• Published 28th Sep 2020
  • 2,666 Views, 61 Comments

The Pony That Wanted To Be A Hero - DanishDash

Pax has always wanted to be a hero! Just like the elements of harmony! It was not meant to be however, he tried to become a hero, but ended up almost destroying Equestria. Now he is trapped in the great void, paying for his sins.

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So, I had made it..

Finally I had achieved my biggest dream! I managed to become a hero, I have saved Equestria and my fellow ponies. Better yet, I have saved my friends.

I actually managed to save them, me, the most common of common ponies.. The nopony from a small town nopony had ever heard about. The bumbling happy go lucky colt who somehow always managed to screw up. I was never made for greatness, never meant to be a hero.

And yet, I have saved Equestria..

Which would be much better if I was actually there to appreciate it! But no, I'm here, wherever here is. Floating in the great dark void, listening to my own sobs as I try to come to terms with the fact I will never see my friends or family again. Never ever will I feel the green grass beneath my hooves. Never again will I enjoy the summer breeze through my mane or the sweet taste of an apple or hear the laughter of my friends.

I've given up everything to save them, and now I will float here alone for centuries to come, alone and forgotten.

I wish I could say I was feeling noble, that I could simply vanish with dignity and be a great example for the generations to come, but I'm afraid, I'm scared and I feel miserable. The void is neither hot or cold, but I can feel the warm tears that are streaming down my cheeks.

I don't regret what I did, someone had to do it, and since I caused the problem to begin with, it only seemed fair. Even though I know what I did was the right thing, I am forced to realize that I will never see my family again. My mother, father, brother, anypony.

Just imagining them getting the news that their son is trapped in a world where there is nothing. I could just imagine my mom's cries, just thinking about it made my heart hurt, like a knife had been plunged into it. Only thing that was missing was the twist and the salt being poured into that emotional wound.

"Bravo, bravo indeed.."

And there it was..

"I must say I'm impressed. Didn't think you would have the courage to throw yourself into the void just to keep little old me sealed away for good.."

The voice was deep, mixed in with almost animalistic growls. It wasn't a stern voice, it was almost playful, the tone itself beaming with intelligence. It was the creature, the demon, or monster if you will. It was the only thing in here with me, but it served me right. After releasing this monster in some stupid attempt to become a hero it only seemed fair I, and I alone ended up here.

"What's the matter? Are you realizing how stupid that idea was? Do you realize you have doomed us both to a life of nothing? That we shall never be free? Forever float in the void, live forever and know we both are forever hated?"

I didn't reply, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. I didn't care what had happened to us, I cared about my friends. They were all safe, including the kingdom, that was all that mattered.

"Thinking about those pesky ponies? You do know they were never your friends, right? If they ever were your friends they are certainly not any longer. You heard what Rainbow Dash said, you're the villain. You even got locked up."

I didn't want to listen, but what could I do? He was speaking in the void and in my mind. We were now part of this black world of darkness and nothing. I have nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. His words stung, like a blade that was plunged into me when he reminded me of my failures.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen.." I said defeated, feeling disgust over my own self pity. I didn't deserve it, not after what I had done. "It's my fault.. But at least I know they are out there, and you're in here, locked away.."

"You think trapping me here makes up for everything you've done? You may have saved them from the final outcome, but you put them there in the beginning. You did this, all for your own selfish ambitions of becoming a hero, all for glory.."

"That's not true!" My voice cracked, and I could feel the tears in my eyes. "I wanted to help, I wanted to be useful.. I... I.."

"You wanted ponies to look at you like they looked at the elements of harmony. That sounds like you wanted glory to me. Face it, you're a greedy little imposter who was willing to let me out in exchange for powers. You're worse than nothing, and you deserve every century in this miserable place."

I couldn't help it, I wanted to tell him he was wrong, to stand up to him, but I couldn't. I started to cry again, knowing he was right in everything he had said. I was nothing more than a worthless worm who wanted to become something I was not. I had endangered all of Equestria for my own personal gain and now I was paying for it.

Every bit of pain that came with that was my fault as well. My family would not be distraught and sad if I had just stayed home. I wasn't even sure what anypony would tell them, would they just get a letter from the princess, or would somepony show up? What would they tell them? 'Hey your son almost doomed the kingdom, you must be great parents! But don't worry, he jumped through a portal while trapping an ancient evil within his own body to clean up his own mess. Kay thanks, bye!'

I could only hope my family would not be blamed for my idiotic choices. Best thing they could do was to disown me, make sure the whole kingdom knew that I was no longer considered their son. I was just a failure, a greedy, stupid, undeserving failure.

The voices of my heroes haunted me, their faces when they found out I was responsible was burned into my mind. I closed my eyes tighter, as if doing so would make me stop seeing them

"How could you do this!? Do you realize what you have done?!"

"I'm sorry.."

"Ya lied to us! We trusted you!"

"I'm sorry.."

"I thought you were our friend...."

"I'm sorry.."

"Why..? I don't understand.. I thought you were a good pony.."

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't talk to me! Don't even dare look at me you foolish pony!"

"I'm sorry.."

"You! You have been nothing but trouble! You're just out for yourself! You're not our friend! You're never going to be a hero! You are just as bad as every villain we have ever faced! You are the villain!!"

"I'M SORRY!!!"