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Ripto's Rage: Winter Tundra

During the break, Rarity was looking at the Fire Ruby Spike gave her all that time ago and then at a photo of the dragon after his wings came in. "Where has the time gone? But...I've long since squandered my chances." She said to herself. "But now...I think it's time to let him know....that I should've returned his feelings long ago." The white unicorn said.

Soon the break was over and it was time for the final levels in Avalar. "I gotta know, why'd you bother with those last few levels in the Winter Tundra?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We wanted to cut down on the legwork it was going to take to fix Avalar and of the areas we encountered. Every bit helped. Plus, we were finding orbs in the process, and considering what happened with Ripto, it was nice to have the extra fire power help from the professor." Cozy Glow said. "But I'll talk about that more later. First and foremost after Spyro cleared out the Speedway, we then went to Mystic Marsh where their fountain had ended up stopping causing the animals there to go crazy. However, turns out the one in charge of the fountain had simply fallen asleep." Cozy Glow stated.

"Your kiddin' me, right?" Applejack asked.

"Ah don't think she's kiddin'." Apple Bloom said.

"After Mystic Marsh, we arrived into Cloud Temples where we had to take care of some evil Warlocks who had stollen the wands off of several wizards. Once we took care of that area, next up was Robotic Farms, a mysterious farm run by robots that dealt with robotic insects." Cozy Glow said.

"Normal insects seem annoying enough as it is; I doubt the robotic versions weren't that plesent to deal with either." Scootaloo said.

"They weren't. Once we managed to turn on the Robotic Bug zapper and save Robotic Farms, we then headed towards the final area of Avalar Metropolis which was being invaded by space farm animals." Cozy Glow stated.

"Space farm animals? Were they any different then cows, pigs, or other similar animals?" Fluttershy said.

"Let me just stop what your thinking: Whenever we encountered enemy animals of any type, they were always working for whoever the bad guy happened to be at the time after this whole adventure. Just letting you know that upfront. And it was no different here either." Cozy Glow stated.

"Oh...that's not very good to know." Fluttershy said.

"I swear if I see a cow with a space helmet on again, I will feel like going crazy as all get out." Cozy Glow said.

"I don't blame you sis. So, once we were done in Matropolis, it was finally time to take on Ripto." Spyro said.

"Considering how small you said he was, even if he was flame proof somehow, Spyro could just charge into him." Rainbow Dash said.

"Actually, because Ripto is also an expert in spell casting, whenever we faced off against him except for the one time, he made himself both flameproof and unable to be damaged by charging into him." Cozy Glow said.

"...I take it back, for being such a short dude, he had a brain on him." Rainbow Dash said.

"Luckily for us, the Professor had modified the orbs we helped gather to give me not just a more powerful firebreath attack that Ripto's magic couldn't protect him from, but also the ability to spit out green rocks infinatly for a short time, as well as the ability to do a supercharge attack for a limited time. None of these powers Ripto could use magic to bounce off of him because the orbs were using magic itself." Spyro said.

"I had to sit out though and watched the battle unfold with Elora. After a certain amount of hits, Ripto used his magic to create a robotic version of Gulp and continue the fight that way. Spyro had to fight the robot Gulp and Ripto combo the same way as with Ripto by himself with the powered up orbs. When the robotic gulp fell, Ripto used one of the orbs to create a robotic paradytal and took to the skies. My brother used another orb to gain the powers of Superfly and Superflame at the same time in order to continue the fight as the platform they were previously fighting on sank into the lava. Eventually, Spyro took out the robotic paradytal, which sent Ripto flying into the lava. Of course though, that was not the last we saw of Ripto, he came back later on." Cozy Glow said.

"Once we were finished with Ripto, we did take some time off at Dragon Shores for a bit. Once we took a few days off at the carnival there, it was time to go back home. Though, it seemed that something happened with Cozy Glow when I defeated Ripto. Seemingly, part of the magic of the Super Crystal the professor created and that Ripto stole rubbed off on Cozy Glow, which made her remember a few things about her original world." Spyro said.

"That's when I remembered the stuff like Discord, Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra. But it wasn't just the evil people I remembered. I also remembered where I was living in this world before the School of Friendship." Cozy Glow said.

"Then don't keep us waiting, I really do want to find your Parents Cozy Glow." Twilight said.

"That's...nice of you to offer, Princess Twilight but...I'm afraid...you won't find anyone alive..." Cozy Glow said.

"Huh?" Twilight asked.

"Cozy Glow was only two months old, when a monster killed both her birth parents." Spyro said, putting a claw on Cozy Glow.

"It's why the one who adopted Spyro adopted me once we got back. Because I simply didn't have any family here back in my original home." Cozy Glow said. Twilight's hooves were over her mouth.

"That was nice of Spyro's adoptive father to take you in." Fluttershy said.

So...the entire time...we were dealing with an orphan. Twilight thought to herself. As princess, I must protect her. Regardless of what she's done, she's obviously not that sort of pony anymore, and I'd rather get banished from Equestria then let Princess Celestia imprison an orphan. She added to her thoughts.

Author's Note:

Again, I apologize in advance that not much is seemingly changing right now, and that I'm seemingly breezing through these levels by giving the main quest objective in each but honestly, there wasn't much I could do for these early games where Cozy Glow has very little involvement due to her not being able to fly yet. But once I get to my personally fan-made Spyro Adventure, that's where some real changes will start happening. There is some head-cannon going on with Cozy Glow here at the end though so there is that.