• Published 12th Sep 2011
  • 1,422 Views, 12 Comments

Of Pink and Time - Redante

Pinkie Pie attempts a inter-dimensional rescue

  • ...

Chapter 4

The awareness of our heroes had been transferred to a purple unicorn.

Once again, you fail to see their awareness had been hers all along since nopony ever did exchange awareness.


But she walked. Ran. Screaming incoherent slurs that made little to no sense in this dimension. She had wailed past rooms brimming with black-clad ponies, bewilderd by the strange mare-by, up to the third floor. Then collided with a inconviently placed hard-wooden clock of great size.

It was really inconvient.

And try as she might, her horn was embedded in the wood. Unphazed by all of this, the clock simply tacked on through time. Yet the lavender unicorn was silent.

She blinked.


"Wh-where am...I?" The simple senctence was enough for her brain to register that this was the first actual line of logic she had utterd in atleast an hour. Her muscles confirmed that she had been going on a athletic overture, her voice felt strained and sweat clung to her coat. Her eyes shifted around the scenery; Clocks lined the walls as windows gave her a view to the 'outside' if there ever were any. She was now officially lost.

What she did fail to see is another pony positioned across the clock. wielding one of such devices FPP or Pinkie carried around, her mane was straight, and her colouration...a light-ish green? Save for the blue eyes and the up-side-down balloon cutie mark.

"Who...are you?"

"I am..Greendiana Knoll. Nice to meet you."

The new pony let a smile creep onto her face. And Twilight?

She swallowed hard.

Once more awareness is shifted towards a diffrent dimension, a more familliar one. at which we arrive at a peculiar device empowerd by things yet to be named by pony sciene. Thankfully, you have been paying attention and Awareness never changed at all.

"Okay. Let me get this straight." The black mare inhaled deeply, her lungs filled with refeshing air, Faded cheap parfume and specks of regret. "You. Pinkie Pie, are going to 'plug' this-" She waved her hoof at the spinning device "-Into the laptop in order to 'Establish a quantum portal widening effect due the itterations of time/space' which you 'Deem plausibly safe for inter-dimensional transport' and 'Bouncing around in a scientific breakthrough with gleefull abandon'?"

"That's the long version Black snooty! But yeah, I'm going through the portal and SAVE MY FRIENDS!"

Spike shook his head

"I think that would be a stupid idea."

"What, she going alone?"

"Yes and no." He took a deep breath "Yes, becuase without the Spike, there is no reason for the hike!" Which was rather bland-precieved "SECONDLY! Everypony knows, that it's called 'Loophole gates' not 'Quantum Portal'!"

The black mare groaned and placed a hoof to her face.

Meanwhile, Redeadne busied himself with configuring the laptop throughoutly. Celestia watched him tack away carefully.

"I'm slightly at awe at your ability with this subject."

"It's more of a second nature, really."

"Your credibiltiy is hard to get when you make such statements."

"Then you'd rather hear that I am tacking in at random in the hope nothing violently gets torn apart in a fabric unnamed?"

"Point taken. Wait. You are typing at random?"

"You never heard that from me.."

He casted his gaze back to the screen again, this time a series of cables petrude from the laptop to the device in question. spinning at an even more erradic pace. A excited Pinkie Pie going over her newly-aquired team.

"Okay...so we've got black snooty, who can really be a meany pants."

"She'll make short work of anyone opposing her.." Spike added

"Mhm! And we've got Redeadne!" She motioned to the undead emperor who is getting a stern lecture from Celestia on 'Being a unreal, quite dead, Emperor of sorts who needs to get his facts straight'

"Yeah...Uh..He's creepy...I guess?"

"No silly! He's like an EMPEROAAAR!"

"So? I don't see him raise the moon, or the sun."

"He runs an empire who's capital city is called Mortalot."


The pair looked at Celestia. Whom now seems to have calmed down after bringing her opinion to light.

"Celestia can raise the sun, can do magic and-"

"Needs to stay here to raise the sun, Spike. We need to be carefull of who we bring along! Afterall we could NEVER return. FOREEEEVER!" Her, a blank expression, and a that pose. Creeped spike out to new levels.

"So, Who'd you choose Spikey?"

As Spike burdens his synapses, a singular spark of nerve-empowerd electricity misses it's mark, and is daintly replaced with a stronger signal. This causes the signal to cease excistence in this awareness and leak into parallel synapsic quantum strings. Whom in turn broadcast the defecting signal through a multitude of universes before setteling into parallel excistence within the mind of Greendiana Knoll. As the signal hits mark, her awareness is refreshed.

A grin crept over her face as she observed the Lavender unicorn impaling a clock.

"Normally I'd choose my targets carefully." She slowly strode over to Twilight Sparkle. "But you seem so willing, that I just settle dealing with you first." She clasped together her front-hooves. A second later, two shadey figures materialize next to her.

"Lady and gent. our first catch of the day."

"To be quite honest, she impaled the clock. such as I had seen." A male-ish voice called, almost haughty at it too.

"Hmm, She wields the exact expression I am expecting." A more collected female voice spoke from the dark veil.

And truth to be told. it only amplified as Twilight suddenly reconised the figures.

"Pinkie and Pinkie...and...Colt...pinkie?!"

In another overload of panicked synaptic activity, Twilight's awareness is once dispersed in the dimension, which is physically impossible and thus we find awareness linked....or belonging to Future Pinkie Pie.

Again, no party ever held one another's awareness what-so-ever.

She had managed to pull Applejack and a loudly protesting Rainbow Dash to the room they started out in. All the proclaimations the rainbow maned pegasus made about the room being over-run proved to be hot-air. The grumpy pegasus hoverd at the door, front legs crossed.

"Fluttershy? Sugarcube? You here?" Applejack called as she looked carefully under the table.

"Fluttershy?" The Pink mare carefully placed the clock back as she continued to inspect the second one.

"Guys. This is not helping. She's not here!" The blue pegasus groaned.

"Yah don't know that sugercube! She might be easily scared out her wits, but that mare can hide herself in a dammed blade o' grass for all I know!"

She had a point. Fluttershy had the habit of hiding at the most strangest of places. But even then, She'd should have long since called out. It was then that pinkie noticed someone had talked to her on the laptop.

MEMO: NR. 43


AA: Greetings.
AA: As already passed, your yellow friend is long in our possesion.
AA: Knowing that you'll arrive soon.
AA: Quite anoying.
FPP: Okay mister battery-face, where is fluttershy!
AA: You'll eventually know, relax.
AA: Infact, you'll know now.
FPP: Don't bother! I know where you are.
AA: There we go.
AA: And Then you know where the lavender one is.
FPP: I know where Twilight is too!
FPP: Give up, I'm from the future!
FPP: I KNOW stuff you have yet to know!
AA: Oh please, don't think you're special now.
AA: Ah, I've got to fight you now.
AA: Toodles!



Oh how she hated his anatics. He ALWAYS knew before SHE did. And now he changed the flow of time to suit his snobbish-knowing-it-all! Hay!
She frowned at the last line; atleast she got to plant a hoof or four into his face. SOON. Wait...That is EXACTLY what HE WANTS!

Now she only misse-

MEMO: NR. -1


TT: Salam
TT: I do believe you are going to meet me?
FPP: Nice to have MET you, Rival!
TT: Nice try right now.
TT: But I'm still afraid that you are going to find the future frightning
TT: You'll soon see, that we still control your friends.
TT: So become a dear and..
FPP: And what? wear a bowtie?
FPP: I know what you're up to.
FPP: And I ALSO know that you and not finishing lines is a sign of the future!
TT: Harr harr harr.
TT: AA Did change the time again, he will?
FPP: Yes. he DID.
TT: Damn that colt!
TT: The best of luck Pinkie. You'll soon recieve it!


And the club of confusion is complete! Applejack snorted, having looked over Pinkie's shoulder, she had a headache, no idea who those rear-brains were, was, will be...WHATEVER! And Pinkie Pie from the future seemed to be upset with them. And she knew where to find them.



"What'll we do?"

Pinkie gave her broad grin again. Applejack blinked.

"We wait!"

The flex of inter-dimensional barriers bouncing off against eachother sends awareness to the just-enterd ball of wormhole genrated radiation in a completely diffrent room. seemly the notion of a wormhole having awareness strikes the universe as silly. and thus passes it on to the team of three passed through it; A pony, a Alicorn and a baby dragon.

"OKay team awesome! ROLL OUT!"

And thus the Pink pony, the Black Alicorn and the Purple dragon absconded into the embowels of the structure...Nightmare Moon took left, Spike straight ahead, and Pinkie pie to the right.