• Published 12th Sep 2011
  • 1,422 Views, 12 Comments

Of Pink and Time - Redante

Pinkie Pie attempts a inter-dimensional rescue

  • ...

Chapter 3


The pink pony made a stroll past the four other spectators. as a commander would past his soldiers.

"The elements of harmony have been haphazerdly trapped in a dimension that definatly has no fun things in it!"

She casted her gaze onto the crowd of four. whom simply blinked.

"However this entire doozie was not made with Twi's magic! So it's impossible to tell what dimension they are in!"

Celestia turned to Redeadne. She spoke in a hushed tone as the pink pony continued on 'quantum energy trails'

"Have the two of you been talking?"

And he replied in a silent whisper;

"What gave it away?"

She was about to leave a snaggy remark, it it weren't for the party pony to come to a conclusion:

"We'll have to save them!"

Nightmare moon rolled her eyes.

"Yes of course. We were not aware of that."

It was silent enough to go unregarded by Pinkie Pie, Yet Celestia shot her a hard look.

"And we have to save them at Manehatten!"

This was not what they expected.

"Okay. Nice. But how is being in a metropolis going to help? Do we need a lot of other ponies for this or something?" Nightmare Moon questioned as Pinkie erupted into another bout of her trademark laughter.

"Oh no silly pony! As superheroes, we need a super-duper-nuper secret base in a city. And Iiiii~ know just -the- place!"

Spike did not remember willingly becoming a 'Superhero'
Nor did he ask to leave for Manehatten, and let's not forget that he was not exactly jumping to carry the 'laptop' during the journey. Oh well. Better then being stuck in a library all the day.

He wonderd how Twilight was doing, and...Oh poor miss Rarity! She must be completely distraught and surrounded by her fearing-for-their-lives-friends in an dimension full of demention and evil. And here he was, dragged out on adventure to said dimension. Not to mention the two bickering Alicrons, An undead emperor and a determined to hay Pinkie Pie.

Being stuck in a library was not all that bad.

"Spike, Open the 'Awesome top'!"

"The what?"

"Our laptop! I need to consult with my future self." Pinkie set a most warm grin on her face. "Better idea! you'll ask me about how things are going in that evil-weavel place!" Not a bad idea, Spike thought as he fiddled around with the flat device. After a while, and after seating himself on pinkie's back, he managed to open it.



SC: Wow, this IS easier to write with!
SC: Is anyone here?
FPP: Heya Spikey-wikey!
SC: Hey..uh...Pinkie?
FPP: FPP is good enough for me Spikey!
SC: Okay uh. I was wondering how things are going there?
FPP: Oh pretty good! Twi has calmed down, Applejack is still challenging Rainbow with a 'explorer run'!
SC: That's good I guess.
SC: We're heading to Manehatten now.
FPP: Ohh! You're going to the secret base? Awesome!
SC: How did you- No, nevermind.
FPP: Heehee! Oh Spike, is anything flashing on your screen?
SC: Well...yeah, something is.
FPP: Oh my....Uh, remain calm and open it!



SD: You cannot fool me pink one.
SD: I can see through your failing attempts to hide.
SC: What are you going on about??
SD: Oh, the 'I never heard of you' tactic. classy.
SD: Albeit anoying.
SD: But know this, pink menance.
SD: I will possess the elements! And I will become YOU!


Spike blinked, once.

What was this all about?

And Savdor Dune? Seriously? What kind of terrible name was that?

Quickly dismissing the awfull naming on 'Rather ill humored parents' he found that he had accidently dismissed the chatroom window! Instead there was a black background with a few parameters of text:


Below that, <HOSTMOD>

And below that came, <GLOBALTOOLS>

Curious to the nature of the last one, he found out that typing it resulted into showing a new program:


Another row of commands was laid out against a black backdrop.


He tacked in the first command, and was awarded with the following line of text:


Knowing that 'SC' was he himself, he simply tacked in FPP. And pressed enter.


He typed in Y.


And he pressed ENTER.

Spike then became Future Pinkie Pie, but he obviously did not precieve 'him' to be 'her' becuase of his awareness was 'hers' all along throughout future events.

And future Pinkie Pie found herself in a rather bland, if not large grey-ish room. the windows in it did little to help living up the place a bit, apart from showing that the outside world was a disconcerning void of black. Besides her, and shaking like a leaf, Fluttershy had hidden herself half under the hardwooden table. The party pony sighed softly. and patted her.

"It'll be alright Fluttershy, Twilight knows what she's doing! Plus we've got people outside this working up a rescue party! The best kind of party!"

The pegasus did not look too re-assured.

"I don't know pinkie...I mean, um...She didn't look like she knew what she was doing...I mean.."

"Yeah. I don't know if yelling and running into a door, then to run around in circles and dash off into a random direction fits as 'The best thing to do when trapped in a castle-dimension'."

Pinkie let out a nervous giggle.

"Or the fact some silly pony is trying to get our elements..."

This made the yellow pegasus emmit a whimper of fear. Sure, having a future version of Pinkie Pie (as the party pony explained herself, much to the distraught of Twilight.) Along with a laptop (This too recieved adequate attention. Especially from Dash.) is handy. Becuase she knows things they don't know, yet. Fluttershy found that quite productive.

Twilight found this all rather 'silly'. denoted harshly in her own words.

"We'll stay here Fluttershy, and wait for the others. Rarity won't be away for long! Besides if things get REALLY scary, we can still have a good laugh about it!"

She gave a huge grin to the pegasus, now huddled into a ball.

"Ohh! That reminds me, I have to find dash!"

She turned to the laptop again, closing it.

"I'll be right back Fluttershy!" And with that, she galloped out the dual-doored grey room. With the timid pegasus now all alone, one would (being said pegasus) be quite frightend by all this. Yet Fluttershy couldn't help but admire the various clocks that lined the sides.

It gave her the secure feeling of chronology.

Meanwhile, at a diffrent side of the castle...building...thing. Rainbow Dash and Applejack rested at the foot of a massive starway. conviently lined with clocks, red decor and huge banners obscuring half the railing on the second floor.

"This place shore is massive."

"Yeah, That future pinks wasn't lying about the size of this place." She panted.

"Atleast them crazy ponies ain't gonna get us 'ere."

The had, litterly, ran into the mansion/castle/palace/whatever's servants. Atleast, that's what they thought it were, until they started waving around cold steel. Soon, the duo of interprid explorers found that the halls were suprisingly well-fit for aimless absconding. Even so, having lost their chase-entourage, it was the first sign of this place having floors. Knowing that this floor has a no value for the others either, they quickly decided that they should find the others again and perhaps get them moving up a level?

They would. Right after this much-needed break.

And out of freaking nowhere, Future Pinkie Pie popped up behind a empty vase.

"Heeey girls!" She waved happily. "What are you doing here?"

Rainbow Dash was the first to recover; "Pinkie!? Where the hay did YOU come from?! We ran atleast through half the building getting some sort of evil guys off our backs!"

"I know right? But I'm future me so I knew that this was going to happen and what path you ran through! Well, I´m pretty sure I know HOW it is gonna happen!`

She met Applejack´s blank expression.

"Pinkie, that made no sense. What-so-ever."

It was then that Spike rememberd to be aware of his excistence. which, of course, has always been there and never left him in the first place. There is no reason that Spike ever was Future Pinkie Pie or Pinkie ever been him. Stupid.

He simply blinked. As he looked about, he noticed that they had progressed a great deal; already the skyscrapers lined the horizon. And the Alicorn pair had finally resorted to silence, which was happily (albeit, wordlessly) recieved by the rest of the group.

One who enjoyed this moment of walk-n'-peace the most, was Nightmare Moon.

She had been subjected to the overly affectionate white alicorn for quite a while now. Three counts of intimate assualt on her cheeks. both of them, as the white mare played a foalish game of hide and smoosh. And everytime she managed to plant those violating lips onto her cheek, she could do nothing else but emit a growl of displeasure and hope that she would not spot her blushing.

But now will be diffrent. Now she will deliver a CLEAR message to that white demon and her offending kisses, she won't make her feel like the last one!: Almost heartwarm. ALMOST. The plan was clear, the path lays open and the white one had kept silent for sometime now! She turned to look at her nemesis.

Only to find that she had been sneaking up close for another cheek-related smoosh.

Which ended unceremoniously in a lips-on approach.


"BY MY MANE." There goes the neighborhood. "WILL. YOU. STOP. THAT?"

"B...but I didn't mean t-to.."

"You. Have been kissing my cheeks, BOTH OF THEM, for the past FOUR hours! I'm sick tired of this silly-filly NONSENSE!" Nightmare Moon boomed at a Celestia wearing an neigh-dramatic mock hurt on her face.

"But Nightmare..."

"NO EXCUSES! You missy better start behaving like my enemy instead of a Nightm...bad dream spouse!"

"You think of my love such little? Does nothing what I do for you mean anything for you at all?" Celestia even managed to tear up, slightly, before Nightmare Moon. "My heart is only for you my love. I wish nothing else but the best for my beloved mare, the mare of my dreams."

The black mare made an invulentary eye-twitch.

"Sometimes. I believe that there is not enough vomit, in the world."

As the city gradually surrounds them, it was urgent not to cause a mass-bowing-panic. Even the emperor agreed with the royal mare as she shifted her eyes from and fro the streets. And the party quickly traversed down the dark alley-ways that made up atleast a third of manehatten...

"So enlighten me, Miss Pie." The raspy voice of the undead-ish pony dissolved the silence apart. "Why do we have to endulge into the shadows of a metropolis without knowing what sort of 'base' you had in mind?"

The response was a hearty giggle.

"Of course I know where we are going! Actually, we are already here!"

They were looking at a stairway going into a building. In the alley. Downwards. Before any snaggy comments could be made on the less-then-appealing setup, Pinkie had them all dragged down the fourty-four stepped stairs. When she threw the dual hard-wooden doors open, They saw a huge subterran dome, lit up by an amazing array of lighting from both the ceiling as various lamps settled across the floor. Which gradualy takes 'steps' into the earth. Until it reaches the center of the room. which was large enough to fit sugercube corner on it with ease. A mysterious device was situated there, spinning it's mechanical spire-arms in a slow, indepedent turn.


"How'd you get a 'LAAAAAAAAIIR'?"

"I never told you the time my parents struck a goldmine? Or the time we had moon-rocks all around the farm?"

"How does one find moo-" The princess was interrupted by Nightmare Moon's rather rude step-in and her ALMOST genuine laugh.

"That is...None of importance! I am, however, curious to why I am being dragged along for this rediculus assembly?"

"Becuase." The emperor started "She also dragged me into it." He recieved a raised eyebrow. "Fine. Becuase I have the equipment." he raised a hoof, motioning to the laptop the dragon currently possesed.

"Okay team!" Pinkie bounced around them "Time to set up the PINKBLINK." she frantically motioned to the centre.

All attention was aimed towards the mysterious device standing right in the centre.

"This machine allows me to be somewhere isntantly! And the funest winest part is; it's completely remotely operated!" She motioned to a well-hid chip-like device sitting under her mane.

"Okay...So..." Spike tilted his head

"All we have to do is to reprogram the device to shift dimensions!"

And thus Team awesome became Team pale.

The pink party pony bounced about them as she began making an incoherent senctence involving their upcoming adventure.