• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 2,730 Views, 164 Comments

Grounds for the Dead: A L4D2 Story - SCP Pinkamena

When the life you know was blown away, how will you cope waking in another?

  • ...

In Dead Center

Twilight was so excited, all the nervousness gone from her stomach and replaced with eagerness. She was about to interview beings from another world! "OK, lets start with names. I'm Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia and the bearer of Magic," She introduced herself to the eight infected and they waved back as best as they could.

"Hello Twilight, my name is Spitter," Spitter said while doing a bow. Ever since she said the word 'princess' Spitter was going to be as polite as possible. "I can do something these bozzos here," The rest of the group said their quip. "can't," She finsihed and looked around.

Twilight looked at her confused. "Looking for something?"

Spitter nodded and found a small stick on the ground.* "Yes, do you have a jar or something? A glass one preferably?" She said through the stick in her mouth. Twilight looked at her with a confused look before finding an empty jar. She set it down, took the cover off, and watched as Spitter walked up to it.

'Why would anyone in Equestria have a name like Spit-'



Twilight just watched as she spit green looking stuff in the glass jar. "I hope you're watching, and not staring into space," Spitter said breaking Twilight from her trance and watched as Spitter slid the the stick in the jar. The green liquid sizzled and small little sparks starting flying every so ofter out the jar. When she was satisfied, she pulled the stick only for it to be half in size.

Twilight Sparkle, the most gifted unicorn, has never seen anything like this. "A-a-acidic spit? But how could... Who could...?" She said stuttering like a foal with her hoof in the cookie jar. Spitter only smiled and took the jar and tossed it in the garbage, lid closed and facing up. She walked back to Twilight who was still trying to process what happened in front of her.

Charger walked up and patted Twilight on the back with his normal forearm. "It's alright missy, we get gawks an' stares like all the tyme," Charger said, his accent Irish with a lick of southern. Twilight looked at him then his giant hulking left arm.

She swallowed a lump in her throat. "S-so what do you do Mister...?"

"Charger. No need for 'Mister', I'm not married," Charger said, with a kind and polite voice. "As for what I do... well I can't do it here. Don't want hurt anyone ya'know?" He said with smile. Twilight right away wanted to back up from Charger. He had said he didn't want to hurt anyone, as in he hurt ponies.

'Am I holding fugitives?!' She thought frantically. "S-so what do you do?" She asked softly, being scared out of her mind.

He smiled and walked behind he stood up on his hind legs with the support of the table. "Give me a log or somethin'... I'll show you then, aye?" He asked still a smile on his face. Why he would need to stand on his hind legs Twilight didn't know, or why it mattered, but know wasn't the time to be asking that. She nodded and turned to the more... skiddish one...

"Heheheheheryaaaa.... Yes, what do you want? Heheheheheeee hehehehe..." Jockey began to giggle uncontrollably. Twilight wasn't sure why, but the laugh made her uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. She nervously smiled and opened to speak before Boomer cut her off.

"If you're gonna ask about the smile, or why he laughs, don't," Boomer whispered in her ear. She nodded dumbly before turning her head toward Jockey.

She swallowed with a loud gulp. "S-s-so... what exactly d-do you do?" She said sweating every time she caught a glimpse of that... horrible smile. Jockey laughed and when his laughs turned into something between a restraint snort and a giggle he looked at Twilight.

"I... ride things..." Jockey said with that horrible smile. He didn't specify 'things' but that didn't bother Twilight at all.

'Honestly, I really don't want to know about him at all...' She thought to herself. She thought about the next one to question before a small yawn caught her attention. Witch who was, until recently, sleeping on Tank's back was now awake and rubbing her eye with her hoof. Twilight suddenly for no reason what so ever, put her hoof to her heart and stared wide eyed.

'S-s-so cuuuuute!~' She thought to herself watching Witch rub the sleep from her eyes. It was the most cutest thing she has ever seen in her entire life. Witch yawned again, and that made Twilight press her hoof to her heart even harder. When her eyes opened Twilight saw that they were glowing a steady shade of green-yellow. As her eyes wandered to her new surroundings, she looked at Twilight with a sudden fascination. She leaped off Tank's back landed in front of her. The seven infected looked wide eyed at what Witch might do.



Cuddling... wait, what?

The infected did a double take to see that Witch had curled up next to Twilight and started nuzzling her legs very affectionately.

Witch smiled continued to nuzzle her legs. "Soft..." She said just above a whisper. Twilight looked at her with a small blush under her cheeks at Witch's nuzzling, and at one point Witch got really close to... there. Twilight yelped and hopped on to the couch and Witch, being in the position she was in, fell over and bumped her head on the ground. The other infected all gasped at Witch's sudden fall, while they watched however, she picked herself up and stood there. Her appendages started to curl as if in a fist. Her eyes that were once a kind, loving hue, now turned into an orange red color that looked as if she could stare into your soul.

She growled and groaned as she made her way towards Twilight. Tank thumped between them and stared down at Witch.

"No... hurting..." He said at Witch who responded with a scream. The windows cracked, an owl that was perched on a stick flew under a pillow that was next to the couch. When her scream was over, her eyes shifted to Twilight again, before making an odd color that she'd never seen before, that is until she saw it hit the ground and make a familiar blotch on the ground.


Witch had cried blood on to the ground. Twilight, in full panic mode, made her way to Witch. Witch had stopped growling and noticed her eyes in a near by reflection and walked over to see for herself. She touched her bloody tears in wonderment and nostalgia... It was like when she-

"Hold still please!" Twilight said cutting off Witch's thought train. She wiped her bloody tears off, and threw the rag away but not before being brutally cuddled again by Witch who had forgotten all about her sudden head injury.

She sighed a breath of relief for two reasons: One being that she helped Witch and she wasn't crying blood any more, and two that the big pony had saved her life from getting potentially getting slaughtered by those claw like appendages...

Author's Note:

Star One: They're in a tree... where do you think it came from?