• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 6,521 Views, 258 Comments

Fluttersized - Barrobroadcaster

Fluttershy one day finds herself in a problem of epic proportions.

  • ...

Big Surprise

Spike watched Fluttershy fly away from the window of Twilight's house. He'd retreated further inside shortly before the argument between the three unicorns began. Unbeknownst to his pony friends, Spike had taken it upon himself to send a letter to Princess Celestia. He'd done his best to make Twilight look good but worried how she would react. He didn't plan on telling any of them until recieving a letter back but as he watched Fluttershy climb higher into the sky, he worried that it may be too late. He opened the door quietly and stepped outside.

Rarity and Trixie were continuing to argue and Pinkie was busy trying to console Twilight who sat on the ground, mouth agape with her book of spells torn into three large pieces in front of her. Spike walked over to his purple unicorn friend.

"I'm so sorry Twilight. I, uh, I know that book was-",

"That book was over a thousand years old.", Twilight stated, deadpan. "That book was entrusted to me by the princess. She gave it to me the last time she came to Ponyville. She told me I was ready.", Twilight explained.

"Fine! If Twilight Sparkle's enormous monster friend wants to remain that way forever than so be it! But if she dares attack Ponyville again, she'll have to deal with the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!!", Trixie shouted loud enough for all to hear. A cloud of blue smoke engulfed Trixie's form momentarily obscuring her from sight. It disappated a moment too soon though and Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Spike watched the blue unicorn gallop away. She stepped in a wedge of Pinkie's cheese as she departed, an orange blob flattened on the bottom of her front right hoof.

"Well, she was a lot of help.", Pinkie said, continuing to eat cheese.

"Where did Fluttershy go?", Rarity asked, looking around.

"She flew away.", Twilight said, still sitting and staring into the distance.

"What are we going to do now?", Rarity asked Twilight.

"Maybe, mfff timf to tell Princeff Celeftia.", Pinkie said between mouthfuls. Twilight looked almost on the verge of tears herself at her pink friend. She didn't want to have failed her mentor but it looked as though there were no other options. Little did they know...

"I kinda already sent a letter to the princess.", Spike admitted, scratching a claw behind is neck. Twilight's ear twitched once.

"Hmm hmm.... hmm ha... ah ha ha ha ha HA HA HA!!", Twilight giggled and then brokedown into a fullblown stressed and semi-psychotic laugh. She threw her forelegs into the air and fell down to the ground, rolling and laughing almost manically. Pinkie started laughing with Twilight nervously. She looked to Spike and Rarity for a reaction.

"So, do you think the princess will respond soon Spike?", Rarity asked, doing her best to ignore their friend rolling on the ground behind her.

"I hope so.", was Spike's only response as he looked to the sky.

"She'll know a way to get Fluttershy back to normal no problem!", Pinkie said confidently. "Maybe she'll come here herself. She could be on her way right n-", Pinkie began. As she did, Twilight teleported back inside her house.

"Do you think she's going to be okay?", Rarity asked.

"Depends. Do you know a spell that can get Twilight back to normal?", Spike asked.

"Good point.", Rarity said. The three of them entered Twilight's house without another word.

Fluttershy sobbed as she flew in the direction of Canterlot, or at least what she hoped was the direction of Canterlot. She carefully peered through the clouds as she soared; one wrong move and she could fly through Cloudsdale. She hoped she didn't hurt anypony, anything but she had to find a way to fix this. It was almost time to feed the animals she cared for. The clouds grew dark grey as she continued to fly in the direction of the castle. Despite her large size, the clouds still appeared normal. She was thankful for that. She soon stopped crying as she flew.

Something off to the side caught her eye: a strangely colored cloud. When she reversed and flew back to check, it seemed to have disappeared amongst the others. Was she seeing things now? She shook her head and continued on.

"Hm Hm Hm Hm...", a voice chuckled. Fluttershy slowed down to listen. Was somepony following her? The voice almost sounded familiar.

"My, my Fluttershy. You certainly make a BIG impression nowadays.", the voice said. She recognized it immediately after it spoke but didn't think it could be possible.

"Who is that? Who's there?!", Fluttershy asked as she looked around the clouds at her. They were all grey now and seemed to be surrounding her. She turned around and saw that the path behind her was blocked by clouds too. She was trapped in a cloud bank. She couldn't even see back where she had came. The clouds changed color one by one all around her, slowly turning from dark grey to a strange and decidedly chaotic bright pink.

"You haven't forgotten me now have you Fluttershy?", Discord the draconequus asked as one of the clouds turned to show him lounging on it.

"Discord! What are you doing here?", Fluttershy asked the fiend, backing away but still trying to show some amount of bravado.

"Oh, I'm just having a 'little' fun. Seems all the chaos you caused in the market place weakened my bindings yet again. Then, I was struck by some sort of strange beam of magic. I found myself in a giant Canterlot temporarily before I found that I'd been hit by some sort of enhanced sizing spell. Quite the silly thing don't you think? I had no problem returning myself to normal size with my own magic.", Discord said standing up on the cloud.

"You... you were hit by a magic beam?", Fluttershy asked, remembering Twilight and Trixie combining their magic.

"Oh yes, quite the strange turn of events don't you think? Looks to me like somepony's running amok with sizing spells all over Ponyville!", Discord said, teleporting himself inside Fluttershy's mane and poking his head out. She shook her head and he teleported again, this time right next to her left ear.

"What's the matter Fluttergiant? Not having fun being so huge?", Discord asked in a whisper. Fluttershy tossed her head forward and Discord flew into a cloud in front of her, landing upside down. He shook his own head, momentarily dizzy. Fluttershy moved through the pink clouds, some of them sticking to her. She shook them off and pushed on, ignoring Discord.

"Wait! You know I have magic of my own! I can help you!", Discord called. Fluttershy turned back towards Discord.

"You... you can?", Fluttershy asked. She quirked an eyebrow at the draconequus, still stuck to his own cloud. Discord once ruled Equestria in a state of chaos before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna defeated him. Fluttershy, Twilight and their friends had dealt with him before themselves and she was leary of his motives.

"Yes! It's more than simple enough to fix you! Please... let me help.", Discord put on a smile that seemed all too sweet. Fluttershy frowned and turned away.

"No thanks. I think I'll just go see Princess Celestia.", Fluttershy said, flying off again.

"Celestia, oh of course she'd be able to help but I mean, what about me? I'm so sorry for what happened last time what with turning Ponyville upside down and everything. Let me make it up to you.", Discord pleaded.

"It's fine Discord, I'm just going to see the princess but thank you for offering.", Fluttershy rejected him as she continued to fly.

"But surely there's something I could do to make amends!", Discord offered again.

"If you like, you could show me to Canterlot.", Fluttershy suggested in her own sweet tone as she turned to face him.

Discord wiped his face with his claw. This was getting nowhere. "Well, that's just, I mean to say that is, that I-", he stammered.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeasse?", Fluttershy asked, her eyes becoming large and cute.

"I... uh,... I, ugh. Bleh. Enough." Discord said. He pushed the thumb of his claw to Fluttershy's forehead. Her eyes swirled and her mouth opened in surprise. Her yellow color drained from her body, the pink faded from her mane and soon she became as dull grey as the clouds around her.

"Sometimes we all need a 'little' gentle encouragement.", Discord said. He'd had difficulty the first time he deharmonized Fluttershy. He was relieved that his magic still worked on her now that she was this size. Fluttershy's kind features disappeared being replaced with narrowed eyes and a scowl. He smiled now that the transformation was complete.

"Now, who wants to see boring old Celestia? Why don't we go back to Ponyville and see your friends?", Discord suggested with a sly grin.

"What friends? Friends who all they do is argue when you have a problem when they could be trying to help?", Fluttershy asked angrily. He'd deharmonized Fluttershy and her friends before, changing their natures into the polar opposites of their normal personalities. Just as now, Fluttershy demonstrated the same cruelty that replaced her kindness that time before.

"Oooh. I like it. So what are we going to do about them Miss Fluttershy?", Discord asked the now deharmonized Fluttershy.

"Who cares?! I'm going to Cloudsdale to get new seeds for my garden seeing as how Twilight's foolishness cost me my old ones!", Fluttershy turned around and headed back in the direction she'd came.

"You're just going to go plant some seeds?", Discord asked, a little discouraged that she wasn't planning on pursuing a more violent course of action.

"Yeah. You got a problem with that?!", Fluttershy asked, turning to Discord and glaring at him. His eyes went wide and he leaned back. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. The idea of turning Fluttershy into a rampaging monster and then setting her upon all of Equestria had been a great idea but now Discord was beginning to wonder exactly how he was going to control such a creature? For a split second, he thought about going to Princess Celestia before he noticed Fluttershy was getting ahead of him. He followed behind at what he hoped was a safe distance.

Author's Note:

For those of you who caught it, yes there is a sort of an Airplane! reference in there somewhere. Also, I'm wondering if the term 'deharmonized' has been coined before because I really do think it fits the process of a pony turning grey and flipping personalities.