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Chapter 2) Reunion in the Park / The Infinity Stones

Canterlot City was considered an idyllic place by most. Large buildings and skyscrapers that made this city the scientific capital of the world.

But no more perfect place to relax than Ponyville Park.

A perfect place to go for a walk, go sightseeing by the small lake... or go for a morning run with your husband.

Which was exactly what Twilight Sparkle was trying to do right now.

Running a little ahead of her, and not so out of breath, was a boy with dark blue hair, not to mention an athletic build.

Flash Sentry slowed down to allow his fiancée to catch up.

She was hyperventilating, and not just from running, but also from talking, not to mention the fact that she commonly ran a mile a minute when she was stressed. Normally he found it adorable, but right now she was worried that she would soon pass out from lack of air if she didn't stop breathing for a second.

"Slowly, slowly…" Twilight said "I'm not kidding".

"Now you're digressing" Flash said, chuckling lightly.

"It's not true…" Twilight protested, speaking as she tried to follow Flash.

"Now I'm lost..."

"Look, do you know how when you dream and in the dream you have to pee?" Twilight asked, trying to explain herself.

"Yes" Flash replied.

"Okay, and then you think: 'Oh, mother, there are no toilets! What am I going to do!? Someone's watching, I'm going to do it on top!'" Twilight explained.

“So you wake up and have to pee for real, right?” Flash supposed, not having the slightest idea what Twilight was saying.


"Yes. It's happened to all of us” Flash answered truthfully.

The two walked over to a bench as a conversation continued, ending their stroll. Later, they could run back to Sparkle Tower, but for now they were just going to enjoy each other's company on this peaceful day.

"That's where I want to go, by the way, last night... I dreamed... that we had a kid!" Twilight exclaimed “That was so real… We called him after your eccentric uncle. What was his name? Morgan?”

"Exactly" Flash said, nodding in understanding.

"Morgan…" Twilight said.

“And you… woke up… thinking you were…?” asked Flash

"Pregnant" Twilight said with a smile on her face.

"Yes" Flash said.

"Yes?" Twilight asked, excited.

"No..." Flash said, shaking his head.

"I've dreamed about it" Twilight said "It was real".

"Honey, if you wanted a child...you wouldn't have done this..." Flash added, with an eye roll that made her blush, as he placed his hand on Twilight's heart.

And more specifically, on a metal plate on her chest, which was made of a titanium alloy.

"I'm glad you brought it up..." Twilight said, smiling sheepishly, "It's just a unit to house nanoparticles..."

"Hey, that doesn't help you at all" Flash said with a smile.

"It's removable, it's not a..."

"You don't need it".

"I know, I'm just trying to protect us…" Twilight explained "And what's to come, that's all. In case there was a monster in the closet instead of, I don't know…”

"Shirts?" Flash asked dryly.

"You know me so well..." Twilight said, a deep blush flooding her purple cheeks. "You finish all my sentences".

“There should be shirts in your closet” Flash said clearly.

“Yes… And there should be no more surprises. Tonight we are going to have dinner and show off our wedding rings, right?” Twilight promised “And no more surprises. Never. I should promise you".


"And I'll do it…"

Flash smiled as he leaned in to kiss Twilight, who closed her eyes as she accepted it, kissing him gently...

…until a warm light enveloped them both, and they looked towards an open portal of orange energy in the middle of Ponyville Park.

A man stepped out of the doorway, wearing a wizard's robe and hat, introducing himself immediately, as he had little time for small talk.

"Twilight Sparkle? I'm Dr. Star Swirl” the man said “I need you to accompany me”.

Twilight could only stare in shock and annoyance at the interruption.

"Oh, and congratulations on the wedding, by the way" Star Swirl said, apparently realizing his social mistake.

This comment did nothing to explain anything to Twilight about her sudden appearance or her interest in her specifically.

"Excuse me, do you give away tickets for anything?" Twilight asked, puzzled by the man's strange outfit.

"We need his help" Star Swirl said solemnly "It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of the universe hangs in the balance".

"What do you mean 'we need'?" Twilight asked, still suspicious.

Star Swirl stepped aside as another person stepped through the portal, waving her hand sheepishly. A familiar person for Twilight.

"Hello, Twilight…" Fluttershy said quietly.

If the wizard's appearance had surprised Twilight (and she hadn't), the appearance of her old friend, missing for six years, completely shocked her.


"Flash..." Fluttershy said.


"Are you okay?" Twilight said, as she walked over to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy slowly approached… before throwing her arms around Twilight's neck, hugging her tightly and holding on for support. Twilight returned the hug tenderly, looking at Flash, who shrugged, trying to appear sympathetic, although deep down, he had missed Fluttershy too. Twilight was rarely speechless, but this moment she had been completely robbed of any ability to speak, not knowing what to say.

All she knew now was that Fluttershy looked like she had been through hell, and yet it was still the haunted look in her eyes. Because she said that things were not over, and that the hell she had been through… was coming.

That it was coming for all of them.

Naturally, there was some explaining to do in the Sancta Sanctorum, where Fluttershy had helped rebuild what her "green alter ego" had accidentally destroyed.

That's when she came to the conclusion that she needed to talk to Twilight (and the rest of "The Avengers").

So, when they arrived, Twilight sat on a sofa in the room, while Stygian used his powers to weave an illusion that would summarize the current situation.

“At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing… and then… BOOM! The Big Bang launched six elemental crystals, which traveled through the untouched universe…” Stygian explained “Each of these Infinity Stones controls an essential aspect of existence…”

Six tiny gems of different colors floated through the myriad of stars Stygian had conjured, displaying each one to Twilight as Star Swirl began to name them.

The first Gem was blue color "Space"

The second was red color "Reality"

The third was purple color “Power”

The fourth was orange color "Soul"

The fifth was yellow color, and for Twilight it was all too familiar "Mind"

At that moment, Star Swirl paused, pointing dramatically at the necklace he wore around his neck.

The Eye of Agamotto.

"And Time"

After saying those words, Star Swirl used his powers and the Eye of Agamotto opened, revealing a small green gem inside.

The Time Stone.

Following the situation so far with a distant nod of her head, Twilight was busy absorbing the information. But as she filed away the knowledge of the Infinity Stones for possible future use, her focus was on the one who wanted them: the Enemy.

The one she had been preparing against for over six years.

“Repeat me her name…”

Grogar. He... is a plague, Twilight. He invades planets, takes what he wants and eliminates half of the population” Fluttershy said, suppressing a shiver “He sent Lightning Dust… The Attack on Canterlot City! It was also HIM!”

The Invasion of the Chitauri.

A seemingly random event that suddenly fitted together like a piece of a puzzle. Everything began to fall into place in Twilight's mind.

Between Lightning Dust and her army's attack on Canterlot City, and then the whole thing with the Chitauri Center, Distron, and the Mind Stone… it was all starting to make sense.

Then, Rainbow Dash left to investigate more about her visions related to the Stones.

And now… everything fell into place.

It's time…” Twilight murmured.

What she had been waiting for, preparing for… and dreading.

“At what point are we?” she asked firmly.

"I don't know. He already has the Power and Space Stones” Fluttershy said, while he shook his head, uncertain “That makes him the strongest creature in the universe. If he manages to get his hands on all SIX Stones, Twilight…”

“He could destroy life on an inconceivable scale…” Star Swirl finished.

“Has he really said ‘inconceivable’?” Twilight asked, as she leaned against a vase in the room, doing stretches.

"Are you really doing stretching in the Cauldron of the Cosmos?"

Before Twilight could respond, the suit of Star Swirl came to life and hit her hand, causing her to stop touching the vase she was leaning on.

"This time I'll let you..." Twilight said annoyed, before pointing at the Eye of Agamotto "If Grogar needs all six... why don't we throw this one in a garbage disposal?"

"We can't" Star Swirl said, shaking her head.

"We swore to protect the Time Stone" Stygian explained "With our lives".

“And I swore no dairy” Twilight answered “But they named an ice cream after me, so…”

"'Sparknutella Cone'" Star Swirl replied.

"Not bad".

“A bit cloying”.

"Our favorite is 'The Incredible Flutterhulklate'" Stygian said.

"That exist?" Fluttershy asked, confused by the current conversation.

"The point is... things change" Twilight said firmly.

"Our oath cannot change" Star Swirl added "And this Stone may be the best option we have against Grogar".

"And conversely, it may also be his best chance against us!" Twilight said, sensing an obvious flaw in that plan.

"Only if we don't do our job" Star Swirl replied, looking irritated.

"And what is your job?" Twilight replied, just as irritated. "Aside from making balloon animals..."

"Protect your reality... stupid".

The two of them were eye to eye at this point, and looking decidedly angry at each other.

Not eager for a fight to break out, Fluttershy gently tried to separate them.

“Okay, guys. Can we leave this discussion for another time? she said, sweetly “The fact is that we have this Stone, that we know where it is. And Vision is somewhere with the Mind Stone... and we have to find him now!"

Grimacing, Twilight realized that her friend was right.

“Yes, that's the question…”

"What do you mean?"

"Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder" Twilight said "He went offline".

"What!?" Fluttershy blinked in horror. "Twilight, have you lost another super robot?"

"I haven't lost him... he's just... evolving" Twilight replied, shyly.

"And who could find Vision?" Star Swirl asked.

And that was the worst of all.

Twilight sighed, knowing full well that, despite all his talk of finding himself and taking time off, he was going to leave with the Green Witch (even though she is a wanted criminal under the "Sokovia Accords"), in the vain hope that the group would be together again at some point.

But if he was gone with Gloriosa Daisy and they were hiding somewhere, it meant the best person to find them was the last person Twilight wanted to talk to right now.

"Shit..." Twilight muttered "Just Applejack Rogers".

"Oh, great..." Star Swirl moaned, throwing her head back, realizing the problem immediately.

"She can, but..."

"Call her" Fluttershy requested.

"It's not that easy..." Twilight replied, before realizing it "We haven't caught up in a long time, have we?"

"No" Fluttershy confirmed, with a shake of her head.

"The Avengers... disbanded."

“Disbanded!?” Fluttershy asked, confused "Like a group? Like the Post Crushs?”

Twilight tried to search for the simplest explanation she could.

“AJ and I argued...” Twilight said. “We don't talk to each other anymore...”

Doing her best to be understanding, but firm, Fluttershy placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder.

“Twilight… listen to me. Rainbow Dash has died” Fluttershy said, as a tear came out of her eyes “Grogar is coming and I don't care who you talk to or not”.

Twilight knew that Fluttershy was right. She was absolutely right. Which only left one option.

Reaching into her pocket, Twilight pulled out an old phone.

"Flip phone..." Twilight muttered annoyed.

Quickly, she scrolled through the contact list…until she found the name “Applejack Rogers”.

Twilight hesitated, and she was about to hit the call button… when she stopped herself.

Something wasn't right.

Looking around at the people in the room, Twilight noticed that the bangs on Star Swirl's gray hair…moved on their own.

“Aren't you, by any chance, moving your hair on purpose?” Twilight asked out of curiosity.

"No..." Star Swirl replied, trying to look at his bangs "At this time, no..."

Everyone wasn't sure what at first, but then they noticed that it was getting dark, even though there were no clouds today and it was noon.

Looking up, the four people looked out of the hole Fluttershy made upon reaching the spot, only to see a shadow stretch across the sky. Then a wind caused the debris to start moving, even though there was no wind today, as it required forecasts of sun and heat for the whole day, if not all week.

A nameless terror attacked Twilight from the spine, and without a word, he ran to the principal door of the Sancta Santorum and opened it.

The streets of Canterlot City were awash with chaos.

As Twilight advanced to what people were fleeing, with the others following her, a woman tripped and fell to the ground.

"Hey, are you okay, ma'am?" Twilight asked as she helped the woman up.

But the woman ignored her and she ran off again.

Then, a car crashed into a streetlight in front of Twilight, with its driver unconscious.

"Help him!" Twilight yelled, pointing at the car "Fluttershy, Stygian!"

"Don't worry, we'll take care of this!" Fluttershy said, as she and Stygian started to help the driver out of her car.

As she continued walking, Twilight put on some high-tech goggles, quickly connecting with her personal artificial intelligence: S.P.I.K.E.

"S.P.I.K.E, what's going on?" Twilight asked into her glasses.

"I'm not sure, boss, I'm on it" S.P.I.K.E said, into Twilight's glasses.

Faced with that situation, Twilight looked at Star Swirl, who was activating her wizard outfit.

"Hey!" Twilight yelled "You better put that Time Stone in the pocket!"

"Maybe it's best to use it" Star Swirl said, as he followed Twilight.

Turning a corner, the four of them finally saw the reason why all the civilians were fleeing.

A giant hoop-shaped spaceship.

Those beasts... were already here...

(Stop video at minute 0:45)

Meanwhile, near the area, a school bus passed over the bridge that connected one end of Canterlot City to another.

On that bus were some students from Canterlot High, a prestigious high school in uptown Canterlot City known for its excellent academic records as well as its acceptance policies.

Among them, was a young girl with orange hair, tied in a long ponytail.

Luster Dawn was kind of relaxed and calm as she did her math homework.

Halfway through the sixth question, however, she felt a tingle run up her spine. Her spider-sense was kicking in, and that only meant one thing.


Looking out the window, Luster easily spotted the alien ship in the distance, and quickly leaned across her seat to her friend closest to her, the exciting Silverstream, for help.

“Silverstream...” Luster pleaded “Hey, do something to distract them...”

Silverstream barely noticed her friend's request…before she became fascinated by what lay in the distance.

"Oh My God!" Silverstream said, knowing what she had to do “WE'RE GOING TO DIE!! THERE IS A SPACESHIP!!!”

At that moment, everyone on the bus quickly pushed around to look, crowding around the windows in the back…leaving Luster completely unnoticed.

Waiting for the right moment, she took out her web shooter, designed to fit perfectly on her wrist. With it, she shot out a spiderweb strand, opening the window's emergency latch.

With a deft and quick movement, Luster jumped out the window, without the driver, a woman who had a short red hair, noting, while she was totally distracted by the passengers of her bus.

Her uniform tag identified her as… Lauren Faust.

"But what's wrong with you guys?" Lauren asked, as she rolled her eyes. "Have all you never seen a spaceship?"

Meanwhile, outside the bus, Luster stood glued to the wall of the bus, while donning a red mask with black and white eyes, which covered her entire head.

Then, she made a big jump that made her fall towards the river that was under the bridge.

Another strand of web shot from her wrist…as Spider-Girl made her way toward the invading alien ship.

It's Hero Time!

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle is reunited with Fluttershy and, along with Dr. Star Swirl and his assistant Stygian, learns of the threat posed by Grogar and the Infinity Stones.

Meanwhile, Luster Dawn, also known as Spider-Girl, also notices the situation and decides to go see what's going on.