• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 1,566 Views, 80 Comments

Subsolar's Super Short Stories - Subsolar Drift

Super short stories inspired by pretty much anything.

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Run To You

A light turned on in the room. I blinded, but didn't look away. It was almost a relief after so long in the dark. How long had it been since I'd seen the sun?

The heat came next. It used to be different. A light warmth I felt whenever I was near you, but so much has changed. For both of us. I hissed as the heat seeped into my skin, my bones. Still I didn't recoil.

My gaze never faltered from the light. Not even blindness would stop me as your glance met my stare. If only a for a second, I was there again. There in that beautiful sea of purple that could stop time. That could solve any problem. That could make it all go away. That could always save me.

I could never forget that sea, nor the moment I was first lost there. You saved me from myself just to cast me overboard in your eyes. I could never blame you though. I never would.

Your steps faltered. No one would notice. No one but me.

Time started again as you pulled your gaze away. I was cast from the water and left on the shore, the final ship sailing off, never to return.

You stepped back. The silence grew on. I couldn't bear it, but I couldn't speak. You turned, and stepped again. I moved forward, to follow, to throw myself down at your hooves.

The sound of iron on stones brought you to a stop. In an instant you turned around and approached. With every step the fire tore through me more, the iron around my legs practically glowing. I smiled.

You opened your mouth and my breath hitched. But no words came forth, only a pause then a long sigh.

I watched as you searched for the right words. Waited with baited breath to hear you say something, anything.


The word hit me with more force than a hurricane. It tore me to shreds, cast away every last refuge I had built. The war was lost, the kingdom gone.

"Just tell me that, please." The pain in your voice killed me, surely as any knife. I tried to open my mouth, to tell you everything. To win back your heart. To get you to look and see.

Nothing came forth.

You shook. Not with anger but with sorrow. Your looked away as tears fell to the floor, turning to steam on contact.

I called out, screamed and begged for you to turn back. To look and see me.

Not a sound issued from my lips.

I had almost lost hope when at last you began to turn. If your eyes met mine, you would know. Everything would be fine. My shackles would break and you would set me free.

Not purple, but green met my stare. No trace of that beloved, familiar sea met me.

I've run out of time.

Author's Note: