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Go exploring

You thank them for the offer, but you prefer your carefree scavenger life.

You pack up some supplies in your 2008 Honda Civic and prepare to set out, exploring the countryside.

Emily comes over to see you off.

"Even if you're not staying, feel free to stay nearby. It's a tough world out there. It never hurts to have friends."

You thank her and set out.

You spend several weeks traveling around rural areas, occasionally raiding abandoned stores for food, or stopping at an old home to use the bathroom.

It's peaceful, and the knowledge that there are more people, in a place you now know about, gives you some peace of mind.

Eventually, while driving down a dirt road, you spot some fields that seem well maintained and pull over to take a look.

There's an orange pony tilling the field by pulling an old-fashioned plow behind her. She's wearing a cowboy hat.

You watch her work for some time. She glances over in your direction every so often, but seems focused on her work.

>Stick around

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