• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 2,730 Views, 164 Comments

Grounds for the Dead: A L4D2 Story - SCP Pinkamena

When the life you know was blown away, how will you cope waking in another?

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Dead on Arrival...Sorta

Grounds For The Dead: Chapter Four

Twilight, being the most level headed, calm, studious, and most optimistic unicorn in Equestria, was now reduced to a blubbering, stuttering, and wide eyed foal who had been caught with her hoof in the cookie jar. Rainbow Dash had just collapsed in front of her! Is she hurt? Is she in pain in any kind?

"Rainbow! Rainbow Dash, please wake up and tell me! What do you mean 'freaks in Ponyville?'" She asked Rainbow, but she did not respond for the exhaustion gripped her like a vise. Twilight lifted her with her magic and set her down in her bed. How could this happen?! With a quick look at her friend, she found only a rather large grass stain on the side of her coat, other than that she looked perfectly fine.

She covered her friend in the blanket, and looked outside to see what had Rainbow all tied up. She heard several voices and loud stomps on the ground that she could feel all the way up to her horn.

"Where we?" A voice said in a butchered vocabulary, his voice strong and throaty but also choked up.

"Why we're at the library silly! Ah'm pretty sure Twi's home," A small southern voice said. Twilight recognized it as one filly.

"Applebloom..." Twilight Sparkle said with the sudden realization that her and her friends might be in potential danger.

Right Outside The Door

The eight infected ponies all stared the library up and down. Smoker looked at the height of the tree, remembering when he would climb to buildings and strangling survivors with his tongue. Hunter wondered how high he could jump off the tree and land on the uninfected and see how much damage he could do. While they reminisced on old memories, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo already made their way to the door. They knocked repeatedly before they were glowing with a wine red aura.

All three were standing there before they vanished only to find themselves inside the library. While they looked in confusion, they were suddenly lifted and plopped (quite harshly) and in the sight of an extremely agitated Twilight Sparkle.* She looked the Crusaders with intensity and came close to them.

"Who are they?" She asked, her voice cracking. Two of the Crusaders looked at her with a scared looked, while Applebloom reached up and slapped her back to her studious self. Twilight blinked and looked back at Applebloom.

"Thank you, I needed that," She said smiling sheepishly at the fillies. Applebloom only waved it off and once again the thumping on the ground continued. It was then followed by a throaty bellow from behind the front door. Twilight's eyes widened and her pupils shrunk to pinpricks. What in the wide world of Equestria could do that?! It came again only louder than last time. As she got closer to the door, she could hear a cough, a psychotic laugh, and a small sob. She slowly opened the door...


The door slowly opened for the eight infected, and violet eyes stared at them. They stared at each other for what felt like several different eternities, but in reality was really about three seconds. She shut the door as fast as she opened it and the infected looked at each other hoping nothing bad would happen.



Celestia, who was sitting on her throne in a somewhat laid back position suddenly bolted up, eyes wide. Luna, her sister, looked up from her slightly lower throne.

"What's wrong dear sister? If you're feeling cold, I can get blanket," She offered but Celestia shook her head.

"No, I thought I felt that my student was distressed... Maybe my nerves are up because Discord, even though reformed, is loose," She and her sister were nodded at the reason before returning to their duties watching over the court respectfully.


Witch, in the middle of the group, still held her ears as the scream pierced through the air. She looked up at the rest of them before her face contorted and tears began to leak from her eyes. Not the fake 'come save me' tears, real genuine tears. She began to cry and held on to the nearest thing.

Which was in the form of a white and purple unicorn.

"Oh, dear! What's ever wrong deary?" She asked, her voice like a fine wine. Witch looked up and on instinct, her six appendages were flayed out on her sides. She began to growl as warning, and when the white unicorn didn't move she began to breath heavily as her eyes glowed from the gentle yellow-green hue to the deadly orange-red. Hunter saw this and immediately pushed the unicorn away to avoid a messy scene. The unicorn began spitting insults left and right but was silenced as the muscle bound pony came from behind her.

He snorted as she slowly backed up from her spot. Tank came to Hunter who was trying to calm Witch down. He brutally shoved Hunter out of the way, and came to Witch who was still aggravated.

"Witch..." He said looking down at her but she did not reply. He narrowed his eyes and stomped on the ground as hard as he could. Effectively, hooves are louder than hands when you slam them on the ground.*

Everything stopped.

The birds.

The crickets.

The ponies themselves stopped at the pure power that shot into the ground. Witch looked up at her superior infected, and slowly made his way to him. She climbed onto his back and as she reached his shoulder, she nipped down so she wouldn't fall off. Besides the pain of his shoulder being punctured by her teeth, Tank nodded towards the door and Hunter who was still recovering leaped the small distance he was launched. Smoker rapped his hoof on the door and the door slowly opened to reveal the Crusaders and Twilight all wide eyed and shaking. Spitter cleared her throat and looked at Twilight.

"May we come in? Please?" She asked as nicely as possible and Twilight nodded vigorously and stayed out of the way of Tank, who could feel the annoyance radiating off him.

Author's Note:

Star One: Lesson Zero 'nuf said
Star Two: Fun Fact! Did you know, that if enough horse gallop in the same area and you are miles away you can fell the Earth shake?