• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 1,755 Views, 72 Comments

Dawn Before Twilight - Dawn Darkness

A young boy is pulled into Equestria. Why is he here? Does he have a purpose? And, most importantly, will he live long enough to give himself the best of his time?

  • ...

Prologue: Once Upon A Time on Earth...

People say miracles can happen anytime.

Others say miracles can happen unexpectedly.

Me...I guess I’m lucky to say that I am truly grateful for how a miracle changed my whole life for the better.

Who am I? My name’s Daniel Clausen, and this is how I ended up gaining a new life in the magical land of Equestria.

But my story doesn’t start in Equestria, but some other place altogether.

It was a fresh day in my hometown of Kalundborg. I was sitting in front of my computer screen as I was typing something to a friend of mine online. He messaged me back with some words that said, “I’ll be back in a few; gotta go for a while.”

I wrote to him and said, ‘See you’, and I decided to do so as well after turning off the computer.

My name is Daniel Clausen. I’m a fourteen year old teenager who has a life that is rather boring. I have brown hair, blue eyes, and I wore a green T-shirt, as well as black jeans.

Throughout my life, I’ve only been loved by my parents. Yet despite that, I was getting constantly bullied in school without a friend to back me up against the bullies.

I was alone. However, I did have a pal who I will often write to in letters, which was alright, except that I never see him in person due to personal duties he’s had in his life. I wonder what holds him back.

I finished breakfast in a few minutes, and now I was getting ready for school. I stood outside waiting for the bus to arrive, and it did within a couple of minutes of waiting.

I got on the bus and sat in the back of the vehicle while the other students stared at me with their looks. I was different from them, but somehow, I didn’t care about it that much. I was my own person.

After the school bus arrived at the school’s parking area, I got off the bus and walked to where I would be in class.

“Hey there!” A voice called to me, and I flinched into a frozen state. “Sorry about startling you, friend! I didn’t mean it!”

How ironic. Usually when someone calls me a friend, they would always prepare to beat me up.

I looked to find a person, and interestingly, why was he wearing clothes like he was some kind of pirate. Mind you, his outfit reminded me of some kind of Japanese superhero TV show...Gokaiger, I think.

“And who are you?” I asked him, slightly fearful in my voice.

"Well, me arty..." said the guy in piratic clothing, as he took out what looked like a piece of paper, "perhaps this should ring a bell."

He cleared his throat, unfolded the paper, and began to read it:

Dear Merly,
It's been about a month since we last wrote to each other.
How have you been? Because it's been trash for me, as always.
Bullies constantly bother me, teachers constantly trying to purposely fail me, etc.
Good thing the principal is always on my side, no matter what.
I swear, sometimes I wish I could just leave the world and never return.
But hey, at least I have you to share my social stuff with.
You, Merly, are my only friend who truly understands me.
I guess I'll end my message here, seeing as I can't think of more to write.
Hoping you are well.
Sincerely yours...

He packed away the paper, and then said, "Well then, me arty... do you recognize me now?"

I took a moment to think it through. Next thing I knew... it hit me. "Merly?" I asked hopefully. “Merly, is it really you?” I was surprised to find him here.

“Ahoy, Danny,” said the boy, “It surely is me. Arrr!”

I was blinking. “Can’t believe I find you in my school, Merlin. How have you been? Was there something that held you from writing back?”

“Actually,” he said, “I only started learning about non-pirate tech.”

Now, for those of you who haven’t paid that much of attention, Merlin is a pirate.

"Non-pirate tech? Oh, you mean modern machines!" I realized as a small laugh came from me.

“Exactly!” said Merlin, then to take out a phone from his pocket, “I even got myself this handy gadget. I recall you calling this a phone.”

"Yep, that's a phone, alright!" I laughed. "Now, how about we go to schoo-" I heard the bell ring at that moment. I cursed under my breath. "I'm gonna be late!"

We both hurried inside the building, soon to arrive at our first lesson.

We arrived no sooner to the door we should have our class at. I got the look from my teacher, and I gave a low curse under my breath again. "This isn't going to go well..." I mumbled.

“Excuse us for being late, sire,” said Merlin all of a sudden, “Danny here was showing me the school a little and lost track of time.” He then got out an apple and placed it on the teacher’s desk, “Take this piece of fruit as a sign of our total respect.”

"You arrived ten seconds late, Daniel," said the teacher sternly to me. I cringed before taking my place on my seat. "Now," he cleared his throat. "Let us get the class started. First, we will be having our English lesson. You may begin the lesson, students!"

“Excuse me!” said Merlin sternly to my teacher, “What gives you the right to scold Danny here for being ten seconds late? Okay, if we were five minutes late, that would be something else, but ten seconds?! That is just disgusting of you, you uncouth peasant!”

Uh-oh. I’m not liking where this is going…

The students seemed to agree with my inner thoughts on it.

"Don't give me that tone, Mr. Merlin!" said the teacher as he slammed his hands on his desk. "If you're nice enough, you can see the principal right after class. Any questions?"

“Yes,” said Merlin, pointing to the apple on the table, “Are you gonna thank me for giving you this delicious fruit? After all, my mother told me that it’s to show the teacher how much you respect them, no matter what.”

The teacher looked at the apple in question, and then back at Merlin. "While that is true, I don't think you have the right to proclaim I am a peasant. That's one of the disrespectful things to say about teachers. Didn't your mother teach you that?"

Merlin sighed, “Forgive me, sir. I was just upset about how you scolded Danny for being late.”

I looked at him, but decided not to speak up as the teacher cleared his throat. "Now that this is settled, let us resume the lesson," he spoke up.

Merlin and I headed to our seats, unaware...that three bullies have looked at Merlin in a rather grim way.

Later, in the cafeteria...

Merlin and I were standing in line, waiting for our turn.

"What the heck were you thinking, Merly?" I asked seriously.

"I'm sorry, Danny," said Merlin apologetically, "That non-pirate talked with you in a rather unfitting tone. I couldn't let him get away with such baloney."

I sighed, rubbing my forehead with a hand. "That's no way to speak toward the teacher, you're making a bad impression on them, you know."

"They were making a bad impression on you ever since you started here," Merlin shot back, "Mom and Dad sent me here to bring justice to this school, and this is what I am going to do. But first, I gotta find out who runs things among the student body, and then show them who's boss."

I widened my eyes. "No...nonono! You can't do that! You'll get us expelled!" I was flailing my hands to him a little bit shortly before it was our turn to grab some lunch.

"I can," said Merlin, as he took his turn, "and I will, Danny."

It wasn't long before we both sat at our table, Merlin looking at his lunch in awe.

"Cold Cabbage and Custard," he said, as he readied his fork, "all the better to prevent scurvy with."

"Oi!" came a voice, "You there!"

Merlin and I turned and saw three thugs coming our way.

"Oh no," I said softly.

"Why?" asked Merlin, "You know those guys?"

"It's Buff, Butch, and Boris," I sighed softly. "They're bad things who are always happy to bully me."

I then saw Merlin pull a stern face. "Not on my watch."

"What?" I spoke in a whisper as he stood up to stand between the thugs and me. "Ohh, this'll be bad...I can't watch!" I let my hands cover my eyes, but I peeked through my fingers just in case.

The thugs came to a halt in front of Merlin. Butch was the most tough-looking guy of the trio, he has black hair and green eyes while his clothing consisted of a black jacket and blue jeans.

Buff was the idiot of the trio. His eyes were yellow while his hair was brown. He has a dark blue jacket on his body and a pair of green jeans.

Boris was the low bone head of them. His reddish brown eyes looked just as cowardice as before; while his hair was blonde and his clothes both yellow colored.

"I suggest," said Merlin, "you better think twice, or else."

Butch laughed. "Or else what, pirate boy? You gonna stop us from reaching that little whim?" His voice was always the same; tough and strong. He always thought of himself as the better level-head of the trio.

Merlin remained unamused. "You know," he said, "that's actually a great idea."

The bullies then started to laugh, when suddenly, something incredible happened.
Merlin gave Butch a kick in the gut, kung-fu style, and, no joke, that kick sent Butch flying, him landing straight in the school cafeteria waste.

Everyone was shocked, including the other two thugs.

"So..." asked Merlin, still unamused, "who of you two is next?"

"Uh...you wanna tackle this guy, Boris?" Buff asked his friend, and I had lowered my hands to see what happened.

"Nope! Not in my life! Let's get outta here!" Boris said immediately, and they rushed out not long after grabbing Butch by the arms and they were out of the cafeteria.

Merlin looked at the other students, all of them in shock.

"Danny," Merlin said to everyone, "told me a big deal about all of you. Everywhere he went, you guys constantly teased him here and there. Your teachers...they constantly try to purposely fail him for no reason whatsoever. Well, guess what? As long as I'm here, none of you shouldn't bother messing with Danny again...or else."

Merlin sat back down and began to eat his cold cabbage and custard.

I looked at him, both in surprise and shock. "How'd you know kung-fu fighting skills?" I asked as I resumed my own lunch.

"You see, Danny," Merlin explained, "I come from a long line of pirates who taught themselves various Asian fighting skills. My grandfather, Merlin Spark V, has fought enemies to the throne during World War II, using the way of the Ninja. My father, on the other hand, went for the way of the Bushido warrior. Me...I choose the way of...well, everything."

"Wow...that's amazing," I said, amazed. "Now I wonder if I could've learned such skills...but I'm just a Nobody...which sucks."

"Trust me," said Merlin, as he took a sip of his custard, "I can teach you."

It actually surprised me that he actually drank his custard like a glass of milk, but who am I to judge.

"You know," suggested Merlin, "you should come with me after school. I could show you Bloodonia."

"Bloodonia?" I wondered, finishing my lunch. "Is it...the kingdom by the docks? I've seen it a few times by the docks in the bus, but not actually been in the kingdom itself. When do we go?"

"Tonight," he said, "and make sure you're not followed."

"What do you mean?"

"Bloodonia has been a target of many non-pirate governments for a long time. They are always trying to infiltrate the city and overthrow the king and queen, along with wanting to end the Piratic Era for good. Which is why you must be sure not to be followed when heading to the docks tonight."

"Oh," I hummed, rubbing my chin. I smiled at Merlin. "Alright. Hakuna Matata, I will go by myself."

"Hakuna Matata," said Merlin, "I remember. The Lion King, from Disney. 1994."

I winked at him before the bell rang again. I sighed deeply. "This will be a long day..." I muttered.

Soon, school came to an end.

I brought Merlin home with me, where I introduced him to my parents.

Later, when night fell over the city, Merlin and I quietly hurried out the door.

"Let's go," he said, "and we better hurry. I promised my mother and father to be back by midnight."

"Alright," I nodded to him as we hurried over to the docks. I made sure that nobody followed us there.

It wasn't long before we made it to the docks, standing right before the city of Bloodonia.

"Isn't she a beauty," said Merlin, "and it's all kept overwater thanks to the latest hover technology."

"Whoa," I breathed in amazement. "Shall we go inside? I need to stop sight-seeing this."

And so, we both went inside the city, and what I saw... blew my mind.

The whole city looked like it came out of a movie that played within the 22nd Century.

"What can I say, Danny?" said Merlin, "Except... surprise!"

"This is...totally awesome!" I smiled in a giddily way. "Why does this look like a sci-fi city from a movie? I need to stop imagining that."

Everywhere I looked, it reminded me, no joke, of the Kingdom of Wakanda from the Marvel Movie "Black Panther".

"So...where do we start?" I asked him. "I'd like to...hold on...why are there coming guards out? Have I committed a crime?" I noticed some guards from the castle.

"Get behind me, Danny," said Merlin, "I got this."

"Uh...alright, since you're the chief here..." I shyly hid behind my friend from the incoming guards.

The guards formed a circle around us, aiming their cutlasses at me.

"Your majesty," said one of the guards to Merlin, "get away from this non-pirate this instant!"

I was surprised. I was only joking when I called Merlin the chief, but now it made sense why he called one of my teachers a peasant this morning. Merlin...was royalty.

"It's alright, gentlemen," he said, "I invited him here. He's my friend, and he's our guest, so please put down those cutlasses, or must I notify Okasan and Otosan about this?"

I noticed how the guards went pale when Merlin mentioned two beings named Okasan and Otosan.

"No, your majesty," said another guard, "we don't want to do something we would regret."

"Wait, wait!" I spoke, looking at Merlin in shock. "You're a king, or prince?!"

"Well," said Merlin, "I'm soon to be the next King of Bloodonia, if you're wondering. Right now... I'm their prince."

Just as I thought that this night could possibly get any better.

I had not realized how things would go like this, and I just had to ask him: "So, are those beings you mentioned your...?"

"My parents," said Merlin, "はい."

I did not understand the word he just spoke. "Um...translate that, would you? I don't speak Japanese."

Merlin rolled his eyes. "はい. It means yes.”

I facepalm myself. "My bad. Guess I need to learn the language," I gave a sigh.

"It's okay," said Merlin, "Now, I talked with your parents, and they are okay with you staying in Bloodonia for a whole year."

I was shocked.

"Danny," said Merlin, "I learned about your lifestyle through your letters. I'm not gonna lie. Your life... is a toilet. Which is why you're coming with me, me arty. You shall come and see the world with me."

I stood there, speechless for a whole five minutes. "WHAAT! I'm gonna be living here?!" I was dead surprised on this.

"Uh..." said Merlin, "you're welc-"

It was then that I did the next best thing.

I gave my friend one heck of a hug.

Yup. This night just got better.

"Thank you!" I gave him a bone crushing hug. "I'm not gonna be in this hellish hole anymore, thanks to you, Merly! You're the best friend I ever have!"

I soon broke my hug with Merlin, and we were escorted by the guards to where I would be sleeping for the year.

I was mortified when I saw the size of the Spark Family Palace. It reminded me of the House of Versailles.

"Wow, it's big!" I marveled at the palace, eyes going wide. "This is where you live? It's incredible!"

"It's a living," said Merlin, "but once you get used to it, it's just a plain old house."

To me, it's more than just a plain old house. In fact, when I looked more and more at it, I could've sworn that it looked like that palace from that Disney Movie "Mulan”.

"Anyway, shall we go inside? I'd love to see the interior of the palace," I spoke with a hint of excitement in my voice.

"Let's go," said Merlin, as we entered the palace, but not before we heard the sirens go off.

"Blast it!!!" cursed Merlin. "We've been followed!"

"Huh?" I looked confused at his cursing. "What's going on? Who followed us?"

"I don't know," said Merlin, "but every time a non-pirate follows us here, we make sure to find them and expel them from the city." Merlin then took out what seems to be a smartwatch, attached it to his wrist, and spoke into it, whereas his voice could be heard all over the city's speakers.


I saw how everyone was doing exactly as Merlin told them, whereas within less than a minute, the whole city looked like a total ghost town.

Except for one. Much to my shock, it turned out to be...Butch, the one that Merlin took down like he was nothing.

I looked at Butch in my shock. "Wh-what the...Butch?! What the heck are you doing here?!" I asked him, voice becoming angrier at the bully. "Shouldn't you be at home tonight?"

"So," said Butch, as he looked around, "this is where your friend lives, eh? It would be kinda pitiful if the government found this place."

"What do you mean?" demanded Merlin to know, "Bloodonia is none of the Government's business, and the same goes with you, big guy."

"Get the Hell out of here, Butch!" I growled at the bully from the school. "This is none of your concern. You're just planning to ruin this for us, ain't ya?"

"Why, Danny," Butch grinned. "How come you will be saying that?"

I was confused, yet I held my ground at his mad grin he was having on his expression.

Merlin sighed and spoke into his watch again. "Okay, boys, like we practiced."

Next thing we knew, several guards showed up and surrounded Butch, aiming their cutlasses right at him.

"What's going on here?!" he demanded.

"This," said Merlin, "is what happens when you mess with royalty, you uncouth peasant."

Butch turned a little dumbfolded. He recalled Merlin calling our English teacher just that.

And then he realized what that meant. "You're royalty, aren't you?"

"Their prince, actually," said Merlin. "はい.”

"What do we do to him?" I asked Merlin. "Ohh, I got an idea. How about you guys can..."

"Rejected," said one of the guards. "No dungeon."

"I suggest we let him go," said Merlin, looking at Butch with a stern face, "and if you know what's good for you, Butch, you stay out of Bloodonia in future, AND...you will not spout a word of what you saw tonight, or I will personally hunt you down and keelhaul you. Do I make myself clear?"

"What?" Butch asked. "Oh, yes. I don't need to say a word about this place. At all."

I was disappointed the guard rejected my idea. But I couldn't let my eyes off Butch for his discovery of Bloodonia. I tapped a finger on my chin, an idea sparking in my head before I began to walk up to the bully.

“Hold on,” said Merlin, “Danny, what are you doing?”

“Something,” I said, “I should have done to Butch and his friends a long time ago.”

"And what is that..." Butch started to say, when I closed my hand into a fist and gave him a hard punch to the face and he fell on his butt with a groan coming from him. "What the Hell, Danny?!"

"You deserved that," I chuckled in response.

"Since when?!"

"Since I met you."

Butch quickly got up, only to see... a Victorian style gun, a Queen Anne Pistol, between his eyes, along with Merlin giving him an angry look.

"You know, Butch," he said, "Danny told me an awful lot about you. How you guys kept making fun of him, how you kept stealing his things, even mocking him for his love for this TV Show, what was it called? Right. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Basically, he told me everything via letters, and I never appreciated it."

I then saw how Butch let out a growl, looking in my direction.

"YOU TOLD SOMEONE ON US?!" he demanded in a ferocious tone.

You probably don't know, you guys, but whenever Butch and his friends bullied me, they would always threaten to kill me right on the spot if I told anyone. I knew I couldn't tell my parents, or anyone else, but when I first received a letter from Merlin, I knew then that I could trust him with everything, and I mean everything.

"Yes, I told him," I replied to Butch. "I couldn't let you keep getting it your way. I needed to do something with my life. And this is how I did: telling my good friend here about you and what you've done to me."

Butch fumed in rage at that moment. "You little piece of..."

Just then, there was a bang!!! Merlin shot right past him, missing the side of his head by an inch.

"I would be careful what I say next, if I were you," said Merlin, "or else the next one will be your one way ticket to Death's door."

"You wouldn't dare!" said Butch, only for Merlin to aim for his head again.

"Try me," said Merlin, remaining his stern face.

And then... it happened. Butch gave him a punch in the gut, then to pull a rather unpleasant face.

Merlin said nothing, slowly came face to face with him, and said in an unamused tone, "Ow?"

Butch let out such a painful scream. He took a few steps back, holding his fist.

"Um...what just happened?" I asked the guards.

"Okay, boys," said one guard, "It looks like his majesty got it all under control."

The guards walked away, as Merlin remained unamused.

"What's the matter, Butch?" he asked, "Did you eat too much sugar? Seeing as that stuff is bad for your bones."

"What the Hell are you made of?!" Butch demanded, holding his fist in pain. "Some indestructible stuff?!"

"It's for me to know," he said, "and for you to shut the front door!"

I blinked, too speechless as I had my mouth dropped to the ground, cartoon way. That was...way too cool.

"You go, Merly!" I cheered for him. "Kick him in the gut for good!"

Butch started to deliver one punch after another, Merlin blocking every single one of them with his hand, sporting a rather unamused face. It surely went on for five minutes, until Butch was completely out of breath.

Giving out a yawn, Merlin then said... "My turn."

Then, he gave Butch such a punch in the face, that it sent him out of Bloodonia, straight into
the docks' nearest crate full of fish.

Merlin sighed. "The deed is done."

"Whoa...so awesome!" I said in awe, eyes widening in amazement. "You're, like, an incarnate of the beast itself, Merlin! You're cool, strong, and powerful! It was too cool to witness!"

"It's nothing," he said, "I'm not the town hero for nothing."

Holding his watch to his lips again, Merlin spoke into it again.


Moments after he said that, two things happened.

One...the citizens started to come out of their homes again.

Two...I witnessed how Bloodonia started to separate from the docks.

Just then, I noticed how Butch stood at the edge of the docks, angrily shouting after me.

"You haven't seen the last of me, Daniel Clausen!" he yelled, "One day, Bloodonia will attach itself against the docks, and when that day comes, my friends and I will be there!!!"

"Ignore him," said Merlin, as the city drifted more and more off to sea, "That day will not happen again. At least not in a year."

I simply shook it off, as I know that I was finally away from my horrendous night.
"Come on now," said Merlin, "Let's get inside the palace, shall we?"

I nodded to him. "Sure, since you promised your mother to be back at midnight," I recalled as we made our way to the palace doors.

Yup. Things will really look up for me in Bloodonia, no doubt about it.


A year has passed since I lived in the Kingdom of Bloodonia, and things have really gotten great for me.

You see, six months after I lived in Bloodonia, Merlin and his parents, Merlin Spark VI and Rosalinda Fujimoto, decided that perhaps they could make arrangements...for my family and me to come live in Bloodonia, permanently.

I was sleeping in my bed one day, within my new room that Merlin had specifically made for me. I was out like a rock, I might add. I didn't feel the ray of sunlight hitting my face, though I did let out a low groan of frustration before rolling to the side...and falling down from the bed with a thud. Ow. That hurt.

Makes me wonder...how Merlin was able to sleep on that kind of bed, seeing...as I was sleeping in a hammock.

"Good morning, sleepy head," said Merlin, as he came into my room, a beautiful owl named Polly sitting on his shoulder. "I see you still trouble sleeping in a hammock.”

"No kidding," I said, then added dryly; "And you're still having trouble getting your fat owl to lose some weight."

"Anyway," said Merlin. "Okasan and Otosan wish to see us. Apparently, something ain't right."

"What is it?" I asked, getting up from the floor and dusted my sleeping clothes before I got dressed. "Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know," said Merlin, "but your parents are involved too. Come into the dining room as soon as you're dressed."

Later, we were all in the dining room, whereas the Spark Family butler Tanaka was handing out the morning papers.

We were all shocked to see the headlines: CLAUSEN FAMILY STILL MISSING!

"Apparently," said Merlin, "Butch had been a complete sore loser when I took him down that night. According to that article, he reported to the police that I have apparently kidnapped Danny, followed by his parents six months later. Bloodonia is off the coast of Denmark, just as we speak, making us perfect prey for the Danish government."

I could tell already how upset my parents were because of it. Heck, my mom, Susan Clausen, even burst into tears as soon as Merlin finished explaining.

"That...little..." I let out a low growl, but stopped when I met my father's stare. I sighed. "How is that bully even considering us missing? That doesn’t seem right to me."

And then it hit me. "Wait. Do you think that..."

"That he probably couldn't let go of the fact that you're friends with royalty?" concluded Merlin, "That, and he's obviously trying to get back at you for ratting him out to me."

Moments later, we heard something landing outside.

We headed outside, and saw, much to our horror, Butch with...his Dad, who happened to be the General of the Danish army.

Merlin and Mr. Spark nodded, as they both headed towards the general.

"Hello there," said the Danish General. "You must be King Merlin Spark VI of Bloodonia."

"I am," said Mr. Spark in his usual Japanese accent. "And you, sir, are trespassing on piratic property. You have about five minutes to leave now, or I'll give my guards permission to skewer you and your army."

"We'll leave," said the General, "right after we take back the Clausen Family."

"Yeah..." said Merlin, "not gonna happen. Besides, why would we hand over three of our city's citizens?"

"Beg your pardon?" asked the General.

"Didn't that guy beside you tell you, sir?" asked Merlin.

Butch could not believe his ears.

I looked at Butch with a grin. Yup, since we are living in Bloodonia, we've been their citizens for half a year. I then began to think of what we could do if they were thinking of taking us back. Hmm, what to think...there are a few things.

One: They could be kicked out like that night with Butch, or...no, that will make us a better prey.

Two: They could be punished for their trespassing. Sounds fitting, I might add.

Three: We could either do it on friendly terms, or give them a hard choice. Hmm...lemme think.

I looked at Prince Merlin, whispering to him: "What do you think we should do?"

"Uh..." was all Merlin could say, before he pulled a rather unpleasant face.

He checked himself, and saw...blood coming from his chest.

He looked over and saw Butch holding a gun, sporting a rather furious tone.

"SON!" Mr. Spark hurried to Merlin, checking him up and down.

"I can't believe it, Otosan," said Merlin angrily, "the General's son...he tried to kill me!"

"What the..." I blinked in shock. "Merly!" I was in horror, and then glared at Butch. "What've you done?!"

"He did the right thing," said the General, "Now, your majesty...this is your last chance. Hand over the Clausens, or I'll have my army burn down this city."

"Well then," said Merlin, as he headed over to me, "I guess there's only one more option." He then grabbed my hand, and shouted, "RUN!!!"

No need to be told twice, Merlin and I ran for it.

"AFTER THEM, YOU FOOLS!!!" We heard the General scream, whereas about five guards started to chase after us.

I ran along with Merlin away from the guards that were on the General's side. "Which way?!" I yelped to my friend after the initial shock from earlier.

“To the basement,” he said, “I must get you to safety, no matter what.”

"Get me to safety, right," I nodded, running with him from the guards. "Where to?"

We kept on running until we came to some kind of vault. Good thing we lost the guards, because that gave us enough time to close the door behind us and lock it tight. I looked over and saw...some kind of interdimensional gate, which kinda reminded me of Stargate. Merlin walked over to the portal’s computer and started typing.

“That’s just great,” said Merlin, groaning. “Princess Celestia will kill me when she hears that one of this planet’s governments found Bloodonia.”

Was my ears deceiving me? Did Merlin just say...Princess Celestia?

"What...did you just say by name?" I asked, slowly trying to get it to sink in. "What are you doing, Merly?" I looked over to him after staring at the gate for a brief moment.

Merlin sighed. “Danny,” he said, “I think you’re ready to know the truth. But first...what do you know about...the magical land of Equestria?”

“Well...” I started to say, “I recall my parents telling me many stories about that place every night at bedtime. Why?”

It was then...that I realized something.

"Hold on..." I started to realize. "Do you mean that...the magical land is...for real? You’re not joking, are you?"

"No kidding," said Merlin, as he kept on typing, "and I was sent to Denmark that day to prepare you for this day on her majesty's orders, Danny...or should I say...Dawn Darkness."

"What...did you call me?" I asked, slowly letting the words from him sink it. "I don't recall me being called that...only by my birth name..."

Merlin sighed, "I knew this would happen one day. You see, Danny...that's because your parents...well..."

No sooner did Merlin mention my parents, it instantly hit me. My parents...they originated from Equestria.


"Yes freaking way," said Merlin, "and since we're unveiling the truth here, my mom too came from Equestria, whereas I was born there myself. Solar Eclipse, at your service."

I was in pure shock of the revelation. First my parents, then me...what else happens now?

"What are...my parents' names from...Equestria, then?" I asked in a whisper. "I know that they're not...Jan or Susan...so what are they called?"

"They go by the names Night Shadow and Lunar Star," explained Merlin, "they both served as members of the Royal Day Guard in Equestria, until they both were assigned to explore this here planet when being disguised as Terran, or Earthlings, as they would say it."

"So..." I asked, getting really curious now. "What kind of assignment did my parents receive?"

"Well," said Merlin, "they were meant to document various lifestyles among the Terran, from Eurasia to America, North and South, to Africa to Oceania, all in that order, leaving out Antarctica for obvious reasons."

"Why didn’t they return to Equestria after they were done with their assignment?"

"You see, Danny..." said Merlin, "it was...because of you."

I was dumbfounded, but I decided to let Merlin explain.

"You see," he went on, "not long after your parents started to explore the planet...they slowly yet surely fell in love with each other. Time after time, they would go out on certain dates, may it be a movie or a dance or even a fancy dinner. And before you know it...your mother was pregnant with you. They knew by then that they had no choice but to settle somewhere, thus starting a new life on Terra, followed by your birth."

Next thing I knew, the portal before me started to open Stargate style, revealing...a magical landscape.

"Equestria," said Merlin, "That place is part of a planet called Equis. That planet is on the far side of the universe. You should be safe there."

"So..." I started, staring at the portal. "I guess this is goodbye, Merlin?" I began to have tears running from my face. I was hesitant, of course, to go through there. "What will happen to me in Equestria?" I had to ask him about that.

"You'll probably get changed into a pony to blend in," he said, as he handed me a scroll. "When you see Princess Celestia, a white tall winged unicorn, better known as an alicorn, give her this scroll, and tell her that Solar Eclipse sent you here. She'll know what to do."

I took the scroll with a sad smile on my expression.

I then looked at the portal which showed Equestria, taking a deep breath of air, and the next thing I did...was step towards the landscape and raise my hand to touch the light of the portal. What happened next, was that I was pulled right through the gate.

Author's Note:

This prologue was written with collaboration of Edward Sapphire, my good friend who is accepted into the story for writing his characters and help me with some other things in the piece.

I want to say, that this prologue came to mind with Edward's suggestion of adding a beginning before the show's first episode. I am lucky to think that it was a very good suggestion.

What do you guys think? Do you like this prologue on what is happening in it? Let me know in the comment section, and I'll try to answer some (not all) of your questions regarding my self-insert character. And thank you for reading what I write, my friends. I'm really appreciative that you enjoy this work.

That was it for the note on the beginning of the story. Thanks for reading, and have a good day, everypony!

-Dawn Darkness.