• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 3,047 Views, 238 Comments

The Do Dilemma - Metool Bard

What happens when you take a literary character and make her real? Hijinks, that's what.

  • ...

Epically Reunited

Chapter 26:
Epically Reunited

Das Reingold's sinister laugh sent chills up Scootaloo's spine as she and Tailspin fled deeper into the caverns. She didn't know how far away he was, but she was too frightened to look back. Instead, she kept her eyes straight ahead, flapping her diminutive wings like there was no tomorrow and keeping a firm grip on the handlebars of her scooter while Tailspin kept pace in the air.

"There better not be a dead end," she said half to herself.

"D-don't think about stuff like that. Y-you're making me n-nervous," said Tailspin apprehensively.

Scootaloo opened her mouth to respond when a plume of flame illuminated the cave. With a shriek, she sped up and darted ahead.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Tailspin cried, increasing her own acceleration.

Several more bursts of fire followed, along with the heavy stomps of Das Reingold. As he got closer and closer, the two pegasi felt their hearts beat faster and faster. They swerved around erratically in a desperate attempt to dodge the dragon's fiery breath.

After one particular close call, Tailspin emerged from her swoop to notice that something didn't smell right. She sniffed the air a few times before her face lost all color. Slowly, she turned her head, and found that her tail had indeed been set alight.

"AH! MY TAIL!" she screamed, frantically trying to put out the blaze. In her panic, she didn't look where she was going and crashed right into Scootaloo. The two pegasi rolled and tumbled across the stone floor before skidding to a stop.

"Ugh, great. I screwed up again," Tailspin groaned as she got her bearings. "Hey, Scootaloo. You alright? I'm really sorry about that."

There was a muffled noise.


The muffled noise repeated itself.

"Sorry, didn't catch that."

"Iph phaid get offa me!"

Tailspin blushed. "O-oh," she said sheepishly as she lifted herself up. "S-sorry."

Scootaloo got to her feet and shook herself before taking a few breaths. "I-I'm okay. I'm okay," she panted. "Let's hightail it out of here before..."

She trailed off when she noticed a shadow draping over her and Tailspin. With a gulp, she turned around to see none other than Das Reingold towering over them.

"'Tis the end of the line, me hearties," said Das Reingold. "Prepare to die."

Scootaloo and Tailspin hugged each other tightly, shivering with fright and scrunching their eyes shut. Time seemed to stand still as they waited for Das Reingold to attack.

Just then, there was a bright flash. Fearing that it was Das Reingold's attack, Scootaloo squeezed Tailspin tighter. All was still for a moment. Then, she heard a voice.

"Wow. That sure felt weird. You think the spell worked, Daring?"

Her ears perked up. Tentatively, she opened one eye to see what was going on. Her eyes snapped open, and her heart skipped a beat.

"R-Rainbow Dash?"

Tailspin opened her own eyes, looking down at Scootaloo in confusion. "Wh-what was that?"

"It's Rainbow Dash!" said Scootaloo, pointing at the familiar cyan pegasus. "Look, over there!"

Tailspin turned to where Scootaloo was pointing, and gasped.

"P-Professor Daring?"

Rainbow Dash and Daring Do heard their names being called, and turned to see Scootaloo and Tailspin huddled together. Daring smirked.

"That answer your question?" she asked Rainbow Dash rhetorically.

"What be this?!" Das Reingold roared. "Where did ye two come from?!"

Daring turned back to the pirate ghost and crossed her forelegs. "Ah. Das Reingold, I presume," she said. "Hey, Rainbow Dash. You mind if I handle this one?"

"I'd be insulted if you didn't," said Rainbow. "After all, this is your story."

Daring chuckled. "Too true, too true," she said. "Now, just make sure to keep Tailspin and your friend out of harm's way, yeah?"

"I'm on it," said Rainbow with a salute. She flew down to the younger ponies, leaving Daring alone with Das Reingold.

"Alright, lass. Ye'd better start talkin'," Das Reingold snarled. "Who be ye?"

"The name's Daring Do," said Daring with a tip of her pith helmet. "I'm a professional adventurer."

"An adventurer, eh?" said Das Reingold. "Well, yer adventurin' days be over, lass. Those who find the treasure of Das Reingold are never heard from again."

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard it all before," said Daring with a dismissive wave of her hoof. "And just like all those other times, I'm gonna break that status quo."

Das Reingold laughed. "Ye got spirit, lass! I'll grant ye that! But that's all ye got."

"Well, a little spirit goes a long way," said Daring. "After all, look what happened to you."

Das Reingold's mood soured. "Them be fightin' words, lass. Ye be askin' for an early grave."

"What can I say? I like to tempt fate," said Daring with a shrug. "It's part of my charm."

Instead of responding, Das Reingold blew a plume of fire in Daring's direction. Daring swooped out of the way. When she emerged, she still wore a complacent sneer.

"Oh, you wanna dance, huh?" she said, adjusting her hat. "Alright then, tough guy. Let's dance."

With that, she swooped towards a pile of gold.

"Keep yer hooves off of that, ye scurvy dog!" Das Reingold bellowed, breathing fire at Daring. Daring quickly flew out of the way, hovering over another gold pile. With an angry roar, Das Reingold sent another plume after Daring. Once again, Daring managed to dodge it. The pattern continued as such for a long time before Das Reingold got frustrated.

"Ye yellow-bellied filly!" he boomed, chastising Daring. "Quit runnin' away and fight like a stallion! Ye haven't even tried to lay a hoof on me!"

Daring turned to Das Reingold and raised an eyebrow. "You're a pirate ghost. Why would I even bother?" she said. "Besides, I think I'd take a look around if I were you."

"Huh?! What do ye—?"

Das Reingold looked around, and was horrified by what he saw. All of his treasure that he had collected in life was now melting before his sockets.

"No! NO!" he howled, scrambling towards the gold piles. He sifted his skeletal claws through the melted gold, trying to salvage at least one gold coin or one gemstone. Alas, there was nothing left.

"Me treasure! I-it's gone!" he exclaimed.

"It's pretty ironic, isn't it?" said Daring. "That Ring of the Dragon Sages cursed you so that you'd protect the treasure for eternity, and you end up destroying it trying to do just that. Tsk, what a shame."

Das Reingold suddenly looked at the ring on his claw. "So, that was yer game, eh?" he said. "Somehow, I knew this curse was too good to be true. Well, take yer curse to the fires of Mt. Götterdämarerung! I be through with ye!"

With that, he tore the ring off and threw it with all his might. As soon as he did that, he fell to pieces bone by bone and began to chuckle sorrowfully. Soon enough, the notorious sea pony pirate completely disappeared.

"It's as they say, Das Reingold. You can't take it with you," said Daring somberly, taking off her hat in reverence. "Rest in peace."

After a moment of silence, she put her hat back on and looked over at Rainbow Dash, who was watching with Scootaloo and Tailspin from a safe distance. "Hey, you three alright?" she asked.

"We're fine," said Rainbow, emerging from the shadows. "That was pretty awesome, Daring. Not that I expected anything less from you."

"I-I don't get it," said Tailspin. "H-how'd you—?"

"Know what to do?" said Daring, finishing Tailspin's thought. "I thought you would know that, Tailspin. Didn't you get the notes from my last lecture? I covered Das Reingold and the Ring of the Dragon Sages quite thoroughly."

Tailspin rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "I, guess I forgot," she said with a sigh. "I've just been screwing up a lot lately." Tears then began rolling down her cheeks. "I-I was completely lost without you, Dare. I had no idea what to do, and I kept acting like I did, but..."

"Alright, kiddo. Settle down," said Daring, walking over to Tailspin and placing a hoof on her shoulder. "Listen, I understand. This was your first adventure, and things didn't turn out the way they should have. You got scared, but were afraid to show it. Well, I'm telling you that it's okay to be scared. You just can't let it stop you. Now, that may be easier said than done, but with practice, you'll get the hang of it."

Tailspin looked up at Daring. "D-does this mean I'm *sniff* still your partner?"

"Whenever you can find the time," said Daring with a warm smile.

Overcome with emotion, Tailspin wrapped her forelegs around Daring and gave her a big hug.

"Th-thank you, Dare," she said between sobs. "I-I missed you."

After watching Tailspin and Daring Do reunite, Scootaloo looked over at her own heroine and gave her a hug of her own.

"I-I missed you too, Rainbow Dash," she murmured. "I-I'm so happy you found me."

"Heh. Like I was gonna leave you hanging," said Rainbow, bringing her foreleg around the young filly. "I, actually missed you too, Scoot. I'm glad you're alright."

The reunion was interrupted by a sudden tremor, followed by nefarious cackling.

"D-Dare? Wh-what's that?" whimpered Tailspin.

"The cause of all our problems," said Daring, her eyes narrowing. "And if we want to live to see tomorrow, we gotta put a stop to it."

"Wh-what do you mean?" asked Tailspin.

"I'll explain on the way," said Daring. "You game, Rainbow Dash?"

"You bet," said Rainbow, determination in her voice. "Whaddya say, Squirt? You wanna help, too?"

Scootaloo's eyes widened. "Can I?"

"I don't see why not," said Rainbow with a shrug. "You have as much of a stake in this as we do."

"Darn right," said Daring. "It's time we averted this catastrophe."

"Alright!" cheered Scootaloo. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Catastrophe Averters! Yay!"

With that, she hopped onto her scooter and sped away.

"Hey, wait up!" Rainbow called out, flying after her.

Daring tilted her head at Scootaloo's comment, and then turned to Tailspin.

"Don't ask me. I don't know what it means, either," Tailspin said with a shrug. "Well, c'mon!"

She then flew off herself. Daring sniggered and shook her head.

"This has been a strange day," she mused. "And coming from me, that's saying something."

With that, she spread her wings and took off, quickly catching up to the other three pegasi.