• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 1,153 Views, 48 Comments

M.A.G.E. - Awesomedude17

Members of S.V.E.R., Valor and Raven get sent to Equestria.

  • ...

Blood Bonds Severed

By Awesomedude17

"Huh... wha... where... am I?" Rarity fluttered her eyes open, and found herself bound to some kind of a pedestal. She looked to see herself roped with Trixie, who was similarly tied down.

"Wha... H-h-hel-l-l-lo... somepony! ANYPONY!!! HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!"

"Hehe, I was told to make sure the bonds were ex-ssssssss-tra..." The voice took a deep breath briefly. "Tight."

"Y-you. Whomever you are, release me, and maybe I won't tear you limb from limb." Rarity said with a heavy trace of anger.

"Oh, well in that case, I suppose I won't release you from your bonds, you notice the ring on your horn?"

"What ring? What are y..." Rarity found herself looking at a ring on her horn. She tried to take off the tacky object, but found her magic stopping at the ring itself. She went wide-eyed, and started to hyperventilate.

"W-W-What the... What is this?"

"It's a magic suppressant, bitch! It's meant to prevent you from escaping these little, itty, bitty... bonds."

Rarity soon took a deep breath, and looked at the man who had bound her to the pedestal.


"Why are you doing this?"

"Why?" Jose began to have a thoughtful look on his face. He didn't know what to think.

"Because... my dear friend... It's what I became, after 20 years... 20 years of neglect, 20 years of abuse, 20 years of fear, 20 years, where I was shaped into the man I became today. Was I good to begin with? Maybe." Jose then put a knife to Rarity's neck and began to breath erratically.

"But then again, a world without war doesn't seem as wonderful if people just keep coming into the world. I was stemming the population, keeping the monsters greater than me off the streets, permanently." Jose gently moved the knife along her neck, not cutting deep, but enough to cause some bleeding. Jose looked at the result, but became amazed when Rarity barely changed her expression of anger and contempt.

"Hmm, you're a new one. Maybe I should've gone with someone more... willing to beg."

"Beg? I lady never begs."

"Are you sure?" Jose asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Oh, I think you're lying to yourself."


"You like her, don't you?"

"What, are you..."

"The yellow one, what has her name? Buttershy?"

"Fluttershy, and what have you done to her?"

"She's alive, at least I think she is, she was at the hospital when I knocked her out."

Rarity lunged forwards, with only the rope stopping her from murdering Jose.

"OOOOooo... tst tst tst... naughty naughty." Jose jammed the knife right next to Rarity's face, deflecting off the stone away from the mare. Rarity barely acknowledged the knife when to her.

"You're no fun."

"And you're a complete monster. One man was drunk, another was egotistical and another five were so mind-numbingly idiotic.."

"Oh, there were more?"


"Interesting. I hope you don't mind me visiting those worlds."

"By all means, try." Rarity said in a sarcastic tone.

"Maybe I will."

"Maybe you should."

"I..." Jose took a deep breath, and looked at his sacrifice in the eye.

"I will kill you, for my reward."


"The Harvest Moon, the scheduled Harvest Moon that will bring him back, and my deep desires as well!"

"The Harvest Moon? Why is that important?"

"Because blood is my favorite color... like your neck."

Rarity just growled at the psycho.

Three hours left.

Three hours left, haha.

"Quickly, if we hurry, we might make there before Jose kills her!" Reznov yelled out, bringing his natural leadership skills to bring an known ally, three temporary allies and six mares to wherever this Jose was.

Pierre deep down knew that this was too far, he knew that he had mental issues, but attacking innocents? He said he was done with that. He had his orders from the higher-ups in Raven for this unjustifiable action.

"Order number 721-B!"

"What?" Johnathan asked, swatting aside a branch.

"Order number 721-B is a specific order from headquarters specifically for this situation alone."

"And what does it say?" Vulakh asked.

"It says that I have to kill the rouge operative, one way, or another."

"What?" Pinkie yelled in shock.

"Is there no other way?" Luna asked with hint of dread.

"No, this order is mandatory to all operatives given this order. I am sorry, for both you and myself, but Jose has to be killed."

"If that's true, then I must ask, how do we find him?"

"I have used a tracking spell, it helps that his injuries allowed me to get a blood sample to aid in this dire event." Celestia explained, using her magic to track down the psychotic madman.

"Do not remind me of those injuries." Vulakh said with a hint of dread.

"Yeah, amiga, do not mention that, it wasn't pleasant." Romero said in agreement.

"I am sorry, but there is a much more pressing matter to attend to at the moment, and..." Celestia slowed down, as did the others.

"Well, where are we?" Reznov asked.

"He's there." Celestia pointed to an old castle, with overgrowth covering the walls as the stone started to crumble up slightly.

"Oh no... not this place again!" Rainbow yelled, grasping her head.

"Well, I'll be fucked, let's go!" Johnathan said as he approached the bridge. He took a cautious step onto the rickety bridge, then another, and another, was now going along in brisk walk.

"The bridge is okay guys! One at a time!"

The others nodded, and went across the bridge (Except Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash, who simply flew across.)

"Quickly, we must move!" Reznov yelled, leading the others to the castle, where the Harvest Moon was closing in.

It's almost time.

"Hehehe... you ready to die?"

"Not to you, creep!" Rarity said defiantly, completely aware that Jose had pulled all the stops to make sure she couldn't do anything to let herself go free.

"Ooooo... you are sooooooo going to get a good stabbing!" Jose unsheathed his knife and licked it, getting more anxious by the moment.

You have to wait for a little longer, then cut her up.

Jose smirked violently, and had a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh you are..."


Jose turned to see five humans, guns aimed at the man, safeties off, guns loaded, and ready to fire.

"Jose, it's time, order 721-B, you have to die." Pierre fired shots from his K90 submachine gun, but Jose hid behind Rarity's alter and soon ran off.

"Pierre, let's chase after him, Dmitri, Romero, John, help out Rarity and that other mare, now!" Reznov yelled, taking Pierre along while the others began to untie the bonds.

"Thank you darlings, Jose has really done everything to make sure I would not go free."

"Yeah, a little too well, these knots are tight!" Johnathan yelled, trying to untie the bindings.

"Lemme try!" Applejack said, looking at the the knots that bound the mare.

"Huh, well Ah'll give him credit, the psycho knows a good knows how to tie a good knot." Applejack said as she began a complex untying sequence for this particular knot.

"Don't complement the man who was planning to murder me!"

"Hey, he'sh pretty good at knosh." Applejack countered as she pulled a loop.

Meanwhile, Jose ran off, and around a particular corner back to the sacrifice alter.

Hurry! We have only 5 minutes left!

"Keep off my ass for a minute, I'm very busy!" Jose said as he fired his KP7 at the men chasing him. Reznov reacted by firing his PSK MG at the runner. Unfortunately, the PSK MG had a slow rate of fire, and mediocre accuracy, and as such, couldn't do much to Jose. Jose did get shot in the shoulder-blade, but used hid med-kit to heal himself back to full health.

"Keep trying, amigos!" Jose taunted the two.

"Use your damn gun!" Reznov yelled out.

"I cannot hit him at this range!"

"Must I do everything?"

The two ran off, and Jose double-backed, approaching the alter.

Yes, YES!!!

Jose found himself getting into the room, only to find it empty.

"No... no no nononono! Where is she? Where is that white bitch!"

Jose snarled, only find himself facing a shotgun barrel.

Pierre came into the room, to see Vulakh, holding his T-195 one-handed at the serial killer he was supposed to kill.

"This is for Fluttershy!" Dmitri pulled the trigger, sending buckshot right into Jose's face. The back of his head exploded as he fell backwards, dead. Dmitri then spat onto the corpse.

"And that was for Rarity!"

The shock of the situation made the room quiet. No one spoke as the castle echoed with the sound of gunfire.

"It's over." Pierre said quietly. "It's finally over."

The two soldiers looked at each other. The Raven operative walked towards the SVER soldier, ever so closer, and then simply held out his hand.

Dmitri looked haphazardly at the hand, not expecting the action, and still cautious. He decided to simple grabbed the hand, and the two shook hands.

"Thank you, you have helped me stop a terrible person."

"I am sorry that you had to lose a friend though."

"I know, I know." Pierre said silently.

Vulakh simply nodded, and let go. The two backed up, and stared at each other. That's when everyone came in.

"Guys, are you... you..." Rainbow Dash stopped herself as soon as she saw Jose's corpse.

"I am assuming that the dead body says enough." Vulakh said.

"I... I..." Twilight squeaked out.

Celestia and Luna kept a stoic look, having seen this happen before.

"I do not wish to commend such a horrible atrocity, but I have to thank you all for doing your part to stopping Jose, and saving two of my subjects' lives." Celestia spoke with a stern tone.

"Trust me, thanks is the last thing I want, especially for something that was supposed to be my job."

"Pierre, your life my have been a dangerous one, but this man was a threat to all who stood with him, you had to do what you needed to do. Vulakh, as far as I'm concerned, had some major part in this counter-plot." Luna looked at the SVER soldier, and the soldier sighed.

"I pulled the trigger, I killed him."

Celestia and Luna nodded in understanding, knowing that few would willingly kill someone without motive.

"Umm, Celestia, Luna..."

"What is it Twilight?" Celestia asked, turning towards her former student.

"What is that!?"

Everyone turned to see a black smoke, which then suddenly forced itself down Pierre's throat. The Frenchman tried to cough out the viscous matter, but couldn't. He began to convulse, crumpling in agony and shock. Everyone backed away, and then...

He stopped.

"Pierre?" Pinkie cautiously inched forward.

"Pierre?" Luna, just as nervous, inched forward.

Pierre suddenly shot up, and began to stand up in a way that seemed like he barely had control over his body. He cautiously stood up, and began to flex his fingers.

"Pierre, if you are alright, I can..."

Pierre picked up the K90, and cautiously handled it.

"Listen Pierre, I don't know what is wrong with you, but I think you should put the gun a..."

"SILENCE!!!" The man said as he took the gun fired right into Reznov's body. The soldier fell down, and Vulakh came to the fallen soldier.


"What the fuck?"

"You're not Pierre!" Romero yelled out.

"No... I know who he is..." Twilight said, backing away.

"You do?"

"Yes... Luna and I do too."

"Then tell me you two, who am I?"

Celestia stood silent, but Luna told them who he was with a strong trace of anger and fear.


Sombra, having taken over Pierre's body, merely smiled viciously.