• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 6,097 Views, 209 Comments

An Unconventional Challenge - RaijingtheClockworkPony

Three friends make a bet. How badly could this go for them?

  • ...

Learning New Things

Twilight watched as Rainbow Blitz walked up the stairs to the main room of the library. Their reading time had been cut short when Twilight had remembered that she had a project she needed to finish for Princess Celestia. Fortunately they only finished a few chapters before she remembered.

They reached the top of the stairs and walked into the main room. Twilight placed the book down on a desk and walked next to the stallion as he stood near the door.

He smiled at her in an understanding kind of way. "Sucks you gotta work on that project. We should try to finish it sometime. It was really starting to get good."

Twilight nodded and thought for a moment. "Are you free Friday?" The stallion nodded and she smiled at him. "I'm free too, how about you come over and we can read the next chapter. Then we leave it there like we are now and you come over the next week. We could do that until we finish the book."

The stallion looked at her confused for a moment. "You mean read a chapter a week?" He tapped his chin for a moment and smiled at the purple mare. "That sounds really cool. So I'll see ya Friday then."

The stallion and the mare waved good-bye to each other and Blitz left the library. Twilight watched him launch into the sky then turned to the book lying next to some scrolls. She picked it up and opened to the place they had stopped.

"Only three chapters..."

She smiled and shook her head. She had learned something she had never known about Blitz. He was a really slow reader. They had only made it to the third chapter in the book in the time she could have made it to chapter ten. She had never noticed how long Blitz would take to finish a book. She had always thought he read them a few times before he returned them.

She placed the book back down on the desk and picked up a scroll. She wondered for a moment why he had a sudden interest in Spines and the Library but she put that out of her mind when she started reading the assignment from Celestia.

She giggled after a moment. "Dear Princess Celestia. Today I learn how to be patient with a friend. No matter how slow they read."

Blitz landed on the cloud his home rested on. He made his way inside and flopped down on his bed. He looked up at the ceiling as his mind thought over the past few hours. He had spent the time doing nothing more than reading with his friend Twilight. Friend. That word sent off a small alarm in his head. He sat up instantly and groaned.

"I didn't ask her out! I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have gotten distracted by Daring Do. Stupid, awesome book."

He sat there on the bed and frowned. "She didn't even get the hint. I used the move perfectly and nothing. Any other mare in town would have been putty in my hooves but she didn't even catch the hint."

He sighed and got up from the bed. He moved through his home to the small kitchen. He always thought better with food in his stomach. He rummaged through his fridge and grabbed a small thing of stringed cheese and a gallon of juice.

"Berry had a date with Fluttershy today and by the way that Elusive was talking, he and Applejack might be going on a date soon."

The stallion groaned as he poured the juice into a cup. "At least I can just ask her out this Friday. Maybe I should bring her something nice to warm her up. Flowers or something."

The stallion began to eat as he thought of something. He didn't have a clue how he was going to tell her but he was certain it would be awesome.

Twilight was eating at a local outdoors restaurants with her friends Fluttershy and Spines. Fluttershy had arrived with a big smile and had hugged Twilight before she had sat down.

"What's gotten into you Fluttershy?"

The yellow pegasus sat down next to Spines and hugged the little dragon. "Oh the most wonderful thing, I went on an amazingly romantic date with Bubble Berry yesterday."

Twilight eyes widened. "Really? I didn't know you two were like that. What did he do?"

Fluttershy placed Spines back down in her chair and told both of them about the picnic with a dreamy expression on her face. "... and then he walked me home. I told him that I wanted to show him something really special next week."

Spines showed interest in the final part. "What are you going to show him?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I don't want to risk him finding out. It's going to be a nice surprise for him."

Spines looked behind the yellow mare. "Speak of the devil."

Fluttershy turned around and discovered a large cake in being held in front of her. Behind the cake was a pink stallion beaming at her.

"Hey Fluttershy! I was on my way to make a delivery and I saw you sitting here with Twilight and Spines, so I thought I should come over and say hi. So... hi!"

Fluttershy smiled back at him and blushed as some of the other patrons of the restaurant looked over and started whispering to each other.

"That's really sweet of you. Who ordered the cake?"

"Elusive's parents. Sweetie Belles birthday is tomorrow and but they wanted to celebrate it with her today because of a trip they are going on. Tomorrow I have a plan to surprise her with a small party."

The yellow mare's eyebrows rose. "Oh a party? Should we all show up or is this just a party for her and her friends?"

Berry shrugged. "I don't know. I think you would be able to show up because I know Sweetie Belle and her friends really love you. I have to show up to host the party so I guess I have to be there, but I have been thinking of a way to have parties where I don't have to show up." Berry got a mystified look for a moment then shook his head. "Anyways Elusive is going because he's family, but the rest of you might need to ask if you can go, or get invited."

Berry placed the cake on the table and moved close to Fluttershy. She blushed at the close proximity and the large smile on his face.

"I know you wanted me to hold onto this but I just couldn't."

Berry leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Fluttershy's face turned redder than any of the Apple Family apples. Most of the mares in the restaurant made a small chorus of "Awww's" at the sight. Twilight smiled and glanced over to see Spines getting out of her chair.


The little dragon didn't answer her and walked out of the small dinning patio. Twilight was about to get up and go after her but Berry tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey Twilight you hear about Elusive and Applejack?"

Twilight gave a last glance at the purple dragon then looked at her friend. Spines walked down the street without looking back at the group.

"What about them? They didn't have another fight or something did they?"

Berry shook his head. "Nooo, I think they might start dating soon. Elusive told me that he and Applejack had lunch together and have been talking lately. I think they might go public soon."

Twilights jaw hit the floor. She shook her head and closed her mouth only for it to hit the floor again. "Wait, you mean Elusive and Applejack, The fashion pony that hates to even touch dirt and the pony that makes a living tilling the earth, are going to start dating?"

Berry simply nodded. Twilight rolled her eyes and gave him a small smile. "Okay I heard about opposites attracting but that is just insane. Those two spend more time arguing than any two ponies I know. It's a good joke there Berry but not that well thought out."

Both Berry and Fluttershy looked at her confused. The couple shared a look then looked back at her. Berry tilted his head to the side.

"What do mean joke? I'm serious. They have been talking a lot. Elusive even went to the farm a few times to talk to her."

Twilight looked at the pair for a moment then smiled at them, but with a little more shaky. "Come on. Really those two are dating?"

The pair nodded. Twilight scratched the back of her head. "I guess opposites do attract. That's still great to hear and it's nice you two were able to fall in love. When did you two know you loved each other?"

Berry and Fluttershy looked at one another and Berry began to tell how he first felt when he looked at Fluttershy.

Spines walked the streets of Ponyville with her head hung low, as to keep any of the ponies from seeing her fight back the tears. Even after a few days the rejection hurt. She wanted to be mad at Elusive but she couldn't. She couldn't be mad at him for being honest with her and trying to let her down gently, and she couldn't be angry with Applejack because she never once did anything mean to her.

Applejack would never do anything to hurt her friends. I want to be mad at her... but I know she would never try to get Elusive to like her just to hurt me. They just fell in love. Stupid, dumb, tragic... amazing love.

She wiped her eyes as she reached the market streets. She looked at all the ponies walking up and down the streets with bags and smiles as they searched for food. She felt so alone and distant from them despite some of them being less than a few feet away as she walked down the streets. She spotted Lyra buying banana bread at a bright blue stand, Sea Swirl selling a small dolphin shaped necklace to a small filly, and she even spotted the mare talking with the stallion that sold cherries.


Spines ran right into a stand while she was looking at the other ponies, her mind so busy with melancholy thoughts that she failed to notice the rapidly approaching stand. She landed on her bottom and rubbed the now sore part of her head.

"Woah, you okay there Spines? Ah didn't even see ya until the last second."

Spines rubbed her head and looked up at the orange mare. She felt her heart drop a little. Applejack was one of the last ponies she wanted to see right now.

"I'm sorry for running into your cart."

Applejack helped the young dragoness up. "Don't worry about it sugar cube. Why you out and about in the market? Did Twilight send you to get somethin'?"

Spines shook her head and tried her hardest to avoid eye contact. "No, I'm just walking around looking for, um... stuff."

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. "Stuff, huh? Well Ah could use some company while Ah work the cart. Mind joinin' me or is 'stuff' really important?"

Spines bit her lip. On one claw she really didn't want to talk with Applejack, after all how do you talk to the mare that your crash fell in love with. On the other claw though she didn't want to be rude and she really valued the friendship she had with the apple farmer.

"Sure... I guess I could help you out. That stuff can wait a little bit."

Spines helped Applejack set up the small cart and set up the price list. They were almost finished with setting up the cart before they got their first customer followed closely by another. They spent close to an hour selling apples and apple based baked goods.

When they finally had a quiet moment Applejack gave the dragoness a small water bottle. "So, why were you walkin' around town? Stuff ain't much of an answer."

Spines took a sip of the water and looked anywhere she could, so long as it wasn't at Applejack. "N-No reason. I just wanted to walk around the town. Twilight was busy talking to Berry and Fluttershy about..."

Spines trailed off and glanced down the street. She knew the question was coming but she still was hoping that it wouldn't be said. Her silent prayer was answered in a way she didn't expect.

"This is about Elusive and Ah ain't it?"

Spines looked at the mare and slowly nodded. Applejack sighed and sat next to the little dragoness. The purple reptile should have known that Applejack would know about her and Elusive's talk.

"Ah figured. Can Ah be honest with ya?"

Spines gave her a weak smile. "You're the element of honesty. You're always honest."

Applejack nodded and chuckled. "Well yeah but Ah meant that Ah want to be a little more... open with you. Ah know you liked Elusive, like you really liked him, but Ah'm really just surprised that he likes me."

Spines eyes widened at that. "Really?"

The farmer nodded. "Yeah. Ah mean, have you ever seen us together and not fighting over somethin'? Ah thought we were only friends because he and Ah were friends with the rest of y'all. We come from such different backgrounds and our talents couldn't be any different."

The farmer shook her head for a moment and chuckled. "He's always been prim and proper, and I've always had a love of farmin' and the outdoors."

Spines nodded along and noticed the friendly smile on the mares face. "Spines Ah'm really sorry that he had to break your heart. If Ah could Ah would make it so you didn't have to feel this pain."

Spines moved up to the mare and hugged her. Applejack could feel the tears wetting her coat. The cowpony hugged the little dragon tightly. A few moments passed in silence before the dragoness spoke.

"It hurts. It hurts so much. I want to be mad at somepony but I just can't. Why can't things go back to normal?"

Applejack sighed. "Ah don't know, but we all have to try and live with this change. You know what they say right? Can't help who you fall in love with… hey."

Spines looked up at the mare and wiped her eyes. "What?"

"You and Ah should have a night to ourselves. Something we can do together to get you happy again. Ah don't know about that girly stuff Elusive like to do, the spa and stuff, but we could do something."

Spines smiled. "I would like that."

A few ponies walked up to the stand and the pair quickly re-entered sales mode. It was almost half an hour later before they had a moment to talk again. Spines looked at the mare then took in a deep breath.


The mare put her water bottle down and looked over at her. "Yeah?"

Spines gave the mare a smile. "I hope you and Elusive make each other happy."

Applejack moved next to the dragoness and gave her a quick hug. "Thanks sugar cube. Ah really hope we can make each other happy too." She looked the dragoness in the eyes. "Ah also want you to find a stallion or dragon that will make you happy."

The purple reptile nodded. "Me too."

The pair continued to work the cart into the afternoon. It was a little past three o'clock before Applejack called it a day. As the orange mare and the purple dragoness packed the cart away Applejack gave Spines a last piece of advice.

"Ah would like you to know that Ah'm kinda nervous about this. Ah have never dated before and Ah really don't know what to do or say. Ah've never been good with the mushy stuff but Ah do know this. Ah would never have been able to get this far without my friends."

Applejack paused for a moment as they packed away the final part of the cart. She looked at the dragoness for a moment and placed her hoof on her shoulder.

"Ah think you should talk to Twilight about how you've been feelin'. Ah can give you as much help as Ah can but she's known you the longest and Ah think she should know about the feelin's you've been goin' through."

Spines looked at the ground for a moment then looked up at the mare. "Okay, but promise me that we can talk like this some more too. I like talking to you."

Applejack and Spines shared another hug. Applejack set off down the road with the apple cart in tow and Spines made her way back to the library she called home. It was a short journey back to the library and during which she was able to think about the whole situation.

She wanted to see Elusive happy and she loved both Applejack and the white stallion. She knew that what they both had told her was honest and caring. She reached the door of the library and stopped with her claw on the door.

You can't help who you fall in love with.

She opened the door and walked into the library. Twilight was working at her usual spot and glanced over as she walked in.

"Spines! I was worried about you when you walked away at lunch. What happened?"

Spines took a deep breath. "Nothing. I talked with Applejack for a little while. I need to tell you something."

Twilight closed the front door of library and picked the dragoness up. "Sure. You can tell me anything."

Spines hugged the unicorn tightly. "I know I can."