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Interlude 2 - A Dark Plot Brews

After dinner, there was some down time so things could be started fresh the next day after bedtime. During this downtime, Twilight and Smolder were talking. However, Rarity was a bit concerned over Spike's recent concept of getting over the white unicorn, so she snuck up on the conversation which she seemed to be catching the tail-end of.

"I see. Thanks for your assitance. I'm glad we have a Dragon here." Twilight said.

"It's nothing really. Spike's a growing dragon, and trust me, he's going to need all the help he can get. Besides, I think I'm getting something out of it." Smolder said.

"I guess greed can be hard to overcome. But I am thankful that you are choosing to do something for Spike." Twilight said.

"Hey, if I don't help him, your potentially looking at repeating what did you call that super greed-induced form of his again? Spikezilla or something? Doesn't matter, your looking at that but on a much different scale." Smolder said.

"Well I am glad your here then. I just wonder what you hope to come out of all this." Twilight said.

"Heh...I won't lie; the guy's got his charms. If things happen, well then they happen. I'm not going to lie, I wouldn't mind it." Smolder said.

"Understandable. Well then, I'm off." Twilight said before leaving.

"...You should know better then to stick your nose in other people's business." Smolder said.

"How'd you know I was here?" Rarity asked as she came out of hiding.

"Dragons have a stronge sense of smell. Let me make something clear to you, Professor Rarity: If you really did love Spike, you would've already shown a lot greater interest before now." Smolder said before then leaving herself.

Rarity hung her head in defeat. Where had the time gone? Had she truly forever had missed her chance?

Meanwhile, in an unkown location, an unseen figure was viewing Rarity through some kind of crystal.

"Interesting..." A male voice said. "Very interesting..." The voice continued. "I may have just found a way to get my ultimate revenge!" The voice concluded before the owner of the voice did an evil laugh.