> Midnight Dreamer's Friendship Lesson > by KingBronislaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter I: The Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a typical afternoon at the library: Twilight Sparkle was sorting books and Spike was dusting shelves. It was inventory time, and the lavender library pony and her dragon assistant were scrambling to wrap up another bookshelf before the end of the day. Suddenly, while standing on the top shelf of one of the bookcases, Spike gave out a huge sneeze that sent a green jet of flame clear across the room, nearly singeing Twilight's mane. "Pretty dusty up there, huh?" Twilight called out to Spike. "Yeah, sure looks like it...No, wait a minute..." Spike shouted, spying an officious-looking golden scroll at his feet. "It's a letter from Princess Celestia, and it looks really important!" "Let me take a look, Spike," Twilight said. Spike handed Twilight the scroll. Twilight opened it and read it aloud: "Dear Twilight Sparkle: You have learned a great deal about the magic of friendship this year, and have shown remarkable progress in your studies. You are now ready to teach others what you have learned about friendship. That said, I have a very important assignment for you. Princess Luna and I have a student in the School for Gifted Unicorns, Midnight Dreamer, who is having some difficulties right now. Specifically, she is having trouble making friends with other ponies. In addition, she often daydreams in class, and fails to pay attention to her studies. We are concerned that these issues may jeopardize her academic standing. Princess Luna and I have discussed this matter at length, and we have decided that the best pony to help Midnight Dreamer is another pony who has faced similar difficulties. We immediately thought of you as the perfect candidate to teach her about not only the importance of friendship, but also the importance of taking her studies more seriously. I will be sending the royal chariot to pick you up at 8:00 AM sharp. When you arrive at Canterlot Castle, Princess Luna and I will introduce you to Midnight Dreamer and discuss your assignment in further detail. I can think of nopony who would be a better teacher than you, and I have complete confidence that both you and Midnight Dreamer will succeed in this endeavor. Sincerely yours, Princess Celestia Twilight Sparkle dropped the scroll in surprise. "Whoa, my first teaching job!" Twilight Sparkle shouted. "And so soon after finishing my latest round of studies! I can't believe the princesses picked me for something like this." "Do you think you're up to it, Twilight?" Spike wondered. "Well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wouldn't have asked me if they didn't think I was capable." Twilight answered. "Looks like inventory will have to wait...at least until I get back." "Need anything else from me, Twilight?" Spike asked. "Actually, yes, Spike..." Twilight responded. "I'll need you to help me pack, 'cause I'll need to leave early tomorrow. And while I'm away, if you could finish tidying up the place, I'd appreciate it." "No sweat, Twilight," Spike said. "A dragon always keeps his promises." "I sure I hope I can keep mine..." Twilight wondered silently to herself. > Chapter II: The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The alarm clock on Twilight Sparkle's nightstand chimed. It was 7:15 AM. Twilight Sparkle tried to blink the sleepiness out of her eyes while she yawned and stretched herself awake. She took one look at the sleeping dragon at the foot of her bed and, with a quick spark from her horn, pulled the blanket off of Spike. "Spike!" Twilight exclaimed. "Time to wake up! Only 45 minutes until the Royal Guards get here!" "What the hay..." Spike mumbled, not realizing how late it was. "I sure am glad you packed my saddlebags yesterday, Spike," Twilight said thankfully. "Now I've gotta get freshened up and get breakfast. I need to look and feel my best today." Twilight took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and combed her mane, then trimmed and polished her hooves. She walked into her kitchen while still brushing her lavender coat to a fine luster. She set the brush down and opened her kitchen cupboard to see a fresh box of apple cinnamon oatmeal, a recent gift from the Apple family. She poured the oatmeal into a bowl and added hot water from her teapot. Spike sat at the kitchen table, munching on a 24-carat emerald. Twilight joined him, hoping to get at least a few bites in to tide her over until lunch. As she gulped down the last bite of her apple cinnamon oatmeal, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Spike shouted. Spike jumped off his chair, bolted to the door, and opened it to see two Royal Guard stallions in full armor. "Miss Twilight Sparkle?" one of the guards queried. "We're here at Princess Celestia's request. We have orders to pick her up in the royal chariot at 8:00 AM. Is Twilight Sparkle ready?" "Coming, gentlemen!" Twilight knew not to tarry, as her brother, Shining Armor, spoke many times of the Royal Guards' penchant for timeliness and disdain for delay. She hurriedly tossed her saddlebags on her back, kissed Spike on the cheek, and sped out the door. "Don't forget to pick up the place, and run the library when I'm away!" called out Twilight as she stepped into the chariot. "I've got everything under control!" Spike replied as one of the guards closed the chariot door in unison with Spike closing Twilight's door. The Royal Guard chariot took off at flank speed for Canterlot Castle. At the rate of speed they were going, Twilight knew this must be an extremely important meeting. An hour later, the chariot began its descent toward Canterlot Castle. The guards lowered the drawbridge and raised the outer portcullis. The chariot landed inside the main gate tower, and the outer portcullis lowered behind them. A Royal Guard stallion knocked on the chariot door. "Miss Sparkle, pardon the intrusion, but security protocol requires us to search you and search your saddlebags. Please step out of the chariot and hand me your bags." Twilight Sparkle stepped out of the chariot and handed her saddlebags to the guard. A unicorn guard stepped forward and cast a spell to X-ray her bag, and a guard mare unicorn then stepped forward and cast an X-ray spell to search Twilight herself. She expected these extra security precautions, as she knew that the threat level in Canterlot was elevated since Discord and King Somber were still on the loose, and was thankful that Shining Armor told her about the new security protocal beforehand, and that Spike closely adhered to the new rules for what was allowed and what was forbidden in Canterlot Castle when he was packing her bags, otherwise, she might have forgotten about the hoof pick in her saddlebag. Once the guards were satisfied that Twilight was not carrying anything dangerous, they handed Twilight her bags and directed her to a side door inside the main gate tower. Twilight walked into a passageway which led to the main hall, where two more guards met her. "Twilight Sparkle, follow us," one of the guards directed. "The Princesses are expecting you." The guards escorted her to the throne room, and knocked on the door." "Who is it?" Princess Celestia asked. "Twilight Sparkle is here for your meeting, Your Highness," the guards answered. "Enter!" the princess called out. The guards opened the massive golden door and Twilight walked in. The sun beamed through the immense stained glass windows, illuminating the plush red carpet leading to the princess' thrones. At the end of the throne room sat Princess Celestia, her sister Princess Luna, and a third pony that Twilight immediately assumed must be Midnight Dreamer. Midnight Dreamer was a petite unicorn mare, actually, closer to being a filly than a mare, with a cobalt blue coat, big cerulean blue eyes, and a wavy mane and tail that was the same color as her eyes, with a streak of violet. On her flanks was a newish cutie mark of a quarter moon and three stars. She looked at Twilight with a dreamy, wondering expression, as a foal might look at a new toy. "Your Royal Highness" Twilight greeted the princesses, curtseying and setting her saddlebags on the floor. "Twilight Sparkle, meet Midnight Dreamer," Princess Celestia beckoned to the dreamy unicorn. "Pleased to meet you, Midnight Dreamer," responded Twilight. Midnight Dreamer stepped toward Twilight, and greeted her softly, "Likewise, Twilight Sparkle...I've heard so much about you. I think we're going to be great friends...I hope." "I am sure you know why you are here," Princess Celestia began. "As you know, Midnight Dreamer has been having some difficulties in my school. She has yet to make a single friend in all the time she has studied in my school. I can tell that this lack of friends weighs heavy on her heart." "I would love to have a friend like you, Twilight Sparkle," Midnight Dreamer said longingly. "But nopony wants to be friends with me." "Princess Luna and I have tried to help her, but it has been a struggle," Princess Celestia added. "Midnight Dreamer is also finding it hard to concentrate on her studies, and I suspect that her struggles with friendship may be the reason why." "We feel that Midnight Dreamer would benefit most by the example of a pony who is well versed in both making friends and studying magic. That pony is you." Twilight Sparkle was honored, yet puzzled. "Why me, Princess?" Twilight inquired. Princess Luna then spoke. "We called upon you because nopony understands the magic of friendship better than you, Twilight Sparkle. Midnight Dreamer is an exquisitely smart and loving pony, and she has great potential to do great things, but she is in need of extra attention from a kind, dedicated teacher to live up to that potential." "We would carry out this task ourselves, but our other royal duties are such that we are not able to fulfill this responsibility," the ruler of the night continued. "Therefore, we request that you host Midnight Dreamer at your residence in Ponyville while she learns about the magic of friendship under your tutelage. Will you serve as a mentor to Midnight Dreamer?" At this request, Twilight Sparkle felt a mix of pride and gratitude at being selected by none other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for such an important role in a young pony's life and the chance to fulfill her lifelong dream of being a great teacher, along with a huge dose of trepidation at whether she could actually help Midnight Dreamer make friends and focus better on her studies, all while running the Ponyville library and attending to her own studies all at the same time. No matter what she felt, when you received a royal request from Princesses Celestia and Luna, you had no choice but to say yes and carry it out to the best of your ability. "I will, Princess." Twilight answered. "We would have it no other way, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Celestia said. "Very well," Princess Celestia said. "Guards, prepare the royal chariot for Twilight Sparkle and Midnight Dreamer," she called out. "Royal Butler, please gather Midnight Dreamer's luggage for her journey." "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, may I have a word with you?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "Of course, Twilight Sparkle" the two alicorns replied in unison. Twilight gathered her thoughts for a moment. "Are you sure that this is a good idea? I mean, I've just finished learning a lot about friendship, and I know that I have lots yet to learn. Plus, I don't have much in the way of teaching experience. Do you really think that I can help Midnight Dreamer? "We would never give a task to any subjects whom we deem unworthy of it, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Luna responded, somewhat astonished. "Throughout your life, Twilight Sparkle, other ponies have given of themselves to make it possible for you to lead a fulfilling life," Princess Celestia then said. "And now it is time for you to, what is the word...'give back' to those ponies by providing the same mentoring to another pony that you yourself received." Twilight Sparkle thought for a moment, then responded, "I would be most honored to, Your Highness." "Now go and make us proud!" the princesses shouted. "I must be on my way, Princess...I will write as soon as I return safely home." Twilight promised as she walked out of the throne room, with Midnight Dreamer tagging along like a lamb with its mother. Thank you, Twilight Sparkle...you have absolutely no idea how much this means to us." > Chapter III: The Journey to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle and Midnight Dreamer started down the main hall. Behind them, a unicorn stallion in a tuxedo pulling a cart laden with suitcases called out "Midnight Dreamer? I am the Royal Butler...I have your luggage ready for your journey." "Thank you, kind stallion," Midnight Dreamer said thankfully. "Oh sir, can you hand me my saddlebags?" "With pleasure, my dear mare," the butler obliged. The butler took a pair of saddlebags with a quarter moon-shaped clasp from the cart and placed them on Midnight Dreamer's back. The unicorns walked out to the royal chariot, where a guard opened the door and escorted the mares into the back seat while another guard helped the butler load Midnight Dreamer's luggage into the trunk. When all of the luggage was loaded, the chauffeur shouted "Giddyup!" and the chariot started rolling out of the castle grounds and took off toward the sky. Cosseted in the plush luxury of the royal chariot, Twilight Sparkle tried to break the ice a bit and make her newest protege feel at home. "So, Midnight Dreamer, it looks like you just got your cutie mark." Twilight observed. "Well, actually, I've had it for a while now," Midnight answered. "I got it when I used one of Princess Luna's dream spells to help my big brother Nightwatch with these bad dreams he was having when he was in the Royal Guards...I think they had something to do with that big battle where he fought King Sombra...but I don't really know, 'cause he doesn't want to talk to anybody about it." Midnight then tried to change the subject, as she was starting to get uncomfortable talking about her brother's bad dreams..."I bet you have a lot of friends, Twilight...I don't have really have any good friends...well...maybe one." "Who?" Twilight Sparkle inquired. Suddenly, Midnight Dreamer's saddlebag started moving around and out popped a fuzzy black kitten with green eyes. The kitten looked up at the ponies and mewed while rubbing up against the ponies' legs. "Inky! What are you doing in my saddlebags?" Midnight asked her furry friend. "So, who's your kitty friend?" Twilight asked. "Twilight Sparkle, meet Inky. She's my kitty...and my only friend." Midnight told Twilight. "Pleased to meet you, Inky. You're a cute little kitten, aren't you?" Twilight picked up the kitten and gave her a huge hug. Inky rubbed her face against Twilight's muzzle and purred. "I think you'll like a lot of the critters in Ponyville." Twilight handed Inky back to Midnight, and Midnight tucked the kitten back in the saddlebag. Soon after, the chariot reached cruising speed and altitude and made a beeline for Ponyville. An hour later, the rooftops of Ponyville came into view and the chariot began its descent. "We're getting close now," Twilight Sparkle mentioned. "You must be excited, Midnight." "I guess you could say that." Midnight Dreamer answered tentatively. The chauffeur called out "Whoa!" to the team. The chariot glided down and landed on Ponyville's Main Street. After landing, the chariot continued on until it came to a stop in front of Twilight Sparkle's house. "Well, here we are." Twilight said. The chauffeur opened the door, escorted the ponies out of the chariot, went around to the trunk and unloaded the luggage. With a flash from his horn, he set the bags at Twilight Sparkle's front door. "Thank you, kind stallion, Tell the princesses that we have arrived safely in Ponyville." Twilight told the chauffeur. The chauffeur climbed back into the driver's seat, and with a "Giddyup," the chariot took off for Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle knocked and called out to Spike: "We're home, Spike!" Spike opened the door and greeted the mares. "How was your trip?" he asked. "Spike, meet Midnight Dreamer." Twilight introduced the blue unicorn to the baby dragon. "She'll be staying with us for a while." "Pleased to meet you, Spike," the dreamy pony responded. "Let me take your bags," Spike obliged as he closed the door. > Chapter IV: Settling In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike picked up Midnight Dreamer's luggage - her saddlebags, a steamer trunk and several suitcases - and schlepped them up to the loft. The baby dragon inched his way up the stairs and laid his burden down at the foot of the just-made bed. "Thanks so much for picking up the place," Twilight Sparkle called out to Spike. "It looks great. We appreciate it so much." "No problem, Twilight," Spike responded."I also started boiling water in case you want tea, like you do every afternoon. Now, about that 14 carat ruby..." "Oh, here you go,,,sorry about that..." Twilight sheepishly replied while she opened her saddlebags and handed Spike the gem. "Thanks, Twilight! Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I've got a ruby I need to sink my fangs into." Spike said mischievously as he wolfed down the gem. From the loft came the pitter-patter of kitten feet...It was Inky. The kitten had crawled out of Midnight Dreamer's saddlebags and was coming downstairs to explore Twilight's home. Inky tiptoed up to Spike. "Aww, a kitty! Who's a cute kitty? Come to Spikey!" Spike called out to the kitten while she mewed and rubbed up against Spike's legs. "I see you've met my kitty, Spike," Midnight Dreamer said. "She likes you." Spike found a ball of yarn and tossed it to Inky. The kitten chased it, caught it and kicked it back to Spike. The baby dragon and kitten played with the yarn while the unicorns sat in Twilight's study. So, Midnight Dreamer, would you like some tea?" Twilight asked her new protege. "I'd love some," Midnight Dreamer said. "Wow, you have a really big library. Have you read all of those books yet? "Most, but not all," Twilight answered as she fired up her horn to prepare the tea. "How do you like your tea?" "I take two sugar cubes." Midnight answered. Twilight Sparkle's horn reached full glow as she dropped two sugar cubes in each cup and poured in tea. She put the kettle, sugar bowl, cups, saucers, and spoons on a serving tray and floated it onto the study table. The unicorns sat down and, horns aglow, raised the tea cups to their muzzles and took a sip. Just then, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" Spike called out as he made a beeline for the front door, with Inky completely absorbed with her ball of yarn. It was Pinkie Pie, hitched to a cart full of party favors. "Heeeeeeeeeeee're's PINKIE!" the pink party pony shouted. "I was out shopping for party hats, and streamers, and Gator Chow for Gummy, and I saw that the library is closing, and I remembered I need a book on magic tricks, because I want to do magic shows at my parties, and it's absotively, posilutely impossible to get hold of Trixie, and I know you're busy with the library, so I have to do my own magic shows, but I don't know how, so I need a book to help me learn..." Pinkie stopped to catch her breath. "So do you have a book on magic tricks, Twilight?" "Well, Pinkie," Twilight answered. "I have lots of books on magic tricks. But you kinda caught me at a bad time. I've got company right now. Midnight Dreamer, meet Pinkie Pie. She's quite the party pony." "Pleased to meet you, Pinkie Pie," Midnight Dreamer responded. "I hope you find what you're looking for and your magic show is lots of fun." "Hi Midnight Dreamer," Pinkie Pie said. "Welcome to Ponyville...you'll love it here! Sorry if I'm being a pest, Twilight." "Not at all, Pinkie," Twilight answered. "Midnight Dreamer lives in Canterlot, but she's studying with me here in Ponyville for a while," said Twilight. "I would really appreciate it if you and all the other ponies made her feel welcome." "A new pony in Ponyville, huh? You know what that means...PARTY!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she jumped up and down, shaking her cart. "Hey everybody! Party at Sugarcube Corner Friday night! You're all invited! Don't forget to wear your pretty dresses!" "A party just for me?" the dreamy blue unicorn wondered."You all really shouldn't have. I would like to meet more of your friends though, Pinkie and Twilight. I bet your friend Pinkie Pie has lots of friends. I'll be there...thanks!" "See you there, fillies!" Pinkie said gleefully. "Oh, do you have that magic book I was looking for?" "You're in luck, Pinkie," Twilight answered. "I happened to be reading Star Swirl the Bearded's 1,001 Tricks, Gags and Practical Jokes for Parties, and I just finished it. Let me get it for you." The purple unicorn's horn lit up as she picked up a heavy book from the study table, along with a rubber stamp. Twilight opened the book to the back cover and stamped the inside card. "It's due in two weeks," Twilight said as she placed the book in Pinkie's cart. "Well, gotta run now...ta ta for now!" Pinkie called out as she galloped off. "See you Friday night, Pinkie!" Twilight called back. Midnight Dreamer turned to Twilight, somewhat surprised, "Wow, I wasn't expecting a welcome like this. I'd love to go to your friend's party...but there's one small problem...I can't remember the last party I went to, and I don't have a nice dress to wear." "I know just the pony who can help." Twilight said. "Let me introduce you to Rarity. Fashion is her passion. If she can't make you a dress that'll turn heads, no one can!" The unicorns headed off to the Carousel Boutique. When they arrived, Twilight Sparkle rang the doorbell with a glimmer from her horn. The door opened as Rarity greeted the unicorns calling on her. "Hi Rarity, I have a huge favor...actually, it's a favor for my newest student and guest. "Rarity, meet Midnight Dreamer. She's studying with me, and Pinkie Pie is having a party to welcome her to Ponyville. She needs a dress, though...can you help on such short notice?" "Hi, Rarity," the blue unicorn said. "I hear you're really good at making dresses." "Of course I can, ladies," Rarity responded. "Anything for one of my best friends and her students. Yes, Pinkie just stopped by to tell me...also, she dropped off her dress for alterations...I'm not one to 'horn in' so to speak, on a pony's personal life, but this is the third time this year she's come in to resize her dress...too many cupcakes, methinks." "Thanks, Rarity," Midnight Dreamer answered dreamily. "Can you make me a really nice dress?" I'll make you a dress that'll be the toast of the party. Now, I'll just need to take a few quick measurements, if you don't mind. The fashionista's horn powered up to full glow as she deftly glided her measuring tape across Midnight Dreamer's withers, flank, barrel, and fetlocks while writing down the measurements in a small red notebook. After taking measurements, Rarity produced a large book of patterns and fabric samples. "Now, let me show you some color swatches and some patterns that complement your coat and mane. I must say, you have the most beautiful blue coat I've ever seen!" Midnight Dreamer paged through Rarity's samples and chose a simple A-line pattern and several shades of blue and violet brocade and silk. "I think I like these best." "I will have your dress ready for your approval and final fitting on Friday morning, so I can make adjustments to make it fit perfectly,"said Rarity. "So be here at 9 AM sharp!" "Thanks so much, Rarity," Midnight said. "I can't wait to see it." "You have no idea how much this means to us, Rarity," Twilight Sparkle said as she made her way to the door. "See you Friday at 9." "Toodle-oo, Twilight, and nice to meet you, Midnight!" Rarity called after her customers. The unicorns trotted off to the library. When they got home, it was getting late. The unicorns walked in the door to see Spike and Inky on the study rug fast asleep and entangled in yarn. "Looks like those two had a lot of fun," Twilight said. "Speaking of which, I'm getting tired...how about you?" "Yeah, I've had a really long day, and I'm ready for bed." "Your bed is up in the loft. Spike put your bags next to your bed." I'll be in the study if you need anything." "Thanks so much...I'm glad you let me stay with you, Twilight," Midnight Dreamer said. "Me too...Good night." Twilight called out to her guest. Midnight Dreamer walked up the stairs to the loft. When she got to her bed, she opened one of her suitcases and took out a curry comb, a paddle brush, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and ran the curry comb over her coat while brushing her mane and tail. The blue unicorn went back to her bed, put her grooming items back in the suitcase, closed it, and opened another suitcase, She took out a nightgown and cap, put them on, and tucked herself into bed. With her horn glowing, she drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile at her desk, Twilight Sparkle began to write one last letter before bedtime. "Dear Princesses Celestia and Luna: So far, everything seems to be going swimmingly, and Midnight Dreamer is settling in OK. Plus, Spike and her kitten Inky really get along great too. Pinkie Pie is having a party this Friday night to welcome Midnight Dreamer to Ponyville, and Rarity is making her a new party dress. I hope everything goes well and Midnight Dreamer makes new friends. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle > Chapter V: Out and About in Ponyville: The Carousel Boutique > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Twilight Sparkle's alarm clock went off at 7:15 AM, like clockwork, of course. She twitched herself awake, stepped out of bed, and walked to the bathroom. She heard the sound of running water and Midnight Dreamer softly humming to herself. Soon after, the water stopped, but the humming continued. Shortly thereafter, the door opened and out stepped Midnight Dreamer, with a towel on her neck and a towel across her flanks. "Good morning, Midnight Dreamer, did you sleep well?" Twilight asked. "I slept OK...but I find it hard to sleep in a strange bed," Midnight replied. "I know that sounds kinda strange for a pony like me." Midnight Dreamer trotted to her space in the loft to finish drying off and freshening up. Twilight then stepped into the bathroom to attend to her morning ablutions. When the unicorns had finished, they went into the kitchen. Twilight presented oat straw tea and apple danish for breakfast. Spike and Inky followed the mares into the kitchen. Twilight set a bowl on the floor and filled it with milk. Inky padded over to the bowl and lapped up the milk, purring. Twilight then handed Spike a 20-carat sapphire and the baby dragon wolfed it down. There was a knock at the door, and Twilight answered it. It was Ditzy Doo with a package. "Hi Twilight!" the mail mare called out. "Your new book, Daring Do and Abraham Lincolt, Changeling Hunters is here!" "Thanks, Ditzy," Twilight answered. Twilight placed the package on the card catalog file."See you later!" "Bye, Twilight...see you at the party!" the gray pegasus called out as she flew to her next stop on her route. After finishing breakfast, the ponies picked up their saddlebags. "Spike, can you watch Inky while we attend to some errands for tomorrow's party?" Twilight asked Spike. "Sure thing, girls," Spike replied. "Inky's a lot of fun to play with! I'll miss her when Midnight goes home!" "Bye, Spike," Midnight replied after Twilight. "I'm glad Inky and you like each other so much. We'll be back soon!" The mares exited the library and walked out into the morning sun as it rose over Ponyville and started out toward the Carousel Boutique. On the way to the Carousel Boutique, the unicorns encountered Rainbow Dash flying overhead. She was dressed in blue military fatigues and was carrying a dark blue duffel bag with the Wonderbolts insignia stamped on it. "Sup Twilight?" Rainbow called out to the unicorns below as she descended to muzzle level, so as to better talk to Twilight and Midnight. "Hi Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called out. "I'd like you to meet Midnight Dreamer. She's from Canterlot, and she's staying with me for a while. We're on our way to Rarity's to pick up a dress for Midnight Dreamer for Pinkie Pie's party to welcome her to Ponyville...and complete a few more little errands...did Pinkie Pie tell you?" "Pinkie Pie already told me, girls," the cyan pegasus replied. "I won't be able to join you, 'cause this weekend is my training weekend for reserve duty. You know, that 'one weekend a month, two weeks a year' thing. I wish I could be there...but when Princess Celestia calls, you answer!" "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! Rainbow Dash is my name, and awesome flying is my game!" "Pleased to meet you, Rainbow Dash," said Midnight. "Best of luck with your training this weekend...and thanks for your service to Equestria. You and all of our mares and stallions in uniform have a special place in my heart." "Thanks, Midnight Dreamer...Well, gotta fly!" Rainbow Dash called out as she soared towards Cloudsdale, leaving a rainbow-colored contrail in her wake. Soon after, Twilight and Midnight reached the Carousel Boutique at 8:59 AM. Twilight rang the doorbell and Rarity opened it. "Good morning, ladies," Rarity beckoned to her customers. "I just finished your dress, Midnight Dreamer, and it's ready for final fitting. Midnight Dreamer, your dress is on this ponyquin." On the center ponyquin sat a dress made of royal blue brocade and violet silk cut in a simple A-line. The bodice was trimmed with violet brocade and its sleeves were layered in a pattern that resembled a tulip. The skirt was also layered with an inner layer of violet silk that contrasted to the blue outer layer. The pattern on the brocade resembled the night sky with quarter moons and stars in a tessellated array. "Wow, that's the prettiest dress I've ever seen!" Midnight exclaimed in wonder. "Can I try it on?" "Of course...The fitting room is this way, dear," Rarity pointed out as she took the dress off the ponyquin. Midnight set her saddlebags down and carried her new dress it into the fitting room. After a few minutes, Midnight Dreamer stepped out of the fitting room. She went to the full-view mirrors in the center of the Carousel Boutique to check herself out. Midnight Dreamer looked positively stunning! "Wow,it's beautiful...It feels really comfy, too. Thanks so much, Rarity! And thanks, Twilight, for telling me about your friend Rarity." "You look absolutely marvelous, Midnight!" Twilight said in turn. "Rarity, thanks so much! I owe you big time!" "You're quite welcome," Rarity responded. "And it fits perfectly...not a single alteration needed!" "Twilight, while you're here, could I interest you in anything?" the seamstress asked her lavender unicorn customer as she packed Midnight Dreamer's new dress into a box with a large purple carousel printed on the lid. "Well, my party dress that you made for the Grand Galloping Gala last year still fits and looks great, so I've got that covered," Twilight answered. "I was here a few days ago for my mane-do, so that's good...but one thing I never tried is that beauty mud bath you recommended." "Help yourself, dear, " Rarity said. "The mud bath is behind that privacy screen to your left. Step out of the tub to your right to rinse it off when you're done in the shower stall right next to it. I've set the timer for one hour...it will ring when you're done." Twilight set her saddlebags down, and stepped behind the screen and into the tub of rich, warm, inviting beauty mud. "Now that we've taken care of your dress, we must attend to that mane and tail of yours, Midnight Dreamer!" Rarity's horn glowed even brighter as she took a book entitled Fabulous Mane Styles for Fashionable Mares from her coffee table and opened it on her sewing table. "Here are some ideas to get you started." Midnight paged through the book for a few moments. "I like this one, Rarity," Midnight Dreamer said, pointing to a full-page photo of an extremely glamorous mare with a poufy mane. "It looks really beautiful." "That style is called a bouffant," Rarity explained. "It was first made popular about nineteen hundred and sixty years ago by Marey Tyler Mare and Jackie Oatnassis, and it's coming back into style, because of that show 'Mad Stallions.' That goes to show you that a classic never goes out of style! And I think that would be a most becoming style for you!" Rarity then powered up her horn and picked up a bottle of Mane N' Tail shampoo and conditioner, along with curlers, a towel and a brush. "Now if you would please step this way to the sink, Midnight Dreamer, we'll make that bouffant happen!" Midnight Dreamer walked over to the sink and rested her head on the rim. Rarity turned on the water and massaged the shampoo into Midnight's light blue and violet mane, then the conditioner. After about a half dozen washes and rinses, Rarity turned off the water, towel-dried Midnight's mane and rolled in the curlers. She then wrapped the towel around Midnight's head. "Now if you would please turn around with your tail facing the sink, Midnight Dreamer." Rarity directed as she reached for the shampoo. Midnight placed her tail into the sink and Rarity shampooed, conditioned, and rolled it. Rarity then directed Midnight to a contraption standing off to the corner with a long hose with a cap attached to it. "Time for a dry and a hoof treatment," she said as she took the towel off of Midnight's head and placed the cap with the hose on her head. " Rarity's horn flashed as the contraption roared to life, waking Opalescence and sending her scurrying under the sewing table. "Don't be scared...It's only a hair dryer, Opal baby," Rarity reassured the scared cat while she picked up a blow dryer and started drying Midnight's tail, all the while running a curry comb over Midnight's coat and working a hoof file, hoof pick, and dauber of hoof dressing on Midnight's hooves, while her horn glowed like a giant blue sapphire. When she was satisfied that Midnight's mane and tail were dry and her hooves were shiny and smooth, Rarity shut off the dryer, took off the cap, took out the curlers and picked up a mane brush and mane setting spray and went to work. All of this primping and preening felt good to Midnight Dreamer. Other than her cuteceanera a while back, which was a simple affair, she hadn't had this kind of a beauty regimen before. The dreamy cobalt blue pony closed her eyes in bliss as Rarity styled and brushed. A few moments later, Rarity brought out a mirror. "All done!" the white unicorn shouted. "What do you think, dear...does this new 'do make you look fabulous?" Midnight opened her eyes...and was astounded. She had never seen her mane look so voluminous, silky, and smooth. She blinked, as the thought she was dreaming. "Wow, Rarity! I've never seen my mane look so pretty!" "And now it's time to accessorize," as she brought out a small jewelry case. "Take your pick, dear." Midnight chose a pearl necklace and starburst gold earrings. "Wise choice, Midnight Dreamer!" Rarity then brought out a shoe rack and Midnight chose a pair of white satin gaiters. "You're ready for tonight!" A short moment later, Rarity's timer went off and a few moments after that, Twilight stepped out from the screen, her coat glowing from the mud treatment. "Wow, your mane-do is beautiful! Is that a bouffant?" "I guess that's what it's called, Twilight," Midnight replied. "Whatever it's called, it sure looks beautiful." "Oh, you'll need something to protect your 'do until tonight." Rarity then flashed her horn on once again and took a violet satin scarf from one of her shelves. "This should do nicely." the fashion pony said as she tied it on Midnight's head. "And now," Rarity said, her white horn nearly out of magic, but still smoldering, "one last thing." Rarity then took a blue velvet case from a shelf. "This case is for your accessories, Midnight Dreamer. I also wrote down the spell you need to cast for a bouffant mane style if you want to try it yourself and put it in the case, too, so you won't lose it. And Twilight, I have something for Spike - a ten-carat amethyst. He did such a good job kitty-sitting Opal last week! Send him my love!" Rarity popped a big purple gem into Twilight's saddlebag, and placed the purple and white dress box and blue accessory case into Midnight's saddlebags. "Thanks so much, Rarity," Twilight said as she nuzzled Rarity. "There's no way Midnight Dreamer or I can pay you for this. All of this must cost thousands of bits. And I don't think that Princess Celestia or Princess Luna will authorize this expense, as I don't think I can justify it as anything educational." "You owe me nothing, Twilight," Rarity responded as she nuzzled Twilight, somewhat astonished that Twilight would say such a thing, "except that you two have a great time at tonight's party! Consider this a welcome gift!" "Thanks for all you've done, Rarity." Midnight Dreamer thanked Rarity, nuzzling her. "And I appreciate you being so generous with me...I've never felt this beautiful! I'm so glad I got to meet you, and I'm sure we'll be great friends!" "You're so welcome, Midnight Dreamer," Rarity replied, nuzzling her newest blue pony friend. "You're a beautiful pony. All I ask of you is to always remember that true beauty is on the inside. Generosity, kindness, loyalty, honesty, laughter, and magic are what really make you beautiful, and they're always in fashion! You're always welcome at the Carousel Boutique - not only as a customer, but as a friend!" "Well, ta-ta for now, ladies!" Rarity called out as her customers walked to the door. "See you at Sugarcube Corner at 7 tonight!" The unicorns walked out of the Carousel Boutique and started down to Fluttershy's house.