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Season of Ice: Season Greetings

The next day, after breakfast, it was time for the story to resume.

"So we came upon the next Fairy Home World which was the Winder Fairy Home. Just like before, we went around the hub-world first collecting gems and rescuing fairies. Once we were done with that, it was off to the first level of Humming Bird fort where there were trapped Humming Birds. After that was Panda Gardens where not only did we come across another theif, but we also came across a pot all too familiar to me and Spyro. I didn't mention this earlier, but sometimes we came across this pot that as soon as Spryo charged into it, or hit with his flame breath vanished and appeared elsewhere. This would occur several times over before it finally broke and exploded into a whole bunch of gems. With this vase however, while the mechanic was the same, there was a panda inside of it." Cozy Glow explained.

"Once we were done with Panda Gardens, we then headed for Honey Marsh where we encountered the Professor. Though there were some wierd time-related shenanigans going on with him here, as we found two of him within the level, one from the future that we had to help get his time machine out from a pool of honey. After that was the next Speedway and Sparx Level which netted us three final fairies. It was then time to go to the next home world. Or at least, that was the plan." Spyro noted.

"Wait why? What happened?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The travel to the next fairy home world got interupted by magic created by a two headed Rynoc Wizard known as Grendor. Despite his size, he was able to be charged into but that's not the real issue. He himself told us that he was the one who froze all those fairies with the spell before we beat him though he wasn't completly done yet as he fled the area before leaving us with one of the fairies we had been looking for. Now that we knew who was behind the frozen Fairy situation, it was time to rescue the remaining faries to put an end to Grendor's plans." Cynder said.

"Once we were in the Spring Fairy Home properly, we went around collecting gems and freeing fairies again before we went for the Time Machine Lab where we once again came across the Professor. There were Sporks we needed to collect there. Once we cleaned out that level, we went onto Roman City where we encountered our third theif and a second one of those vanishing vases." Cozy Glow said.

"After clearing out that level, we headed to the Twilight Bulb Factory where we had to turn on all the lights around the area. Once we did that and cleared out the level, all that remained was the Speedway and Sparx levels again. Though that's where Cozy Glow started to really struggle. She began to really hate speedways once we were done with Aqua Age Speedway." Spyro noted.

"At long last was the Summer Fairy Home, where we had the last fairies to rescue. After clearing it out, we went to Dusty Trails where we came across yet another theif. Once we caught them and cleared out the area again, up next was Star Park where we had to launch a rocket. Once we did so and cleared out the level, all that was left was Space Age Speedway and the final Sparx level." Cynder said.

"We weren't done quite yet, as now that we had all but one fairy rescued, it was time to stop Grendor once and for all. He put up more of a fight this time, but eventually we beat him for real this time. After we rescued Zoe from him, it turned out the main reason he wanted all those fairies was because he was the one who took Bianca's Spellbook and accidently read it upside down, which is what gave him his two-headed form and four headaches. But Zoe decided to use her fairy magic to return Grendor back to normal. At the very least, everything was all wrapped up in a neat little bow." Cozy Glow said.

"And just in time to wrap up that segment of our story. I do believe it is close to lunch time." Spyro said.

"Indeed it is." Twilgiht said before everyone started getting ready for lunch.

Author's Note:

Really don't like how fast I get through these scenarios when the GBA games are the shortest of the bunch.