• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 6,521 Views, 258 Comments

Fluttersized - Barrobroadcaster

Fluttershy one day finds herself in a problem of epic proportions.

  • ...

Big Debate

Twilight and Trixie turned back around to watch their combined super spell vanish into the distance. Trixie gritted her teeth and then turned to face Pinkie Pie and Rarity as they approached Twilight's house. Pinkie had donned her combat helmet yet again and was carrying more cheese in her hooves. Twilight quirked an eyebrow at Pinkie. There always seemed to be some sort of method to Pinkie's madness but deciphering the reasoning behind her methods was something Twilight knew not to try to do again. This didn't stop her wondering, especially when she noticed patterns. The question she knew she shouldn't ask ached at her, What is with the cheese? She didn't get the chance to ask the question as Trixie snarled at the approaching ponies making them stop in their tracks.

"How dare you both interrupt the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie as she attempts to save Ponyville from the giant monster!", Trixie glared at both of them in pure rage.

"Trixie...", Twilight said. Trixie turned to Twilight who shook her head in a way that said both "You're going overboard" and "Calm down before I make you calm". This was no time to deal with Trixie's ego. As Pinkie had said, she had brought Rarity to them apparently under the assumption that she somehow could help remedy their situation. Exactly how their fashion-designing unicorn friend could help, Twilight had no idea. So long as Princess Celestia wasn't informed of the situation, she could care less.

"Fluttershy? Is that really you?", Rarity asked, shielding her eyes from the sun with a hoof as she careened her neck and looked up at the enormous pegasus. Fluttershy said nothing, she just nodded down at her tiny friend.

"Well, Pinkie tells me it was Twilight's magic that made you this big and that she's tried every spell to get you back to normal and nothing's worked.", Rarity stated. Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded solemnly in confirmation of her summary of the events thus far. Trixie recomposed herself and nodded as well.

"It just so happens I do know a little about sizing spells, having had to do some tailoring and all. They're not all that complicated but mistakes like these have been known to happen, though never to this degree to my knowledge.", Rarity said. Twilight perked up when Rarity said she had knowledge about sizing spells. Maybe she could help them after all!

"This is obviously a bit more complicated than simply changing your dress size. Trixie and Twilight were about to try combining magic before you interrupted.", Trixie practically scoffed at the idea of using the dressmaker's magic to fix Fluttershy.

Rarity smiled at Trixie, hiding the fact that her patience was being tested and trying to encourage a little more cooperation. "Trixie, my magic is not just specific to dressmaking and I believe I may be able to-"

"Come Twilight Sparkle, let us attempt again. Without interruptions this time.", Trixie cut Rarity off mid-sentence and turned away from her. Pinkie silently ate cheese as she watched the display. Fluttershy looked around for Spike. Maybe he could send a letter to the princess from Fluttershy and they could just avoid even mentioning Twilight, or anypony else for that matter. Unfortunately, it looked like more magical experimentation was unavoidable now as Rarity's eyes narrowed at Trixie.

"Excuse me Trixie but what exactly are you insinuating?", Rarity asked, the slightest annoyance in her voice gave the clear indication of rage boiling beneath the unicorn's surface being held back by her own force of will alone.

Trixie turned back to her, her eyelids shut in one of the snootiest manners ever conveyed in Ponyville. "Trixie thinks that she and Twilight are more 'suited' to the task than a simple cothes pony.", Trixie said. Twilight's eyes went wide. Pinkie's mouth stopped chewing and Fluttershy's mouth opened involuntarily, her jaw now agape as she heard the exchange.

"Simple... clothes... pony?!", Rarity blinked with each word she repeated, overcome with anger at being so clearly insulted. "Do you have ANY idea HOW meticulous a fashion designer has to be with their magic?! How much effort goes into making each dress? Have you ANY IDEA what I had to learn to get where I am today?!!", Rarity shouted at Trixie and marched toward the blue unicorn.

"Rarity, please we really don't have time to-", Twilight tried to calm her friend down to no avail.

"If you call working with those rags magic. I doubt you could master a single spell in this book.", Trixie fired back, levitating Twilight's spell book up at her.

"Give me that book!! I'll show you I know what I'm talking about!!", Rarity grabbed the book with her own magic and tried wresting it from Trixie but Trixie's own magical glow held the book firm overhead, they tugged back and fourth with their magic, neither willing to let go.

"Stop fighting! This isn't helping anypony!", Twilight said and used her own magic to grab hold of the book. The book glowed in midair with three different colored auras from the effects of each unicorn's magic. It flew around in a circle being tugged back and fourth. Pinkie started talking and pointing at the display but nopony could understand her with her mouth being full of cheese. She pointed at the book as it flattened out and spun. Fluttershy almost got dizzy watching the display; from her distance, it seemed as though the three were playing frisbee with the book. Inevitably, the book ripped into three individual pieces.

"See what you did?", Trixie accused Rarity of breaking the book. The pieces of the book fell to the ground. Twilight's mouth was agape as she hovered all three pieces over to her and tried to assemble them in midair. She was shocked, her first instinct was to try to see if it could be repaired to a legible state somehow but part of knew that was impossible now. Rarity and Trixie continued to argue as Twilight stared at the torn pages in horror. She started breathing heavily. Pinkie walked over quietly to join her. Pinkie's own face conveyed a sad sympathy and she held out a wedge of cheese to her friend. Twilight was too shocked to acknowledge the dairy offering. The pieces of the book hit the ground with three papery thuds.

Rarity and Trixie's voices were getting loud now, they argued about different forms of magic, different spells, different books, Fluttershy watched the pieces of the book in pieces on the ground and Twilight at a loss for words. The pegasus' eyes began to water. Her sensitive heart couldn't take seeing her friends in such pain, such anger. She closed her eyes as the tears began to stream down her face, kicked off the ground and began flying high into the sky as quickly as she could. Hopefully she hadn't caused any more damage. Tears fell off her body and she hoped they didn't hit anypony down below. She didn't know where to go or what to do, she just flew. Small parts of Ponyville experienced a slight amount of unexpected rain but nopony was injured by the large drops that fell from the sky.

Author's Note:

Making Fluttershy cry really did tug on some heartstrings.