• Published 11th Jan 2021
  • 1,967 Views, 225 Comments

The Rise Of The Cobra Kai - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Draco has been bullied in school at Canterlot High. A man sees this, and decideds to teach him karate the Cobra Kai way.

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4 - Detention

The air outside on the roof of the school was quite refreshing. Hawk had managed to calm himself down, and think rationally. He realized that he probably shouldn't have beaten them up, but he didn't really care for that matter. In all honesty, he was happy that he did it. At least now, they would leave him and his friends alone.

Hawk looked around the roof of the building, and smiled a little. His arms were on the reeling, and the hard stone under him was painted over in white. The school had an amazing view of the city that looked to be far away. Hawk shook his head. It wasn't really that far away, you could walk all the way to the city, and you'd get a nice workout. He needed to learn to calm himself down, he just simply couldn't lash out at everybody that he didn't like. Hawk, Snips, and Snails were eating lunch. Hawk was taking sips of his Red Bull. He was tired of it all. Listening to those disgusting bullies, and have other students thinking he is a pushover together with his friends. They will pay...

All of a sudden, they heard the metal door open up behind them. Snips and Snails turned around quickly, and paled. Hawk was still looking at the city from his stance, and not showing a sign that he even cared. “Spike Draco,” a familiar voice said, making Hawk pale and turn around to see principal and vice-principle standing there in all their glory. The principle had moderate heliotrope eyes, with gradients of pale, light grayish cyan to light arctic blue pale, light grayish harlequin to light aquamarine pale, light grayish cornflower blue to light sapphire blue and pale, light grayish mulberry to darker mulberry hair. Her skin was light magentaish gray. The woman next to her had moderate opal eyes, with moderate sapphire blue and pale, light grayish persian blue. Her skin was light phthalo bluish gray. Their names were: Celestia and Luna Solaris. They did not look happy.

Hawk then suddenly grinned. “Yes, what can I help you with?” Hawk asked, in a cocky way. He knew that they knew what had happened so he saw no reason to lie to them. Celestia softened her gaze a little, while Luna hardened her expression.

“Could you be so kind to follow me to my office?” Celestia asked, in a kind voice. Hawk couldn't say no. She was even trying to be kind, so it wouldn't be fair if he was rude to her. The two women noticed in Hawk's face that he was trying his best to not say or do something stupid. He then nodded and finished his drink, and put it in his bag. Hawk looked at the principle and nodded. She and her sister then turned around and walked back with the three Cobra Kai students behind them. Luna had hawk-like eyes, and could even read minds apparently. Snips had thought about walking away but Luna had told him he was gonna do no such thing. Snips had been confused which had earned a smirk from Luna, although, no one noticed it.

The two women led them down the staircase that led to the roof. The staircase didn't make a sound, other than the thumping noises coming from the steps they took. Hawk and his friends were preparing themselves for the whole discussion that would undoubtedly happen. Hawk wondered if he'd get expelled, as he did literally beat a student half to death. Hawk smiled softly to himself. Flash deserved it. Flashs' noise will most likely never look the same.

Luna was worried about the three young students. She knew that if Spike knew karate, then his friends knew it too. They weren't directly involved in the fight, but she knew that they most likely helped him somehow. She was thinking about when she was younger herself. How she was treated like dirt, while her sister got praises. She learnt karate herself, and it was with Cobra Kai she learnt that from. Her new name then became known as Nightmare Moon, as she was unbeatable in any fight. She then proceeded to run the school with an iron fist. Then her sister was taught karate at another dojo which were their best friends' dojo: Starswirl-do's karate. He had been their tutor when they were younger. Needless to say: Luna lost that battle with her sister but was accepted again by her sister.

From what she had heard from the other students. It sounded like Spike had learnt something similar like her. He had shown no mercy...

Inside a dojo strikingly similar to the Cobra Kai dojo; was a young teenage girl with blackish blue hair. She was looking at three thick planks, and she was currently very angry as anyone could see on her facial expression. Her sister: Celestia was the most popular girl in school, and always received praises by the other students. While little Luna was simply the "annoying" younger sister of Celestia.

Luna made her right hand into a fist, and punched the three thick planks. They all broke with such force, anyone would be frightened to fight against the angry girl. Her teacher was sensei Grogar, and had been training her very well. She had managed to break a girls face simply because she felt like it. The girl had also been bullying Luna for quite some time. Although she hadn't bullied Luna in years and had even apologised for what she had done, Luna never accepted the apology. She wanted to hurt her so bad, she would feel fear.

“Strike first, Strike hard, No mercy…” Luna said, in an angered voice. She wasn't angry at her dojo. She was angry at her sister. She had confronted Luna about what she had done, but she had not listened to her pathetic sister. "My name is Nightmare Moon, and everyone shall fear me!"

Luna sighed sadly, as she opened the door to the principal's office. Celestia walked inside first, and was quickly followed by the Cobra Kai students. Luna walked inside and closed the door. Celestia's office was decorated with her time when she was younger. The walls were covered in purple and white lining. The ceiling was covered with white paint. There was a large wooden desk that had a computer, pencils, papers, and compartments to her desk. There was an office chair behind the large desk that Celestia sat on. There were two chairs that were designated for students. Hawk sat on the left chair while Snips sat on the right one. Snails simply stood as his friends were sitting. Luna was also standing, and keeping an eye on their behavior.

Celestia was breathing in and out, trying to not sound angry. She was angry at them, but she did know why it happened. Spike and his friends are victims of bullying. It's no surprise that Spike attacked them, although she did hear from Sunset Shimmer that it actually was Flash who was provoking for the fight to happen. “Spike Draco, could you possibly tell me why you beat Flash Sentry up. Or rather: nearly killing him? We had to call an ambulance.” Celestia said, in a tone that didn't reveal any emotion. Hawk and his friends looked at each other and chuckled.

“The fucker had it coming. You should be happy that i didn't actually kill him.” Hawk said, in a voice that sounded both taunting, but also angry. Celestia didn't know how to respond to that, and simply sighed. Luna hid her shock. He sounded so much like herself when she was younger. That was the type of thing she would say after she had gotten into a fight. Perhaps she should try to help him?

“Mr. Draco, I understand why you did it. But you can't simply attack anyone like that. Think if this was on the street? You would look like a gangster looking for trouble.” Celestia said, in a voice that sounded like she was pleading with him. Hawk was shocked that Celestia even suggested that Hawk had started the fight. It was Flash who started it in the first place!

“Principal Celestia... I don't know who corrupted you into thinking that it was I who started the fight, but I will tell you this: Flash Sentry threw the first punch. I did self defence. I'd rather not be on the ground and have internal bleeding and die from it. Is that what you want to happen? Because it sounds like it currently at this very moment.” Hawk said, making Celestia look at Hawk in shock. Was he seriously suggesting that she didn't care about her students?

“Mr. Draco, i do care about my students including you.” Celestia said, in a shocked voice. Luna wasn't shocked. She had expected that to be said. Some people make mistakes, and some do more than others. Hawk started chuckling a little. It wasn't a pleasant chuckle, it was a dark chuckle. One that sounded mocking.

“Well then principle don't get in the way of Cobra Kai.” Hawk said, with an angry expression. Celestia froze. Luna felt her hair rise up as she heard that name. She was hit with different memories from her time there. "What is the punishment?"

“Detention…” Celestia simply responded with nothing in her voice. Hawk simply nodded and looked at Luna who was trying to read his expression. There was something in the way he talked that suggested that he wasn’t finished with Flash. She would have to keep an eye out so Spike doesn’t start bullying Flash. He reminded her so much of herself when she was in school.

“Where is it going to be?” Hawk asked, in an angry tone. He wanted to get the fuck out of the principals office. He wanted to see if he could hurt Flashs’ lackeys. See if he could break them a little bit more than they already were.

“Ms Cheerilee’s class.” Celestia simply answered, without looking at him. She still didn’t show anything on her face or voice. Spike got out of the chair, quickly followed by Snips. Hawk wanted to say one last thing to them.

“By the way principal Celestia and vice-principal Luna, my name isn’t Spike anymore. It is Hawk.” Hawk said, in a voice that dared them to say otherwise. He then left the room with his friends. Leaving the two sisters to their thoughts.

‘Hopefully i’ll be able to help young Spike.’ Luna thought, completely disregarding what young Hawk had said about his name a few seconds ago.