• Published 11th Jan 2021
  • 1,967 Views, 225 Comments

The Rise Of The Cobra Kai - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Draco has been bullied in school at Canterlot High. A man sees this, and decideds to teach him karate the Cobra Kai way.

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1 - Bullied

Another terrible day. It was always like this, terrible days. Spike Draco was bullied once again like every other day. Flash Sentry and his gang had given him a wedgie, and then thrown his bag in the trash that was filled with white paint. Spike hated this. It was always something like this that happened.

Spike is a sixteen year old who is five foot eight. Has green flat hair, and purple skin. He wears a t-shirt that has a dragon breathing fire, and has a green hoodie. He wears soft black pants, and wears purple shoes that has a dragon claws on the left and right of both shoes. His bag is red coloured, and has the dragon claw symbols.

He was currently in Canterlot High School, writing his essay in the classroom. His best friends were Snips and Snails. He had befriended them since the first day of high school, and they worked great as a team. They were on either side of him, copying of from him. He didn't mind, as he knew that they had it tough. Spike then heard the final bell ring. They had stayed after school to study, and were waiting for the final bell to ring. The school bell worked differently at CHS. There is a final bell for the school day, but then there are after school clubs that are hosted where the bell is needed again.

Spike took his science book and paper sheet, and put it into his bag. His friends did the same and braced themselves. Snips had brilliant orange hair and black eyes. His skin was light opalish gray. Snails had black eyes, moderate turquoise hair. His skin is light amber.

"Well this day sucked." Spike said, as he walked away from his desk and walked towards the wooden door with a small window on it. The classroom they were in was light grayish blue coloured. The desks were made out of light wood that was strengthened with metal. There was a large front desk for their teacher. Snips and Snails sighed and nodded.

"The days were better when Sunset Shimmer ruled. Now, its impossible to get some recognition." Snails said, making Snips and Spike nod. They all agreed on that. Sunset Shimmer was the girl who ruled CHS with an iron fist. But then one day, a girl by the name of Twilight Sparkle came and redeemed her and she gained real friends. She stopped hanging around Spike, Snips, and snails after that. She mostly used them for blackmail material, but it was better then, because these days they get bullied by Flash Sentry's gang.

The hallway they were walking down was long. There were green coloured lockers that were lined up against the walls, and the floors were shiny like crystals. Spike and his friends didn't pay attention to anything in particular. They simply wanted to get the hell out of the school. They reached the front entrance, and opened the doors and walked fast away from the school.

The street they were walking on, was leading them to Sugarcube Corner. They were hoping to get into the backally that is behind Sugarcube Corner. They usually hang on that spot, and have fun. They didn't want to be bothered by anyone unless they had intentions. They passed by many familiar faces from school and were laughed at. They had their heads down, and continued walking. They were all lost in their thoughts. Spike wanted to fight against his enemies, but everytime he tried, he got beaten up even worse. He wasn't happy with the circumstances, but what could he do?

"Hello losers!" A voice shouted out from behind them. Spike, Snips, and Snails looked behind them, and felt their blood run cold. It was Flash Sentry that was together with friends of his. "Where do you think your going?"

They ran for it. They couldn't take it, they had to run. They ran into an ally that was contained with filt on the ground, and graffiti art on the walls. Spike felt how his adrenaline kicked in as he ran away from his worst enemy. He felt how his lungs were starting to burn. He was looking at all of the walls around him, and jumped here and there whenever he saw a container. Spike was fast, but his enemies were faster. Spike felt how he was punched in the back of his head. Spike fell down on the ground, trying to catch his breath. The stone ground was hard, and Spike felt pain on his left cheek. Spike felt then how he was pulled up by two people.

"You thought that you could run away from us? Well how wrong you were." Flash said, looking into Spike's green eyes that were showing nothing but fear but also a very strong hint of hatred. Flash noticed this, but didn't comment on it. "When will you learn that? Or wait, are you that stupid that you don't realize it?"

"Fuck off Flash." Spike said, and after saying that. He felt pain in his stomach. Flash had punched him in the stomach. Spike wanted to cry out in pain, but he couldn't. His mouth had been tapped over by duct tape. Spike was now openly crying. What had he done wrong? He hadn't even done anything to Flash in the past. He seriously hadn't. Yes, he had used vulgar language just a few seconds ago, but other then that, he and his friends had done nothing!

"You should watch your mouth freak." Flash said, punching Spike once again, but this time, in the face. Spike felt his nose start to bleed, and he cried. Spike was then dropped on the ground. All of a sudden, Spike heard; "Who are you?"

Spike turned his head, and saw that his friends Snips and Snails had been caught to. But that wasn't what caught his eyes. No, what caught his eyes were the glowing brilliant scarlet eyes, with deep scarlet pupils with grayish sap green. The man had black hair and dark gray skin. The man was wearing some armor. Spike couldn't tell, but it looked like the man had armor on him. The man looked at Flash with anger.

"Do you think its funny to bully those who aren't as strong as you?" The man asked, making Flash look at his friends. They shrugged their shoulders and he looked back at the man.

"Yes." Flash said, making the man grab him by his black leather jacket. Flash yelped, and his friends fell on their rumps as their friends was lifted up by the man. Flash tried to break free, but the man was stronger. Flash was pushed back towards a brick wall, and felt his pride wash away. The man had such a strong hold on him, and he was only using one hand. All of a sudden, Flash felt a flow of anger, and tried punching the man.

The man evaded the punch and threw him onto the ground. Flashs' friends ran up to the man and tried to kick and hit him, but the man was like a fighting machine. He evaded their attacks left and right, and was hitting them instead. Flash tried to swing his arm over the mans face, but the man went down and kicked Flash in the legs. Flash fell over, and cried out in pain. He had hit his knee, but the man didn't look like he cared. Flashs' other friends came to the rescue, and looked at the man in fear and anger. Flash looked at the man and felt nothing but fear at that moment.

"If I see that again, I will do a lot worse." The man said, making the teens run away while still carrying Flash. He turned to face Spike and his friends. Spike got up by himself, and looked into the mans eyes. He didn't know what to say or do.

"Wow! That was absolutely awesome! How did you do that?" Snips asked, looking up at the man as he got up from the ground and dusting himself of. The man smiled at him, a smile that would have normally sent shivers down their spines. Although, because that he had saved them, they felt different.

"That was karate. Ever heard of it?" The man asked, curiously. Spike nodded his head. He had thought about joining one of the karate groups around town, but he had refrained from doing so as he had things going on in his life.

Spike removed the duct tape from his mouth and said: "Yes I've heard of it. I've always wanted to learn, although, I never joined any of the clubs." Spike said, making the man smile at them widely. Snips and Snails were smiling at each other, while Spike was looking at the man with admiration. The air around them wasn't tense like before. It was simply perfect.

"Well, if you want to, I could train you. Although, be aware, I won't be doing it for free." The man said, making the happy teens look at each other. In all honesty, they didn't care. They needed to learn to protect themselves. Spike was thinking about it long and hard. He didn't even feel the pain on his cheek. It looked pretty bad, as the red cheek had a few small cuts, but there was a pretty big one in the middle. It didn't look infected, but Spike wasn't gonna leave it either. Spike looked at the man and asked;

"How much do you charge us?" It was important for Spike to know as he didn't want to start and get a crazy bill. That was the last thing he needed after all the shit he had been through. The man smiled and took a few steps forward.

"I charge fifty dollars a month." The man said, making the others look at him in shock. That was the cheapest they had heard. The other dojo's had over a hundred to two hundred, but that was for the gears and everything else. Fifty dollars was probably the cheapest they had heard. The man looked at them with a look that suggested that he was studying them. "My name is Sombra by the way."

"I'm Spike Draco and this is Snips and Snails." Spike said, making Sombra nod at them. He was studying them, and was calculating how to train them the best way possible. He didn't want all his efforts to be for nothing. Sombra smiled to himself, as he saw the potential in all three of them. Spike didn't know what to say or do under the calculating gaze, as he wasn't sure what was going on.

"Come by this adress tomorrow." Sombra said, as he handed the three of them a card that showed a business they had never heard of. Spike smiled and looked up and saw Sombra just in time when he turned a corner. Snips and Snails looked at each other and got evil smiles on their faces. They couldn't wait to join the club.

"We will be feared by everyone in school!" Snips said, making Snails chuckle a little. Spike rolled his eyes.

"Guys, we haven't even been there yet, and you are already acting as if we are able to do karate." Spike said, making his friends turn to him and sheepishly smile. He had a point in that. Spike looked at the logo and the text with the logo. STRIKE FIRST STRIKE HARD NO MERCY. In the middle was a cobra that had the text by either of its side COBRA KAI. Spike looked at the logo with curiosity. It was a pretty badass name, but it looked to be one of the toughest places to be in just by looking at the logo. "This will be awesome."

His friends nodded their heads furiously. They were so looking forward for their first class. Spike wanted to learn how to beat up Flash so bad that he didn't even care how hard Sombra is. He was gonna destroy Flash and his lackeys and they would regret ever messing with them in the first place. "Sweet Revenge will come out of this." Spike said, making his friends look at each other and nod their heads in agreement. It would be interesting indeed.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I recently got really really hooked on the show Cobra Kai. I got the first two seasons on DVD and I'm currently watching season three on Netflix. I got this idea that I really needed to get out. I hope you enjoyed!