• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 3,668 Views, 82 Comments

Masters of the Enemy - Masterweaver

Who will be the next Changeling Queen?

  • ...

Cycle's End

She hurtled through the air, raging in fury and spite. Canterlot should have been hers! Her people! Canterlot should have been--




Her eyes went wide in that second.

The great power, the one that had been with her all her life, the one that had raised her to the throne, was now gone from her mind.

Rage melted into sorrow, and she sobbed as she plummeted. She accepted, at that moment, that she was dead.

The crunch of her body against the ground was merely a formality.


Gather in the shadows. Do not go near the towns. Do not feed.

We are doomed, all of us! We must flee!

Where to? The ponies are well connected. Their trade routes span the globe.

We can no longer hide in the shadows. My Queen, what is your command?

My Queen?

Where is the Queen? Feel her out!

She fell to madness, I knew it, I knew it, we're doomed, we're doomed, we're doomed--

Still yourself. Even if she is gone, we are the leaders now. We must remain united for the Swarm.

She did NOT fall. Chrysalis is a grand Queen! She led us to the cusp of victory!

She led us into great folly. Revealing ourselves was a mistake.

See?! We're doomed!

Be still. While there is breath, the Swarm survives.

My Queen, where are you?!

Sycophantic, aren't you.

Be silent! The Queen is the most important--

She has been found. She is dead.

...you lie.

We're doomed! We should all just drown ourselves now!

BE STILL. Confirm the finding.

....confirmed. She died shunned by the Hive.


...at the least, we found her. We can give her the proper rites. Let us gather.

She doesn't deserve the rites.


Whether or not she deserves the rites, she was our Queen. As the leaders, we must present a united face. We shall gather and perform them without any quarrel between us... and then we shall determine the future of our people.

There is no future. The ponies are going to burn us all up! Spark goes the flint, Fwoosh go the drones, ponies dancing around and singing like they always do--

Please, be still. The Hive has not abandoned us. We are still worthy of life.

Indeed. Though it would be wise to avoid settlements for the time being.

What of the Corrupt?

What of them?

Perhaps... perhaps we can ask them to keep an ear to the ponies' suspicions, tell us when it is safe to feed again.

Hmmm. They left the Swarm for whatever reason, and I doubt our recent invasion will endear us to them. Or their pets, if they have them.

Still... we need all the help we can get.

And they deserve some sort of warning.

They are still of our blood, after all.

It's too risky to contact them.

But not for them to contact us. They know how, if they decide. Listen for those who touch the Hive.

...by the silk...


I... I've just arrived at Chrysalis's falling point. It's worse in person.

We're coming, don't worry.

The smell...

Be still. The Hive watches you.

....sorry. I... I'm over it.

I too have arrived.

Always so stoic!

Don't patronize him, it's not his fault--


Agreed. I am to blame. However, I am grateful for your protection.

When I see you face to face--

Be still. You are right to weep, but to take it out on him will achieve nothing.

I... I have arrived... by silk, if they can do this to a Queen we're doomed!

Be still. Let us perform the rites before we decide that.

I have arrived.

And I.

I'm here, not that any of you care.

Where are you two?

We're coming...

Oh! There you guys are! Okay, I have arri--whoa. Ouch. Poor Chrysalis...

Ironic! The one most loyal to her isn't even here yet!


Do not provoke him.

You are offending me. You know how difficult that is.


...I have arrived.

We eight are gathered. Shall we begin the rites?

I, Vespidae, agree.

I, Gryilldae, agree.

I, Morpho, agree.

I, Spinnerette, agree.

I, Scolopendra, agree.

I, Lycaenidae, agree.

I, Necrosis, agree.

I, Tardigrade, agree.

Then let us begin the dance....

We of the Swarm remember you, mother and leader to us. We of the Swarm will ensure the Hive never forgets you. We of the Swarm will always recall your nature:

Strong and passionate.



Crafter of the greatest of plans!





We fly above your body, but your soul is lost to us. May you find the Hive and become part of the greatest of unity. May you find the peace that life has taken from you. See our wings, how they shimmer in the sun; let the last sight of your soul be our beauty.

...so what now?

We're doomed! We're doomed doomed doomed doomed doomed--

Who is to be the next Queen?

...not it!

This is serious.

I'm completely serious, I'd be a horrible queen.

Tradition dictates that the Hive will select the next Queen. Perchance we only have to wait.



This is not getting us anywhere!

...agreed. We shall ask the Hive directly then. Great heart of our people, who is to be the next Queen?

...I feel something!

As do I...

Do we all feel it?

Yes.... that is strange.





That is... certainly interesting...

The Hive can't be serious--

Hey! Where are you going?!

We have our orders. I intend to carry them out.

That's insane! You're insane!

I am not.

So you intend to walk right up to some ponies and say--

I do not.

...but you said--

The ponies in question are a very specific set of individuals. Contacting them in secret will be no challenge. Ensuring that they do not bring the forces of their military down on us will be slightly more difficult. Nevertheless, we have time yet.

...what do you propose?

Simple enough. I will mail them each a letter.