> Of Pink and Time > by Redante > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At sugercube corner in the late afternoon, an emperor, unknown to Equestria whole. had come to honor a promise, it was an odd sight. And a odd promise; he would teach an hyperactive filly the secrets of time-travel with a lean amount of necessary dimensional knowledge. The entire idea, naturally, sounded preposterous. But she had proven to be a fantastic diplomat. By his mane that were the most delicious muffins the dead empire had ever seen! it was truly an odd sight; The emperor of all things quite dead, a noble with a spine said to be made of cast steel. Stainless steel. Bearer of the undead crown, rightfull ruler to Deadquestria and it's inhabitants as a god. He was Redeadne Graveshifter, Earth-pony-turned-imperial-turned-half-way-giant. ...Looked on, as a happy, boucing Party pony made imaginary rounds of merrily-going-around. Singing. And we're going to see the time line! And we're going to see the time line! And we're going to see the tiiiiiimeeee Liiiiiiine! She managed to balance herself on one hoof, spreading the other three in every direction physically possible. He was still wondering how the pink mare EVER managed to pop randomly out behind his imperial throne one day. ...Except clocks are round, so a line is far to straight to go around! She ended the song with a wave of infectatious laughter. Even the necromantic dark-grey tissue that made up the Emperor's face, tugged into a soft smile. The pink pony finally settled down and reached for her equipment; nothing more but a mysteriously looking laptop. Deadquestrian model. "Well then. I reckon you are awaiting adventure? And a good measure for time-travel anatics to show the mortals how it functions?" He felt a pang of regret. MEMO: TEMPORAL SHENENIGANS LOCAL TIME, STILL. PP: Yesyesyesyes! PP: Already went ahead and turned on the memo! ERG: Good good. This memo has no stationary position in the flow of time itself thus allowing other time-lines to log on and talk with us. PP: For you people that shamefully never read a book on time, this means that my FUTURE self can talk to me over this channel! *FUTURE-PINKIE PIE HAS JOINED* FPP: Here we are! Thank celestia for boundariless communication without the mechinations of quantum physics playing Metaphysical consequence into our face! PP: Ohh! Did I read that big book I found laying around at twilight'? FPP: Sure did! I also took the dictionary PP: Good idea, I don't wanna end up reading words that I don't understand! ERG: Care for a little experiment? FPP: Yes! PP: Yes! ERG: Okay, hold on. I'm turning on interdimensional capabilities *INTERDIMENSION MODE ON, STABILITY 88.34%-91.33%* ERG: NOW! Write down a memo to yourself that you will join this room exactly an hour later! *FUTURE-PRESENT PINKIE PIE JOINED* *FUTURE-FUTURE PINKIE PIE JOINED* FPPP: Whee! It worked! FFPP: Yeah! But how come our PAST-PRESENT selves are still present? PP: Hahahaha! 'present' *snort* Hahaha! ERG: With interdimensional variety on, one can now communicate inbetween temporal dimensions created through the principle of uncertainity; for every decision excists a seperate dimension to host various degrees of impact that the decision had. PP: Oooh! Sounds fancy! So if I invite myself over by making more notes, I can meet me from diffrent places in the universe? ERG: Err...more or less, it still remains theoratical. PP: That is so awesome! Hey FFPP! How is a hour ahead in time? FFPP: Very timely! PP: Hahahaha! FPP: Hahahaha! *ALTERNATE PRESENT PINKIE JOINED* APP: Oh, Heya! PP: Hiii! Welcome to the Temporal chatroom of awesome! FPP: I have this awesome idea, why not attempt to meet eachother in ONE timeline? I'm going to build a timemachine rigth away! ERG: That....is highly improbable, nopony has ever managed to travel back in time. *FUTURE PINKIE PIE LEFT* *ALTERNATE FUTURE PINKIE JOINED* AFP: I can't believe it didn't work! AFP: I even tried having Twilight to sneeze to go ZAP, but nothing works! PP: Awww..I'm sorry Alternate Future Pinkie! But you still have us to talk to. FFPP: Yeah! And I know just the thing for this, right, myself? FPPP: PAR-TAY! PP: YAY PAR-TAY! *PAST/FUTURE PINKIE PIE JOINED* P/FPP: YAY PARTY LIKE IT'S 30 YEARS IN THE PAST! PP: WHEEE! ERG: Ohdeargoddess. I can't believe that you actually managed to pull that off. P/FPP: Aww, it was a piece of cake! I only had to make Luna sneeze over it and POOF! Off I went...err...go...Going to! AFP: I KNEW IT. AFP: Princess powerrrr. P/FPP: Okay, but nopony I know is born yet! Well horseapples! *PAST/FUTURE PINKIE PIE LEFT: RECKLESS TIMEJUMP ATTEMPT 2* *PRESENT/FUTURE-FUTURE PINKIE PIE JOINED* PP: Heey! 10 years later I reckon? PFPP: If this is sugarcube corner, then open the door! Princess Celestia and pepper make an intresting match. PP: Oh my goddess! Hiiii! PFPP: I'm sitting next to you, silly pony! Do you have a towel? ERG: Okay. Shenanigans aside. You just managed to create your own temporal paradox clone. PP: Oooh, what does that mean? APP: Probably that you are now two! AFP: Two of me? Then... *PRESENT/FUTURE PINKIE PIE JOINED* *PAST/PRESENT FUTURE FUTURE PINKIE PIE JOINED* AFP: ...Four for partaay! P/PFFPP: This is getting silly! Look at how long my name is! P/FPP: Okay, so is this a problem? PFPP: Whee more me! ERG: The universe did not explode, nor did it collapse or anything else... ERG: So I guess we're doing good. *NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* PP: Eeep! Black snooty! NMM: Silence you foal! APP: Wait didn't my alpha dimension present self stop/destroy you? PFPP: Why not ask the future? P/PFFPP: Yeah! we were going to kick your flank...wait, Future-tense....DID kick your flank, and hard! NMM: That much I give you. But I am still VERY MUCH alive. Bwaahhahaha! ERG: What the hay? How did you get on this place? NMM: Thanks to you I managed to obtain this information exhanging device! ERG: Oh myself. But you're still on the moon! PP: My laptop? How did you get that thing then? P/FPP: or your mane in shape? NMM: I well....err...THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS *ALTERNATE PAST FUTURE FUTURE PINKIE PIE JOINED* APFFPP: Everypony! Black snooty took my laptop! PP: OH no!....wait...how are you typing this? AFP: did you use the time machine to jump to a diffrent past? APFFPP: I would have, if I wasn't thrown into another Dimension! NMM: What timemachine? F/FPP: The one I have too? APFFPP: The one I left at the old palace! AFP:... ERG:... NMM: Oh, there. *FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* *PAST/FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* *PAST/FUTURE PRESENT NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* ERG: Oh crud. P/FPNMM: STOP. GIVING. ME. IDEAS. P/FPNMM: Stupid pink manace! going into future to get off the moon then to double team it to the past proved to be an ASTOUNDINGLY STUPID IDEA. AFP: Well, you could go to the past and... *ALTERNATE FUTURE PINKIE LEFT: BANNED FROM SERVER* ERG: NO. ERG: NO. ERG: NO. ERG: JUST NO. ERG: THERE IS JUST ABOUT ENOUGH PARADOX HERE TO MAKE FREAKING CORKSCREW-LOOP-DEE-LOOP. PP: Aww, don't get mad silly Redeaddy! PP: We won't cuase any more time-related trouble! ERG: Save for the fact you have Tripled Nightmare moon. APP: Details, details. We beat four of them, and I only had this conversation twice! F/PFFPP: Okay, so the Black Snooties are APP's universe or that of ours. But they are still trapped on the moon! PP: Yeah, we beat her easily when she was alone, so why is this any diffrent? FPPP: We sure did! ERG: Hold on. What? ERG: All three? ERG: Uh-oh... APP: Don't worry, you only had ONCE the kick-flank! ERG: Huh? what are you going on about? *PINKIE PIE LEFT: TIMEOUT* *ALTERNATE PRESENT PINKIE LEFT: METAPHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES* *FUTURE PRESENT PINKIE LEFT: TIMEOUT 2X COMBO.* *PAST/PRESENT FUTURE FUTURE PINKIE PIE LEFT: METAPHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES* *FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: CEASED TO EXCIST* *PAST/FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: CEASED TO EXCIST* *PAST FUTURE PRESENT NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: CEASED TO EXCIST* *ALTERNATE PAST FUTURE FUTURE PINKIE PIE LEFT: CEASED TO EXCIST* *PRESENT/FUTURE PINKIE PIE LEFT: DEPARADOXIFIED* *PINKIE PIE JOINED* PP: That was fun! PP: Hey, where is everpony off to? ERG: Err..They ceased to excist. PP: Ouchie! Lucky us this timeline didn't! ERG: Quite so. NMM: Right, so where was that...uh...what we're we talking about again? NMM: ARRG. I bet the one named PP set something up absurbt! NMM: Consider me leaving! *NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: USER DISCONNECTED, RESTORED TO TIMELINE.* ERG: Right. I hope everypony does now get the conceptual idea of time travel. PP: More like, silliness! PP: I mean, this is soooo much fun! I met myself and made another one of myself in time with my other said self and then we did timemachine travel and POOF! snooty appeared and did the same thing! That silly pony! Hahahaha! ERG: Indeed Pinkie, indeed. PP: Oh! Oh! oh! Twilight was saying something about 'Traveling between dimensions' which sounded booooring, but Twilight wants to try it anyway, could we try it like this? Here? Please please please? *PINKIE PIE BANNED FROM SERVER* ERG: NO. ERG: NO. ERG: NO. ERG: SERIOUSLY BAD IDEA. ERG: WORST EVER. ERG: That's it! I'm shutting this gig down. *ADMIN CLOSED MEMO: 'TEMPORAL SHENENIGANS' SERVER SHUTTING DOWN..." After the Emperor explained how such stuff worked, and a fierce scolding on 'not-to-tamper-with-the-reigns-of-time', Pinkie was once again bouncing down the road towards the Library. At which she found Spike staring hapelessly at a scorched spot of wood where once a bunch of ponies had been. Spike explained how Twilight and Fluttershy had made some tea for the gathered friends, it was a completely regular, ordinary, Equestrian tea party. However Twilight started on her newly found topic of Inter-dimensions, and denoted how silly and dangerous it sounded in full practice and POOF, everypony was gone! She didn't even as much as LOOK like casting a spell. And according to Spike, whom still hasn't looked at Pinkie during the whole exchange, even Princess Celestia has no idea how to get them back. And seemed awfully distracted, as he remembered her writing. "But Spike.." "No..I'm sorry but I'm going to close the Library-" His eyes finally fell on the pink pony, who greeted him a second time, just as cheery. "PINKIE?! But you...I...what?" "Oh! Everything is alright Spikey-wikey! Twilight has the best version of me at her side!" At this she deposited the 'laptop', as she explained it to a confused spike, and pointed at a line of text... MEMO: PINKIENENIGANS UNITE! WHEE! LOCAL TIME, QUITE. FPP: Good call making a seperate server! FPP: You'll never guess where Me, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy are!! "Spikey, we're gonna save them! And we're not gonna do that alone!" Spike blinked. Twice. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon, thirty years ago. In a alternate dimension. The bitter black mare sat perched ontop one of the moon's many outcroppings. unable to escape her prison. Unable to extract revenge what-so-ever. But the monotone activity of plotting meaninless evil and assuring herself eternal night, was thankfully interrupted when she felt a disturbence in the night below. Using her optical spells (which seemed to be STILL functioning) She was able to see that pink pony had appeared into excistence at the old palace of the two royal sisters. The Pink pony then continued to throw herself a party, and started to frantically clobber a device which she seemly pulled out of nowhere. Carefull clobbering. the device seemed to be far from this time. It was then she felt the magic waver of her prison, she could reach out! What had cuased this, she thought, must be how the pink one appeared. Her reach from the moon latched onto the device, thankfully the pink pony showed the phases of being deadly afraid as her device, or 'laptop' as she was particulary screaming it, being lifted off towards the moon! Another flash, the pink one was gone. The only reminder was this 'laptop' perched gently infront of Nightmare Moon. She began to examine. She began to understand. She studied it's uses. And she was going to employ them.. NIGHTMAREMOONIGANS PAST TIME LOCAL, NMM: I call this 'Meeting' open. any me that has touched, smelled, or been to the future or in any time-related mishap may respond. NMM: Seems like I need some more 'time' for people to join. NMM: As awfully ironic as it sounds, It gives me the time to figure this thing out. *FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* FNMM: DON'T TOUCH THE COMMAND LABLED 'DISLOCATE TEMPORAL BOUNDARIES' FNMM: Or else you'll be buried up to your flank with lunasbians. FNMM: I swear to myself, Time anatics with reckless disregard is DUMB. *INTERDIMENSIONAL CHAT ON: STABILITY 100%-67.34%* FNMM: Good going, soon I will be erased from this dreadfull excistence. *DISLOCATE TEMPORAL BOUNDARIES* FNMM: Farming for a better timeline, PAIN IN THE FLANK. *FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: USER ROPED IN LESBONANIGANS.* NMM: Okay, I guess this'll work. NMM: Or not. NMM: Memo to self, listen to more to my 'future' selves. *PAST NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* PNMM: Hail myself, I bring news of..err..my other self. NMM:...What? PNMM: Yes, she-no-I traveld towards the past in order to prevent my future self from preventing my future-future self a possible fillyfooling. NMM: Oh, so that was what She-dangit!-I was going on about. PNMM: So, for the love of the ancients. DISREGARD ALL COMMUNICATION WITH NEAR-PRESENT SELVES. NMM: And that comes from my past. Wow. NMM: My future self attempts to change the present by talking to the past to tell me not to engage in conversation with slighty advanced versions of my timeline. Yes, brilliant idea. PNMM: It does sound stupid. PNMM: Infact, I'll simply forget this ever happend. *PRESENT/FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* P/FNMM: No stop! KEEP IT IN YOUR MIND. PNMM: What? Why? P/FNMM: She uses sunflower lotion for IT! *PRESENT/FUTURE FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* P/FFNMM: False alarm! Don't listen to my PRESENT/FUTURE self! FORGET THE ORDER PNMM: Uh... NMM: This is getting old hat real fast. NMM: I have a feeling that a reply is inbound from a future moment. *MORE-FUTURE-THEN-PRESENT NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* MFTPNMM: Her hooves are so tender... MFTPNMM: Oh, I see you have turned on 'DISLOCATE TEMPORAL BOUNDARIES'. MFTPNMM: Yes! More her for me to enjoy!~ NMM: Ohgoddessno. Don't tell me... *FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED* FNMM: DON'T TOUCH THE COMMAND LABLED 'DISLOCATE TEMPORAL BOUNDARIES' FNMM: Or else you'll be buried up to your flank with lunasbians. FNMM: I swear to myself, Time anatics with reckless disregard is DUMB. FNMM: Whoa, Dejavu. NMM: AND THE CIRCLE OF STUPIDITY IS COMPLETE. P/FFNMM: Uh.. NMM: BY THE ANCIENTS. P/FFNMM: Are we talking about the fooling around with Luna or Celestia? PNMM: I finally know how my future looks li-wait, BOTH princesses? PFNMM: I think the correct term is: 'Royally screwed.' FNMM: I don't give a buck. FNMM: I'm now trapped in Canterlot being the play-THING for both the princesses. as 'suiteble' punishment! PNMM: ...I think thirty years wasn't all that bad to wait.. *PAST NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: FREAKED OUT. NICE GOING.* NMM: Ugh. NMM: I have a better things to worry about... NMM: How is the eternal night plot coming along MFTPNMM? MFTPNMM: Why would I plot against my love? MFTPNMM: You-uh-I shall find out shortly too! FNMM: Ah horseapples. She's reffering to the 'Pickup line' P/FNMM: Dangit! I knew that this was a terrible idea. NMM: I see.. MFTPNMM: Don't worry. Celestia has such amazing skill at- *MORE-FUTURE-THEN-PRESENT-NIGHTMARE MOON HAS LEFT: KICKED AND BANNED FROM SERVER* NMM: THIS. IS. STUPID. NMM: Am I going to hear myself swoon over my enemy all day long?! *PRINCESS CELESTIA HAS JOINED* NMM: Speak of the devil. PC: Don't even think of trying anything Nightmare Moon! PC: You have no chance against my wrath and that of my sister! P/FFNMM: Which is very kinky! PC: Excuse me? NMM: NO. NMM: I WILL HAVE NONE OF THIS STUPIDITY ANYMORE. NMM: Princess Celestia, I hereby declare you as my MORTAL ENEMY. P/FNMM: Ohdearancients. *PRESENT/FUTURE FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: CEASED TO EXCIST* *PRESENT/FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: CEASED TO EXCIST* *FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: CEASED TO EXCIST* NMM: YES. HAHAHAHA. PC: Uhm..What was this P/FFNMM refering to? NMM: Nothing breedingly important. She kept going on and on about me and you as a couple. Insane. NMM: Prepare for your kingdom to crumble to ruins! PC: The two of US?! PC: A Couple?! PC: Mare and Mare?! NMM: Like I said. NMM: Truly unimportant stuff. NMM: Important is that we are alone now without any of mine looking over the shoulder. *PRESENT/FUTURE FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED: RE-CONTINUED* *PRESENT/FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON JOINED: RE-CONTINUED* *FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: RE-CONTINUED* NMM: SON OF A- P/FFNMM: And thus the words were utterd and our lives continue! PC: I'm quite certain I would NEVER lay my hooves on my OWN SISTER! PC: How sick are you?! P/FFNMM: But...you told me that I was the embodiment of her jealousy, not your flesh and blood! NMM: Oh, so i'm a legit standalone creature now? Good. PC: I cannot recall uttering such words, nor will I waste my time anymore on this Foalish wickedness! FNMM: YES. I can finally de-excist in peace! No more bedtime kisses, no more full fledged...love...No..more.. FNMM: ...Celestia? PC: WHAT. Okay, I'm seriously LEAVING NO- FNMM: FINE. But I kissed a goddess and I LIKED IT. *FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: DISCONECTED FROM TIMELINE. (BAWLING)* PC: ...K-kissed?! NMM: Apperantly. P/FFNMM: On the lips, for twelve seconds straight. Go figure when that happend! NMM: ... P/FNMM: I Never said I didn't like it! *PRESENT/FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: BANNED BY SERVER* NMM: BURN THE HERETIC. NMM: I am SICK tired of this nonesense! NMM: Me and Celestia will never be together. EVER. NMM: We're thirty years apart! LITTERLY. NMM: AND I'm not even intrested in- P/FFNMM: And what about the duality spell? NMM: HOLY HAY, is everyone going on the traitor lane? NMM: BEEP BEEP. ALL ABOARD THE BETRAYAL BUS. NMM: I used that spell to speak some SENSE in the mare that I encompass. P/FFNMM: Yes. P/FFNMM: If we disregard where my hoove- *PRESENT/FUTURE FUTURE NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: BANNED FROM SERVER* NMM: MOVE YO FLANK NMM: YOU GOT A FAILBOAT TO CATCH. PC: Nightmare moon. PC: I am... PC: Throughoutly shocked. NMM: What did you expect from the would-be-queen of night eternal? PC: That I harbour feelings for the so called monster that has imprisoned my sister? NMM: ... NMM: No. NMM: JUST NO. PC: Nightmare moon...I.. *EMERGENCY SERVER SHUT DOWN; TIMELINE STABILIZED.* She was panting, this could NOT be happening. This device has shown her arch-nemisis, the supossed sister of Luna, going all weak-kneed on her! But the device has stabilized the time, universe and removed all thought about that crazy flank Celestia. AND her sick-minded future, future self, reminded her of that shamefull display of sympathy for the trapped princess of night. But...one had also told her she was a...seperate being whole? All these thoughts eventually landed on one: Why did Nightmare moon recall what just happend? Isn't HER memory to be wiped aswell due metaphysical consequence? Oh goddess no. She forgot to-She quickly opend the Laptop; Her chatroom was closed, but she never turned off the master server. And she found herself in a bright light. And moments later she found herself sitting in the centre of what seemed to be a library founded in a tree. There was a pink pony waving happily at her, a frightend purple dragon, and a seemly important looking induvidual; Grey coated and a black cape with fitting pieces of silver armor. orange eyes piercing her as they glowed. stiches revealed the stallion to be less alive. Then she felt a pair of lips gracing her cheek. "I was about to tell you that I had locked onto your location. Welcome to the Alpha universe dear Nightmare moon." On her left sat a blushing royal white mare. The pink pony infront of her nodded. "And welcome to 'Team Awesome'! We're going to begin the briefing within the second!" Nightmare Moon blinked. Twice. Time anatics with reckless disregard indeed was DUMB. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So!" The pink pony made a stroll past the four other spectators. as a commander would past his soldiers. "The elements of harmony have been haphazerdly trapped in a dimension that definatly has no fun things in it!" She casted her gaze onto the crowd of four. whom simply blinked. "However this entire doozie was not made with Twi's magic! So it's impossible to tell what dimension they are in!" Celestia turned to Redeadne. She spoke in a hushed tone as the pink pony continued on 'quantum energy trails' "Have the two of you been talking?" And he replied in a silent whisper; "What gave it away?" She was about to leave a snaggy remark, it it weren't for the party pony to come to a conclusion: "We'll have to save them!" Nightmare moon rolled her eyes. "Yes of course. We were not aware of that." It was silent enough to go unregarded by Pinkie Pie, Yet Celestia shot her a hard look. "And we have to save them at Manehatten!" This was not what they expected. "Okay. Nice. But how is being in a metropolis going to help? Do we need a lot of other ponies for this or something?" Nightmare Moon questioned as Pinkie erupted into another bout of her trademark laughter. "Oh no silly pony! As superheroes, we need a super-duper-nuper secret base in a city. And Iiiii~ know just -the- place!" Spike did not remember willingly becoming a 'Superhero' Nor did he ask to leave for Manehatten, and let's not forget that he was not exactly jumping to carry the 'laptop' during the journey. Oh well. Better then being stuck in a library all the day. He wonderd how Twilight was doing, and...Oh poor miss Rarity! She must be completely distraught and surrounded by her fearing-for-their-lives-friends in an dimension full of demention and evil. And here he was, dragged out on adventure to said dimension. Not to mention the two bickering Alicrons, An undead emperor and a determined to hay Pinkie Pie. Being stuck in a library was not all that bad. "Spike, Open the 'Awesome top'!" "The what?" "Our laptop! I need to consult with my future self." Pinkie set a most warm grin on her face. "Better idea! you'll ask me about how things are going in that evil-weavel place!" Not a bad idea, Spike thought as he fiddled around with the flat device. After a while, and after seating himself on pinkie's back, he managed to open it. PINKIENANIGANS UNITE! WHEE! EMIT LACOL, *USER SIRSCALES JOINED* SC: Wow, this IS easier to write with! SC: Is anyone here? FPP: Heya Spikey-wikey! SC: Hey..uh...Pinkie? FPP: FPP is good enough for me Spikey! SC: Okay uh. I was wondering how things are going there? FPP: Oh pretty good! Twi has calmed down, Applejack is still challenging Rainbow with a 'explorer run'! SC: That's good I guess. SC: We're heading to Manehatten now. FPP: Ohh! You're going to the secret base? Awesome! SC: How did you- No, nevermind. FPP: Heehee! Oh Spike, is anything flashing on your screen? SC: Well...yeah, something is. FPP: Oh my....Uh, remain calm and open it! *SERVER OPENED NEW MEMO: NR. 1* *USER SIRSCALES JOINED* SD: You cannot fool me pink one. SD: I can see through your failing attempts to hide. SC: What are you going on about?? SD: Oh, the 'I never heard of you' tactic. classy. SD: Albeit anoying. SD: But know this, pink menance. SD: I will possess the elements! And I will become YOU! *USER SAVDOR DUNE SHUT DOWN MEMO NR. 1* Spike blinked, once. What was this all about? And Savdor Dune? Seriously? What kind of terrible name was that? Quickly dismissing the awfull naming on 'Rather ill humored parents' he found that he had accidently dismissed the chatroom window! Instead there was a black background with a few parameters of text: On top, Below that, And below that came, Curious to the nature of the last one, he found out that typing it resulted into showing a new program: *GLOBALUS, UNIVERSAL TOOLS* *VERSION 3.4* Another row of commands was laid out against a black backdrop. He tacked in the first command, and was awarded with the following line of text: >INSERT TARGET BEING FOR AWARIFICATION PROCESS: .... >USERS CURRENTLY ONLINE: FPP, SC. Knowing that 'SC' was he himself, he simply tacked in FPP. And pressed enter. >IS THIS THE CORRECT TARGET? Y/N He typed in Y. >AWARIFICATION INITIALIZED. PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE... And he pressed ENTER. Spike then became Future Pinkie Pie, but he obviously did not precieve 'him' to be 'her' becuase of his awareness was 'hers' all along throughout future events. And future Pinkie Pie found herself in a rather bland, if not large grey-ish room. the windows in it did little to help living up the place a bit, apart from showing that the outside world was a disconcerning void of black. Besides her, and shaking like a leaf, Fluttershy had hidden herself half under the hardwooden table. The party pony sighed softly. and patted her. "It'll be alright Fluttershy, Twilight knows what she's doing! Plus we've got people outside this working up a rescue party! The best kind of party!" The pegasus did not look too re-assured. "I don't know pinkie...I mean, um...She didn't look like she knew what she was doing...I mean.." "Yeah. I don't know if yelling and running into a door, then to run around in circles and dash off into a random direction fits as 'The best thing to do when trapped in a castle-dimension'." Pinkie let out a nervous giggle. "Or the fact some silly pony is trying to get our elements..." This made the yellow pegasus emmit a whimper of fear. Sure, having a future version of Pinkie Pie (as the party pony explained herself, much to the distraught of Twilight.) Along with a laptop (This too recieved adequate attention. Especially from Dash.) is handy. Becuase she knows things they don't know, yet. Fluttershy found that quite productive. Twilight found this all rather 'silly'. denoted harshly in her own words. "We'll stay here Fluttershy, and wait for the others. Rarity won't be away for long! Besides if things get REALLY scary, we can still have a good laugh about it!" She gave a huge grin to the pegasus, now huddled into a ball. "Ohh! That reminds me, I have to find dash!" She turned to the laptop again, closing it. "I'll be right back Fluttershy!" And with that, she galloped out the dual-doored grey room. With the timid pegasus now all alone, one would (being said pegasus) be quite frightend by all this. Yet Fluttershy couldn't help but admire the various clocks that lined the sides. It gave her the secure feeling of chronology. Meanwhile, at a diffrent side of the castle...building...thing. Rainbow Dash and Applejack rested at the foot of a massive starway. conviently lined with clocks, red decor and huge banners obscuring half the railing on the second floor. "This place shore is massive." "Yeah, That future pinks wasn't lying about the size of this place." She panted. "Atleast them crazy ponies ain't gonna get us 'ere." The had, litterly, ran into the mansion/castle/palace/whatever's servants. Atleast, that's what they thought it were, until they started waving around cold steel. Soon, the duo of interprid explorers found that the halls were suprisingly well-fit for aimless absconding. Even so, having lost their chase-entourage, it was the first sign of this place having floors. Knowing that this floor has a no value for the others either, they quickly decided that they should find the others again and perhaps get them moving up a level? They would. Right after this much-needed break. And out of freaking nowhere, Future Pinkie Pie popped up behind a empty vase. "Heeey girls!" She waved happily. "What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash was the first to recover; "Pinkie!? Where the hay did YOU come from?! We ran atleast through half the building getting some sort of evil guys off our backs!" "I know right? But I'm future me so I knew that this was going to happen and what path you ran through! Well, I´m pretty sure I know HOW it is gonna happen!` She met Applejack´s blank expression. "Pinkie, that made no sense. What-so-ever." It was then that Spike rememberd to be aware of his excistence. which, of course, has always been there and never left him in the first place. There is no reason that Spike ever was Future Pinkie Pie or Pinkie ever been him. Stupid. He simply blinked. As he looked about, he noticed that they had progressed a great deal; already the skyscrapers lined the horizon. And the Alicorn pair had finally resorted to silence, which was happily (albeit, wordlessly) recieved by the rest of the group. One who enjoyed this moment of walk-n'-peace the most, was Nightmare Moon. She had been subjected to the overly affectionate white alicorn for quite a while now. Three counts of intimate assualt on her cheeks. both of them, as the white mare played a foalish game of hide and smoosh. And everytime she managed to plant those violating lips onto her cheek, she could do nothing else but emit a growl of displeasure and hope that she would not spot her blushing. But now will be diffrent. Now she will deliver a CLEAR message to that white demon and her offending kisses, she won't make her feel like the last one!: Almost heartwarm. ALMOST. The plan was clear, the path lays open and the white one had kept silent for sometime now! She turned to look at her nemesis. Only to find that she had been sneaking up close for another cheek-related smoosh. Which ended unceremoniously in a lips-on approach. DAMMIT. "BY MY MANE." There goes the neighborhood. "WILL. YOU. STOP. THAT?" "B...but I didn't mean t-to.." "You. Have been kissing my cheeks, BOTH OF THEM, for the past FOUR hours! I'm sick tired of this silly-filly NONSENSE!" Nightmare Moon boomed at a Celestia wearing an neigh-dramatic mock hurt on her face. "But Nightmare..." "NO EXCUSES! You missy better start behaving like my enemy instead of a Nightm...bad dream spouse!" "You think of my love such little? Does nothing what I do for you mean anything for you at all?" Celestia even managed to tear up, slightly, before Nightmare Moon. "My heart is only for you my love. I wish nothing else but the best for my beloved mare, the mare of my dreams." The black mare made an invulentary eye-twitch. "Sometimes. I believe that there is not enough vomit, in the world." As the city gradually surrounds them, it was urgent not to cause a mass-bowing-panic. Even the emperor agreed with the royal mare as she shifted her eyes from and fro the streets. And the party quickly traversed down the dark alley-ways that made up atleast a third of manehatten... "So enlighten me, Miss Pie." The raspy voice of the undead-ish pony dissolved the silence apart. "Why do we have to endulge into the shadows of a metropolis without knowing what sort of 'base' you had in mind?" The response was a hearty giggle. "Of course I know where we are going! Actually, we are already here!" They were looking at a stairway going into a building. In the alley. Downwards. Before any snaggy comments could be made on the less-then-appealing setup, Pinkie had them all dragged down the fourty-four stepped stairs. When she threw the dual hard-wooden doors open, They saw a huge subterran dome, lit up by an amazing array of lighting from both the ceiling as various lamps settled across the floor. Which gradualy takes 'steps' into the earth. Until it reaches the center of the room. which was large enough to fit sugercube corner on it with ease. A mysterious device was situated there, spinning it's mechanical spire-arms in a slow, indepedent turn. "Welcome. To my LAAAAAAAAAIIIR. "How'd you get a 'LAAAAAAAAIIR'?" "I never told you the time my parents struck a goldmine? Or the time we had moon-rocks all around the farm?" "How does one find moo-" The princess was interrupted by Nightmare Moon's rather rude step-in and her ALMOST genuine laugh. "That is...None of importance! I am, however, curious to why I am being dragged along for this rediculus assembly?" "Becuase." The emperor started "She also dragged me into it." He recieved a raised eyebrow. "Fine. Becuase I have the equipment." he raised a hoof, motioning to the laptop the dragon currently possesed. "Okay team!" Pinkie bounced around them "Time to set up the PINKBLINK." she frantically motioned to the centre. All attention was aimed towards the mysterious device standing right in the centre. "This machine allows me to be somewhere isntantly! And the funest winest part is; it's completely remotely operated!" She motioned to a well-hid chip-like device sitting under her mane. "Okay...So..." Spike tilted his head "All we have to do is to reprogram the device to shift dimensions!" And thus Team awesome became Team pale. The pink party pony bounced about them as she began making an incoherent senctence involving their upcoming adventure. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The awareness of our heroes had been transferred to a purple unicorn. Once again, you fail to see their awareness had been hers all along since nopony ever did exchange awareness. Stupid. But she walked. Ran. Screaming incoherent slurs that made little to no sense in this dimension. She had wailed past rooms brimming with black-clad ponies, bewilderd by the strange mare-by, up to the third floor. Then collided with a inconviently placed hard-wooden clock of great size. It was really inconvient. And try as she might, her horn was embedded in the wood. Unphazed by all of this, the clock simply tacked on through time. Yet the lavender unicorn was silent. She blinked. Twice. "Wh-where am...I?" The simple senctence was enough for her brain to register that this was the first actual line of logic she had utterd in atleast an hour. Her muscles confirmed that she had been going on a athletic overture, her voice felt strained and sweat clung to her coat. Her eyes shifted around the scenery; Clocks lined the walls as windows gave her a view to the 'outside' if there ever were any. She was now officially lost. What she did fail to see is another pony positioned across the clock. wielding one of such devices FPP or Pinkie carried around, her mane was straight, and her colouration...a light-ish green? Save for the blue eyes and the up-side-down balloon cutie mark. "Who...are you?" "I am..Greendiana Knoll. Nice to meet you." The new pony let a smile creep onto her face. And Twilight? She swallowed hard. Once more awareness is shifted towards a diffrent dimension, a more familliar one. at which we arrive at a peculiar device empowerd by things yet to be named by pony sciene. Thankfully, you have been paying attention and Awareness never changed at all. "Okay. Let me get this straight." The black mare inhaled deeply, her lungs filled with refeshing air, Faded cheap parfume and specks of regret. "You. Pinkie Pie, are going to 'plug' this-" She waved her hoof at the spinning device "-Into the laptop in order to 'Establish a quantum portal widening effect due the itterations of time/space' which you 'Deem plausibly safe for inter-dimensional transport' and 'Bouncing around in a scientific breakthrough with gleefull abandon'?" "That's the long version Black snooty! But yeah, I'm going through the portal and SAVE MY FRIENDS!" Spike shook his head "I think that would be a stupid idea." "What, she going alone?" "Yes and no." He took a deep breath "Yes, becuase without the Spike, there is no reason for the hike!" Which was rather bland-precieved "SECONDLY! Everypony knows, that it's called 'Loophole gates' not 'Quantum Portal'!" The black mare groaned and placed a hoof to her face. Meanwhile, Redeadne busied himself with configuring the laptop throughoutly. Celestia watched him tack away carefully. "I'm slightly at awe at your ability with this subject." "It's more of a second nature, really." "Your credibiltiy is hard to get when you make such statements." "Then you'd rather hear that I am tacking in at random in the hope nothing violently gets torn apart in a fabric unnamed?" "Point taken. Wait. You are typing at random?" "You never heard that from me.." He casted his gaze back to the screen again, this time a series of cables petrude from the laptop to the device in question. spinning at an even more erradic pace. A excited Pinkie Pie going over her newly-aquired team. "Okay...so we've got black snooty, who can really be a meany pants." "She'll make short work of anyone opposing her.." Spike added "Mhm! And we've got Redeadne!" She motioned to the undead emperor who is getting a stern lecture from Celestia on 'Being a unreal, quite dead, Emperor of sorts who needs to get his facts straight' "Yeah...Uh..He's creepy...I guess?" "No silly! He's like an EMPEROAAAR!" "So? I don't see him raise the moon, or the sun." "He runs an empire who's capital city is called Mortalot." "Touché" The pair looked at Celestia. Whom now seems to have calmed down after bringing her opinion to light. "Celestia can raise the sun, can do magic and-" "Needs to stay here to raise the sun, Spike. We need to be carefull of who we bring along! Afterall we could NEVER return. FOREEEEVER!" Her, a blank expression, and a that pose. Creeped spike out to new levels. "So, Who'd you choose Spikey?" As Spike burdens his synapses, a singular spark of nerve-empowerd electricity misses it's mark, and is daintly replaced with a stronger signal. This causes the signal to cease excistence in this awareness and leak into parallel synapsic quantum strings. Whom in turn broadcast the defecting signal through a multitude of universes before setteling into parallel excistence within the mind of Greendiana Knoll. As the signal hits mark, her awareness is refreshed. A grin crept over her face as she observed the Lavender unicorn impaling a clock. "Normally I'd choose my targets carefully." She slowly strode over to Twilight Sparkle. "But you seem so willing, that I just settle dealing with you first." She clasped together her front-hooves. A second later, two shadey figures materialize next to her. "Lady and gent. our first catch of the day." "To be quite honest, she impaled the clock. such as I had seen." A male-ish voice called, almost haughty at it too. "Hmm, She wields the exact expression I am expecting." A more collected female voice spoke from the dark veil. And truth to be told. it only amplified as Twilight suddenly reconised the figures. "Pinkie and Pinkie...and...Colt...pinkie?!" In another overload of panicked synaptic activity, Twilight's awareness is once dispersed in the dimension, which is physically impossible and thus we find awareness linked....or belonging to Future Pinkie Pie. Again, no party ever held one another's awareness what-so-ever. She had managed to pull Applejack and a loudly protesting Rainbow Dash to the room they started out in. All the proclaimations the rainbow maned pegasus made about the room being over-run proved to be hot-air. The grumpy pegasus hoverd at the door, front legs crossed. "Fluttershy? Sugarcube? You here?" Applejack called as she looked carefully under the table. "Fluttershy?" The Pink mare carefully placed the clock back as she continued to inspect the second one. "Guys. This is not helping. She's not here!" The blue pegasus groaned. "Yah don't know that sugercube! She might be easily scared out her wits, but that mare can hide herself in a dammed blade o' grass for all I know!" She had a point. Fluttershy had the habit of hiding at the most strangest of places. But even then, She'd should have long since called out. It was then that pinkie noticed someone had talked to her on the laptop. MEMO: NR. 43 TIME AHEAD, AA: Greetings. AA: As already passed, your yellow friend is long in our possesion. AA: Knowing that you'll arrive soon. AA: Quite anoying. FPP: Okay mister battery-face, where is fluttershy! AA: You'll eventually know, relax. AA: Infact, you'll know now. FPP: Don't bother! I know where you are. AA: There we go. AA: And Then you know where the lavender one is. FPP: I know where Twilight is too! FPP: Give up, I'm from the future! FPP: I KNOW stuff you have yet to know! AA: Oh please, don't think you're special now. AA: Ah, I've got to fight you now. AA: Toodles! *USER ARISTOCRAT ALKYNE LEFT: USER DISCONECTED FROM FUTURE MEMO* Him. Oh how she hated his anatics. He ALWAYS knew before SHE did. And now he changed the flow of time to suit his snobbish-knowing-it-all! Hay! She frowned at the last line; atleast she got to plant a hoof or four into his face. SOON. Wait...That is EXACTLY what HE WANTS! Now she only misse- MEMO: NR. -1 TIME IN REVERSE, TT: Salam TT: I do believe you are going to meet me? FPP: Nice to have MET you, Rival! TT: Nice try right now. TT: But I'm still afraid that you are going to find the future frightning TT: You'll soon see, that we still control your friends. TT: So become a dear and.. FPP: And what? wear a bowtie? FPP: I know what you're up to. FPP: And I ALSO know that you and not finishing lines is a sign of the future! TT: Harr harr harr. TT: AA Did change the time again, he will? FPP: Yes. he DID. TT: Damn that colt! TT: The best of luck Pinkie. You'll soon recieve it! *USER TIMELY THINKER LEFT: USER DISCONECTED FROM EARLIER SESSION* And the club of confusion is complete! Applejack snorted, having looked over Pinkie's shoulder, she had a headache, no idea who those rear-brains were, was, will be...WHATEVER! And Pinkie Pie from the future seemed to be upset with them. And she knew where to find them. "Sugarcube?" "Applejack?" "What'll we do?" Pinkie gave her broad grin again. Applejack blinked. "We wait!" The flex of inter-dimensional barriers bouncing off against eachother sends awareness to the just-enterd ball of wormhole genrated radiation in a completely diffrent room. seemly the notion of a wormhole having awareness strikes the universe as silly. and thus passes it on to the team of three passed through it; A pony, a Alicorn and a baby dragon. "OKay team awesome! ROLL OUT!" And thus the Pink pony, the Black Alicorn and the Purple dragon absconded into the embowels of the structure...Nightmare Moon took left, Spike straight ahead, and Pinkie pie to the right. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle was send into a immediate blind date with the oaken segmented floor. A dull smack, a wobbly vision and a upcoming headache, the outcome. "Now dear ladies. You'll move as I have already seen. But still. Refrain from trying anything." The colt, having identified himself as the Aristocratic Jackie Pie, gave a soft chuckle as he closed the double door behind him. And silence returned to the room, with the soul exception of Twilight groaning as she rubbed her forehead softly. "Oh my...Are you alright Twilight?" "Yes...Fluttershy? Oh my gosh! How'd you get here?!" "Uhm..I don't know Twilight..Sorry.." The yellow Pegasus whispered. shying away behind her mane. The purple mare sighed softly; The pegasus was probably scared to kingdoms of fright, the poor girl. However, her eye fell on a thin, black and sleek device resting on top of a table. Ensuring the pegasus mare was truly okay, she made her way over to it. At closer range, she was able to tell this device was quite advanced, even more then Pinkie's laptop...thing. And it also appeared to use the same 'chat-thingy' or whatever Pinkie calls it, to communicate with people. (Recklessly) Regardless of time, space and dimension. As her magic levitates the device and rotating it to a more readable side, she observed a conversation going on it..: *MEMO: ADVENTURE CLUB TEMPORAL* TIME, THERE. PCT: This is a broadcast to my future self! PCT: Ha ha ha! Spoilsport! PCT: Right. Thankfully magic does not need a 3 inch optical adjustment. PCT: Alright. I'm going to send a mare on a mission to retrieve an artefact from a different dimension. PCT: Good idea? Yes or no? *USER TWILIGHT SPARKLE JOINED* TS: It really depends, this one is rubbish. PCT: It does not take one eye to see that you are NOT my future self. PCT: HA ha ha! Eye spye diffrentionals! TS: No I am not, And who are you? PCT: I'm PCT. PCT: Seriously, look to the left of the text. TS: Right. TS: But how come you know how to use the device in this dimension? PCT: Because my first one was stolen by interdimensional thieves! PCT: I chased them through the building but was outsmarted by the sudden appearance of a window. PCT: Ha ha ha! Window of opportunity. TS: They stole your equipment? TS: Wait, what universe are you in? And as the words were transported through the Wireless Interdimension Communication link. (Wi-iC) The awareness of being simultaneously was transferred too. Speeding along the link way towards a different dimension an then bursting into existence as fragmented date without compatibility. Quickly converted into the equestrian language and streamed out into the pixlestic existence of words in the chatroom. While, of course, Awareness found a more sentient being to envelop; Phil Can Trotten. CEO Manehatten Adventurer's club. A now-one-eyed unicorn with an rich orange mane combed back to allow an eye patch to be fitted over his left eye. He was a peach-ish-tanned coloured stallion sitting on a leather pillow and sipping a refreshing soda. "Ha, ha, ha! Dimensional rift-a-vu." In a moment of utter silence, the door to his office opened to show way for a sharp dressed mare. In turn, he diverted his attention towards the mare as she entered. "Ah, Miss. Spottington. Please seat yourself over here." Due the implications of losing the ability to observe a third dimension in view, along with the judging of distance. Phil was pointing at the small saloon table instead of the second leather pillow slightly to its right. Hesitatingly, the mare seated herself on the table. "No not THERE-" His hoof pointed at a completely empty spot to the left of the table. "-but HERE!" His hoof was once again pointing at the table. The mare muttered a silent "Oh." as she seated herself on the pillow. "Ha, ha, ha!" "Sir? you wanted to see me?" "Yes Miss. Spottington. Regarding the break-in from last week." "Ah, yes. Security detail sir?" "No, can you feel that?" "Sir?" "This...Obvious detached feeling, It's like I'm seeing through my own eyes while being aware that I am something AND somewhere else..." "Sir, I don't think that any of this has to do wit-" "I'm having this since the past two days! And-Ohh! Here it comes again!" "I'm sorry but you are truly not making any sens-" In a flash of invisible inter-dimensional workings. The awareness was once again transported towards twilight Sparkle, Whom was patiently waiting for PCT to answer her questions. Unfortunately, Phil was aware of his awareness changing forms and dimension and thus your prior assumption regarding the fact one CANNOT switch awareness for the awareness was theirs all along, wrong. But that would be extremely silly as awareness never does change from person to person. only observe them at times. Stupid. Twilight blinked a few times as she heard faint hoof steps behind the closed shut door. She was still contemplating on how useful this conversation had been as the door opened to reveal Greendiana once more. flanked by her most trusty black-clad burly minions. "Hello once more my little prisoners, I presume you find the clocks and décor enthralling?" A moment of silence passed as the doors closed again. and Greendiana slipped the black device into her mane. "Nothing? Still coping with side effects yet to be named? Shame." "What do you want of us Greendiana?" Twilight had taken a defensive stance before Fluttershy. "What. You still don't know?" A series of shrugs and 'uhm's where exchanged. The green mare looked at the scene with half-lidded eyes. "Fine." She took a step forwards, her minions positioned behind her. "The sole reason of you being here is that I want to be the main dimension." "That's it? loads of guards, THREE different dimensional personalities AND all of us trapped here just because you want to be 'mainstream'?!" "You see, we live with the knowledge that -we- are merely a figment of reality; a simple entity living in the minds of those knowing." She rolled her eyes. "And with these.." She held the Slick black device "...We can change the roles! Even time itself!" Her expression fell into a scowl "..Such like Future Pinkie Pie found out." "And what do you expect to gain out of all this?" Twilight was far from impressed and Fluttershy far from shelter. "Oh, It's kind of simple; you, need to be gone for us to become 'real'" The green mare's smile grew. "And ANYONE involving these devices will be trapped here as well!" "Yet you can't do anything because-" "-You still hold the elements, and no, not the jewellery, but the essence! I require the essence to actually be able to even transform the universe and trap you here, such as you did with the nightmare." "Oh yes, I'll have your pretty princesses and anyone else we don't need...uhm...Removed." Twilight gasped. And the slick device lit up as Greendiana's laughter shook it out her hair. Plopping it unceremoniously in front of Twilight. *MEMO ADVENTURE CLUB TEMPORAL* PCT: Help! I've become the phone! PCT: Ha, ha, ha! Awari-fail-y-fi-cation! PCT: RUN! PCT: P.s. They forget to lock the door behind you. PCT: P.s.s HA, HA, HA! Without hesitation, Twilight had fluttershy's tail in her mouth, the door behind them splintered and Greendiana bewildered. The only problem was that the minions gotten into chase. And the fact that Greendiana was now barking commands to the rest of her minion-istic entourage. The only thing that twilight could do was running. Along with fluttershy flopping in half-flight along her. The Mare of night had subdued two aggressors that had the nerve to attack her. The two shady ponies slumped to the ground, professionally rendered unconscious by two hard-feathered wings to the snout. She let out a grunt as more pretentious guards arrive. She grumbled "More of you?" before letting out a squawk as a nine-foot-long pole arm missed placing an guillotine impression on Nightmare Moon's neck, who awkwardly back winged away from another strike that miracously spared the walls. The black mare landed on her rump as she hit the nearby corner. The creature was...surprisingly much Pony. except that it was a he, and he was pink. And wielding a nine-foot-pole arm in his maw. And that was one suiting top hat he wore. "Sunoffabiff!" "What?" He dropped the Polearm out his maw. "I said-" SMACK And the pink colt was send sailing over his array of surely thugs. One getting topped by colt's hat. Nightmare Moon' mad laugh was soon paired by a maelstrom of magic, regardless of how many thugs managed to get their tommies rattling at her. The gun mares and colts where send flying from and fro. as the black mare utilized both hooves and magic to protect and serve pain. And continued her dash down the halls, lead and ponies hot on her tail. The pink colt had managed to crawl back onto his hooves, and noticed a shaking surely thug wearing HIS hat on top of THEIRS. "S..sir?" The colt had been mysteriously spared the trashing. "HAT." The order was quickly completed in the most clumsiest motion ever seen. Spike rounded another corner without much ado. He had found a room, empty. Much like most the rooms in this...place. He figured that a building this size has to have a second level, if not a basement...or gem stash. And Rarity. Somewhere. The purple dragon sighed as he checked his wristband...ish thing that Pinkie attached to him moments ago. It had the same function as the laptop she has. *MEMO: TEAM AWESOME* TIME AWESOME, NMM: Kicked flank. run into a slight resemblance of the Pink one. NMM: Being chased right now. Fun times. PP: Yay! SS: Well, Nothing here, empty rooms and stuff. SS: Gonna take a closer look in this one.. NMM: Good luck with that. NMM: Try to avoid ponies having firearms attached to their form. The purple dragon gulped as he opened the door to reveal his darkest fears come true.. "EMPTY?! Oh come ON!" The dragon fretted. "I will not believe that thirty-two rooms are just here for decoration!" "They will not." And Spike found himself surrounded by ghastly Sorcerers. And a pink ear-Unicorn Pinkie Pie. A familiar white unicorn was levitated besides her. Spike simply blinked. “Rarity!” "You will fight me now?" The purple dragon scowled. They took fair lady Rarity, they shamelessly levitated her as some sort of blind bag, and then they dare to challenge, THE Sir Spike?! How foolish are these pests? “We shall! Engarde!” “Very well. Now we will duel.” She smiled for the moment, but her expression fell as the purple dragon managed to conjure up a lance seemly out of no-where. Applejack snorted as she had made a complete round of the room for the twenty-third time this time. Rainbow dash had positioned herself in a pile of convenient pillows. And Future Pinkie Pie seemed to have frozen in time as her huge grin and eyes where aimed at the double-door. " Alright! Ah am tired of prancin' around like a stuck sewer rat! Pinkie Pie, For pete's sake! Could we do somethin' productive?!" "Yeah!" The Rainbow maned Pegasus chimed in "We've been waiting for like...hours! And I...really...wha?" The two ponies where now intently staring at the screen Pinkie was giggling at. *MEMO: NR. 43* AA: YOU FOALISH LITTLE... AA: I JUST GOT A TWO-HOOVED IMPRESSION FROM A MAD MARE. AA: You just HAD TO GO and RUIN EVERYTHING. FPP: Oh I thought you would KNOW that? AA: FINE. I DON'T. AA: I cannot look PAST the FUTURE. FPP: That is why it rocks to be me. FPP: I'm from a further point in time, I've been through your antics. FPP: And I'm more productive. AA: I'VE NOTICED. AA: IT WAS KIND OF BUCKED INTO MY FACE. FPP: And all I had to do was wait! AA: I refuse to believe this futuristic nonsense! AA: Insufferable! AA: Incomprehensive! AA: I, will have your head Future Pinkamina Diana Pie! *USER ARISOCRAT AKLYNE LEFT: ARISOCRAT ANGRY* Future Pinkie Pie burst into a fit of laughter. Pinkie Pie burst through the door in a fit of laughter. Joining her, three Burly minions are send bowling into the walls. "Pinkie Pie style!" Not even a moment later, two pink mares where leading the small group of saved ponies . Among these, Applejack, found herself even more confused than ever; asked ‘What the hay this was goin’ on about Pinkie?!’. As Future Pinkie Pie explains her story, the four mares head out into the hallways at a casual pace. “..So that time they nearly won with all of us separated in this…this…massive thing…Building! And they were about to dissolve reality and us into theirs! Meaning we’d be poofed into mystery and sadness! So I managed to steal a laptop of theirs and travelled back in time…Just in time!” Both Pinkies giggled at the same time. “However, when I jumped in time, so did they. It was an unintentional thing, but they are well aware of what I did. And are changing time on the go!” She shook her head as the troupe rounded a corner and found themselves facing the stairs again. Ascension was equally quick. “…But I’m still unsure of how I can defeat them..” Nightmare Moon had successfully escaped her pursuers, could finally rest a moment, raise a mock-concerned eyebrow at the purple dragon’s ‘last words before chivalralious acts . And now found herself conferring with a certain white mare at an different dimension. And how she wished the mare could go and- *MEMO: PRIVATE BOOTH-Y 1* TIME, TIME IS LOVELY! NMM: You’re not funny, you know. PC: But I do love you! NMM: Erg. NMM: Could we skip the pleasantries please? PC: And get straight to the act? Oh my~ NMM: NO. NMM: You wanted to talk to me! NMM: So spit it out, you miserable excuse for pillow stuffing. PC: Oh that! PC: Redeadne keeps telling me how he finds the dimensional stability in jeopardy around the fourth floor. He says it looks like a…depression in gravity of sorts. PC: I have no idea if that is reason for concern or not. NMM: Atleast it gave me a goal. NMM: I’m curious to what that may be, well, off to find a set of stairs or so. NMM: And find out what is all this ‘depressing’ about the fourth floor. NMM: Maybe a section of you. NMM: If that is the case I’m going to puke. *USER NIGHTMARE MOON LEFT: ONWARDS.* PC: I have no idea what Redeadne means with ‘Don’t let anyone near it unless they want an spacial face-lift with a fifth degree of agonizing growth-pains.’ PC: Nightmare hun? PC: Oh horsefeathers! *USER PRINCESS CELESTIA LEFT: PANIC (DON’T)* With that, Greendiana smirked as she closed the laptop. Spyification sure was handy for a change of pace.