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Chapter 5) Ambush in Scotland / Vision and Captain Equestria vs The Legion of Doom

Back on Earth, in the middle of a town in Scotland, in a small and picturesque hotel, two people watched the rain fall.

A girl with dark pink hair, a daisy headband on her head, was resting and relaxing, even thoughtful.

While her consort, an android with dark pink skin and dressed in a gray-blue suit and gold cape, paced by the window, watching the storm.

On her head, right on her forehead, a bright yellow stone was embedded in her flesh.

The Mind Stone.

The Stone lit up briefly, and she stopped her wearer's walk, causing him to grab her head in his hand.

"Vision?" Gloriosa Daisy asked, as she walked toward him from the bed "Is that the Stone again?"

"It's like she's talking to me..." he nodded, her expression still deeply troubled by her.

"And what does she tell you?"

"I... I don't know..." Vision admitted, with a scowl "But something..."

Slowly, Gloriosa placed her hand on the Mind Stone.

"Tell me how you feel" Vision answered, placing his hand on hers.

Smiling at her cutesy (yet romantic) gesture of hers, Gloriosa concentrated, focusing her mental and psychic powers on Vision and the Mind Stone.

After a few moments, her eyes widened and she smiled beatifically.

“I only feel… you” Gloriosa said, with a smile.

Vision returned that smile freely, leaning forward as her lips came together in a loving kiss.

They spent the rest of the evening together, most of it in bed, enjoying room service and with no desire to do anything but share each other's company.

These fleeting moments were too far apart and too few between them: with Vision an official member of the Avengers, and Gloriosa technically a criminal member of Applejack's group, by "The Sokovia Accords" he was legally bound to arrest her on sight.

But even if he was directly ordered to do it, here and now, he wouldn't dare to do it.

What he and Gloriosa had was… special.

Ever since he had saved her life in Sokovia, when they both defeated the evil god-complex AI called Distron, and when her brother passed away saving a friend.

How things have changed…” he thought, as he held the sleeping woman next to him.

The Mind Stone on his forehead flickered in apparent agreement.

The following night, they checked out of their hotel and went for a walk, with Vision activating his holographic camouflage to appear human.

His romantic date was coming to an end, and Vision would have to return to Canterlot City and rejoin the remaining Avengers.

A little near the train station, Vision seemed to slow down, looking thoughtfully at Gloriosa.

“There's one at 10 that goes to Glasgow” Gloriosa said “And we'd spend more time together before you come back”.

"And if I miss that train?" he mused out loud.

"There's another one at 11".

"What if I missed all the trains?" Vision asked, turning softly to look at her, for once completely serious "What if this time... I didn't come back?".

Flattered by the romance in his tone, Gloriosa nonetheless stuck to the practical answer.

“But you gave Sparkle your word...” she reminded him.

“I would rather give it to you”.

And again, she somehow made that cheesy line sound serious and romantic seemingly effortlessly.

"There are also people waiting for me..." she reminded him "We have both made promises..."

“But not between us” Vision said, “Gloriosa... For two years, we've been stealing these moments, trying to see if this could work. And... I don't know, I... Look, I'm only speaking for myself. I... I think that...”

"It works?" Gloriosa finish the sentence.

“It works” Vision said, before caressing her girlfriend's face “Stay… Stay with me”.

But before Gloriosa could say anything, she saw something that caught her attention.

"Or not. If I'm overdoing it...” Vision said, realizing it.

That's when Vision also saw what Gloriosa saw: footage of Cozy Glow and Tirek's attack on Canterlot City was being shown on the TV in a nearby bar... with creepy messages.



When he saw it, Vision knew what it meant.

“What's all this?” Gloriosa asked, scared.

"That's what the Stone was warning me" Vision said, before taking her beloved's hand and kissing her "I have to go".

"No, Vision" Gloriosa protested, squeezing her hands, preventing him from leaving "If that's true... It might not be the best idea..."

"Gloriosa, I..."

Whatever Vision was going to say was cut short when a sharp spear pierced his abdomen, causing him to scream in agony and forcing him to deactivate his holographic camouflage.

"VISION!" Gloriosa yelled, scared.

Shocked but quick to act, Gloriosa prepared to blast the attacker behind Vision, when something bright and green slammed into her, falling to the cold ground, just as Vision was thrown from the spear in the same way, he landing next to him on the asphalt of the street.

Her two attackers towered over them.

Chrysalis and Sombra, the Sons of Grogar.

Not as hampered as her boyfriend, Gloriosa unleashed a barrage of emerald energy, blasting both Chrysalis and Sombra, sending them through a nearby store and overturning a fruit cart.

Without hesitation, she ran to Vision's side and helped him to his feet, heading into a dark alley near the town square.

“The blade of that spear...” Vision said, breathing heavily “It has prevented me from phase shifting...”

"But is that possible?"

“Supposedly not. My systems are failing...” Vision said, as he leaned against the wall of a building and Gloriosa used her powers to treat her abdomen wound “I think we should... have stayed in bed”.

In spite of herself, Gloriosa couldn't help but smile... before a shadow fell over them.

Sombra dropped from the roof of the building, knocking Gloriosa away with his spear and grabbing Vision by the arm. In one jump, both landed on the roof of a nearby church.

"Vision!" Gloriosa yelled.

Gloriosa ran after them, preparing to take flight, when a burst of green energy knocked her to the ground, and she barely had time to roll away from her, when Chrysalis tried to skewer her with her own spear.

The two women, looking at each other, began to fight fiercely.

Pinning Vision against the wall of the church, Sombra leaned toward him.

"Give us the Stone... and she will live"

A furious fist slammed into his face, driving Sombra back, as Vision rejected her offer and continued to fight. Then, a blast of yellow energy shot out from the Mind Stone on his forehead.

However, Sombra had come prepared for this and by raising a hand, a shield activated on his wristband. The energy crashed into the strange alien metal, deflecting in all directions, as it passed through the area.

Worse yet, with a flick of the wrist, Sombra deflected the energy to directly hit Vision, causing him to collapse against the wall.

Gloriosa shook off Chrysalis and looked up at the rooftops when she heard Vision scream in agony.

Sending out another emerald blast that knocked her opponent into another building, Gloriosa flew towards the church roof… only to see Sombra use her spear, intending to rip the Mind Stone from Vision's head.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Gloriosa declared, and fired a blast of energy at Sombra, causing him to crash through a window.

Quickly, Gloriosa scooped Vision up, throwing her arm around his shoulders and flying off awkwardly.

Which may have been a mistake, because Chrysalis shot out of the tent where she landed and fired a bolt of green energy from her spear, hitting Gloriosa.

She and her lover fell towards the glass ceiling of the train station platform, but Gloriosa used her powers to trap herself and Vision seconds before hitting the ground.

It was a hard landing, but as anyone else would say: any landing you could walk away from is a good landing.

Getting back to her feet, Gloriosa tried to help Vision to his feet, only to slump against the platform railing.

"Okay, come on. Come on, get up…” Gloriosa said “Get up, come on. We have to go".

"Please..." Vision said, shaking his head and breathing shallowly "Please go away..."

“You said to stay… and I'm staying” she answered firmly.

There was another blast of glass as Shadow and Chrysalis fell through the ceiling, walking towards them with malicious looks.

Looking at them, Gloriosa straightened up, as her eyes blazed with emerald energy and her power washed over her.

Just then, a train whizzed past her, tossing her mane, but her passing stopped Chrysalis and Shadow from watching with some trepidation. They were no longer centered on Gloriosa.

Risking a glance over her shoulder, Gloriosa saw that a shadowy silhouette stood on the opposite platform of the station.

Snarling, Chrysalis flung his spear… and the mysterious silhouette caught it with one hand.

Whit the spear in his hand, the silhouette walked into the light, appearing in full view.

The familiar face of Applejack Rogers, the Captain Equestria, before "The Howling Command", before the organization S.H.I.E.L.D, before the Avengers.

But still, beyond any doubt... she was a hero.

Gloriosa and Vision smiled with relief. Her friend was here.

But she didn't come alone.

Another girl, with red hair decorated with a pink bow, and dressed in a flight harness that mimicked the flight of a falcon, kicked Chrysalis and sent her flying into the station cafeteria.

At the same time, before Sombra could react, Applejack throws Chrysalis's spear at another girl with purple hair and wearing a black uniform and stun bracelets.

Rarity confronts Sombra, managing to stab him in the stomach and throwing him back.

Chrysalis, recovered from the impact, retrieves the weapon from her and attacks White Widow, only to be blocked by Applejack, who was wielding Sombra's spear, before Applebloom flew in and again kicked Chrysalis backwards, crouching next to Sombra.

"Get up," Chrysalis ordered, trying not to look back and take her eyes off her enemies.

“I can't…” Sombra answered, clutching his stomach, whose wound could have been fatal.

"We don't want to kill them..." Rarity explained in detail, while Applebloom pointed two pistols at her opponents "But we will".

“You won't have the chance anymore…” Chrysalis growled.

At that moment, a brilliant beam of energy descended from the skies, engulfing the Sons of Grogar, teleporting them towards another ship similar to the one used in Canterlot City. Also taking Sombra's spear from Applejack's hand.

Then, the alien ship took off, disappearing into the darkness of the night.

With their enemies defeated and the threat gone, Applejack and his ragtag team approached Vision, who was getting to his feet with the help of Gloriosa's support.

"Can you get up?" Applebloom asked, as he helped the couple.

"Thank you, Captain" Vision said to Applejack, truly grateful.

“Let's go to the jet” she agreed.

Getting everyone into the stolen Quinjet didn't take long, even with Gloriosa carrying Vision, who lay down on the gurney at the back of the ship.

"I thought... we had a deal" Rarity chided the pair. "Be close. Contact. No risks”.

"I'm sorry..." Gloriosa apologized "We just... wanted time."

"Where to, Cap?" Applebloom asked, taking the controls of the ship.

Applejack didn't reply for a long moment, considering his options and strategizing. From what he saw in today's attack, along with the invasion of Canterlot City and the disappearance of Iron Girl, they didn't have much of a choice.

What they needed now was information, resources, and a base of operations, and being fugitives from the law, they wouldn't find any of that in Scotland.

In reality, there was only one place they could really go.

"Home…" Applejack said.

Author's Note:

Gloriosa Daisy and Vision are attacked in Scotland by Chrysalis and Sombra.

So, just when all seems lost, Applejack, Rarity and Applebloom come to their friends' rescue.

Now, all together, they head back to Canterlot City to plan their next move.