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The Black Death has sure made a mess of things with his need to protect Fiery. Hopefully Fiery can do something to lift the curse and prevent more damage.
So far, things seem on the way to recovery, but with multiple egos demanding the right to be king of the mountain, theres going to need to be a lot of cake, before diplomacy by other means erases the local enviroment completely?
Well, that escalated quickly. Like that really got out of hand... Don't mess with a dragon's offspring.
Fiery fought her own Dad... And didn't win, but she didn't lose either.
I find it very entertaining how different the opinions are on this chapter
Ohh, Schattendrache just explained your comment to me, yeah, diplomacy by other means, that could be a problem
Givin who has their claws, hooves, paws and whatelse in it, that could be ruin the enviroment for sure I doubt Fiery has read Sun Tzu yet...