• Published 14th Jul 2011
  • 3,125 Views, 35 Comments

Salvation Through Destruction - RoflLuxRay

A british rich man tries to save humanity in this Action-packed Thriller

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Chapter 8

Salvation Through Destruction
Based on Concepts from: The Conversion Bureau by: Blaze

Chapter 8

I stepped into the hallway again, closing the door electronically behind me to cover my trail. The whole facility still seemed abandoned, it was dead silent. Walking down the corridor right of where I started, I reached another intersection.

“Freeze,” I felt a cold, piece of metal in my head.

“Finally, I was getting lonely,” I raised my hands with a sly grin on my face, slowly turning to see the helmeted blue eyed marine pointing at me with a .45 MEUSOC pistol.

“I’ll take that,” he snatched my pistol off my hands, “now; tell me who are you and what are you doing here?”

“I can’t tell you,” I mockingly laughed at him.

“Shut up, smartass” he struck me with the grip of his pistol on my back, the impact was hard enough to bend me. With his pistol always pointing at my neck, he walked me towards the debriefing room in complete silence.

“Lincecum! Open up!” the sliding glass door opened up and another marine appeared, this one had regular brown eyes and a huge scar on his left eye.

“Who the fuck is this guy?” Lincecum stepped back and allowed our entrance into the room.

“I don’t know, I caught him walking around the facility with a pistol,” he tossed me violently against some monitors right of the room. I scanned the room a huge desk panel covering the most of the central part; it displayed several data and numbers. I couldn’t understand, for it was all in Russian.

Surrounding the desk panel, six marines were staring at me with hatred, specially the one in the far side of the room with the abundant goatee.

“What is this, Vasquez?” the marine with the goatee asked with a rattling voice.

“I found this man outside in the hallways, he was armed with a P229, sir” Vasquez tossed the pistol towards the panel.

“Bring him to me,” two marines escorted me towards this man, presumably, Lieutenant Cavanaugh. I walked with my hands on my back without offering any fight.

“I’d expect more resistance from the man who has already killed three of my marines, why so cooperative?”

“I’m not being cooperative, I’m not offering resistance. That is all,” I kept my face emotionless and my tone calm; it was the best option for this situation.

“Quite an accent. Obviously you weren’t sent here by the Russians, who sent you?”

“Look pal, I’m going to answer three questions. After that, you shall answer all of my questions,” I said with a devilish grin, he punched me on the face after. The grin still prevailed.

“Do you really think you can escape-“

“Yes, you have two left” he punched me on the gut with fury; I gasped for air after the fierce impact.

“Alright, I will play your game. Tell me, who sent you and just who the fuck you are?” he grabbed my head from my hair and stared at me with furious eyes.

“I’m Leighton McRae and Queen Celestia sent me. Playtime is over,” I spit on his eyes and kicked the marine behind me on the groin. I turned quickly and stole the moaning marine’s handgun, executing it shortly after.

“Kill that son of a bitch!” Cavanaugh shouted rabidly while ducking for cover completely blinded, for instants after his command every single marine filled the room with gun fire.

“I told you, you should have tied him up!” Lincecum shouted to his fellow marine furiously from the other side of the room. Across, I was hidden behind the panel waiting for them to empty their weapons.

“Cover me!” a marine ran towards my position bravely with his rifle in arms. I pointed my weapon to the source of his voice and fired without seeing. A moan and a body falling to the ground were heard after.

The kill paralyzed a few marines; it was the correct time to begin my counterattack. Without giving it a second though, I stood up and saw seven marines scattered around the room in strategic positions. Shooting them all at once in the head was impossible.

“Flashbang!” one of them tossed a metallic object towards my position, I closed my eyes and fired towards it an instant after I head the warning. I could tell I made impact because of the deafening blast and lots of marines groaning in pain were heard. Balance in my body was affected from the blast, but I was not as affected as the marines, for I shot the grenade much closer to them and closed my eyes before the impact.

“Now or never” I thought before firing towards the stunned and helpless marines. One by one, their corpses fell to the ground with a shot either to the heart or the head, not a soul was spared except for the Lieutenant.

“Now, you answer my questions as planned” I pointed the pistol straight into Cavanaugh’s face, he finished wiping the spit off his face the instant he saw my gun in front of him.

“Fuck you,” he replied with indignation.

“I’ll let you think this over,” I struck him fiercely in the head as revenge, making him fall completely unconscious.

“I suppose this is mission complete” I walked over to the panel and picked up my P229, letting out a huge sigh of relief after.


“We owe you our life, Leighton,” the old doctor said relieved.

“Not a problem,” I shook his hand with a honest smile, “now tell me how do you get this thing working”

“The main generator should be intact, in a few seconds we should get back online,” he pushed a button on a side of the panel, everything around us lit instantly.

“Seer, my snova onlîne” a scientist on the other side of the panel said in Russian.

“Great, Nikolai just said we’re back online. I’ll try to establish communication with the ponies now…” he began typing stuff on the table at full speed; windows popped up and disappeared in the process.

“This is Equestria telecommunication facility, please Sweet surprise, tell us it’s you,” a masculine voice sounded in the room speakers.

“Sweet surprise here, Equestria. Inform Queen Celestia that LH7 mission was a success, we’re safe.”

“Roger, Sweet surprise. We have Twilight Sparkle here; she wants to talk to LH7.”

“Twilight?” I said in loud clear voice, the scientist wasn’t using a microphone, so I assumed there was no need for one.

“Leighton? Are you alright?” it was clear that was Twilight speaking with her classic worried voice.

“Just a few bruises and scratches, but alive, how about you?” I said with a huge smile. Hearing her voice once again somehow made my happy.

“I’m glad you’re ok. Now, give me your full debrief.”

“Mission is complete, I solved the communication problem and reinstalled the Russian scientists on their posts. The facility was overtaken by a special task group of the United States Marine Corps, claiming the US had control over the facility.”

“Did you completely eradicate all American presence in the facility?”

“Negative, I captured their leader, Lieutenant John Cavanaugh. The rest of his squad is KIA.”

“Is the body count above ten?”

“Nope, I killed only nine marines,” I giggled sarcastically and she sighed with a hint of disappointed.

“You had to kill them all didn’t you…? Well, at least it’s not ten; Celestia said that she didn’t want more than ten bodies, so she should be pleased.”

“Awesome, so what’s my next assignment?” I asked excited.

“We need you back here to check a few tests regarding plan HC. My conference at the UN is delayed due to an emergency meeting; you know they have to re-organize everything after a big city falls, so that means you’ll have to spend a few more days on Equestria, unless you want to stay on earth.”

“Oh hell no” I said with a chuckle, “take me back, just make sure I’m still myself once I get there.”

“Alright, Doctor Lukashenko, send him back along with the captured soldier. We’ll make him talk once he gets here.”

“Right away, ma’am,” Lukashenko pressed a button and the communication ended.

“So, how do I get ponyfied the old Russian style?” I clapped my hands eagerly.

“It’s a complicated process. Hey, Nikolai! Voz’mite yego vkomuntu transporta.

“Horosho, •eer, sleduĭte za mnoĭ gospodin Leighton,” a short brown haired scientist signaled me to follow him. He took me to a room in the next corridor, one with a huge metallic structure shaped like a bowl embedded on the wall. Lots of wires ran everywhere around us, all connected into the huge structure.

“Wait here, Mister Leighton,” Nikolai said with a heavy Russian accent, his English was not very fluent. Accents like his are the pure cliché of the Russian accent. He turned and abandoned the room in a hurry. I looked around me and saw a computer with legible letters for me.

“I suppose I can look around…” I dashed towards the computer and inspected it, several menus displayed in front of me with various immigration records.

“Looks like they have a tight control of who they send to Equestria…” browsing through the menus I stumbled upon a search engine.

“I’m not sure…” I touched my chin meditating, “but…” my hands typed mechanically my last name, and two names popped up instantly. I opened them and found quite a surprise.

“Angelica McRae. Status: Alive. Transferred to a safe house in Fillydelphia.
Pony Name: Classified. Profile: Regular cultural change, subject exhibits no memory from her life as a human. Does not recognize her daughter as such.

Relatives: Diana Blair McRae, daughter.

Current situation: Tracking became impossible upon its departure from Fillydelphia, current location is unknown.

Diana Blair McRae, status: Alive. Transferred to a safe house in Fillydelphia. Pony Name: Classified. Profile: No need for a cultural change due to its young age. Does not recognize her mother as such.

Relatives: Angelica McRae, mother.

Current situation: Tracking became impossible upon its departure from Fillydelphia, current location is unknown.”

“Mister Leighton,” Nikolai returned with another scientist, dragging fainted Lieutenant Cavanaugh along. I closed the windows and stepped back from the computer instantly, pretending that nothing had happened.

“So, is everything set?” I assisted in dragging Cavanaugh to the center of the structure.

“Yes, please step inside the portal. Ponification will begin in a few moments,” Nikolai stood next to the computer and began typing in a similar speed to that of Dr. Lukashenko. Electricity began flowing all around the portal, the air grew heavy and by body numb.

Slowly, I felt like I was sucked inside a dark void. Once everything went dark all around me, I could feel the same pain of ponification; a jolt of electricity ran all through my body and the pain stopped as I fainted during the process once again.


I woke up in the exact moment when I felt like my head was being electrocuted; I opened my eyes and saw Twilight next to me.

“Leighton? Do you remember who you are?” she asked with a hint of worry on her voice.

“I remember the first two times I did this my head did not felt like it exploded…” I stood up with a groan of pain, rubbing my head with my hoof.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Welcome back.”

“Back at your place?” I asked as soon as I recognized I was in Twilight’s house slash library.

“You actually appeared at the portal in Canterlot, but I brought you here,” she smiled warmly at me.

“What about Cavanaugh? Where is he?”

“His interrogation in Canterlot should be over by now, Spike is supposed to bring me the results of it by now. Don’t worry, we’ll erase his memory after we finish with him and he’ll incorporate a security office in Manehattan.”

“I’d send that guy back if I was you…”

“Hey Twilight!” the sound of the door being slammed open filled the room, it was Spike holding a paper in hand, “the results of the interrogation are back!”

“Hi Spike.”

“Hey, It’s Leighton!” he took my hoof and shook it like he should have the first time we met.

“So, what does the letter say, open it” Twilight said and the obedient dragon cleared his throat before pronouncing.

“I’ll go straight to the questions…” he rolled his eyes around the paper, “Ok, here it goes. Who do you work for? ‘The United States Marine Corps. What was your mission on the RPF? Secure it for future experiments regarding a potential military incursion on Equestria.”

“Doctor Lukashenko was right…” I touched my chin meditating.

“What kind of experiments? The experiments were purposed to develop a technology that would allow us to begin a massive military attack.”

“Stop, Spike,” Twilight said with indignation, “I’ve heard enough, send it to Queen Celestia.”

“Alright, sending!” he blew a green flame to the paper and it vanished into a mass of olive dust that flew out the window.

“I’m sure Celestia would have a very interesting opinion on this.”

“Fortunately for you, she’s giving you the weekend off. You can finally help Rarity and Applejack like you wanted,” she began lifting books around using her magic.

“So… I’m free to go?” I asked skeptically.

“Free to enjoy yourself around the town, I’ll stay here check some stuff.”

“Alright then…” Still skeptical and giving her weird look, I left the library with Spike behind me.

“So, where are you going?” Spike asked curiously as I walked without destination down the street, my mind suddenly remembered a good destination.

“Is Apple Bloom fine?”

“Well, last thing I knew she was at sweet apple acres recovering from the attack; do you wanna pay her a visit?”

“Lead the way mate,” I said with a happy tone. Spike began running ahead and I quickly catch up to him flying, a task I found now a little easier. At the end of the street, the surroundings became a forest with apple trees. A red barn became visible from between the trees; we were now in Sweet Apple Acres.

“That’s not fair, you can fly!” Spike yelled playfully, I gave a corkscrew and looked at him from above.

“What? I couldn’t use them just-” I crashed against another flying object, the impact made me fall to the floor and land in a painful way.

“Leighton!” Spike ran to assist me with panic on his voice.

“I’m fine… I’m fine…” I rubbed my head with a hoof and noticed the object was another Pegasus, a small orange one with a purple short mane.

“Scootaloo! Where do ya think yer goin’?” Applejack appeared from the forest seemingly exhausted, “what the heck… Leighton?” she ran to help me stand up.

“I’m fine, check on the little fellow.”

The small Pegasus groaned in pain as it stood up, “Where am I…” she asked confused.

“Oh my… are you okay?” Applejack grabbed Scootaloo’s head and shook it.

“If you keep shaking his head like that, I don’t think so” I teased with a chuckle. She stopped the shaking and Scootaloo regained full awareness of his surroundings

“Now, you tell me what were ya doin’ peepin’ on my house,” Applejack asked with a demanding voice.

“I wanted to see how Apple bloom was,” regret filled her voice as she looked down.

“And can’t you knock on mah door n’ ask? I ain’t gonna bite you.”

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s ok, you can come and see Apple Bloom,” she patted Scootaloo’s head with a warm smile, “and what about ya? Leighton?”

“I was hoping to see Apple Bloom as well. Please, lead the way,” I politely pointed my hoof towards the road with a reverential bow; Applejack chuckled and walked all of us into her barn.


“I’m so glad you were there to save Apple Bloom. I heard that Gryphon is now being prosecuted in Manehattan,” Applejack said thankfully. The insides of her house were cozy and classic Texan, you could see pictures of rodeos hung all around the house. She led me upstairs to a pink door labeled with A.B on it.

“She’s been sleeping for quite a while now, so she should be awake,” she hinted in low voice, trying to sneak inside her little sister’s quarters making the less noise as possible. But the cracking of the wooden floor made every footstep audible.

“Apple Bloom? Are you awake?” she said with soft voice. The filly turned to see us slowly; she was covered lots of layers of sheets and blanks, so her movement was limited. Her head was covered by a white bandage, thus, red mane was barely visible.

“Leightn’!” Apple Bloom exclaimed in delight the moment she saw me, her eyes filled with happiness and excitement.

“Are you alright?” I asked with sweet voice.

“Yep. My sister and brother have been watching over me and I’m getting a lot better. Thank you!”

“Did you sleep well?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, but I keep having these weird dreams,”

“Experiencing nightmares is common among children with post traumatic stress, it should go away in a few days,” I assured placing my hoof on her head.

“They ain’t nightmares. I dream that I walk around some rare places and I walk only on my forehooves, and that I call somepony mommy. It’s actually kinda fun!”

Applejack retreated and hinted me go talk to her.

“She’s been having those weird dreams since the attack. The doctor said that she had a huge bruise on her head,” she whispered to my ear.

“That’s really weird. How old is she?”

“She turns seven next week.”

“Sleep disorders… She didn’t have these problems before the attack?”

“Wait a sec, yer’e a doctor?”

“No, but I know a few tricks about psychology, for I did my thesis in the human cerebral-social-sensorial relationship.”

“Dunno what that is, but ya sure convinced me that you know what yer’e talkin’ ‘bout.”

“I sure do, now; tell me, did she have sleeping disorders before the attack?”

“No, I don’t think so. She woulda mention it.”

“Don’t keep me out of yer talk! I wanna hear too!” Apple Bloom ranted with high pitched voice.

“Ok sugar cube, Leighton’s goin’ to ask you a few questions. Be honest alright?” Applejack gently touched her sister’s bandage.

“Okay, fire ‘em Leighton!” she exclaimed energetically.

“I want you to tell me, do you dream of cream colored ponies that walk on their hind legs?”

“Exactly!” she assured surprise.

“Do these ponies have hooves with small fleshy tubes?”

“Yeah!” her tone of voice rose above the mark from the previous answer.

“Do they wear clothes like pants and shirts?”

“Leighton, are you having the same dreams too?” Applejack snapped surprised.

“No, I’m describing a human being.”

“So the ponies in my dreams are humans?” Apple Bloom asked heavily confused.

“If you description is accurate, yes they are.”

“But there are ponies in mah dream too!” the filly whined.
“Can you tell where you are?” Applejack asked with much worry in her voice.

“I recognize Fillydelphia from the buildings.”

“And what ‘bout the pony you call mommy?”

“She runs inside a building and I can’t follow her.” Applejack retreated and whispered in my ear.

“Dreams among ponies are not very common, so if she’s having them is for a reason,” she muttered with concern.


“If she’s dreamin’ ‘bout my ma then she’s still alive and on Fillydelphia.”

“That’s a bold statement. And you don’t know your own mother?” I asked with a frown.

“Look… It’s whole complex business and is not easy to explain. You got involved now, so I’d like you to come with me to Fillydelphia to look for my ma.”

“Hey, but…” I let out a disappointment sigh, “Alright, I’ll go with you.”

“Thanks. Go n’ tell Twilight I’m loaning you for a few days, she’ll understand why,” she pushed her head against my flank to push me out of the room.

“Hey, at least allow me to say goodbye to your sister,” I moved away from her impulse, “Take care, Apple Bloom!”

“Sure do, Leightn’!” I heard instants before Applejack finished pushing me off her room.

“What was that all about?” I scowled at Applejack; her response was a hoof straight to my lips in order to impede any more movement.

“Look, we’re goin’ to do this the sneaky way. Granny Smith doesn’t let me travel far from ‘ere n’ Big McIntosh would kill me if he found out ‘bout this. Go n’ tell Twi and come back here ‘round four o’ clock, ‘right?”

“Okay?” I replied with a huge frown on my face. Applejack hastily kicked me out of her house, looking quite good at lying to her family. And I thought ponies sucked at lying.