• Published 31st Oct 2012
  • 7,256 Views, 147 Comments

Cause and Effect: Discord's Truth - Coltsguy

Watch some shmuck find his true purpose in the land of Equestria.

  • ...

And the Good News Is?

“Pinkie I swear if that was you I'm going to break my foot off in your… well, I shouldn’t say that around your friends, but I’m still pretty upset!”

“It wasn’t me! I swear!”

I was still rubbing my eyes and blinking to get my vision back to normal. If I wasn’t worried about needing that coin for something in the future, I would have chucked it into the sun by now. I have no idea how I would do that, but it’s the principle of the matter.

“Alright,” I continued on, “if it wasn’t Pinkie Pie who did that, then it must have been the coin.”

“I concur,” added Twilight. “If Pinkie wasn’t the cause, however, then there is one other possibility. The coin is reacting to us instead. The coin blinded us when both Rarity and I used our magic to levitate it, and then it reacted again when Pinkie touched it.”

“The question then is does it react to ponies in general or it is you girls specifically?” I asked.

“We need to run some tests to see whether it’s safe or not. I can get started on that right away.”

“Correction. You can get started on that tomorrow, Twilight,” I said.

“What are you talking about? I need to get started on this right away.”

“Twilight, it’s getting late, I think. Still, we should all get some sleep and start fresh on this tomorrow. It will give you some time to contemplate more about it. I’ve covered everything that Princess Celestia asked me to do, thus fulfilling my promise as well, and we all, well you all anyway, have things you probably need to do tomorrow anyway. I’m willing to bet you even have a bullet point list of what you’re doing tomorrow somewhere around here. Am I right, Twilight?”

I was only starting to be able to see again, but I couldn’t make out what Twilight was doing. I assumed I was right, but then again assuming things all the time can just make you look like an ass. I decided on a different tact.

“Everyone else has something they need to do tomorrow, I’ll bet. Applejack probably needs to take care of some work at Sweet Apple Acres, right?”

“Ah sure do. I need to buck somma the trees in the north field and one of the wagons needs ah fixin’.”

“Fluttershy, you need to feed your little animal friends tomorrow, and I’m sure Angel bunny is probably either concerned or upset that you haven’t returned home yet.”

“T-that is true.”

“Rarity most likely has an order to fill for a customer or a friend of hers.”

“Well, I do have a little something that I need to finish up for a customer, but they aren’t picking it up until three days from now.”

“Pinkie Pie is probably helping out Mr. and Mrs. Cake in exchange for holding a party at Sugar Cube Corner.”

“Of course! I Pinkie promised that I would!”

I was a little surprised I got that right, but I continued on quickly anyway.

“And finally, Rainbow Dash… actually I think she’s pretty free between her naps tomorrow.”

“Hey, I got stuff that I need to do tomorrow too!”

“Alright then. Still, that means that everyone else has something that they need to do tomorrow, Twilight. I doubt that you don’t have anything which requires your attention. Or however I wanted to say that. You know what I mean.”

I heard a quick giggle from someone, but I had my eyes closed for it. I opened my eyes again to see who and I found I could finally see normally again.

“Anyway, my point remains valid. You have things that you probably need to do tomorrow. While the coin is important, I don’t want it consuming your entire day.”

“You think you know us so well, but for your information I do not have anything planned for tomorrow. I can get to work on it right now and everypony else can head back home for their busy days tomorrow.”

Damn. I hadn’t actually expected that.

“Alright, Twilight, I guess I’ll just pull out my ace in the hole.”

“Your ace in the what now?” asked Applejack.

“It’s an expression derived from a game called poker. It means that I have one last thing I can use that will almost certainly win me the argument.”

“Oh really?” asked Twilight; her voice thick with, whatever it’s called. I’m not a thesaurus. “What is it that you think can make me do what you’re asking?”

“I’m supposed to be your student, remember? If you’re up all night studying that coin, who will give me lessons in the morning? You’ll be way too tired to do that if you stay up all night examining that coin.”

“Well, what I can do is-“

“I can tell you a solid plan for this,” I interrupted. “You can get a good night’s sleep. Then, you can wake up an hour early and prepare a list for me to practice magic from. Then, when that’s ready, you can get me up and we’ll have breakfast together. I managed a neat trick with my magic earlier today and I have something for you to try. After that, you can start examining the coin and I can get to work on training my magic. Does that sound like a good plan?”

“Actually, that does sound pretty good.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” I said trying to cut off any attempt at her changing the plan. “Let’s get started on that plan then.”

I leaned forward and picked up Twilight. I then hung her over my shoulder and started off towards the stairs. Shortly after starting, I felt her disappear.

“I think I can manage to find my own way upstairs,” I heard her say from behind me. I turned to face her. “There are, however, some things that I do want to know about right now. You know things about all of us that we wouldn’t normally tell other ponies in casual conversation. I think it’s only fair that we get to know some things about you. Don’t you agree, Seth?”

“Well, I don’t know…” I said and started stroking my beard.

“Well, ah think ya ought to. It only seems fair.”

“Ooh, ooh, I want to hear a story!” said Pinkie as she started bouncing up and down excitedly.

“A story about my life? When did Equestria become that boring?” I said as I rolled my eyes.

Pinkie actually shot right up to my face. I jerked reflexively and it just gave her a foothold to stay in my face.

“Please? Please? Please? I really want to hear a story.”

I thought about that for a second. Pinkie wanted to hear a story and I didn’t really want to talk about my life. However, I do like to talk about things that interest me. Perhaps a story is in order.

“Alright, I can give you a story, but it is somebody else’s story. A great story about a man I told Twilight about once. Would you be interesting in hearing that for now?”

“Ooooooh! That does sound interesting.”

“That’s not really what I asked of you Seth,” Twilight complained. “I was doing this as part of your work in the study of friendship. I’d like you to pick a topic that isn’t someone else’s life.”

“A good part of my life is dependent on his actions. Son Goku was a righteous man who has saved countless lives over the course of his own life. The man is a role model to me.”

Twilight furrowed her brow.

“Wait a second. Isn’t Goku the guy who you modeled that magic blast you made up in the hills after that caused the ground to shake?”

“Yeah, that’s the same guy. However, he didn’t create the technique. He just mastered it.”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “What’s this about the ground shaking? I didn’t know about this!”

“You didn’t hear nuthin’ bout that? All of a sudden, the ground started ta’ shake all funny like. It lasted a good ten seconds fore it quit. Made everypony a might frightened it did.”

“So you’re telling me that he used a magic blast that was so intense that it made the ground shake? That sounds pretty awesome!”

“It was pretty darn frightenen’ is what it was!” Applejack yelled back.

“It really was. It took me forever to calm down all my little animal friends.”

“You know, can I ask you to apologize to them for me, Fluttershy? I can’t speak to animals.”

Yeah. I know how ironic that sounds, but I’m not going to say that out loud.

“Of course I can.”

“Thanks Fluttershy.”

“Aaaaaanyway,” interrupted Twilight, “I still think we should hear something about you. We can hear all about this Goku person some other time. I doubt we have enough time to listen to an entire story tonight. Perhaps some other time.”

Figures. Nobody ever wants to listen to anything I actually want to talk about.

“Fine. I’m the oldest of three siblings. I have two younger sisters. My parents are divorced. My dad remarried. It took me six years to get along well enough with her. I work as a cashier at Target. My main hobby is tooling around on the internet. I love watching football. My favorite team is the Colts, ironically enough. I’m wearing a hat of theirs on my head right now. I like playing chess, despite the fact that I suck at it. I’m diabetic, which means I can’t eat a lot of sugar or I could very well collapse. I’m near-sighted so if I take off these glasses I can’t discern anything from more than fifteen feet away and I can’t read anything small even from a few feet away. On that note, what is up with your books Twilight? I picked up one of them and read the cover, but when I tried reading the insides it looked like chicken scratch.”

“Really? Which book was it?”

“I forget. It was something like important ponies in pre-Equestria.”

“Oh! You mean ‘Prestigious Ponies of the Pre-Equestrian Era’ right?”

“Yeah, that's it.”

“You know, all that stuff may ah been more than I reckon I wanted tah hear, but I’m glad ya said it anyways.”

“Sure, that’s fine,” I rebutted, “but can we all go to bed now? This talk is becoming exhausting.”

Almost on cue, I belted out a large yawn. I wonder if I’m working on cartoon physics or something. I mean, I may still be as fat as hell, but I have increased strength, stamina, and I even have magic. I swear if I didn’t have to wear glasses and I suddenly had a six-pack, I would think that somebody made me a Mary Sue. Of course, I still had my nervousness towards people, but I could almost see that as a quirky character trait.

“Hey! Are you listening?”

“Huh?” I said and looked at Twilight. “Sorry, I kinda started thinking about things to myself after that yawn. What were you saying?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

She then pointed over to Rainbow Dash.

“My bad. What were you saying Rainbow Dash?”

“Forget it! I’m heading home. Catch you guys later.”

She then proceeded to fly over to the door, open it, and then fly out into the night.

“She could have closed the door behind her. Where have her manners gone?” asked Rarity.

“I’d rather think of it as an excuse to wrap things up for the night,” I said. “Again, I’m thoroughly drained mentally. Wandering around town, a surprise party, explanations and expositions, and telling you a bit about myself have left me with a lot of nothing to go on with. I honestly don’t even want to talk anymore at this point.”

“I suppose it is getting rather late. I believe I shall adjourn for the evening. Farewell everypony.”

With that said, Rarity left Twilight’s place as well.

“I reckon I oughta be leavin’ as well. Come on Fluttershy. Let’s be off.”

“Oh, well, okay. Goodbye everypony. I’ll see you tomorrow after I feed the animals. You know. If you don’t mind or anything.”

I knelt down in front of her.

“You know, Fluttershy, when it comes to you I don’t really mind anything.”

I reached out and then brushed aside the mane hanging in front of her face.

“I know you’re a lot like me. Out of all the ponies I’ve seen here, you have the most similar personality to me. I don’t really like crowds. I don’t really deal with people well either. You have your friends to help you with that. I don’t really have anyone to help me out, though. Be grateful for your friends. Don’t just hide behind your mane all the time. You have a nice face. You shouldn’t hide it. You should lead with confidence. It would never work with me, but I think it can work for you.”

I took my hand away from her face and her mane went back to its usual style. I then ruffled the mane on top of her head playfully.

“Then again, what do I know? I’m just a schmuck from Kansas. I can give advice just fine, but taking it is a lot harder.”

I leaned in and closed my eyes. I then placed my forehead onto hers.

“You do what feels right. As long as you have your friends, then you have all that you need.”

I honestly started tearing up at my own words. I was really getting corny. Of course, I figured I could get away with it here. Friendship is magic here after all, right?

I opened my eyes and backed up from her.

“I hope I didn’t make things too uncomfortable for you. I can be like that too, after all.”

She smiled and shook her head.

“It’s alright. You just said what you believed in. That’s what counts. It’s not something you should be ashamed of. I’ll think about what you said. I’ll see you tomorrow, Seth.”

She turned and went to the door with Applejack close behind her. After she went through the door, Applejack stopped at the threshold and turned back to me.

“You know, you’re all right in my book partner. Just be honest with yourself and things’ll turn out alright.”

“Words of honesty from the element that represents it.”

“Sure is at that. Goodnight y’all.”

Applejack turned forward and left the library. Shortly after that, I felt something on the top of my head. I glanced up to see Pinkie Pie perfectly balanced on the top of my head. She was staring down at me as she began to speak excitedly.

“I had a lot of fun today too! I hope that we can have some fun together again really, really soon! Not tomorrow, though, but then really, really soon after that!”

I plucked the enthusiastic mare off of my head and placed her on the ground.

“That does sound like fun Pinkie. Let’s try doing that soon, but not soon, soon. Just soon. Savvy?”

The word at the end threw her off for a second just as I hoped it would. I honestly never use that word, but thought I should use it here for some reason. It didn’t work for very long as she seemed to recover after a few seconds.

“Whatever you say Seth! I’ll see you soon, soon!”

With that, she turned around and hopped out of Twilight’s place. Somehow, and I really don’t know how, the door seemed to shut itself after she left. No glow from Twilight or anything seemed to make it close at all. It just looked like it closed itself at a moderate speed. In the end, I just chalked it up to Pinkie magic.

“Well,” Twilight spoke up, “I think we should be heading to bed as well.”

“Before we do that, I’d like to try something first.”

I quickly focused the magic in my left hand. It had become easier and easier to do so with every attempt. I then focused on the couch that I slept on. I then snapped my fingers. The couch instantly transformed into a twin-sized bed. Unfortunately, it was merely a frame and a mattress. Still, I thought it was better than an undersized couch.

“Very nicely done my new apprentice, although, you forgot to give it some bed sheets.”

“Well, I was trying to do it with the sheets so it is only so-so. I also tried it with the chaos magic instead since I think it will transform back if I used normal magic, right?”

“That’s true. You said you used chaos magic. Can you tell the difference?”

“Actually, I just assumed that it was chaos magic. I need to concentrate on what I’m doing for regular magic, but when I’m using chaos magic, I just snap my fingers like Discord did and it seems to work for the most part. Not everything is what I hope it will be, but it goes in the general direction I want it to take. It would be easier if I could snap my right hand's fingers like this.”

As I demonstrated using my right hand, the bed sparked and suddenly it was covered by sheets and a blanket with a few matching pillows. I couldn’t help but stare for a few moments. Finally, I broke the silence.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I said in a low tone.

“I thought you said you didn’t have much in the way of specifics when you did that.”

“You have got to be kidding me!” I said in an inverted tone to my previous statement.

“What? What’s going on?”

“You know what? Eff this. Why the hell am I trying to make sense out of chaos magic? It’s chaos magic. It’s not supposed to make sense. Why in all of creation would I think otherwise anyway? Ugh. Brain no work right now. Brain make sleepy time now.”

“Why are you talking like that?”

“Because life just slapped the logic center of my brain. It needs a night to recover now. Goodnight Twilight.”

“Goodnight Seth,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

I heard her walk off, but I was busy heading over to the bed. I reached the bed and took off my shoes and my hat. I ended up placing my hat on top of my shoes since there wasn’t anywhere to hang it or place it on. I had a feeling I would forget and step on it somehow.

I pulled down the covers and lay down on the bed. It was comfy, but it was a bit itchy as well. It just wasn’t the same as back home. That just seemed to go without saying, but I still felt the need to think it.

So, how did things go with the girls today?”

Speaking of thinking things…

Celestia, is that you in my head?”

Of course it is. It is a side effect of the scrying spell. I did not mention it before since I did not trust you completely.

And what about afterwards?”

What about afterwards?”

“...Goddammit Nappa.

Amusing. So, did you tell the girls or not? I have faith that you would keep your promise, but they are a bit hard to handle sometimes.

Yes, I did. They seemed to take it surprisingly well.

That is good to hear. I have informed Luna of your situation as well.

How much did you tell her exactly? It could be problematic if she knows about certain things. I’m a little worried that she might do something if she suffers an existential crisis.

Do not trouble yourself. I told her you were a human that was displaced from a different dimension and that you had gained some of Discord’s power as well. I told her that you have some knowledge of us as well so you do not have to concern yourself too much about concealing yourself in her presence. I have not told her about the scrying spell or that we are a form of entertainment to millions either. I agree that she may not handle it well with her so recently removed from her exile.

That’s what I was concerned about as well. She may be nearly as old as you, but her mind is still a cacophony of problems.

We both know that you do not really know what that word means, Seth.

You can’t see my face right now, but you should know that I’m rolling my eyes.

I wholeheartedly believe that.

I forgot to ask you, but did you take a look at Discord’s statue yet?”

I have indeed. This is the real reason I wanted to speak with you tonight.

What’s happening?”

As I feared, the spell holding him in stone is weakening. At the rate it is happening, it did begin as soon as you were deposited in the Everfree forest.

“Craaaaap,” I said out loud.

I estimate that we have two days until Discord frees himself from his prison. I have sent a letter to Spike to inform the elements.

Spike is currently in Canterlot.

I am aware of this now. He will deliver the letter to Twilight Sparkle and you will all head to Canterlot the day he is supposed to escape.

That’s cutting it a little close isn’t it?”

That is because we cannot reinforce the spell. Instead, we must recast it when Discord breaks free.

I see. Why aren't you having me tell Twilight myself right now anyway? I'm right downstairs from her."

"And take away Spike's job? That would be just plain silly."

"Riiiiiight. In any case, if I’m the cause, do you think that sending me back before that happens will fix things?”

It matters not. I don’t know of a way to do so, and I highly doubt it would help in any case. We have two days to prepare for this and I want everyone prepared. That includes you.

Really? I would think that you wouldn’t want me anywhere near Discord if I have his powers. Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

I plan on having you distract him while we use the elements. They will only work in the presence of a threat to harmony and until Discord escapes the statue, they will remain dormant.

This just seems ridiculous. Why can’t I just try to add my power to the spell that’s already cast on him?”

Seth, we both know that is a question you already know the answer to. You must do this. When things are finished, then you can give me your complaints.

Should I put them in your complaint box?”

Very funny. Since you cannot see me either, you should know that I am rolling my eyes now.

Ha, good one. Fine, I’ll start working on practicing with my magic tomorrow for this. I’ll need to come up with some things to distract him with.

You will only need to distract him for a minute or two at the most.

I know that’s what you think, but I am of a different opinion. Besides, having a few different options can’t hurt either.

Indeed Seth. I will leave you to rest for tomorrow. Good night Seth.

Good night Celestia.

Oh, one last thing.

What is it?”

There is another Skywalker…” she thought in a croaky voice.

How did you even do that?”

I waited for a response, but I heard nothing.

Well, that was interesting if nothing-


The sudden yell in my thoughts sent me jumping and made me fall onto the floor; straight on top of my hat and shoes.

“I may have created a monster.”

Author's Note:

Took a little longer than usual on this chapter. I had three pages disappear due to a power outage, and I scrapped an idea I had that involved Luna, so I ended up removing the Luna tag from my story since it won't work now.