• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 6,097 Views, 209 Comments

An Unconventional Challenge - RaijingtheClockworkPony

Three friends make a bet. How badly could this go for them?

  • ...

Hint Dropping

A cyan pegasus let out a small groan of impatience as he sat in the waiting room of Ponyville's only spa. He was waiting for a yellow mare that had invited him to a day of relaxation. He looked around at the pictures of streams and forests hung on the walls and grumbled for a moment. I hate this frou-frou stuff... but this is for Shy, so... Another small groan escaped his lips, and he noticed a stern look from the blue mare behind the counter.

If she's not here in five minutes I'm splitting. Barely a moment had passed after that thought when the mare he was waiting on walked into the waiting room.

"Hey Blitz, sorry I'm late... Berry spent the night, and I didn't want to wake him..." She smiled and walked over to the stallion.

Blitz's eyebrow rose slightly. "He spent the night with you?" He stood up, stretching his wings and walked towards the mare. “Why was he at your place so late?”

“Oh, well, we were on a date in the forest, but by the time we got back it was way too dark for him to walk home.” The yellow mare smiled and blushed. “I invited him to stay and he did.”

The pair was greeted by a pink mare, who led them through the spa to a steam room.

“You two relax, and enjoy ze steam. We vill be back later to begin ze massages.” The earthpony bowed, and left the pegasai alone.

The pair settled on a bench, and Fluttershy spread out her wings. Blitz sat on the bench opposite of her and chuckled.

“What happened after you invited him in?”

The yellow mare blushed again. “Well… we kissed… cuddled, and he gave me a nice little massage.” Her smile became warmer, fonder, and her blush deepened. “They we um… went to my room… “

Blitz’s ears perked up, and he grinned as he spoke in a taunting, yet playful manner. “You two did the dirty tango!”

“No!” She shuffled for a moment, embarrassed at her raised tone. “I mean… no… we just got into my bed, cuddled and kissed… and then fell asleep…”

The stallion gave her a raised eyebrow, and a stern stare. “Was that all that happened?”

The pink maned mare nodded. “Yes… oh… and um… he sorta called me all sorts of nice things the whole time.” She blushed. “And called my flank cute…”

Blitz let out a short laugh, and smiled at his friend. “Looks like he really likes you.”

The mare shuffled and nodded. “I know… and um… I like him too… Blitz… do you have…“ She paused, and shuffled, clearly embarrassed about what she was trying to ask.

“Have I what?” The stallion sat at attention now, seeing that she was in need of advice.

“You know… have any tips on how to do the ‘dirty tango’…” She covered her face with her wings after uttering the phrase ‘dirty tango’ and shuffled behind her makeshift barrier.

The stallion sat there for a moment, astonishment covering his features. “Well… um… I didn’t think we would ever have this conversation… but… just do it with someone you care about, and take it at a pace you are comfortable with…”

The yellow mare peeked out from behind her feathers. “It’s not too soon?”

“Shy… You know well enough how soon I’ve done the tango with a mare…” He let out a small sigh. He and the yellow mare had known each other since that fateful day at the summer camp and since then confided everything to each other.

He had even told her of his first time with a mare, and the heart break that had caused. She had been there to comfort him, and help him through it. Now she was asking him how to avoid that same mistake.

“Berry’s a good stallion. You won’t have the same problem I did.” He got up and sat next to his friend and hugged her gently. “Besides, if he screws this up, I’ll make him regret it. Okay?”

“Thanks Blitz.” She hugged the stallion and smiled. “Can I tell you something?”

The cyan stallion nodded.

“You’ve always been like a brother to me.” She blushed and hugged him again. “You’ve always been there, and always knew what to say. Thank you.”

Blitz beamed at her words and returned the hug. “I always will be, Shy. It’s what brothers do for their sisters. “

Shy cuddled close to the stallion and rested her head on his shoulder. “So… I heard that you’ve been spending Friday nights with Twilight.” Fluttershy looked up to watch the stallion smile and nod. “What have you two been doing?”

“We’ve been reading a book together.” He said with a tone she couldn’t quite read. It was a mixture of happiness, excitement, and another emotion she couldn’t quite put her hoof on.

“What book have you two been reading?”

Blitz smiled with a hint of pride. “The next Daring Doo novel.”

“But… I thought that didn’t come out for another month…”

The stallion nodded and chuckled. “It doesn’t, but Twilight got an advanced copy from Celestia, and the princess gets a copy in advanced because she is a fan.” His expression softened and his smile grew very warm. “Twilight offered to let me read it with her… she’s pretty awesome…”

It was at that moment that Fluttershy knew what the third emotion was. She saw the same expression in Berry’s eyes, and she knew Berry saw it in her own when they looked at each other. It was affection, and a deep one that only those in love could have.

However, it was the sigh that escaped his lips a moment later that connected all the pieces for the yellow mare. He was in love with her friend, but it was an unrequited love.

“Blitz… are you… trying to date Twilight?”

It was the stallions turn to shuffle. He swallowed for a moment and cleared his throat. “I… um… I kinda am…”

“Does she know?” She sat up and looked at her friend. “Because if you don’t tell her, she might not catch the hint… you know how she can be.”

The cyan pegasus nodded and sighed. “I don’t know how she can’t have caught on though… I mean, we’ve cuddled, we’re reading a book together, I even slept in the same bed with her, while cuddling, and made her breakfast!” The stallion let out a small annoyed groan and then a sigh. “What more do I need to do to show her what I am trying to do?”

The yellow mare’s eyes widened. “I… you slept with her?” She realized the connotation that phrase could have. “I mean in an innocent way… You really want to date her then. Maybe the old fashioned way is best…”

“What do you mean?” The stallion’s expression became curious, but very interested.

“Well, if you want to make the message clear to her, then be as blunt as possible. Give her some nice flowers, and ask her on a date.”

The stallion tapped his chin for a moment. “I guess so…”

Blitz remained silent as Fluttershy laid down on the bench, soaking in the warmth of the steam. He was not about to let Elusive win a bet, but another part of him nagged at him from deep in his mind. Why was getting Twilight to date him so important? It was nearly consuming his thoughts, and worse, he feared rejection, not for loss of a bet, but for the fact she might simply not like him.

Am… am I falling in love? He swallowed at the thought and leaned against the wall of the steam room. Is this what love actually feels like... or am I over thinking this… He looked over at his friend and smiled as she gently flapped her wings, enjoying the moment of silence. I can think about this later. I have a friend... no, a sister to spend time with.

Rainbow Blitz had waited for a week for this night, the night he got Twilight to date him. Failure was not an option for the blue stallion as he flew into town. He landed softly in front of a small flower cart and flashed a smile as he spotted a small bouquet of red, purple, and blue flowers.

Perfect. She'll love these. He placed the bits down on the cart and took the flowers. Okay, that's the first part of the plan... what else do mares like... He moved down the street and stopped at the corner looking around at the shops. Come on... at least one of those books I read have to have had some romance crap in them... He spotted Sugarcube Corner in the distance and he smiled.

"Perfect! I could use a shake to help me think." He chuckled and walked down the street, moving around the occasional group of ponies doing their own daily routine. He reached the shop and made his way inside and to the counter where a familiar pink stallion was working.

"Hiya Blitzy!" The stallion waved and smiled widely at his friend. "You here to hang out?"

The rainbow maned stallion shook his head. "No, I'm on my way to Twilight's. I need a chocolate shake... and um..." He looked over the menu for a moment. "What does Twilight normally order?"

The pink stallion thought for a moment. "Well, she gets a vanilla milkshake, and a dozen chocolate cookies." He began ringing up the total in the register. "Why?"

"I'm on my way there right now. I'm going to get back on track with our um..." He looked around and lowered his voice. "…wager. I can't risk losing to Elusive."

"Oh, you want her to go on a date." The baker smiled and chuckled. "So, you are going to ask her right? I mean, that's how I got Fluttershy to say yes."

Blitz nodded. "Yeah, but I'm saving that for last if she doesn't get it with all the gifts I'm giving."

The stallions finished the transaction, and Blitz moved towards the door, but stopped for a moment as a pink haired mare walked in. "Hey Shy." He smiled. "Berry is working the counter."

Shy smiled at Blitz. “Hey Blitz.” She spotted the food and flowers he was carrying. “Going to ask her soon?”

“I’m on my way there. Wish me luck… I’m going to need it.”

The stallion rushed through the doors as the mare giggled and moved to the counter. Berry beamed at her and quickly kissed her on the cheek from over the counter.

“Hiya Fluttershy.” He bounced back into place. “I didn’t know I was going to get a sweet treat today.”

The yellow mare blushed and giggled. “Well, I wanted to see you, and well…” She rubbed her foreleg for a moment and smiled. “I was hoping we could go on a little date. If that’s okay…”

Berry smiled and kissed her on the cheek again and nodded. "Sounds super!" He went back to the kitchen and returned with a cupcake for her. "Where we going?"

"I was um... thinking we go for a nice walk... then come back here, and just spend the night together... if that's okay." She blushed and continued rubbing her leg. "I mean... you are probably busy and don't have time—"

The pink stallion stopped her by putting a piece of the cupcake in her mouth and kissed her on the nose. "I have plenty of time for you." He chuckled. "I get off work in an about a half hour. Can you stay around till then?"

The mare nodded, and took the cupcake from the stallion and began nibbling on it. "I can do that."

Blitz stood outside the home of a certain purple mare that had filled his thoughts for the week. He took a breath and slowly walked to the door, and placed his hoof on the door handle. After this night, whatever happened, he would know where he stood with the bet.

He opened the door and walked inside. "Twilight? You home?"

Silence reached his ears for a moment then a sound of a door opening from up the stairs. "Blitz? Is that you?"

"Yeah!" He moved into the building and to the foot of the stairs, seeing the mare at the top with a towel on her head.

"What are you doing here so early? I just got out of the shower."

Blitz smiled and motioned to the gifts on his back. "I wanted to give you a few things... and I could have been here sooner to help you with that shower." He gave her his best 'if you know what I mean' smile. There is no way she missed that one.

"Really? I guess I could have used you to get me a towel." She smiled innocently. "I was searching for this one for nearly ten minutes. I could have been ready by now if I had your help."

The cyan stallions face was frozen in the smile, but on the inside he wanted to scream in frustration. HOW DID SHE MISS THAT!?

"Yeah... well, anyways..." He walked up the stairs and presented the flowers to her. "I got you these."

The purple mare looked at the flowers for a moment. "These are nice." She looked at the second package on his back with curiosity. "What are those?"

Blitz gave a small chuckle. I got this. "Well, I was thinking we could use a small snack while we read."

He presented the sweets to Twilight and she smiled and let out a small squee of joy. "I have been wanting these all day!"

Score. I'm as good as dating now. Blitz smiled and motioned to the bedroom. "Shall we begin reading?"

The unicorn nodded and walked in, and as she did, she removed her towel, her wet mane falling free. Something about how the mane caught the light, and the way she flipped her mane took the stallions breath away. He stood in the doorway and watched her, spellbound as time seemed to slow, letting him drink in every detail he could.

A moment passed and the unicorn bounced on the bed, cookie in mouth. "Um... Blitz... you coming into the room?"

The stallion nodded and looked at the unicorn. She was already laying on the bed, relaxed and ready to read. He stood there for a moment, and made up his mind. It was now or never.

"Twilight, I need to tell you something."

Her ears perked in interest. "Okay."

Blitz strode to the bed and was at the side in a matter of moments. "I want to show you instead."

The mare let out a small squeak of surprise as Blitz got onto the bed, stood over her, and took half of the remaining cookie into his mouth. He spotted the confused look, and smiled warmly.

"Open your mouth. Trust me." He spoke around the cookie.

Twilight nodded and looked confused, but opened her mouth. Blitz lowered his head and placed the other half into her mouth until their lips met. The next moments were filled with the sweet taste of chocolate, cookie, and the pleasant sensation of kissing. Twilight's eyes widened as it finally dawned on the purple pony exactly what was happening. She pulled her head away and looked up at the stallion.

"Twilight, I want to go on a date with you."

Her blush deepened and she shuffled. "You... you find me attractive enough to court?"

Blitz chuckled and thanked the goddess's that she was using words he understood. It was a good sign to him, as normally she began using much larger word when she got nervous.

"I do. I want to have a relationship." He watched her smile a little and look away from him, shuffling and blushing. "If you will give me that chance, that is."

"I..." She looked at the small bag of sweets and made another cookie float between them. "Could you teach me to kiss better... I could always learn... and a coltfriend that can teach me would be nice..."

ABOUT DARN TIME! Blitz nodded. "I can do that for you."

And without a moment’s hesitation, he began her first lesson in kissing.