• Published 22nd Dec 2022
  • 331 Views, 91 Comments

Sparkling Harmony EQG: Agents of SMILE: Yule Tide Assistance - Captain_Cosmos

DO NOT PAY THE RATIO MIND UNTIL YOU READ IT Tis the Season for our favorite Super Spy and her two lovers Twilight and Sunset

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Episode 7: Triangulation and Revelation

North Pole
December 22, 2022

“Never thought I’d be spending my first Christmas as my own physical entity helping to SAVE Christmas.” Daydream commented as she scanned the room for foreign magical signatures.

“And yet here we are.” Sparkler responded. “Life of a hero am I right?” She joked. She and Daydream were in the room that was SUPPOSED to house the magic generator, but now was a total mess. “So the generator has NEVER been stolen before Alex?” She asked the head Elf, who was with them.

“No one had ever even ATTEMPTED to steal it. We always flew under any radar the world might cook up.” Alex responded. “And now that those two demons are around, we have no idea how we’re going to prevent it from being stolen again.”

Sparkler nodded as she used her watch to try to look for anything that could help them. “Want my advice? Train an elite squad of elves dedicated solely to its defense. A few good agents goes a long way.” She said.

“Of course you’d say that.” Alex responded with a chuckle and a head shake.

Daydream chuckled, as she completed her scan of the room. Her hands dimmed back to normal, as did her eyes, and she sighed. “Well, I know a few things. They used magic to break in, they used magic to pry the generator from its perch, and then they teleported away.” She reported.

“Anything we didn’t already see?” Sparkler asked.

“Sadly I can’t detect any residual magical trace. It’s like they were never here.” Daydream responded.

“So much for tracking them that way.” Sparkler responded as she completed her own survey. “No DNA strands, no footprints or fingerprints. They clearly never touched anything.” She said.

“So nothing in here’s gonna help us.” Alex deduced.

“Nope.” Sparkler responded. “Maybe Flappy picked up their scent on SMILE’s Magic Sensors.”

“Doubtful.” Daydream responded. “If their sensors could detect their magical signatures we probably wouldn’t be dealing with this problem right now.”

“True. But then again, they weren’t near probably the most POWERFUL magical generator this side of the portal.” Sparkler responded. “If sensors can’t detect them, the generator should light the sensors up like—“

“Don’t finish that sentence.” Alex cut Sparkler off. “Please? We get enough of that here as it is.” He said.

“—I was going to say light up like a Deflector Dish preparing to fire a tachyon beam in Star Trek.” Sparkler respond.

“Oh…ok then.” Alex responded while Daydream laughed.

“Of course you go for the nerdy option Sparkler.” Daydream said.

“I’m a nerd to the core, I ALWAYS go for the nerdy option.” Sparkler responded, which had everyone in the room chuckling. Right then, the lights Flickered again.

Alex sighed as the lights stabilized. “Let’s get to your vehicle, the sooner we find those demons, the better.” He said.

“Right, let’s go.” Sparkler said. The three of them exit the generator room into the main workshop.

Meanwhile, Clear-Cut, getting permission from both Sparkler and Alex, explored the main workshop, curious to see what was going on. He flew over elves working and fixing, and even helped a few of them with his abilities. Soon though, he spotted something that caught his attention, he landed on the spot with the object of interest, and saw that it was beautiful. He roared at it and stepped closer.

“I’ll say this for my evil alter ego. She knows how to make noise.” Sunset commented. She and Sparkler’s drone Zora, and Twilight and Cortana were paired off and scoping out the area surrounding the main workshop, looking for any clues the demons may have left.

“She and Midnight certainly make a show.” Said an elf named Cornelius, who was introduced as Alex’s assistant head elf. Cornelius tagged along with Sunset and Zora.

Zora scanned the latest find, which was a patch of burnt snow, and displayed the data for Sunset and Cornelius to see. “Hm. Looks like they actually teleported to this spot before proceeding.” Sunset said.

“So we can’t determine where they penetrated the perimeter.” Cornelius responded, sighing. “Crud. These demons are no joke.”

“Oh you have no idea.” Sunset responded.

At that moment, Sparkker’s voice came from Zora’s chassis. “We didn’t find anything useful in the generator room. Heading back to the Sparkmobile to see if Flappy can trace them.”

In another area of the town, Twilight nodded as Sparkler and Sunset reported in. “Cortana Santa and I didn’t find much either. Just signs of a clear struggle. They didn’t restrict their attack, that’s for certain.”

“Let’s all meet back at the Sparkmobile. There has to be SOMETHING we can do the track those lunatics.” Sparkler suggested.

“Heading back now.” Twilight responded as the connection was cut. Cortana took off back to the Sparkmobile and Santa and Twilight headed back on foot. “Hey, Santa?” Twilight asked, glancing at the jolly man. “I’m sorry about this. If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t have had to deal with two demons.” She said.

“You’re still going on about that?” Santa asked. “My dear, you are not to blame for Midnight Sparkle’s existence.” He said.

“But a lot of people are now in danger because of me.” Twilight responded. “It was bad enough when she lived in my head, but now she’s out. Her own entity, able to do a LOT more damage. Because of me.” She said.

“Does anyone blame you for that?” Santa asked.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Has anyone ever told you it was your fault?” Santa asked.

“Well…no not exactly…” Twilight admitted. Sure she got some backlash from a few Crystal Prep students because it was a tie rather than a CPA victory, but it only lasted until she officially transferred to CHS. And so far no one had blamed her at all when Midnight got out.

“Because they know Midnight took advantage of your heroism.” Santa responded. “They knew you were only trying to save Sunset that day. You never meant for the demon to come out.”

“I guess…” Twilight responded, seeing where Santa was coming from. “I still feel bad though…”

“If it helps. You continue to have a perfect record on the nice list.” Santa responded. “You have never come close to being on the naughty list.”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, thought about it, before relenting. “Ok maybe that does help a little.” She admitted. “Thanks Santa.”

“It’s what I do.” Santa responded with a ho ho ho.

They all soon met up at the Sparkmobile as Flappy completed his task of scanning for magical signatures. “Nothing.” He reported. “I can’t find their magical signatures or the signature of the magic generator.”

“How?” Sparkler asked, perplexed. “The magic generator especially should light the sensors up like a rydonium explosion in Star Wars.”

“They must be blocking the signal somehow. Interference of some kind.” Flappy responded.

“We have to find a way to find that generator.” Cornelius said. “This entire operation depends on it.”

“And we only have…” Alexander checked his watch. “26.5 hours before Santa’s due to fly. And our backup batteries won’t be enough.”

“Short of scouring the entire globe manually I don’t think there’s much we can do.” Sparkler responded, not sure what else they could try.

Twilight looked at the holographic map of the world in deep thought. Running through possible things they could try, until she thought of something. “The anomalies.” She said.

“Anomalies?” Sunset asked. “What about them?”

“I mean we could use them to try and triangulate the Generator’s location.” Twilight explained. “Flappy, how many anomalies were detected since the theft?”

“10 anomalies Ms. Sparkle.” Flappy responded.

Sparkler put together what Twilight was trying to say and smiled. “All the anomalies had to originate from a single point because the generator is the only thing that can create them. Twilight you’re a genius!” She said as she started using the Sparkmobile’s computer. “Flappy, display all locations where an anomaly was detected on the map.” She said.

Ten red dots appeared on the map. They all took note of their positions and noticed the pattern almost immediately. “The generator has a maximum range.” Sunset observed. “Four of the dots are arranged in a curved line.”

“Of course it does. It need only power this little operation.” Santa responded.

“Flappy, triangulate a location based around the anomalies’ positions.” She said.

“Triangulating.” Flappy responded. Circles were drawn on the map, connecting each layer of dots, and then the circles collapsed together to form an 11th dot. “Got it.” He said. “The generator must be…in the Lunar Trench.” He said.

“The Lunar Trench?” Daydream asked.

“Deepest trench in the world.” Sparkler explained. “Underwater as well.”

“That may explain why we’ve been unable to locate their magical signatures.” Flappy said. “They’re hiding out deep in the trench.”

“Well at least we narrowed down our search significantly.” Twilight said.

“But now we have a new problem.” Sparkler responded. “How do we get down there.”

“Does SMILE have anything that can help?” Daydream asked.

“They have a number of submarines, but none that can traverse down all the way to the bottom of the Lunar Trench.” Flappy said. “Nothing can survive down there.”

“With magic it’s possible.” Twilight responded. “According to the triangulated location of the magic generator that is.”

Sparkler nodded, her mind racing. After a moment, she turned around. “I’m gonna go find Clear-Cut.” She said. “If there IS a way I can get down there, he’ll probably know.” She said.

“You’re not thinking you go ALONE are you?” Sunset asked.

“Unless Clear Cut comes up with a miracle for all four of us to go not, much of a choice.” Sparkler responded as she walked off to find Clear Cut.

Cornelius looked at Sparkler, then at the Sparkmobile…and smiled as an idea formed in his mind. “I’ll be back.” He said as he scurried off, leaving behind some confused folks.

A few minutes later, In the main workshop, Sparkler searched the area for her pet dragon. “Clear-Cut. Where are ya bud? I need to talk to you!” She called out.

“I saw him going to the plushie section, maybe he’s still there?” A nearby elf told her.

“I’ll check there. Thanks.” Sparkler responded as she followed the following directions to the plushie section.

“Clear-Cut, you here bud—Clear-Cut?!” She exclaimed when she found her dragon…with a stuffed dragon plushie doing…Shs quickly squeezed her eyes shut. “Dude, really?” She asked.

Clear-Cut eeped when he heard Sparkler’s voice, and blushed in embarrassment when he realized he was caught.

Sparkler took a deep breath before snapping her fingers. “You and I need to talk.” She said. She turned around and opened her eyes, and saw an elf staring at the scene. She sighed. “Sorry you had to see that.” She said. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t do that again.” She said, feeling secondhand embarrassment from what her pet had done.

“Oddly enough, this isn’t even the first time.” The elf responded.

“I’d deep clean the thing before it touches a kid’s hands.” Sparkler suggested.

“Exactly what I was thinking.” The elf said, holding up a pair of kitchen claws.

Sparkler nodded as she felt Clear-Cut on her shoulder. She quickly made her way to an empty hall before plucking Clear-cut off her shoulder and placing him on the ground, with her squatting down in front of him. “Dude, what the heck?” She asked.

Clear-Cur roared in response. Sparkler shook her head. “We are here to help these guys get their generator back. Not disrupt their entire process by doing…whatever it is you just did.” She said. Another roar in response. “If Santa doesn’t bring you the toy for Christmas I’ll get you one when we get back. But ONLY if you behave the rest of this mission. Got it?” She asked.

Clear-Cut roared in response, Sparkler nodded. “Good boy.” She said. “Now, to why I wanted to talk to you. We believe we know where Sundown and Midnight are…in the Lunar trench. Right now we don’t have a way to get down there.” She explained. “I don’t suppose I have the power to get down there?” She asked.

Clear-Cut’s eyes glowed bright white, as did Sparkler’s.

In her mind, Sparkker saw Clear-Cut appear before her, melding minds.

“You wish to traverse the deep sea.” Clear-Cut said.

“Yeah. We need to in order to get the magic generator back.” Sparkler responded. “Can I get down there with your help? Or better yet, can I get me, Twilight, Sunset, and Daydream down there with your help?” She asked.

“There are limits to your power. This is one of them unfortunately.” Clear-Cut responded.

“So I don’t have the power to do it.” Sparkler responded. “That’s unfortunate.”

“Indeed.” Clear-Cut responded. “However, that is not the only thing on your mind.” He said.

Sparkler let out a sigh. It was true she did have something else on her mind. “Last time I faced demons, I had my gear with me. Now, I don’t. And I doubt that guitar you unlocked for me is gonna cut it.” She said. “Is there anything you can unlock for me that will help save the day?” She asked.

“As I have said before. You are not yet ready to learn the full extent of your powers.” Clear-Cut responded. “However, since it is Christmas and given the circumstances. I will reveal that you have all the tools you need on your finger.” He revealed.

“My finger?” Sparkler asked. “What does that mean?”

“The ring that you wear now.” Clear-Cut responded. Much to the momentary confusion of Sparkler, before her eyes widened in realization as to what he was talking about.

Out in the hall, the ring on Sparkler’s finger began to glow brightly, and an ominous voice projected from it. ”With courage and might, and everything right, let this ring be the beacon of light, shining in the night.”

To be continued….

Author's Note:

Now that I am back at college, and my writer’s block is gone. What insanity did Clear-Cut reveal now? Lol.