• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 6,518 Views, 258 Comments

Fluttersized - Barrobroadcaster

Fluttershy one day finds herself in a problem of epic proportions.

  • ...

Alternate Chapter 11: Megasus

Presented in Flim-Flam-O-Vision, you may now put on your Flim-Flam Viewing Goggles.

The following chapter is dedicated to anypony who has danced in public. Boogey on my brothers and sisters.

This chapter is also designed to be a conversation starter at parties and social gatherings and/or to be shouted out loud at random.

"Gah! Please don't eat me! I have a house, a job, neighbors! Please, eat them first!" the stallion begged before the giant Fluttershy.

Fluttershy gritted her teeth and snorted. She was getting angry. The stallion cowering in the road in front of her was just like all the others. They screamed, ran in terror before she even had a chance to ask for directions.

"I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHERE THE NEAREST FLORIST IS!" she said with her jaw firmly clenched. Still, the pony remained quaking in fear in her shadow. She stepped over him and kept walking. As she passed him, she stomped one of her rear hooves into the ground, sending a shockwave through the cobblestone street. The road lifted up as motion surged through it, the force pushed the stallion like a wave. He screamed as he was carried down the street like an object being carried by a tidal wave. Fluttershy grinned as she heard his cries for help.

"Fluttershy! Stop right there!" a voice called from behind her. Fluttershy turned and was more than a little suprised to see Rainbow Dash galloping towards her with Luna and Discord hovering close by. Discord appeared to be holding some sort of camera.

"Let me guess. Twilight Stupid hit you with a size spell too didn't she?" the deharmonized Fluttershy asked.

"She hit all of us, Fluttershy. You, me, all of Cloudsdale. We have to get you back there so we can change you back to normal."

"No!" Fluttershy yelled.


The gray pegasus' mouth spread into a sinister grin and her eyes began to narrow. "I like being this big. It's very... liberating."

Rainbow Dash knew Fluttershy wasn't being herself but she had to reach her somehow. "Why would you want to stay this big Fluttershy? What about your animals? What about your garden? You won't be able to take care of anything being this size."

"Oh but I will." Fluttershy took a step towards Rainbow Dash.

Discord giggled to himself. He looked up from the camera for a moment. "Oh this is wonderful. You have to admit, I do some amazing work don't I?" Luna shook her head at the remark.

"You're going to change her back right?" Luna asked.

"Of course, of course!" Discord nodded. "In fact, here, hold the camera. Don't stop rolling, whatever you do."

Luna took the camera from Discord and levitated it in front of her using the magic. Discord gave everything a once over and decided she'd be able to get the shots he wanted.

"All right, this should be perfect." he said. With a swift movement, he hid inside Rainbow Dash's mane and held on to the stalks of multi-colored hair. Things were about to get bumpy.

"You see Rainbow," Fluttershy began, taking another step forward. "The whole world is my garden now. I'm going to stomp every floral shop in Canterlot into the ground, take the seeds and then spread them all over Equestria!"

"You... you've gone mad!" Rainbow said.

"Every critter, every creature, every kind of animal in Equestria will be mine to care for! Together, we shall rise up and overthrow you foalish pony overlords and your incompetent magical nonsense!"

"You're not yourself Fluttershy! You have to come back to Cloudsdale with me now! Don't make me do this the hard way!" Rainbow said, taking another step back. She accidentally bumped her flank into a building. The street was for some reason beginning to feel very small as the gray pegasus approached her. Rainbow Dash's back was literally against the wall.

"Oh but this is me, Rainbow. A new me, a better me. At first, it was kind of crazy and even a little frightening but I've learned now... it's fun being Fluttersized." Fluttershy said, advancing slowly but steadily.

"Fluttershy," Rainbow said, more confidence in her voice than she was feeling. "If you don't come back with me now, I'll be forced to-"

"Forced to do what? You don't want to fight me Rainbow Dash. Your poor little friend Fluttershy? We're both so big, we might hurt all these innocent little ponies. And we wouldn't want that... would we?"

Fluttershy was right; Rainbow Dash was afraid of hurting the city. But she knew just the way to protect Canterlot so she could subdue Fluttershy.

"Well, I know what Applejack would say if she was here." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh? And what's that? 'Tarnation, them sure are two big ponies over thar! I wunder how many apples they could haul! Maybe there's sum giant apple trees that need buckin!'" Fluttershy said, mocking their friend.

"I was thinking something more like, this town ain't big enough for the two of us!" Rainbow lunged at the giant Fluttershy and knocked her to the street. Dust was thrown up and the pavement was smashed. Several buildings nearby shook. Before Fluttershy could recover from being tackled, Rainbow lifted her up into the air, using her powerful well-trained and excercised wings to carry both ponies soaring into the skies above.

"Now princess! Throw up a shield!" Rainbow Dash shouted. Luna only hesitated for a split-second before she summoned her magical power to produce a spell. Her horn glowed dark blue and shot up a spark. The spark exploded in the sky and from it bloomed fourth a wave of energy that enveloped all of Canterlot in a blue bubble. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were both outside.

Fluttershy tossed Rainbow Dash off her before she could turn her around. The two of them landed on the blue energy shield. Fluttershy prodded it with a hoof, it bounced off the shield.

"Clever Dashie. Very clever. But I bet this shield doesn't go under the mountain." Fluttershy said with a laugh, lifting off of the blue shield. She was going to try to burrow under the shield to get back into the city.

"We should've levitated Canterlot and put it into a ball, then shielded it." Discord commented.

"I'm making this up as I go along!" Rainbow Dash said, echoing the author's thoughts. "Just be ready to change her back." Rainbow took off as well and chased after the gray pegasus. They raced down the length of the shield heading towards the base.

"What's the matter Rainbow Brash? Your huge size slowing you down?" Fluttershy taunted. Rainbow Dash ignored it, the advantage was hers now. Almost in a straight dive, Rainbow Dash zoomed towards Fluttershy. The gray pegasus showed genuine surprise, she hadn't thought this through. The rainbow pegasus and the jolly gray giant jerk collided in midair and Rainbow tackled her into the ground. The shield actually shook, ripples rose through it like it was made of gelatin.

Somewhere in the clouds high above, Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie Pie reached a position directly over the city of Canterlot.

Author's Note:

MH: That's enough. I've seen enough, shut it off.
a: What? Why? We're only half-way through season 2.
MH: I've seen enough... this isn't... this isn't helping.
a: C'mon Mike, give it a chance.
MH: I gave it a chance, now it's time to get back to work.
a: Well, I want to finish the season.
MH: And I have a gun that says it's time for you to start work on a script.
a: You can't do this Michael. I created you.
MH: You may have created me but I'm my own character too, you don't own me.
a: Uh, yeah I kinda do.
MH: Oh no you don't. I'm an idea, a concept. I can do whatever I want, be whatever I want here.
a: Then why are you a crazy pony in my apartment with a gun? Why don't you just make yourself into a successful director?
MH: I... I would if I could but I-
a: This was never about me. This was about you. You think you have power here? Well, that's true. But I'm an idea too.
MH: Wait... what?
a: Here, I'm an idea too. This is my avatar, you can hurt him but you can't hurt the real me. And here, I can do anything too.
MH: ... di-did your mane just deflate and straighten out? What-what's happening?
a: You're right. I may have made you but I don't own you. Others, other authors, artists can take you and do whatever they want with you.
MH: Why am I strapped to a chair now? Where is the... the prop?
a: Hahahaha... oh, Michael Hay. You like cupcakes Michael?
MH: Oh please, oh please no. I didn't mean anything, I'm sorry, I just-
a: You want to see some of my props Michael?
MH: Please... please don't.
a: You're one of them. Like you said, you're an idea. You can't be broken or destroyed, you don't wear out or grow old. You can't even really be bought, stolen or traded because in truth, ideas just belong to everypony. You can only be shared with others. And I'm sharing you with the audience right now.
MH: I don't understand-
a: There are authors out there not like me. They can take you, put you into all kinds of nasty situations. That's why I asked if you like cupcakes. I think we both know the answer to that question and like it or not, you might want to get used to it.
MH: You're saying that I could-?"
a: Yes. It's unlikely but possible. You can't be killed Michael, not in the same sense that real living things can. But let me tell you, there's a lot worse things than death. And believe me, you could experience them. Because you're an idea.
MH: You're not going to... to put me through this are you?
a: No, I'm not. Other authors, who's to say? A lot of darkness out there Michael, especially in My Little Pony, funny as that sounds. What I can promise you is this: no matter what happens to you, no matter how bad things get I can promise you one thing.
MH: What's that?
a: You can come back from all of it. The things that can happen to you border the unimaginable. Some writers do that, they subject characters, like yourself to unimaginable things. Horrible things. But no matter how bad things get, you can come back from it. There are things about you that can never be erased.
MH: Like what?
a: Like your movie. "Transformares". I made it for you, it's something about you. No matter what happens to you, what you've done already can't be changed. Until they invent time machines. But then I'll write a Back to the Future crossover and everything will be fine.
MH: I think I understand what you're saying.
a: You're an idea Michael, the freest thing in the world. Literally a form of expression, an expression that has taken form. No matter how bad things get, you can come back from them. The possibilities are endless. And because this is fan fiction, the possibilities are REALLY endless.
MH: I guess I should be thankful.
a: New idea, Star Fox crossover. Anyway, I'm not saying things will get bad for you. You might get lucky. And if they do, I'll make sure you get through it. Because you're my little idea. My Little Pony.
MH: Funny.
a: Now, who's ready to finish season 2?
MH: You know I think I've had enough for one day...
a: Suit yourself... cupcake?