• Published 14th Apr 2021
  • 992 Views, 10 Comments

The Hive - LightningChaser04

- After the events of Queen Ending from Scootaloo-009’s original prequel. Rainbow’s the queen and forms her own huge hive. What’ll happen next?-

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3- Meeting Aunt Fluttershy

2 months since previous chapter.
AN: The nymphs can walk and fly around. There’re 5 more newcomers. And none of the nymphs have been outside the hive, except Rainy.

It was a dark and stormy night. Fluttershy and her animals were in the Everfree, but not too deep within. “Gosh, it’s getting dark! Why don’t we go home now?” asked Fluttershy to her animals. One little rabbit by the name of Hopsy had hopped off into the deeper parts of the forest. “Hopsy!” cried Fluttershy. “We better go look for her. Come on... *gulp* Let’s go.” said Fluttershy.

“Um? Hello? Anypony there..!?” asked Fluttershy, her voice breaking. It was almost midnight. Her animals had led her to Rainbow’s hive. “Better.. go in and... find.. H-hopsy..” said Fluttershy. She knocked the door. Only to have it opened by Rainbow Dash. “Dashie? What’re you doing here?” asked Fluttershy, worried. “Fluttershy! This is my home, and it’s midnight. I and the kids were sleeping. Do you wanna stay here for the night?” said a sleepy Rainbow. “I’d like to stay over, and please tell me about life as a changeling queen. If it’s ok with you.” “Ok with me! I already set up bedrooms for you with all you and the girls would need in case any of you come over.” “Thank you very much Queen Dash.”
“No need for formalities Flutters!”

Fluttershy slept over at Rainbow’s hive. She slept like a nymph. She was waken up by a cry. “Kids, this is Aunt Fluttershy, she’s staying over for a while.” said Rainbow Dash to her two month old nymphs. Rainy went up to Fluttershy and snuggled her. “Aww, so cute! What’s her name?” asked Fluttershy. “Rainy” replied Rainbow Dash. “The blue- haired girl is Frost Flare, you already know Scootaloo, she’s been converted to a baby somehow. Icy, Rainy, Blitz, Snowy,-” “Wow, they are the cutest! I just have to have one of these nymphs!” “Well, you can! Why don’t you adopt 10? Two for each girl! They’re very well-behaved.” “EEEEKK!!!! Yesss!!! But how much money? What do I feed them?” “Cost: free, Feed: love. You just have to love them a lot! They absorb the love you give them. I give them goo, which is solid love. But do NOT take the smaller ones, Rainy, Scoots, or Frost.”
Fluttershy took 10 of them off Rainbow’s hoof, and gave them to her friends.

That night, Rainbow cried a bit. “Why’d I let go of you? You were too cute!” said Rainbow Dash. Suddenly, Scootaloo and Frost came in. “Mummy, We have niwtmawe.” said Frost. “We caw’t sweep!” cried Scootaloo. “It’s ok girls, tell ya what, you sleep with me.” said Rainbow Dash. “But mommy, its too scawy.” said Frost Flare, sobbing. “Shh.. It’s ok Frosty.. Mommy’s here. Come on girls, to the living room.” The girls went to the living room with Rainbow Dash. She picked up both of them. They were about the size of a 3-month old beagle puppy (which is pretty lightweight, and I have one!) She calmed the girls down by hugging them and talking to them. The girls got sleepy and went to sleep on their mother’s lap. Rainbow carried both to her bedroom and lay them down on the bed. She covered them with a blanket and went to sleep herself.

The next morning, Rainbow was helping Fluttershy go back to her home. Rainbow also gave her the 10 nymphs. Two for each of her friends. “If anything happens to them, you’re responsible!” said Rainbow sternly as she placed 3 on her back, and 7 in her saddlebags. Rainbow and Fluttershy went out of the forest and into Fluttershy’s cottage. Rainbow left the 10 nymphs on Fluttershy’s huge green couch and kissed each one goodbye forever. Rainbow returned to her hive to see the other nymphs crying. Rainbow decided to try feeding the nymphs her OWN natural milk, see how they react. They were actually way happier and 20% more energised. *burp* “Escuse mwe mommy!” said Rainy after drinking enough milk. Rainbow giggled. “Tank yu mom!” said Scootaloo and hopped on Rainbow’s back to relax. “You’re welcome, squirt.” “Yay! Me wuv yu mum.” said Frost and went to join her sister. “Mommy loves you too Frosty!” Rainbow nuzzled her. A few yawns were heard from 5-6 nymphs. Rainbow put the sleepy ones to bed, hungry ones some milk, and playful ones some toys. *chomp* “Hey! What gives, Blitz?” said Rainbow angrily and pushed him away. “You had too much!” Blitz, one of the newest nymphs He went to the other side of the room and started crying. Rainbow realised her mistake and went over to him. She picked him up and cradled him. “Shhh... It’s ok Blitz.. Calm down.” said Rainbow in a loving tone. “It’s my fault actually, I too ate a lot as a kid. But you can have some goo if you want!” Rainbow left Blitz with his big sister Rainy. “Rainy, take care of your brother.” “Owkay Mommy!” She went to the kitchen to get some goo for Blitz.

“Hi thewe wittwe bwo! I’m your sissy, Wainy.” Blitz started crying some more. “Don wowwy Bwitzy, I no bite yu. Me take cawe of yu. Scootawoo, Fwosty, me need hewp with Bwitz hewe!” The three girls were at work, dressing Blitz up as a princess while Rainbow was at the goo production room, getting more goop.

“Awd, done! Wowie Bwitzy! Yu looks too pwetty!” said Frost Flare, placing a bow on his head while Rainbow Dash was walking in. “Mommy! We dwess up wittwe bwo!” said Rainy, proud of her creation. Poor little Blitzy was hungry, and missed mom. ‘I hate this...’ thought Blitz to himself. *gasps loudly* “Blitz? Are you ok? What happened baby? Did sissies trouble you?” Blitz nodded. “Don’t worry kiddo, I’ll take care of them. After getting you undressed and fed.

“Girls, I can’t believe this! Why in Equestria did you dress your brother up? Poor thing, he was almost suffocated by your necklace!” said Rainbow angrily. The girls began to cry. “Sowwy mommy...” said Frost Flare and went to a corner of the room. “Yeh, me sowy too..” said Scootaloo and went to the opposite corner. “S-sow- Sowwy mummy..” said Rainy and went to a different corner. Rainbow sighed. “Please don’t do that next time. For any of them. That clear girls?” asked Rainbow. “Cwystal cwear momma.” said Rainy.
“Yeppies!” said Scootaloo.
“Okie-dokie!” said Frost.
“Good. Now come on over here! I have a surprise.” The fillies went to Rainbow Dash. She took the three to a room opposite to hers. It had a triple bed, a dresser and some of the three fillies’ toys. “Welcome to your new room!” said Rainbow Dash. “Omigosh- omigosh- omigosh!” said Rainy. “Yaaayyy!! Tank yu sooooo much mum!” said Frost and hugged her mother. Scootaloo did the same.

Author's Note:

Oooh! Pet reveal (really, I have a beagle)

And only Rainy, Scoots and Frost can talk a bit. Scoots and Frost develop faster than the nymphs because they were previously 10 year old ponies. And Rainy is the eldest actual nymph.