• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 549 Views, 111 Comments

blade's crossover - rainbow death

a machine from earth in the year 5019 begins to question a war that has been going on for years.

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prologue: the beginning

All was silent in a what used to be a play ground all that's left is pile's of junk along the rest of the small town there used to be house's here and there and lots of people outside... that was... until the war started it was man verses machine the war raged on for thousands of years and is still going on now what broke the silence was the sound of a truck and after a few seconds the truck came in sight it halted by the broken up play ground and a machine stepped out of the driver seat it was six feet tall and for its head it had red demonic eye's and had three small slit's for a mouth with a speaker behind it so it can talk and had silver armor that covered the rest of his body and was carrying a chain gun then another almost like him but had pure blue eyes that changed colors depending on his mood and was also five feet, five inches tall and had black armor on carrying what looked like a m16 and walked to the side of the silver machine
"What do we have to do this time commander" the black machine said in a voice sort of like sound wave
"Blade I told you it's alright to call me ace" the tall silver machine said
"Oh... okay ace uh what do we do" blade said a little nervously
"We have to scan the area to make sure no rebels are here" ace said a little annoyed and began walking towards around the old play ground
"Oh and uh ace why does there have to be a war between us and the humans?" blade asked a little sad and when ace didn't answer he tried talking to him again. "Uh ace... why does there have to be a war between man and machine?"
Ace turned around and if he had eyes to roll I bet he would've "because... all the humans do is treat us like trash and... and call us names and stuff like that." ace turned back to his patrol.
"Oh what started the war in the first place?" blade asked but noticed ace was standing dead in his track's and was staring into a forest nearby "uh ace are you alright?" there was no answer from ace all he did was stand there and blade didn't like the way he just stood there so he approached ace "ace?" as he got a look at his eye's shocked him the red glowing light for his eyes were gone ace was dead and there was nothing he could do about it blade's eye color changed to a dead white and blade started firing at random places while he was backing up as he got to the truck he got in and started it up and drove away he took corners he crashed through walls all he was is a rookie so there was no way he could take on a bunch of humans as he got to the base he quickly entered ran through a set of halls and corners until he got to the throne room he burst into the room in a panic "ace.., play ground... dead... humans..." blade sputtered
"Alright calm down take a few minutes to get you're cool" a tall red armored machine said
blade sat down in a chair nearby and once he was ready to talk and his eye's turn green meaning he was normal he started "alright me and ace got to a play ground or what was left of it and we started to check the area until ace stopped dead in his tracks and as I got closer I saw he was dead and I started to panic and drove here" blade said still panicking a bit
The tall red machine looked at him like 'what did you say' expression and finally regained his senses “uh huh I'll send an assault team there to take out the humans" the red machine motioned to a pack of machines that looked ready for anything to get moving
Blade watched them leave "why do we have fight the humans?"
The tall red machine just looked at him then finally said "we have to" then he turned his attention to a couple of minor's with a gift for him so blade left.
blade was in the library looking through books rapidly "come on the great war the great war the great war aha!" blade exclaimed drawing some attention blade quickly jogged up to a table and started to read the book he had "the great war has lasted for over fourteen thousand years and it all started because the leader our kind got angry at the humans for treating them like their own personal slaves and started the great war" there was an awkward silence until blade said "our kind started a war?!.... Whatever happened to protect and serve?!I'm going to have a talk with the leader about this" blade said while his eyes turned a pure red meaning he was really angry so he put the book back rushed out of the library and into the throne room "we have to talk" blade said angrily
The tall red machine motioned a couple guards to take him away and said "later now beat it"
"NO THIS ENDS HERE!" blade yelled throwing the guards across the room "I will not fight for this stupid war and you can't just let a war go on just because over a mistake the humans made"
The red machine walked over to blade and hit him "that is not the way to talk to a superior"
Blade's eye's turned redder Then he said "I can talk to you anyway I like I would rather be deported then fight for you"
the red machine hit him again then said "then you will be sent to the past on another world and live there for now on!" then he pointed his finger at him then a bright light covered blade the it vanished taking him with it.
(meanwhile in the past in equestria)
twilight trotted to her porch and approached her telescope and soon spike appeared beside her "isn't it wonderful spike watching the stars" twilight asked while looking in her telescope
"Yeah I guess *yawn* look I'm going to bed good night twi" spike said groggily then headed for his bed he got in curled up in his blanket and almost instantly he fell asleep
twilight giggled a bit at spike until a bright flash coming from downstairs and then the house shook and got her attention and woke spike up "what was that?!" twilight said panicking a bit then she headed where the light came from and she gasped at what she saw it was metal and it looked like it was burning hot so she kept some distance from it and called for spike "spike could you come here for a minute"
"Sure twi what do you ne- whoa! what is that" spike said pointing a finger to the metal creature
"I don't know spike but I need you to write a letter to the princess telling her what just happened okay" twilight said while trying to examine the creature
"Okay twilight I'll be back" spike said while running to get a quill and ink.
"What are you" twilight said but then gasped when she saw it's eye's open the creature looked at her
"Help me" it sputtered then shut down.

Author's Note:

now i had to repost this as another story i hope this will pass moderation