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Chapter 8) The Plan of the Avengers / The Kingdom of Wakanda

Back on Earth, the Quinjet arrived in Canterlot City, at Avengers Headquarters.

Inside, Colonel Starlight Glimmer was busy with her work.

Or rather, she would have been, if she weren't deep in conversation with one of her least favorite people in the world.

The Secretary of Defense, Chancellor Thaddeus Neighsay.

“Still no news from Vision?” Neighsay asked.

His image was distorted and glowing, as he wasn't really there, but projected in a hologram from afar at his own headquarters.

Starlight was glad, otherwise she might have been tempted to punch him.

“The satellites lost it in Scotland” replied the young woman, keeping her tone neutral.

"In a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals" Neighsay pointed out.

As usual, she seemed intent on blaming Starlight and the rest of Twilight Sparkle's team for any perceived failures or problems. Never mind that they had bigger threats to fight, and Starlight was getting tired of this rhetoric.

"They're criminals because YOU decided to call them that, right sir?" Starlight said.

"My God, Glimmer, your talent for bullshit rivals mine".

"And if it wasn't for those Accords, Vision would have been right here".

“I remember her signature on those documents, Colonel…” Neighsay pointed out, as his hologram hovered over Starlight.

However, she remained proud of herself, even when she felt her spinal bone dig in and she would ache, were it not for the braces that helped her stand.

The pain of that day was not easy to forget.

"That's right" Starlight agreed "And it's clear that I paid for it..."

"Do you have any doubts?" Neighsay said, halting at Starlight's dangerously mutinous tone.

"Not the slightest..." Starlight promised, as she smiled.

At that moment, someone else entered the room.

Applejack, Captain Equestria herself, was at the head of her newly arrived group, as she politely bowed her head as best she could towards the man who had possibly ruined her life and that of her friends.


Neighsay glared at them, decidedly disgusted to see either one of them.

"You guys have guts..." he almost growled "I admit it".

"Now you could put them to use" Rarity replied, as she moved to Applejack's side, reminding her of the situation.

"The world is on fire..." Neighsay said, unconvinced "And you think... that all is forgiven?"

“I don't seek forgiveness. And now I stopped asking permission” Applejack said, with a measured and calm voice, as always “The Earth has lost its best defender. We have come to fight. And if you want to get in the way… we will fight you”.

Neighsay wouldn't back down from a fight, even when it was in his best interest, before turning back to Starlight.

“Arrest them” he ordered through clenched teeth.

Starlight stared at the fugitives in the room…before she smiled sincerely.

"Right away, sir" she said sarcastically.

Before Neighsay could say another word, Starlight waved her hand through the hologram, deactivating it.

"Smells like... war council..." she said, before holding out her hand as she smiled "Glad to see you, Captain".

Applejack shook it, thankful that she and Starlight were back fighting together.

"Me too, Starlight"

Starlight then saw Applebloom and Gloriosa carrying Vision, still damaged.

"Wow, you guys are... screwed up" Starlight commented "It's been two very hard years".

“Yeah, well, the hotels haven't been five-star…” Applebloom said, sheepishly.

“Uh, you guys look great…” another voice said, from across the room.

To everyone's surprise, Fluttershy appeared, whit her long pink hair half hiding her face.

"Yes..." Fluttershy said "I'm back..."

The two groups looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"This is... awkward" Applebloom commented.

Everyone took the time to compare data.

Starlight projected a three-dimensional image of Chrysalis and Sombra, the two alien assassins who tried to destroy Vision and steal her Stone.

To say that none of them seemed pleasant… was an understatement.

"We have to assume that they will come back... right?" she commented, not imagining that they would give up easily for such a valuable target.

“And it's easy to find us” Gloriosa added.

The timing of the ambush in Scotland happened around the same time as the attack on Canterlot City. And from what Fluttershy had told them, the Time Stone was already lost.

Now they only had one way to stop Grogar, and the situation was looking bleaker by the minute. But Fluttershy knew that the worst was yet to come: she knew that Grogar would come to Earth personally.

"We need everyone" he said, realizing they were missing at least one Avenger "Where's Pinkie Pie?"

Rarity made a notch.

“After the affair of the Accords, she and Big Mac took deals from the government” she explained “They're under house arrest”.

"Who is Big Mac?"

"Ant-Man" Applejack said, supplying his superhero moniker, making Fluttershy pause.

"Is there an Ant-Man and a Spider-Girl?" she asked, shaking her pink mane to focus on the important thing, that she needed her friends to know and understand “Okay, look… Grogar has the biggest army in the universe. And he's not going to stop until he… gets… the Stone that has Vision".

"Well, we have to protect her" Rarity intervened in the middle of a number of defensive measures.

Some way to hide and protect Vision. But he intervened from her place by the window.

"No, we have to destroy her".

Everyone turned to him. But none more horrified than Gloriosa.

But Vision kept going.

“I have thought a lot about this entity that I have in my head… and his nature. But also his composition…” he said, pointing to the Stone on his head “I think that if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, let's say equivalent, maybe…”

“No…” Gloriosa breathed out the word, not wanting to hear any more.

"...his molecular integrity could fail" he finished gravely.

"Yes, and you with her..." Gloriosa answered "Let's finish this conversation..."

"Destroying the Mind Stone may be the only way to make sure Grogar didn't get it".

“I don't want to pay that price…” Gloriosa said, shaking her head.

“Only you… have the power to pay it” Vision said softly, propping her head up with Gloriosa's “Grogar threatens half the Universe. A life can't get in the way".

"But I should…" Applejack commented "We don't trade lives".

"Captain, seventy years ago, you gave your life to save a few million people" Vision said "Tell me... why is this different?"

It wasn't, and she knew it deep down...but it still didn't sit well with her.

Applejack took a deep breath, but surprisingly, Fluttershy beat her to it.

"Because you may have another choice..." Fluttershy explained.

Everyone instantly looked at her, who was in the middle of theory, but moved on with her only potential hope.

“Your mind is made of a complex structure of overlapping layers: JARVIS, Distron, Twilight, me, the Stone…” she continued explaining “All of them intermingled… learning from each other”.

"Are you implying that Vision isn't just the Stone?" Gloriosa asked, clinging to this newfound hope.

Fluttershy hesitated. There was no way of knowing, but he continued to rely on the best guess he could come up with.

"What I'm saying is... that if we remove the Stone, there's still some Vision left" Fluttershy explained "Maybe the best parts..."

“That can be done?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy made a notch.

Certainly this wouldn't be the place to do it, Headquarters wasn't equipped for big scientific processes, and perhaps some of Twilight's personal projects. Also, Fluttershy had no practice. Two years performing as a gladiator on an alien planet had left her a bit rusty when it came to science.

And then, of course, unlike last time, Twilight wasn't here to help her either.

“Not me, not here”

"Well, you'd better find someone, and some place right away" Starlight deadpanned "Neighsay isn't going to leave us your old facilities".

It was very clear that they needed help, especially now that Twilight was gone. They needed to go somewhere else.

Applejack pondered the possibilities, as he always did before a mission: figuring out what to do, considering her options, memories, allies...

And they had one possible option. An option away from Canterlot City, on the other side of the world, where she could meet up with an old friend...

“I know a place…” Applejack said.

Far from Canterlot City, in the heart of the African continent, the Kingdom of Wakanda looked majestic, thanks to the many technological innovations obtained by the rarest material in the universe: the vibranium.

Its inhabitants were normally peaceful and placid people, because their technology was the best in the world.

It was here that Applejack intended to bring Vision, and where the Avengers would face the forces of darkness, led by Grogar.

In a field near the wonderful city, two people were walking side by side.

One was a woman with gray hair. Daring Do, recently crowned Queen of Wakanda, and her rightful ruler.

While the other, he was a man with a mustache. His name was Gallant True, and he was the most loyal guard in Wakanda. He was carrying a huge briefcase.

"The Royal Guard has already been warned, Your Majesty".

"And the Tribe of the Frontier?" Daring Do asked.

“The ones that remain”.

"Also warn the Jarabi..." she commented "King Caballeron likes a good fight".

Gallant wasn't pleased with that, but if Caballeron was needed to protect Wakanda, he would fight too.

“And what about this one?” Gallant asked, as they approached his destination.

A small farm near the edge of the kingdom of Wakanda, where its sole resident, a woman with her left arm missing, was plowing the fields.

"She may be fed up with wars... but the White Wolf has had enough rest."

The two reached the cart near the granda and opened the briefcase, causing the one-armed girl to come closer, suspecting, or even knowing, exactly what was inside.

And sure enough, it was what she thought: a left arm made of metal, just like the one she used when she was the Winter Soldier.

Looking at Daring Do, Rara gave a tired nod and got ready to put on her new appendage.

"And the fight?".

The answer was obvious.

"Is on its way".

Author's Note:

Back on Earth, Applejack's group returns to Canterlot City, where they are reunited with Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer.

Together, they come up with a plan to stop Grogar: travel to the kingdom of Wakanda, use his technology to extract the Mind Stone from Vision's head and destroy it with Gloriosa Daisy's powers.

Meanwhile, in Wakanda, Queen Daring Do, also known as the Black Panther, decides to recruit Rara, formerly known as the Winter Soldier.