• Published 18th Oct 2023
  • 1,161 Views, 227 Comments

Saiyan Of The Sun - IndigoStorm27

12 years before the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia encounters a being from beyond the stars. Despite the less than formal first impression, Celestia decides to take him in to her care. How will Equestria fare with its new resident?

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Chapter TWO (Edited): A New Dawn, A Fresh Start! Bage Meets Celestias Student, and an Irritating member of Royalty! Celestia Gets More Than She Bargains For! The Might of an Oozaru!

A New Dawn, A Fresh Start! Bage Meets Celestia's Student and an Irritating member of Royalty! Celestia Gets More Than She Bargains For! The Might of an Oozaru!

Canterlot Royal bedroom, Celestia's private chambers.

Celestia cracked her eyes open several hours later. Her connection to the sun told her that it was just past noon. Luckily, she had raised the sun before collapsing onto her poster bed. She was about to clamber out of bed when a knocking at her chamber door made her groan. "I swear if this is Blueblood complaining about another servant, I'm going to wring his neck," she grumbled, half-heartedly placing her crown atop her head. She shuffled to the door and opened it, surprised to see Raven standing there.

"Ah, Your Majesty, good afternoon. You missed breakfast and I was wondering if perhaps you were up late again, stargazing," Raven remarked from behind her parchment. "There's... some creature waiting for you in the dining room. Apparently, you two are, for lack of a better word 'acquainted'?" Raven asked, as she looked up and nearly dropped her quill in surprise. "Your Majesty, you look terrible! I told you, you need to stop staying up till odd hours of the night!" She exclaimed, using her magic to try and smooth out Celestia's mane.

"Believe me, I had no choice in the matter," Celestia snarked, scowling. She began making her way towards the dining hall, Raven trailing behind while still fussing over her dishevelled appearance. As she drew closer to the dining hall, she heard raised voices echoing down the corridor, and facehooved. "Oh lovely, they've already met," Celestia mumbled, already identifying the voice of Blueblood.

"GUARDS, COME QUICKLY! THERE'S A WILD ANIMAL IN THE DINING HALL!" Blueblood's voice rang out, followed by an equally as loud reply from her newest... guest.

"WILD ANIMAL?! I'LL SHOW YOU A WILD ANIMAL, HOW'S ABOUT YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR YOU POMPOUS SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!" came Bage's gruff reply, the volume nearly rivalling that of the Royal Canterlot Voice. Celestia nearly barked with laughter but composed herself. She gripped the doors with her magic and ripped them open, to reveal a rather comical sight. Bage had Blueblood lifted by his shirt collar, and Blueblood had a gravy boat held in his magic pouring onto Bage's head, the savoury liquid running through his hair and dribbling down his armour.

As amusing as the sight was, she was not in the mood, and shouted in the RCV, "THAT IS ENOUGH, BOTH OF YOU! I'M IN NO MOOD TO DEAL WITH SUCH INANE BEHAVIOR! BAGE PUT HIM DOWN; BLUEBLOOD, LEAVE US!" Bage immediately dropped the prince, making him land face-first into a gravy puddle. Blueblood proceeded to cough and splutter, trying to blow gravy out of his nose

"Oh, look what you've done, you overgrown ape! I'm filthy, and this was my best dress shirt!" Blueblood whined, trying desperately to wipe the gravy off his shirt. Bage simply snorted and walked over to the table, sitting down and grabbing a plate of hay bacon.

"Maybe next time you won't try and throw me out of a window, and call me 'filth' you spoiled runt. All I was doing was eating breakfast," Bage disclaimed, before taking a bite of bacon and nearly choking. "Blech, what the hell is this? It tastes like dirt!" Bage spat, throwing the platter across the room, which proceeded to smack Blueblood in the face.

"OOW! Aunty, PLEASE, do something about this wretched creature! I shall not stand for this abuse!" Blueblood bemoaned, rubbing his muzzle with a hoof. Celestia felt a blood vessel pulse in her forehead and growled. She grabbed Blueblood in her magic, and shoved out the door of the dining hall, slamming it behind him. Afterwards, she turned to Bage, and simply glared at him, as if daring him to say something else.

Bage simply stared back, before turning to the table and grabbing a breakfast sausage, biting into it and giving Celestia a deadpan look. "What? He started it, and besides he probably deserved it," he claimed, shrugging. Celestia felt her mane start to catch fire, and took a couple deep breaths to calm down. This was truly a sour day, and she felt it would only get worse from there.


Canterlot Throne room

Celestia sat on her throne, massaging her temples. How did this day go so wrong? It's like Discord had broken free, and unleashed the worst prank imaginable, purely to torment her. Luckily, today was when she would meet with Twilight to discuss her studies, and hopefully regain some semblance of control over the day. As if on cue, the doors to the throne room opened and her student walked in with her nose in a book, as per usual. Celestia smiled and was about to greet her student before the doors slammed open again and Bage walked in. "Hey Princess, do you know where I can get some training? I don't want to get soft hanging around a bunch of weak ponies," he called out, startling Twilight so much she dropped her book.

"Bage, I'm certain you can make use of the royal guards training area, but I'm currently meeting with my student," Celestia remarked, gesturing to the now stock still Twilight. Bage looked at her quizzically, as if sizing her up. Twilight on the other hand merely stared back, a look of fear mixed with curiosity evident on her face. Bage stepped closer and knelt to look Twilight dead in the eye, making her squeak in fear.

"Wh-What a-are you?" Twilight managed to choke out, her need to sate her curiosity, overpowering her fear. Bage didn't respond, simply staring. Eventually, Twilight inched closer, stepping around him, to get a better look at his armor. "I've... never seen clothing like this before. It's like... rubbery and pliable, but firm," she noted poking at it with a hoof. She glanced up at his hair and attempted to part it with her magic, but it simply bounced back into place. "Your hair looks strange like it defies gravity. Not like the princess's mane, it's different."

Bage scoffed, before standing up and crossing his arms. "Great, a nerd. Just what I need," he jabbed, closing his eyes. He turned to walk out of the room but felt something grab his leg. He looked down, but there was nothing there.

"W-wait! You didn't didn't answer my question!" she cried, trotting up to him. That's when she noticed his tail, wrapped around his waist like a belt. "Is that a belt? What's it made of?" she asked, grabbing it with her magic. The effect was immediate, Bage going stiff, before collapsing to his knees.

"Hey, let go you br-brat!" Bage tried to pull his tail away, but his muscles wouldn't obey. He was completely subdued, and by a child no less. He fumed, desperately trying to wrest his tail from whatever force she had grabbed him with, but no luck.

"Wait, this is attached to you. Is this a tail?" She began rattling off question after question, asking about everything from his tail, to his fur, and hundreds of other things. He was getting pissed off, but he was powerless until she let go of his tail.

Bage couldn't believe he was being held in place by some brat as if he were a common pet. "Damnit, just let go, you little runt!'' He hissed through clenched teeth.

"Perhaps your species evolved from primates, but then why would you still have your tail? Maybe you travel by climbing across treetops, but that wouldn't explain the need for armour." Twilight rambled, and finally, Bage had enough, and let his aura explode.

"I SAID LET GO DAMNIT!" He yelled, blasting Twilight back with the force of his energy. Celestia grabbed her and glared at Bage as he sped off, slamming through the doors to the throne room. Celestia sighed, knowing that trying to talk to him would only result in a shouting match. She felt Twilight move in her grasp and looked down, expecting to see her shaking in fear, but instead saw her vigorously scribbling on some parchment. It appeared that Bages' outburst, rather than scare her, had piqued her intellectual curiosity.

She smiled softly and had an idea. 'If I push the two of them to be friends, perhaps I can solve two problems at once' - she thought to herself - 'and help Bage settle into Equestria all the easier.'


Celestia found Bage pummeling several training dummies in the combat arena, noting the shattered guard armour surrounding the area. She cleared her throat to get his attention, though if he heard her, he didn't show it. "Bage, I have a proposal for you, if you're interested," she called out to him, and he responded with a grunt. "I would like to have a sparring match with you, and should I best you, I'd like to take you under my tutelage," she told him, knowing that he wouldn't resist a chance to beat her for last time.

"Heh, really? Alright fine, but if I win I want you to build a proper training area. This one sucks, and these combat dummies are too fragile," he turned to her as he said this, tapping the strange-looking glass on his head, which started beeping.


Bage's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open. "WH-WHAT?! 24,700?! H-How? You weren't that strong before, what the hell did you do?" He shouted, fear growing apparent in his eyes. Celestia merely smiled before using her magic to don her armour, summoning it with her magic.

She looked at him with a slight grin, actually getting excited for a battle for the first time in centuries. "You seem surprised, did you not notice the sun high in the sky? My power is tied to it after all," she stated as if merely noting the weather. Bage grits his teeth but shakes his head, getting into a battle stance.

"SO WHAT! It's just a cheap trick, just like that little light show you did last night!" He exclaimed and charged a ki blast. "You can't beat a saiyan warrior with cheap tricks! I'll show you just how strong I am!" He told her. She raised an eyebrow but decided to take his word for it. It's not like he could pull out any tricks of his own.

"How about we take this away from Canterlot, so as not to cause too much collateral damage?" She asked, to which he smirked.

"What's wrong, don't want your subjects to see you get your ass handed to you?" He goaded. She simply smiled and shook her head.

"Oh, I assure you, that is not the case. Also, I do not have an ass, donkey slavery was outlawed some 600 years ago," She stated, prompting him to tilt his head in confusion.

"The hell is a donkey? Never mind, yeah let's go," He dispelled his blast and took to the air, Celestia following behind whilst using her magic to lift a sphere containing Twilight. They travelled a fair distance from Canterlot, heading out to the Badlands. As they landed, Celestia couldn't help but take note of the odd choice of destination.

"Pray tell, why exactly did you lead us here? I doubt you are very resistant to the heat of a desert," She asked, setting the sphere of magic down. Bage simply chuckled and gestured to the barren land around them.

"If we're gonna do this, I'd rather not destroy the one place I can reliably get food. Besides, you're not afraid of a little heat, are you?" He taunted, but she didn't rise to take his bait.

"Hardly, I merely thought that an area like the forest would do better, considering your monkey heritage," she jabbed, and he scowled before quickly smirking and taking off his scouter.

"Oh, believe me, I'll show you just how much of a 'monkey' I am," He muttered, before placing the scouter into a pocket in his armour. Celestia found his word choice strange but chose not to comment.

"Wait, do you not need that device to sense power? Why did you remove it?" She asked, before noticing another ball of ki in hand, and felt his power drop sharply.

"Don't worry about that, you should worry about yourself!" He shouted before tossing the ball into the air. "POWER BALL, EXPAND!" He shouted, causing her to look up at the orb as it grew to nearly 5x its size.

"What is that, how is that going to help you?" Celestia demanded, confused as to why he would use the attack to create a ball of light in the sky.

Bage didn't respond, he simply chuckled. "Just watch, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, one not one many others get to enjoy." He told her as he looked up at the ball of light. The effect was immediate, his body going stiff as he started to grunt. Celestia felt his power shoot up, to a level she hadn't felt since King Sombra had been banished.

Celestia watched as his body began to bulk up, and fur began to spread across his body. His face bulged outward, and his teeth grew razor-sharp. "What is this? What have you done?!" she cried out, but he didn't respond. He simply continued to grow reaching nearly 88 hooves tall. She looked on in horror as the saiyan had turned into a monster. His only response was to roar, and stomp towards her. She quickly moved out of the way, grabbing the sphere containing Twilight and moving it to safety. 'This is impossible, how could he grow to such a colossal size? He nearly dwarfs the castle!' She thought to herself.

The giant ape roared and moved to grab her, but she dodged out of the way. "How did you hide such a powerful transformation from me?" She yelled, but he merely roared in response. 'So he's completely mindless in this state, I won't be able to talk him down.' She thought, trying to come up with a plan. He was rather slow and unrefined in this state, showing he did not use it often enough to truly control it. Perhaps she could use that to her advantage.

The Oozaru, driven by a primal rage, launched into a barrage of attacks. Its fists, large as boulders, swung with devastating force, each blow a thunderous declaration of its power. The ground shook with its every step, sending fissures racing through the cracked earth as it attempted to squash Celestia like an insignificant bug.

The ape roared as it swatted at her, but she stayed just outside its range. 'I could try to blind him again, but I would have to get close.' She fired a beam of magic at him, and it did manage to pierce his armour, but if it actually hurt, he didn't acknowledge it. She fired several more beams, each one striking different parts of his body. Flying up, she conjured a shield and flew straight at him. The ape looked up in time to get smacked in the face by the shield before a burst of white blinded him. He roared in pain, rubbing his eyes, while Celestia thought of a plan to take him down.

'He seems almost impervious to damage, how am I supposed to... - ' She looked up to the massive glowing orb that Bage had thrown, ' -wait, what if that's the key? It caused him to grow into this beast! Perhaps if I destroy it, or obscure it, he'll detransform. I'll have to be quick though.' She quickly flew around behind him, and grabbed his massive tail with her magic, making the ape roar out in discomfort.

Summoning her magic, Celestia cast a series of dazzling flares, not as weapons but as diversions. The flares burst into brilliant light, a constellation designed to blind and confuse. For a moment, the Oozaru's assault faltered, its roars turning to growls of frustration as it swiped at the blinding lights.

Seizing this moment of disorientation, Celestia took to the skies. Her magic coalesced into a focused beam, a lance of pure energy aimed not at Bage, but at the Power Ball. With a word of power, she unleashed the spell. The beam shot forth, a streak of light that pierced the sky, striking the Power Ball with a resounding crack. In an instant, the ball disintegrated, its light extinguished.

Without its source of power, the Oozaru's roars turned to howls of confusion. The towering figure shrank rapidly, the monstrous form receding as Bage was forcibly returned to his Saiyan self. The transformation reversed, leaving him weakened, disoriented, on his knees in the dust of the Badlands.

"Aggh, How? How could you beat my oozaru form?! This doesn't make any sense!" he screamed, beating the ground with his fist. Celestia smirked, before lifting him with her magic.

"Make sense? What fun is there in making sense? Besides, It's simple, I simply have more experience with combat than you do," she snarked, lifting Twilight's bubble with her magic. Somehow, throughout the entire fight, she had continued to furiously scribble on her notepad, having found the entire battle to be incredibly fascinating

"This is amazing! I've never seen Princess Celestia fight before and against such a large opponent!" Twilight gushed, and Celestia simply giggled.

"I'm glad you found the experience enlightening, my dear student. Now, let us return to Canterlot so Bage can recover from his 'ass being handed to him'," Celestia joked, causing Bage to grit his teeth and growl. Unbeknownst to the group, they were being watched. A pair of blue eyes appeared on a nearby rock, before a blast of emerald flame consumed it, leaving a small lizard in its place. The lizard crawled into a nearby crevice and disappeared.


Deep Space; Planet Vegeta debris field

Lord Frieza stared out at the void that had previously been occupied by Planet Vegeta. He smirked, before chuckling at the memory of the foolish monkey that had attempted to stand up to him. "Ooooh, Ho, Ho, Ho, of all the planets I've ever destroyed, that one will always hold a special place in my heart! Oh, how I wish I could've seen the looks on their faces, as I destroyed everything they've ever known!" He heard the door open behind him and turned to see Zarbon and Dodoria walk in.

"Lord Frieza, I have some news. It seems that some pods managed to make it off of Planet Vegeta before it was destroyed. Two to be exact," Zarbon stated, Dodria grumbling in response.

"Can't believe some of 'em managed to scamper off. Now they're prolly gonna start breedin'," Dodoria muttered, crossing their arms and pouting. Frieza merely chuckled at this, too Zarbons confusion.

"Oh really? Tell me Zarbon, did you detect any high power levels from either pod?" Frieza asked, too which Zarbon shook his head. "Then I don't see the issue! So a few monkeys managed to survive, so what?" Frieza remarked, turning back to the window. "After that little display, any monkey that thinks they can stand up to me is either stupid or suicidal. Though considering they're average intelligence, I'm inclined to assume the former," He joked, chuckling to himself.

"Well yeah, but what if they get strong enough to challenge you? What about that, 'Super Saiyan' we heard about?" Dodoria remarked, to which Fireza responded with another laugh.

"Well Dodoria, if you're so frightened by the two whole sayains that managed to escape, you're more than welcome to track them down. I feel it would be a waste of time. With no king and no orders, they're liable to just kill each other like the savages they are, or be killed off by the populace of whatever planet they land on. It's better to just ignore them. They're hardly worth the trouble," Frieza states while grabbing himself a glass of wine.

"As you say, Lord Frieza. I still don't like it, but I guess if they were an issue, they wouldn't've run with their tails 'tween their legs," Dodoria relented, looking to Zarbon, who merely shrugged.

"Of course, they aren't an issue, It would take far more than just two monkeys to threaten my rule. Now, let us head back to Frieza planet 79, I'm famished,"


Bage lay in a hospital bed, wrapped in bandages and feeling hurt not just from his wounds, but his pride. He'd been beaten not just once, but twice, by a namby-pamby pony princess! The humiliation is what hurt the most. His father would have killed him if he were there, calling him a disgrace to the saiyan race. Although, now that he thought about it, he was having trouble remembering his father, like the memory was blurry. 'Hmmm, maybe that knock to the head did more than I thought,' Bage mused, not noticing that Celestia had walked in.

"Greetings, Bage. Or should I say, my student?" Celestia said with a sly smile. Twilight giggled from beside her, having lost all trepidation around the saiyan. Bage could only scowl, the bandages wrapped around him preventing any real movement. He wasn't even sure why he needed them, it's not like he was injured. At the same time, Bage noticed that Twilight wasn't alone, there was another kid next to her. This one was orange, with a firey mane. She regarded him with a look of curiosity, mixed with annoyance, like she had been dragged from something to go look at a zoo exhibit.

"This is what you called me for? A beat-up, hairless ape? What a waste of time," the new pony sneered, Bage decided to call her Flare, until he learned her name. He liked her attitude though, reminding him of his sister, Shiso. She hadn't returned to Planet Vegeta, having been on a personal mission for the king. 'Lucky her, miss elite saiyan, with her power level of 12,000.' Bage thought, pouting.

"How's about I shave you, see how you look?" Bage goaded, hoping she took the bait. She did, much to his amusement. She went red in the face, and he almost thought he saw steam come from her ears.

"WHAT?! HOW DARE YOU? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM?!" she shouted, stomping right up to his bed, and poking him in the ribs. Bage simply laughed, loving the reaction.

"Aw, what's wrong? Did I hurt yer wittle feewings? HAH, you remind me of my sister," Bage told her, catching Celestia's attention.

"Sister? You have a sibling? How many more of your race are there?" Celestia asked, to which Bages' smile fell, and he looked to the side. Celestia realized she had touched upon a sensitive subject, and was about to retract the questions when Bage spoke up again.

"Don't know, a couple, maybe a dozen or so. Most of us were wiped out when our planet was destroyed." Bage began picking at the bandages wrapped around his chest, not looking at any of them. Celestia felt her jaw drop and realized they may be sheltering one of the last members of a soon-to-be-extinct race. Now she knew why he was so abrasive, and combative. He had most likely watched his people die. She felt her heart weigh heavy with sorrow.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I suppose you have nowhere to go then?" She probed, to which Bage gave a half-hearted nod, turning away.

"Who cares? So his planet is gone, boohoo," Flare said, and Celestia glared at her.

"SUNSET! APOLOGIZE IMMEDIATELY!" She shouted, causing Sunset to wilt. So that was her name, Sunset, well he was close.

"He started it," she said, looking down at the ground. Celestia knew bringing Sunset along had been a bad idea, but before she could chastise her further Bage laughed.

"Ah don't worry about it princess, if she wanted to hurt my feelings she'll have to try harder than that. I've heard better comebacks from a saibaman, and they can't even speak properly," Bage said, much to Celestia's chagrin.

"That's kind of you to say Bage, but Sunset needs to learn to get along with others, being as the three of you will be learning together," Celestia told him, making him scowl.

"What the hay is a 'saibaman', some kind of pet?" Sunset asked, Twilight also looking at him with curiosity.

Bage shook his head, shifting his posture a bit. "Nah, they're basically plant people, we grow 'em for training. More often than not they get blown to pieces," Bage explained, causing Twilight to stare in shock, and even Sunset recoiled at the way he so carelessly spoke of killing the creatures.

"Wait, you 'grow them'? Like crops?" Sunset asked, and Bage nodded. "And you just kill them, for training?" She continued, and Bage nodded again.

"How do you think we train new saiyans for battle? Teach them their ABCs?" He joked. Celestia grimaced but figured this was just another aspect of his culture that came with being a warrior race. At the same time, the thought of cultivating an entire race simply for destruction didn't sit right with her. Shaking her head, she simply stood by as Sunset and Twilight bombarded him with questions, such as what his planet was like, how old his race was, and so forth.

Bage, for the matter, was less than cooperative, giving short one or two-word answers, much to Twilight's annoyance. Sunset, on the other hoof, found it amusing. It seems she enjoyed having someone to banter with who could actually keep up with her insults. At the same time, she saw the smile on Bage's face as he retaliated her insults with jabs of his own. It seems she had found a kindred spirit for Sunset, even if he was a different species. She could only hope that Sunset would tone down her attitude by having someplace to vent it.


The Badlands, Changeling Hive. Chrysalis' throne room

Queen Chrysalis sat listening to the latest report from one of her drones, resisting the urge to yawn. It was the same old issues, time after time. A tunnel collapse, A Tatzlworm sighting, and love stores dropping by the day. She wished one of them would bring her something new. She jumped when the door to her throne room opened, and one of her scouts walked in, looking both worried and afraid. She waved at the drone speaking to her, signalling it to leave. She looked to the scout, who simply shook where it stood. She glared down at the scout, waiting impatiently. "Well? Speak!" She ordered, causing the scout to jump.

"M-my Queen, I bring news of the ponies, they have a new development," the scout reported, making Chrysalis raise her eyebrow.

"Really now, and what is this new 'development' S-5931?" She asked, leaning forward.

"I was able to bear witness to a battle between the Sun Princess, and a strange creature. It was able to grow to a massive size and actually gave the Princess some difficulty. After she bested it, I saw her capture the creature after it returned to normal, and take it back to Canterlot." S-5931 bowed to her and awaited her response. She pondered this information and checked the scout's memory through the hivemind to confirm. Chrysalis saw the opportunity in this and smiled.

"Well done, S-5931. This new information is invaluable, you've earned an extra love ration for this," She commended.

"Thank you, My Queen. I live to serve," S-5931 said, and Chrysalis sent him away. She replayed the memory of the battle, noting the ball of energy the creature launched, hearing him, she gathered it was male from the sound of its voice, calling out 'Power ball expand'. The size was incredible, dwarfing most other creatures, and nearly rivaling an Ursa Minor. If she could get that creature on her side, she could easily conquer the entirety of Equestria, and the thought made her grin.

'If that creature is capable of giving Celestia a hard time, he would make for a very dangerous enemy, but a very valuable ally,' She mused, and ordered her spies in Canterlot to keep a close eye on this "Bage". She already had a plan forming in her mind and gave a malicious chuckle.

Celestia (High Noon) Power LEVEL: 25,000

Celestia (Early Evening)Power Level: 15,300

Bage Power Level: 2,600

Bage (OoZaru)Power Leve: 24,000

Bage (Battle Damaged) Power Level: 1,900

Twilight (Preteen) Power Level: 350

Sunset (Teen)Power Level: 930

Queen Chrysalis Power Level: ?????

Author's Note:

I felt this chapter was too short originally, so I combined Chapters 2 and 3 into one larger chapter.

Edit: I altered the fight between Celestia and Great Ape Bage, to make it a bit more realistic, as well as allow Bage to keep his tail. Also, some minor spelling issues were fixed.

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