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>Travel to Fairmount Park

You stop your 2008 Honda Civic at the entrance to the park. You don't see many other vehicles around, and think it may be prudent to keep your vehicle out of sight. You pull it behind some bushes and haphazardly cover it in leaves,

Certainly, you are a master of camouflage.

You trek deeper into the park on foot, bringing with you a pack filled with food and water, and keeping your Glock 19 firmly in your hand, safety off, your finger on the trigger.

As you make your way deeper into the park, you can hear the sound of people talking. It's odd to you, to hear so many voices. You grip your pistol and poke your head through some bushes.

Up ahead, you can see a wide array of ramshackle buildings, tents, and stands set up.

You begin to inch your way closer, curious about this Trading Post.

But as you get closer you notice that what they're trading isn't something you're too happy about.

This appears to be a slave market.

>Time to leave
>I have a gun don't I?

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