• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 794 Views, 5 Comments

Midnight Dreamer's Friendship Lesson - KingBronislaw

Princess Celestia has a new assignment for her star pupil, Twilight Sparkle: Help Midnight Dreamer, Princess Luna's student, learn how to make friends.

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Chapter I: The Letter

It was a typical afternoon at the library: Twilight Sparkle was sorting books and Spike was dusting shelves. It was inventory time, and the lavender library pony and her dragon assistant were scrambling to wrap up another bookshelf before the end of the day.

Suddenly, while standing on the top shelf of one of the bookcases, Spike gave out a huge sneeze that sent a green jet of flame clear across the room, nearly singeing Twilight's mane.

"Pretty dusty up there, huh?" Twilight called out to Spike.

"Yeah, sure looks like it...No, wait a minute..." Spike shouted, spying an officious-looking golden scroll at his feet. "It's a letter from Princess Celestia, and it looks really important!"

"Let me take a look, Spike," Twilight said. Spike handed Twilight the scroll. Twilight opened it and read it aloud:

"Dear Twilight Sparkle:

You have learned a great deal about the magic of friendship this year, and have shown remarkable progress in your studies. You are now ready to teach others what you have learned about friendship.

That said, I have a very important assignment for you. Princess Luna and I have a student in the School for Gifted Unicorns, Midnight Dreamer, who is having some difficulties right now. Specifically, she is having trouble making friends with other ponies. In addition, she often daydreams in class, and fails to pay attention to her studies. We are concerned that these issues may jeopardize her academic standing.

Princess Luna and I have discussed this matter at length, and we have decided that the best pony to help Midnight Dreamer is another pony who has faced similar difficulties. We immediately thought of you as the perfect candidate to teach her about not only the importance of friendship, but also the importance of taking her studies more seriously.

I will be sending the royal chariot to pick you up at 8:00 AM sharp. When you arrive at Canterlot Castle, Princess Luna and I will introduce you to Midnight Dreamer and discuss your assignment in further detail.

I can think of nopony who would be a better teacher than you, and I have complete confidence that both you and Midnight Dreamer will succeed in this endeavor.

Sincerely yours,
Princess Celestia

Twilight Sparkle dropped the scroll in surprise. "Whoa, my first teaching job!" Twilight Sparkle shouted. "And so soon after finishing my latest round of studies! I can't believe the princesses picked me for something like this."

"Do you think you're up to it, Twilight?" Spike wondered.

"Well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wouldn't have asked me if they didn't think I was capable." Twilight answered. "Looks like inventory will have to wait...at least until I get back."

"Need anything else from me, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Actually, yes, Spike..." Twilight responded. "I'll need you to help me pack, 'cause I'll need to leave early tomorrow. And while I'm away, if you could finish tidying up the place, I'd appreciate it."

"No sweat, Twilight," Spike said. "A dragon always keeps his promises."

"I sure I hope I can keep mine..." Twilight wondered silently to herself.