Dash, are you alright?" asked Scootaloo.

"Nothing hurt but my pride," said Rainbow. "That changeling is tougher than it looks. We need to step up our game."

"Got any ideas?" Scootaloo inquired.

"One," said Rainbow. "But I'm saving it for later. In the meantime, we should just keep it occupied."

"I know just the thing," said Scootaloo with a cocky smirk. "Now, if only it would come down here..."

Rainbow took a glance around, and saw a small incline in the crater leading towards where Daring and Nihilmodo were proceeding to duke it out. She gave a smirk of her own.

"Looks like you got your wish, Squirt," she said, pointing it out. "Think you can handle it?"

"You bet!" said Scootaloo, flapping her wings. She then looked nervous. "But, it'd make me feel better if you were with me."

Rainbow's smile broadened. "No prob, Scoot," she said. "I'm your wing."

Scootaloo nodded and sped off towards the incline, with Rainbow Dash not far behind.


Daring and Nihilmodo traded blow after blow, and neither of them were ready to back down. Suddenly, Daring's punch was blocked when Nihilmodo grabbed her hoof in its talon. It dug its claws into Daring's foreleg and began to twist it.

"T-took you long enough to *ergh* do that!" Daring grunted, fighting against the pain.

"Shut up!" Nihilmodo spat. "Just shut up and bend to my will!"

"Over my dead body!"

Tailspin suddenly flew in out of nowhere, buzzing Nihilmodo with her wings. Being distracted, the changeling didn't notice Scootaloo as she rode her scooter off of Mt. Götterdämarerung and did an aerial somersault right onto its back.

"Guess who~," she said playfully, covering Nihilmodo's eyes with her hooves.

"H-hey! Get off of me, you little brat!" Nihilmodo snapped, desperately trying to shake Scootaloo off and forgetting all about Daring. Daring looked on with interest as Nihilmodo flew around erratically. Rainbow Dash flew alongside it, serving as Scootaloo's safety net. But no matter what the changeling did, Scootaloo would not let go. Tailspin observed the spectacle as well, and found herself doubling over in laughter.

"Alright! Ride 'em, Scootaloo!" she cheered. She then turned to Daring. "Seriously, why should we be afraid of this thing?"

"Don't know, don't care," said Daring. "I'm just enjoying the show."

"When I get this runt off of me, you will all pay!" Nihilmodo barked, continuing to swoop and dive in a desperate attempt to throw Scootaloo off.

"Oh, right. Like she's gonna let go now that she knows you're gonna do that," said Tailspin sardonically. "For a self-proclaimed 'genius,' you don't use your brain all that much, do you?"

Nihilmodo snorted. "Fine! Then I'll make her get off!"

It then shifted its form into that of Ahuizotl, using its tail to pry Scootaloo off of its back. Scootaloo struggled in its grip.

"Now I have you right where I want you," said Nihilmodo with a sneer, drawing back its fist. Just then, it felt a tap on its shoulder. "Nice try, Ms. Do. But fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on—"

It was cut off when it landed with a resounding thud on the stone path leading into Mt. Götterdämarerung. Scootaloo flew from its grip, and was caught by Rainbow.

"I was just trying to remind you that Ahuizotl can't fly," said Daring with a shrug. "But it looks like you found that out on your own."

Nihilmodo changed back into its original form and let out an angry rasp.

"That tears it!" it roared. "You will all disappear, now!"

It then took off into the air, its horn pulsating with magic.

"I think we made it mad," said Daring. "And ideas?"

Rainbow smiled. "You and Tailspin distract it. I've got an plan."

"Care to clue us in?" asked Tailspin.

"Let's just say this is gonna end with a bang, but not the one its expecting," said Rainbow, winking at Scootaloo. Scootaloo's eyes glistened.

"I feel like I'm missing something here," said Daring. "But hey, I like a good surprise. Alright, do what you gotta do."

"Sure thing," said Rainbow, placing Scootaloo onto her back. "Alright, Scoot! Hold on tight!"

Scootaloo did as she was told as Rainbow made a steep ascent into the sky. As she soared upwards, Daring and Tailspin flew in front of Nihilmodo.

"Hmph. Willing to get it over with, are you?" said Nihilmodo with a sneer. "Very well. Take this!"

Blasts of sinister green light erupted from the changeling's crooked horn. Daring and Tailspin flew circles around Nihilmodo, dodging each and every one. Tailspin flew straight above Nihilmodo, going into a downward spiral and buzzing it with her wings once again. While Nihilmodo tried to retaliate, Daring came up from behind and gripped its forelegs in her own.

"Pah! You think you've got me?" Nihilmodo spat. "Once my spell is fully charged, your existence will be compromised! You cannot hope to defeat a genius like myself!"

There was then a curious sound from above. Daring looked up, her eyes widening as she saw Rainbow Dash diving at a remarkable speed.

"Hey, genius. Don't look up," she said.

"What? What are you babbling abou...?"

Nihilmodo trailed off as it saw what Daring was seeing. In a panic, it struggled to pry itself from Daring's clutches, but because it was charging its spell, it couldn't change form. The sound got louder and louder as Rainbow got closer and closer.

"L-let me go!" Nihilmodo sputtered. "Let me go, you insufferable adventurer!"

Daring shrugged. "Alright, if you insist."

She then spun around and threw the changeling towards Rainbow Dash with all her might. As Nihilmodo and Rainbow collided, Rainbow's cyan form seemed to narrow. Scootaloo hung on for dear life, a large grin plastered on her face.

"Here we go!" she cheered, her voice barely audible.

Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion of color, and Rainbow shot forward at a blinding speed. The impact was too much for Nihilmodo to handle, and it quickly blacked out. As Rainbow flew up in an arc and created the trademark arch that was her namesake, she dropped the changeling down into Mt. Götterdämarerung.

"Woo-hoo!" Scootaloo screamed with delight.

"Whoa. D-did you see that, Dare?" said Tailspin, mesmerized by the spectacle.

"Tailspin, I think all of Equestria saw that," said Daring with a chuckle. "Boy, when she said this was gonna end with a bang, she wasn't kidding. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better conclusion to this adventure."


A harsh impact on stone snapped Nihilmodo out of unconsciousness. Snarling, it slowly got to its feet and observed its surroundings. It found that it was right next to where the magma was. A nefarious twinkle appeared in its eye.

"Celebrate while you can, Rainbow Crash," it chortled. "For I will still have the last laugh!"

It began to prepare its spell when it noticed something by its hoof. Curious, it picked it up. When it saw what it was holding, its eyes widened in horror.

"Oh no," it said. "No. No, I don't want you! I-I don't possess you! You're not mine!"

But the Ring of the Dragon Sages was oblivious to Nihilmodo's pleas. It glowed with intense energy, and the ground below Nihilmodo's hooves crumbled, sending it straight into the magma.

"No! This can't happen to a genius like me!" Nihilmodo exclaimed as it struggled in the molten pool. "I cannot be thwarted like this! The happy ending should be mine! I should be subverting their expectations! IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, WHERE THE HECK DID I GO WRONG?!"

Nihilmodo's question would remain unanswered as the last of its body was consumed by the fires of Mt. Götterdämarerung, along with the Ring of the Dragon Sages.