• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 3,046 Views, 238 Comments

The Do Dilemma - Metool Bard

What happens when you take a literary character and make her real? Hijinks, that's what.

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A Mixed Curse

Chapter 24:
A Mixed Curse

"N-no. You can't be Das Reingold," Tailspin whimpered, holding Scootaloo tighter. "G-g-g-g-ghosts don't exist."

The skeletal sea pony responded by brandishing a cutlass cloaked in flame and bringing it within inches of Tailspin's throat. Tailspin felt as though her heart had stopped beating.

"Real enough for ye, lass?" Das Reingold inquired.

"Y-yessir," Tailspin squeaked.

Satisfied, Das Reingold withdrew his blade and looked over the two frightened fillies.

"Tch. Pitiful," he said, a tinge of disappointment in his voice. "The first ponies to come after me treasure after all these centuries, and they be nothing but a couple of spineless foals. It almost ain't worth the energy to kill ye."

"D-does that mean you'll let us go?" Scootaloo asked hopefully.

Das Reingold pointed his boney hoof at Scootaloo, and a burst of golden flame shot from it. Just before it hit Scootaloo, it disappeared right before her eyes, leaving only a blast of warm air. Scootaloo began to hyperventilate.

"I said 'almost,'" Das Reingold growled. "Trespassers still be trespassers, regardless of how brave they are. After all, ye still had the guts to go through the gauntlets of Argoats and Mt. Götterdämarerung, did ye not?"

Silence was the only response he received. With a sigh, he fired another burst of flame from his hooves, this time grazing Tailspin's cheek.

"I believe I asked ye two a question," he snarled. "Ye ventured through the temple of Argoats and Mt. Götterdämarerung to get here to me treasure, aye or nay?"

"W-well, yes-s-s-s-s," said Tailspin. "B-b-b-but we weren't intending on..."

"Liar!" Das Reingold roared, frightening the two pegasi even more. "Everypony who crosses Das Reingold has but one goal in mind, and that is to get me treasure. Ye be no different!"

"Th-that's not true!" Scootaloo cried. "W-we don't want it, honest! E-especially not that ring!"

Das Reingold tilted his skull. "I have many rings in me hoard, lass. Ye need to be more specific," he said, floating up to Scootaloo and staring straight into her eyes.

Scootaloo gulped. "W-well, y'know. Th-that ring. Th-the evil ring."

"Rings can't be evil, lass."

Scootaloo blinked. "O-oh! That's right! O-of course they can't! S-silly me! Ha ha..."

Das Reingold drew his cutlass again and pointed it straight at Scootaloo's heart. "In case ye couldn't tell, I am not in the mood for games," he threatened. "Now, tell me what ye were talkin' about, or I'll run ye through."

Beads of sweat formed on Scootaloo's brow. She tried to speak, but no sound came out of her mouth. She was completely paralyzed with fear. Das Reingold drew his sword back.

"She meant the Ring of the Dragon Sages!"

The words left Tailspin's mouth before she could stop herself. She gasped and clasped her hooves over her mouth, her eyes as wide as dinner plates. Das Reingold turned to her and chortled.

"Ah. So, the truth has finally come to light," said he. "Well, ye lasses be in for a bit of a shock. Ye see, the ring be mine."

"W-we're not disputing that," said Tailspin meekly. "Y-you can keep it for all we care."

"Let me clarify, lass," said Das Reingold, menace seeping into his voice. "The Ring of the Dragon Sages has cursed me to protect it for all of eternity. Nopony who lays their hooves on it can leave this cave alive."

Tailspin suddenly became confused. "Wait, how does that make it different from anything else in your hoard?"

"If ye be so curious, I'd be more than willing to give ye a demonstration," said Das Reingold sinisterly. "It would certainly save me the trouble."

Before Tailspin could respond, Das Reingold's hoof detached itself from his body and floated off, sifting through his treasure trove. Finally, it snatched up a dazzling golden right that outshone anything else in the cavern. The hoof returned to its master, who presented it to Tailspin and Scootaloo.

"Here it be, lasses. The Ring of the Dragon Sages," said Das Reingold proudly. "Me most precious treasure. The very thing that makes me able to keep all of me wealth."

"I-It suits you," said Tailspin.

"Y-yeah! I-I can't imagine you without it!" Scootaloo piped up with a nervous chuckle.

Das Reingold crossed his arms. "Flattery will get ye nowhere, lasses," he said plainly. "Ye both are still gonna die. It's just a matter of how. Now, ye can try to take the ring from me, or I will choose yer fate."

"C-can we have some time to think about this?" asked Tailspin.

Before Das Reingold could answer, there was a loud crash from behind. Bursting into the cavern was none other than the Crimson Baroness, looking even worse than before. Her uniform was now completely destroyed, and she was covered in burns of all shapes and sizes.

"It'll take *pant* more than some *pant* hot water to *pant* take me down," she wheezed.

"I don't know whether I should be relieved or exasperated," said Tailspin. "Seriously, you're like a bad case of wing mites. Can't you just go away?"

"I could say the same about you," the Crimson Baroness spat. "And trust me, I'll deal with you and the dodo in good time." She then turned to Das Reingold. "But first, I have some unfinished business to settle with you."

"I'm sorry, am I supposed to know ye, lass?" inquired Das Reingold.

"Well, not per se," said the Crimson Baroness in a sultry tone. "Only that you have something that belongs to me. The Ring of the Dragon Sages belongs in the sky, not the sea. Give it over before I make you."

Das Reingold shrugged. "Alright, here."

To both Scootaloo and Tailspin's surprise, the sea pony pirate tossed the ring straight into the Crimson Baroness' waiting hooves. She looked it over and began cackling like a madmare.

"Y-yes. Yesssss! After all these years, it's finally mine!" she proclaimed in triumph. "The Ring of the Dragon Sages, back in the sky where it belongs! And nopony can take it away from me! Nyah ha ha ha... huh?!"

The ring began to glow with intense power. As it did so, she suddenly felt heavier. She flapped her wings faster to keep herself airborne, but her efforts were in vain. She fell to the ground with a thud, and was unable to pick herself up.

"I-I can't move!" she sputtered. "Wh-what is this?!"

"I take it you didn't actually care to read Genny's translations all that carefully," said Tailspin with a smirk. "It clearly stated that whosoever possesses the Ring of the Dragon Sages would meet a bad end."

"B-but it belongs in the sky!" howled the Crimson Baroness. "I belong in the sky! This can't be happening!"

"Terribly sorry, lass. But ye won't be goin' anywhere anytime soon," said Das Reingold. "The ring be mine, and mine alone."

"You insidious pile of bones!" the Crimson Baroness spat with all the hate she could muster. "When I get my hooves on you, I'll grind you into dust!"

Das Reingold was not the least bit intimidated. "I can end it now, you know. Or we can simply wait until ye get too annoyin' for me to bear. Either way, this cavern will be yer tomb."

He then took the ring from the flailing Crimson Baroness and turned to the other two pegasi. "And ye two will be joinin' her."

Scootaloo gulped. "T-Tailspin? Y-you wouldn't happen to have another plan, would you?"

Tailspin looked over at the entrance that the Crimson Baroness made and drew in a sharp breath through her teeth.

"J-just one," she said.

"I'm afraid to ask," said Scootaloo.


With that, Tailspin tried to fly past Das Reingold, only to get blocked off. Das Reingold chortled.

"Ye be goin' nowhere, lass," he said, putting the ring onto his hoof. "Nopony can escape the wrath of Das Reingold."

The ring began to glow again, and several more bones latched onto Das Reingold's body. His form grew and grew, and his shape began to change. Tailspin swallowed.

"Okay, Plan B," she said.

"What's Plan B?" asked Scootaloo, although she already had a rough idea.


Tailspin flew off into the caverns while Scootaloo hopped on her scooter and followed quickly at her heels. Meanwhile, Das Reingold had finished his transformation. No long was he a skeletal sea pony, but instead a large skeletal dragon. With a harrowing roar, he marched after the two pegasi. The Crimson Baroness snorted.

"One way or another, I'll get that ring!" she yelled at the dragon. "It belongs to me, Das Reingold! Nopony can shoot down the Mistress of the Skies!"

As if in response, Das Reingold sent a blast of fire to the wall above before continuing the chase. The Crimson Baroness looked up, and saw a large stone come loose right above her head. She blanched.


And at long last, the Crimson Baroness was shot down.