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Chapter 1) Grogar and the Legion of Doom

Here the Asgardian refuge ship, "The Statesman"...

They are attacking us. I repeat: they are attacking us...

We've lost the engines. Failure in life support...

We request help from any ship that is nearby...

We are... 22 jump points from Asgard...

Our crew consists only of Asgardian families... We have very few soldiers here...

This is not a warship. I repeat: it is not a warship...

Devastation. Death.

As far as the eye could see it was all there was.

Most of the ship "The Statesman" lay strewn with wreckage and, worse, dead Asgardians. Gladiators from the ruins of an ancient world, warriors from the realm of Asgard lay lifeless and defeated.

Among them floated a voice, surprisingly calm and almost capricious, at odds with the surroundings of the butcher shop.

“Hear me and rejoice all of you…” said the voice, as his speaker walked across the deck, ignoring the pools of blood “You have had the privilege of being saved by our Lord. Maybe you think this is suffering… But no…”

The speaker now came into view: a little girl with arctic blue hair and moderate scarlet eyes. She was wearing a pink dress, decorated with a small red bow on her chest.

Her name was Cozy Glow, and she was a Herald of Grogar.

"It's Salvation..." she solemnly proclaimed.

Lying on the ground at her feet, Zecora, the Asgard`s guardian witch, groaned, unable to find the strength to get up.

She had been beaten so deeply that she could be on the verge of death. She had never been so deeply mutilated in her life, and yet this Grogar had done it with almost uncomfortable ease.

Like swatting a fly.

Unable to do anything yet, he tried in vain to raise his head and look towards her mistress: the Princess of Asgard and Goddess of Thunder, Rainbow Dash.

His clothing consisted of a black vest with silver plates, navy blue pants, and short leather gloves with straps. She was also wearing a metal patch that covered her right eye, which she had recently lost.

Then Zecora saw more of Grogar's minions: a creature that looked like a red and black minotaur...

A man clad in black armor…

And lastly, a woman with green and black hair, with insect wings on her back.

At that moment, Zecora also saw someone else: a girl about Rainbow Dash's age, with bright amber hair and eyes.

Her name was Lightning Dust, Princess of Asgard, Goddess of Deception and stepsister of Rainbow Dash.

Zecora watched in horror as, at the far end of the carnage, Rainbow Dash collapsed to the ground, covered in blackened bruises and unable to get to her feet.

"The universal scale tips towards balance thanks to your sacrifice..." continued Cozy Glow with his narration "Smile... Because even in death... You have all become Sons of Grogar"

Lightning Dust winced at Cozy Glow's rhetoric, unable to believe that she had believed her, even briefly, even a little bit.

It was then, when HE appeared...

A man with dark navy blue skin, with black horns on his head, white goatee and beard, and red eyes without pupules. His clothing consisted of a dark blue suit, with purple and gold decorations, and a dark purple cape.

He was Grogar... in person.

However, what really detailed his suit was what decorated his left hand: a golden gauntlet, with six prefabricated notches in the knuckle area.

One of those notches was decorated with a purple gemstone: the Power Stone.

“I know what it is to lose. Feeling desperately that you are right... and failing just the same. It's frightening. Your legs no longer respond to you… And I ask you, what for?” Grogar said in a low, grave voice, as he grabbed Rainbow Dash by the head “As much as you fear it, as much as you run away… the day has come to render an account to fate. Only this time... you render them before me

At those words, Rainbow Dash made a notch, as he looked at the monster that had just massacred his people.

“You talk too much…” she spat.

Annoyed by those words, Grogar rewarded her for her insolence by squeezing the hand that was holding Rainbow Dash by the head, making her groan in pain, and then turned his cruel gaze towards Lightning Dust.

She knew what was going to happen, but she couldn't move or speak. She was petrified with fear… but not for herself.

Slowly, Grogar brought the Power Stone in her gauntlet closer to Rainbow Dash's head, knowing that a simple contact with it would make her feel a lot of pain.

"The Tesseract... or your sister's head" Grogar ordered, making his intentions clear "I suppose you have preferences..."

Lightning Dust smirked, as if nothing about the carnage, let alone her hated stepsister, bothered her in the least.

“Yeah, right…” Lightning Dust said “Kill her…”

Grogar scowled, taking those words as a personal challenge… and brought the Power Stone closer to Rainbow Dash's head.

She couldn't help but scream in agony and pain as the Gem touched her head. The cosmic energy lit up as her power increased and her pain increased. If she continued like this… she would die in a matter of seconds.

Lightning Dust tried his best to resist, but unable to look away from her or ignore the screams. But she couldn't take it another minute.

"ALRIGHT! STOP!" she cried out, unable to take it anymore.

Instantly, the pain ceased as Grogar pulled his gauntlet off Rainbow Dash's head.

Lightning Dust squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold back her tears, for, despite all her resentment and petty pride, she couldn't hate Rainbow Dash enough to let her die.

She loved her stepsister too much for that.

"We don't have the Tesseract...!" Rainbow Dash coughed, spitting blood "It was destroyed in Asgard...!"

Grimacing, Lightning Dust simply shook her head. Then, slowly raising his right hand... she made a mysterious blue cube of cosmic energy appear in his palm.

That cube was the Tesseract.

Rainbow Dash, disgusted but unable to be truly surprised by this event, sighed to herself.

"There is no doubt... that you are the worst of the sisters..."

"I assure you, sister... the sun will shine again for us" Lightning Dust said.

Then, Lightning Dust began to walk slowly towards Grogar, preparing to do what she must do: offer the Tesseract in exchange for saving her stepsister's life.

“Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian…” Grogar said.

"Look, on the one hand, I'm not Asgardian..." Lightning Dust said with a certain familiar disdain "And on the other... we have Flutterhulk"

At that moment, a roar that precipitated an attack was Grogar's only warning, before something green and ferocious slammed into him, knocking him back against the far wall.


Seizing the opportunity, Lightning Dust threw the Tesseract and grabbed Rainbow Dash a second before their mutual green friend began charging at Grogar, slowing and crushing him with unbridled aplomb. Easily as big as the already imposing Grogar, Flutterhulk was relentless as she slammed her massive green fists into her opponent's face, stomach, and chest, knocking him down.

For a moment, it looked like things could still turn for the better, and the Incredible Flutterhulk would take down this threat to the universe, just as she had dealt with countless threats in the past.

Growling, the minotaur creature, Lord Tirek, moved to help his Lord, but before he could do so, Cozy Glow raised her hand.

“Let him have his fun…” she ordered.

In fact, things were no longer as dire for Grogar as they might have seemed at first. Although Flutterhulk could match him in strength and power, that was the only factor they both had in common.

Growling, Grogar met the next blow with one of his own, countering the attack and hitting Flutterhulk so hard in the face that it made her nose bleed, while his green gamma energy eyes widened in fear.

The following blows were measured, powerful and ruthless.

Grogar would parry or dodge the attacks, and then hit them back, whenever she dropped her guard or showed a vulnerable angle. He fought like a boxing champion, while Flutterhulk started fighting like a clumsy girl.

Flutterhulk began to stagger, completely unaware of the relentless blows that wore her down.

At that moment, Grogar grabbed her, lifted her above her head, and then… smashed her mercilessly to the floor of the ship, knocking her out and leaving her badly injured a few meters from Zecora.

Grogar smiled at her victory.

But then, seconds later, a badly injured Rainbow Dash used a piece of metal from the ship to pummel Grogar's side... though she was still weak and she couldn't leave Grogar even a bruise.

Rainbow Dash barely glanced at Grogar when he hit her, sending her back to where she was before.

Cozy Glow, smirking, waved her hand, causing several metal fragments to start floating with her telekinetic power, immobilizing Rainbow Dash and leaving her helpless to help her green friend of hers.

Taking advantage of the situation, Zecora had an idea.

Making a weak notch, the Asgardian witch began to desperately try to concentrate the last of all her magic…for one last spell.

"All-Father... Make the Dark Magic flow through me... one last... time..."

An then, seconds before Grogar could finish the job, there was a loud crash and a stream of rainbow energy fell over them.

Grogar and his minions staggered back, as the current of energy lifted a weakened Flutterhulk and carried her light years away, before anyone present could react. When the light from the energy stream faded, the Flutterhulk had disappeared.

Rainbow Dash caught Zecora's gaze and deduced what she had done: her friend and the planet she loved, Earth, will now have a chance to be warned of the coming danger and could be safe.

At that moment, an enraged Grogar stood on top of Zecora, looking at her darkly.

“That… was a mistake…” Grogar growled, as he accepted an evil-looking spear from his black-armored subordinate, King Sombra.

Holding it in his hand, Grogar raised the weapon high, then brought it down sharply… towards Zecora's chest, causing red blood to spurt from her body, dying instantly.

“NOOOOOOOOO!” Rainbow Dash yelled, as she powerfully struggled against her restraints, totally furious "You're going to die for that!!"

Looking absently, Cozy Glow waved her hand and caused one last slab of metal to crash into Rainbow Dash's mouth, silencing her.

“Shhh…” Cozy Glow said, as she teasingly touched her lips with her finger.

Grogar plucked the spear from Zecora's dead body and returned it to Sombra, while Cozy Glow took her time picking up the Tesseract, which lay on the ground crackling with untold power.

“My humble person… bows before your greatness. No other being has ever had the power…no, the nobility…to wield not one…but two Infinity Stones” Cozy Glow said, as he handed over the Tesseract “The universe… is within your reach…”

Then, after picking it up, Grogar squeezed the Tesseract so tightly in his hand that it destroyed it... revealing that inside the cube was a blue jewel similar to the Power Stone.

The Space Stone.

Carefully, Grogar placed the Space Stone in the notch next to the Power Stone, and a wave of blue energy coursed through his body. Like any mortal who tried to overpower him, the power of the Infinity Stones was immense and threatened to consume him.

But then, in a matter of minutes and by sheer force of will, the power of the Space Stone was contained in Grogar's gauntlet.

Now Grogar had TWO Infinity Stones...

"There are two Gems more on Earth..." Grogar ordered "Find them, my children, and bring them to my planet..."

His four henchmen bowed at his words.

"Father, we will not fail you..." the insect woman, Queen Chrysallis, said, as she conveyed her obedience.

"If you allow me... to interfere?"

The five villains glared at a certain Asgardian princess who passed around her, looking clearly unconcerned.

"If you go to Earth, you might want a guide…" Lightning Dust said, adding a nervous smile "I have… some experience there".

“If you call failure experience…” Grogar deadpanned, well aware of how she had failed in her invasion of Earth years ago with the Chitauri.

Lightning Dust snorted at those words, her pride definitely hurt.

"I call experience experience…" she replied very boldly, before adopting a more humble tone "Almighty Grogar… I, Lightning Dust… Princess of Asgard… Daughter of Thor…"

At that moment, while her stepsister was speaking, Rainbow Dash noticed that Lightning Dust was slowly taking out a dagger from her tunic… with the intention of killing Grogar, without anyone noticing.

"Rightful Queen of Jötunheim... Goddess of Deception..." Lightning Dust continued, as she stood right in front of Grogar "From this moment, I promise you... my... immortal fidelity"

And then, finishing those words, Lightning Dust aimed her dagger at Grogar's neck… before the blue cosmic energy of the Space Stone stopped it short of achieving her goal.

"Immortal?" Grogar asked, his tone deceptively soft. "You should choose your words more carefully".

Then, Grogar grabbed Lightning Dust by the throat with one hand, forcing her to look him square in the eye…and knowing that if he just squeezed a little harder, he would break her neck.

“You…” Lightning Dust rasped, determined to have the last word “You will never be… a God…”

Then, there was a sickening crack… and Lightning Dust's lifeless body dangled in Grogar's hand.

Rainbow Dash's muffled and angry screams did not need to be heard to be understood, who promised death and revenge.

But Grogar was neither moved nor interested, for as far as he was concerned, he had gotten what he wanted… and he had no reason to stay any longer.

"This time there will be no resurrections" Grogar declared, as he squeezed her gauntlet hand and the Power Stone lit up.

Suddenly, a wave of purple cosmic energy flooded the ship, sweeping the deck, shattering the walls... as the ship erupted in purple flames and cracked its foundations.

Grogar's minions gathered around him as he activated the Space Stone, which glowed with a cosmic blue light, opening a portal that swallowed the group.

The instant they disappeared, Rainbow Dash was able to free herself from her restraints, but she was too weak to do more than trip over Lightning Dust's rapidly cooling corpse.

Rainbow Dash lay next to her sister... while she could do nothing but wait to die with her.

“Lightning Dust… Sister…” Rainbow Dash sobbed, before screaming with all her fury “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!”

And then, the entire ship "The Statesman" cracked like an egg… and the debris from it began to scatter around, as the corpses of the dead Asgardians were lost in the cold embrace of outer space.

Meanwhile, the rainbow energy from Zecora's spell teleporting Flutterhulk carried her away, hurtling past stars and planets, through nebulae and galaxies... as she hurtled towards a small green and blue planet: Earth.

And more specifically…

…in downtown Canterlot City, in Sancta Sanctorum, home to none other than Dr. Star Swirl, Master of the Arcane Arts.

Who was currently walking down the stairs of his house towards the front door, intending to go out and buy himself a sandwich to eat.

His colleague and fellow sorcerer, Stygian, followed him, as they engaged in conversation… deep and spiritual.

"Seriously? Don't you have any money?" Star Swirl asked, making sure to hear him well.

Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual” Stygian said, trying to sound wise and sounding more like an idiot.

"I'll tell the deli to make you a metaphysical ham sandwich..." Star Swirl said, rolling her eyes.

“Wait, wait…” Stygian said, running to his side, as he looked under his robe, finding what he was looking for “I think I have two of 100…”

"Dollars?" Star Swirl asked, one eyebrow raised skeptically.

"Rupees" Stygian replied, a black coin in hand.

"And that is?"

“A… dollar and a half?” Stygian said with a notch on his face, trying to do the math.

Star Swirl sighed deeply, knowing there was no way he could, in good conscience, abandon his best friend to fight his own hunger… if only he had read a cookbook in the home library.

"What do you want?" he asked, feeling generous.

"I wouldn't say no to a sandwich from-"

But then, before Stygian could finish his sentence, a horrible crashing noise filled the air, and they both stepped out of the way of the bottom of the stairs as something crashed to the ground like a meteor…surrounded by rainbow glitter, and definitely alien.

Quickly exchanging glances, Star Swirl and Stygian approached... with the former activating his mage suit and the latter summoning magic rune circles on his hands.

As the two approached the hole left by the impact, they looked inside to see what was there and if it was dangerous.

For a second, it was something huge and green and angry… but then the creature shrank into a teenage girl with pale pink hair, wide, frightened eyes, and covered in bruises.

Wherever she had come from, it seemed that she had been through hell... and that hell was still haunting her.

"He's coming…" Fluttershy gasped, her voice sweet, but trembling with terrible fear "Grogar is coming".

Star Swirl and Stygian shared a look, completely confused.

"…Who?" he asked.



Author's Note:

The adventure begins...