• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 332 Views, 8 Comments

The Death of Lab 14 - SapphireRose87

I can't wait to finish destroying Lab 14. I also can't wait until Cora dies and the sooner she dies the better.

  • ...

19) Drunk with Power


Derek and I destroyed another location of Lab 14. Now we only had seven more locations left to go. I was frustrated about not finding Cora yet.

Derek and I were taking a break back at the Inn.

"There's still no sign of that witch Cora yet," I growled.

"Yeah I know," said Derek, "although the vision did show that it was in the last location of Lab 14. Or at least I think it was the last location of Lab 14. Did you recognize what that location looked like?"

I shook my head. "Nope, I've never seen that one before. Not even in my memories. Although most of the time I'm stuck in that stupid room or on a 'playdate' in whatever location I was at. Or I woke up sitting beside a tree in the rain every single experiment I've been released into."

Derek sighed, "I guess we should look at the map again."

Derek took out the small black box that contained the map. He pressed the button on top of it and out came a holographic screen that showed the last seven locations of Lab 14. He pointed at what might look like the last location of Lab 14. The location was a building that was deep within a forest almost at the edge of the In Between.

"Hmm," I said, "that does seem like it might be the last location of Lab 14."

"Yeah," said Derek, "I'm not so sure that I want to deal with walking into that trap right now. Listen I know you want to get your hands on Cora, but I think we should destroy the rest of the locations first and then kill the witch once and for all. Okay?"

I put my head on the table and groaned. As always I knew not to argue with Derek because he was right once again. Derek put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Henry, we'll get her. Don't fall into despair or fear again because of waiting so long okay? Cora will die, it has to be done and the vision said it will happen. Ashley said that if The Grand God Council has sent the vision then it will come true."

Even though I still felt skeptical and looked at Derek with hope. Derek smiled and nodded then he reached over and kissed me and pulled me onto his lap. I smiled as I put my head on his chest.

"You know, I'm glad you find comfort when you're with me," Derek said. "You deserve to be comforted no one deserves to go through the things you've been through. I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner and get you away from Lab 14."

I smiled. "No need to apologize Derek. You have me now and that's all that matters."

Derek chuckled, "Yeah and I'm going to do everything in my power to protect you. Unlike your parents, I can't be killed. Although the vision does show us playing dead for a while."

I laughed at the thought of playing dead just to freak Cora out.

"What's so funny?" Derek asked.

"On the bright side, I'm not falling into despair because I know Cora's going to die. The thought of playing dead just to scare her sounds like fun. But, how we start playing dead, that's what scares me," I said.

Derek snorted. "Why would you be afraid of pain? I mean with all the pain Lab 14 put you through the 14 tests they did on you before getting released into those experiments."

I shook my head. "It's not that. It's the thought of seeing you get knocked out of your body first." I started to cry. "The way you get knocked out of your body. That's exactly how Cora killed the experiments that I loved in front of me."

Derek sighed, "Oh."

There was quiet for a while between us. Derek stood up while holding me in his arms. I laughed, "What are you doing?"

Derek kissed me and I just about rolled my eyes when Derek took me to the bedroom and tossed me on the bed. "Of course, you would take me here."

Derek didn't respond to my comment as he climbed on top of me and started to make out with me. That's Derek for you, when he doesn't want to think about anything sad or frustrating to him sex is the key.

* * *


Damn it, damn it all to hell! I thought. I was once again pacing back and forth down the medal hallway in front of the main computer. I was in the very last location of Lab 14 that I would use to transfer my experiments after I did the reprogramming ritual and release them into an experiment. I only got up to seven experiments with Experiment Henry. From what my tracker experiments have told me, Experiment Henry and Experiment Derek are slowly destroying every location of Lab 14 in existence. How on earth they knew how many locations Lab 14 has at first was beyond me. But then I guessed once Eleanor left Lab 14, she probably revealed how many locations Lab 14 has.

I've been watching the main computer in horror as I saw the locations of Lab 14 drop off the radar one by one. I have no doubt that's Experiment Henry and Experiment Derek's doing. I had half a mind to shut down both of those experiments when they finally arrive here and forget about the stupid wedding.

But I can't bring myself to do that. From what I found out it's actually a better chance of getting perfect children from an experiment if they are alive. The sperm can not come from a test tube either. What I wondered though is how much magic Experiment Derek has.

I watched the video footage from the failed wedding with Experiment Rose and found it interesting that Experiment Derek seemed to have a similar attack to the 'Tell Me You Love Me' attack. Only with his attack, it's activated by saying the words 'Tell Me You Hate Me' and it seemed to give him double strength along with his lion roar. I was going to kill Experiment Derek and just leave Experiment Henry alive but now that I'm curious about Experiment Derek's power I'm thinking I'll let him live instead of killing him.

Of course, I made the mistake of walking past the mirror as I went towards my office to try and think of a game plan on how to stop Experiment Henry and Experiment Derek from destroying the remaining locations of Lab 14. I'm starting to think it's nearly impossible to do that because every Tracker Experiment I've sent after them, the Tracker Experiments wind up dead. I know this because other Tracker Experiments I send out find the previous Tracker Experiments dead bodies.

When I walked past the mirror by my office, the sound of Venom's dark laugh. I exhaled slowly, "What do you want this time Venom?"

"I just wanted to tell you something I've noticed about you," Venom laughed her wicked laugh.

"And what might that be?" I snarled.

"True you seem to be able to hold onto the feeling of love as you call it, but it's not real love. Nope, not even close!" Venom smiled.

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about Venom?"

Venom nodded. "Oh yes, the main reason why you want to call Experiment Henry, God Henry so badly is because you are attracted to his power. You want to know when you started to desire power?"

I gave a confused look. "Okay, when?"

"When you were ten years old. I can see into the past of those that allow me to stay within them by making a deal with me as you did," Venom answered. "You were very paranoid, you thought the neighbor kid had it out for you."

"Well, she did!" I said.

Venom shook her head. "Nope, she didn't. I got a good glimpse of that memory. I was able to look at both sides of the story. She was planning on throwing you a birthday party which was supposed to happen the following week."

I gulped and looked at her horror and thought, No that can't be! Gloria had it out for me, she was so fake and I know she got that attitude because she was the most popular girl in school! I mean, why would a snobby girl like that befriend me? Out of sympathy? Out of pity? Even so, I didn't need friends like that. Not with all of the crap I was going through at home. Dad was abusive towards me and he was abusive towards mom.

Venom gave me a wicked laugh. "Oh Cora, I can tell by the look on your face you know I'm right. Oh, that's right! I was able to see the memories before that of your so-called abusive dad. He was never abusive, he pushed you in school because he wanted you to do the best you can do. And look at you now! Bet he would be so proud of you, but I'm not sure about that considering that you use the excuse that you're looking for the cure for death as a way to harm people. Your dad was never abusive to your mom. Your mom was a lazy slob. He pushed her the same way he pushed you. All he wanted was for her to get off her lazy butt and do some work for a change."

By this time I was shaking, I didn't know why though. Shaking out of fear or anger maybe? Maybe Venom was using this as a way to make me second guess my memories. Well, she should know it's not going to work, nope it's not happening.

Venom gave me a wicked laugh again. "Aww, that's cute! You're in denial so bad it's laughable! Anyway, you were so paranoid that the neighbor kid had it out for you that your solution to the problem was to kill her beloved pet dog named Cody and you left a lovely note when you delivered the dog's body to her. Hmm, how did it go?"

I went back to staring at Venom in horror as I remembered the letter that I wrote Gloria:

Dear Gloria,

You are the sickest and twisted human being ever! I know for a fact that you talk about me behind my back at school all time. And bragging about the many boyfriends you've had that's disgusting! Are you some sort slut? Because that's exactly what it sounds like to me.

I know you're not my friend. You're my enemy and you will always be my enemy. I decided I should give you a little early Christmas present, you know because Christmas is in two weeks. I doubt you'll be there for my birthday party if there is one this year but I wouldn't count on there being one. Because there's never a birthday party for me, and doubt dad will be throwing one for me.

Have fun planning a funeral for your dog Cody.


Venom gave me an evil snort. "Awww are we having a guilty conscience now? You killed your only friend's dog and right before she was going to throw you a birthday party. Oh and here's the kicker, she was planning the birthday party with your dad the whole time."

"No," I insisted, "that wasn't the case! That was never the case! You're just making me second guess my memory! That wasn't the case at all! You're lying!"

"Wow Cora," said Venom, "if that's not denial I don't know what else is. Face it, Cora, you want to call Experiment Henry, God Henry because you love his power. After you killed your neighbor's beloved dog you started killing every animal you could get your hands on. You killed those animals just for the thrill of it. Then you moved on to killing people, and oh that was after you met me and made that deal with me. Hmmm, the first person you killed was your so-called abusive dad, wasn't it?

"Then you met the previous head of Lab 14 before Lab 14 was even established. The reason why you're looking for the cure for death is that you feel guilty for killing your mom and dad and you desire to bring them back to life. Isn't that cute?

"And you know something, Cora? The cure for death is impossible to find, you'll never find it you know. Your so-called 'scientific breakthrough' with your 'fake son' Experiment Henry was never that at all. I know because I can see what you see. True Experiment Henry's power came back triple every time you flatlined him but there was no 'scientific breakthrough' now was there?"

My jaw dropped because I knew what Venom was saying was true. There was no 'scientific breakthrough' with Experiment Henry. I realized at that moment I didn't love Experiment Henry, I envied him.

Venom gave another evil snort. "Oh and one more thing Cora, I've seen you get back together with the previous head of Lab 14. He's just as powerful as Experiment Henry is! That's what you desire the most! You don't desire love, you're drunk with the desire for power. Using the excuse that you're looking for the cure for death is just another example of how much you desire power and that's why you made the deal you did with me.

"Oh yeah, that's right! Before you called off the wedding with your ex-boyfriend who is now your boyfriend again you had a miscarriage didn't you? Is that why you're obsessed with Experiment Henry marrying another experiment to give the children you so desire from him? Not only do you view Experiment Henry as your 'fake son' you would probably view the children he might give you if he ever gives them to you like your 'fake grandchildren' that's so adorable it makes me want to cry. Well, not really. I just wanted to give you something to think about before Experiment Henry comes back to his 'fake home', too bad I don't have a camera with me because the look on your face is absolutely priceless. Until the next time, we speak Cora."

Venom laughed her sinister laugh that sent chills down my spine as her picture in the mirror faded from view. After Venom disappeared I ran into my office as fast as I could. I didn't make it to my desk before I passed out.