• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 3,047 Views, 238 Comments

The Do Dilemma - Metool Bard

What happens when you take a literary character and make her real? Hijinks, that's what.

  • ...

Cat and Mouse

Chapter 10:
Cat and Mouse

"Whoops! Sorry! Excuse me! Coming through!"

Scootaloo found that navigating the streets of Hoofington was nothing like zipping through the streets of Ponyville. Everywhere she turned, there was another obstacle ahead, be it a fruit stand or a group of unsuspecting ponies taking a stroll. She was used to obstacles and close calls while riding her scooter, but this was simply too much. She bobbed and weaved through the sea of ponies as she kept a sharp eye out for the shadow she saw before.

All of a sudden, she caught a glimpse of something suspicious out of the corner of her eye. Quickly, she made a sharp turn, knocking over a set of wicker baskets.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, you crazy pony!" barked the unicorn salesmare.

"Sorry!" Scootaloo hastily apologized before zooming off down a dark alleyway. Her eyes narrowed in anticipation, and quickly widened when she found herself at a dead end with nopony in sight.

"Now where did that guy go?" she pondered aloud. As if to answer her question, she heard the telltale pattering of footsteps behind her. She turned to see the shadowy figure galloping down another alleyway.

"What the hay?" she exclaimed, both perplexed and annoyed. Before she could give chase, she heard a familiar voice from above.

"Hey, mate! Hold up!"

She looked up, and sure enough, it was Tailspin. Scootaloo growled and shook her head, ignoring the older pegasus as she resumed the pursuit.

"Oh, come on! Please don't do this to me!" Tailspin called after her.

But her exasperated cries fell on deaf ears. Scootaloo was too preoccupied with finding out who was spying on them back at Genevieve's place. She continued to make tighter and tighter maneuvers as she tried in vain to catch up with shadow. And with each turn she made, it became more and more difficult to maintain her speed while keeping herself from crashing into anything. Nevertheless, she was determined not to let whoever this sneak was slip through her hooves.

Suddenly, a large Earth Pony walked right into her path. Nimbly, she sprang from the scooter and flapped her miniscule wings. As the scooter passed under the stallion, Scootaloo soared right over him...

Only to land into a clay pot.

"Hey! You break it, you buy it, buddy," snarled a voice from above.

Scootaloo poked her head out of the pot and found herself staring right into the eyes of a very angry griffon. With a nervous chuckle, she tried to pull herself out. This only served to tip the pot over and cause it to roll away. As the griffon merchant roared angry protests, Scootaloo found herself spinning out of control as the pot made its way down a gentle slope. It rolled faster and faster and faster, making poor Scootaloo more and more dizzy.

"M-m-ma-a-a-a-ke i-i-i-i-it sto-o-o-o-o-o-p!" she cried, her plea for help distorted by the predicament she was in.

She got her wish when the pot smashed into a stone wall and shattered into a thousand pieces. She emerged from the rubble, dazed and confused. After she had gotten her bearings, she saw the shadowy figure give her a mocking salute as it darted through the city gate.

"Hey! Get back here, you!" Scootaloo barked, running right past the guards and through the gate. She was about to catch up with the figure when Tailspin appeared out of nowhere and barred her path.

"Alright, mate. What the hay was that all about?" Tailspin growled, not sounding the least bit happy.

Scootaloo didn't answer. She was too busy trying to see past Tailspin and figure out where the shadow disappeared to. Tailspin did not take this well.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," she snapped, gripping Scootaloo's shoulders and forcing her to look her in the eye.

"O-ow," whimpered Scootaloo. "Y-you're hurting me."

"Answer my question, mate," said Tailspin with a snort. "What in the world were you thinking?"

"I-I saw somepony spying on us," said Scootaloo. "I thought I could catch him."

"And you didn't tell me this why?"

"I tried to, but you wouldn't listen!" Scootaloo yelled, tears marring her vision. "Now c'mon! He's getting away!"

"I don't see anypony here but you, mate," Tailspin said tersely. "And boy, are you in a heap of trouble. You can't just take a joyride through Hoofington because your mind is playing tricks on you. You could've been hurt or gotten yourself lost, and I highly doubt that either of us would've wanted that."


"No buts, mate," Tailspin interrupted, her tone becoming quite sharp. "I told you before; you're stuck with me whether you like it or not. That means until we find Daring, what I say goes. I don't want any more of this running off on your own. You got me, mate?"

Scootaloo took one last look behind Tailspin. There was no sign of the figure she was chasing. With a reluctant sigh, she nodded.

"Good. I'm glad we understand each other," said Tailspin as she released Scootaloo. "Now then, let's figure out what we're going to do about room and board while Genny finishes deciphering the map. Although I think our chances are gonna be pretty slim after that little stunt you pulled."

"Wait, didn't Daring Do arrange anything when you first got here?" inquired Scootaloo.

Tailspin gave Scootaloo a glare. "This conversation is over, mate. I don't wanna hear another peep out of you until we get ourselves settled."

"But I was just asking..."

"Not. One. Peep."

Scootaloo clammed up, intimidated by Tailspin's harsh demeanor. As they went back into town, the shadowy figure emerged from the thicket and took out a small radio.

"The map is being deciphered, Commander," it whispered into the radio. "It should take a day or two. The filly spotted me, but I managed to elude capture. Awaiting orders."

"Hmm. A tad sloppy, but otherwise excellent work," purred the Crimson Baroness's voice over the radio. "Report back to the airship. We can't have ponies getting too wise to our presence. At least, not until it's too late."

"Yes, Commander," said the shadowy figure. With that, it cut the transmission and took off into the sky.