• Published 24th Jan 2020
  • 3,480 Views, 261 Comments

Equestria’s Changeling Princesses and the Kinsbane - vren55

Alternia's daughters are forced into an unexpected adventure that will challenge their relationship, their understanding of their family’s history, and their wits in order to protect those most dear to them.

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Chapter 19: Full Circle

Present Era, Canterlot…

On and in front of the balcony of Alternia’s mountain retreat, there was a most strange gathering of creatures.

Most evident was Empress Tethys, sitting not on the balcony, but standing in the valley between the two mountains, bowed just low enough on the mountain so that her head was at the balcony’s level. The rest of her body towered upwards from where she stood, casting a huge shadow. To counter the bright sunlight that was practically anathema to kelpies, the Empress wore an immense set of wraparound sunglasses.

On the actual balcony was Alternia and Harlequin, both hovering just outside of a circle of unicorns that were discussing in hushed voices.

“But what about the field strength?”

“I think we are good there, but does the—”

Luna sighed, stepped past Alternia and Harlequin, and coughed, loudly. “Everypony, I think we have done our best, so let us not waste time reconsidering our course of action.”

“The good alicorn is correct. I understand the need for caution, but a decision must be made,” boomed Tethys.

Starswirl the Bearded, Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight, Archmage Meringue le Fay, and Sunburst all looked rather sheepish.

“We are ready,” said Twilight, she unfurled the long scroll they had been pouring over. “If everybody will prepare to channel their magic at the scroll on our mark, we should be able to open a portal to where Mirage and Kyria were sent to, and save them.”

“They’re going to be fine, Alternia,” said Belladonna in a confident tone.

“But what if they are not there?” Alternia asked morosely.

Simulacris braced herself. “Then we’ll try again, and keep trying.”

Celestia pursed her lips. “We will have to be careful, though. We want to limit our contamination to the timeline, but we know from Sarar that they are with changelings in the past.”

“You’re right, Celestia, but what option do we have?” Chrysalis asked.

The worried note in her sister’s voice made Alternia blink. “Chryssy?”

The green maned queen swallowed. “... I’m fine, Alternia. Let’s get this over with.”

Equestria’s changeling princess knew otherwise, but if her sister insisted… Alternia took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do this.”

Mirage poured Kyria, Facere and Chamelia new cups of tea, which they took gratefully.

It had been several days after the battle. After making sure to retrieve Kyria’s lost gun, the sisters had spent very much of it with their grandmother and grandfather, talking to them, sharing stories, and learning about Chamelia’s history. Part of it was just figuring out what they should tell the little changeling queens about the incident. Part of it was comfort after such a traumatic experience.

Mirage shook her head. “I still cannot believe that… we were fighting Atracina.”

Chamelia took a sip of her tea. “It certainly explains why I never told your mothers. They would scarcely believe it and, well, whatever you used to kill Ragnar would have been extremely difficult to explain.”

The old queen put her half-empty cup down and fixed her gaze on the sisters. “But have you given some thought as to your current plans, Mirage, Kyria?”

The sisters glanced at each other, their shoulders sagging. For the final reason why they were talking so often was to figure out what the sisters could do next.

Kyria groaned. “I don’t know, Grandmother. If we… if mom and her friends haven’t been able to figure out a way to send us back, then we are stuck here, and… we’ll have to figure out how to proceed.”

“Especially with regarding mom’s future. If… some events need to happen, but…” Mirage felt as if she wanted to bury her head into her hooves. “Oh Celestia… I… I don’t think I can allow them to happen.”

Facere sighed. “Girls, it is your decision, so take your time to think about it. If we have time that is.”

Chamelia suddenly straightened, her eyes widening, and a smile sneaking its way onto her face. “Hold that thought, I think your parents are coming for you.”

As Kyria and Mirage bolted onto their hooves, Chamelia opened a portal to her throne room, whilst ordering her changelings to clear it over the link. They all then galloped through.

The portal, this time, a wash of colors, white, green, dark green, purple, gold and blue, swirled in front of the obsidian throne. It was exactly where the last portal had opened. This time, it thrummed, a low bass sound that was almost comforting.

As the last changelings cleared the room and slammed the doors shut, the portal stopped growing and the image within took shape.

“Mom! Dad!” screamed Kyria. Mirage just ran forward and jumped through the portal, followed shortly by her sister. Their wings buzzing them over the threshold, they threw themselves into the wide legs of the sobbing Alternia and the relieved Harlequin. The family huddled, their hooves tangled, and yet that didn’t matter, they were so filled with joy just to be able to touch one another.

“I do not want to interrupt, but I do not know how much time we have,” said a calm voice.

Unnoticed by most of the onlookers, who had been fixated on the reunion, Chamelia and Facere had trotted through the portal, and were standing on the balcony. Both were clearly puzzled by the massive form of Tethys, and her unreadable expression. Both were also blinking rapidly at the bright morning light that they needed to adjust to after the dim light of the hive, but otherwise their attention was on their daughters.

Their daughters, who were staring at them in varying forms of disbelief. Alternia was rubbing her eyes with a handkerchief. Belladonna was gawking, whilst Simulacris was shaking her head in disbelief..

And Chrysalis… tears were pouring from her eyes, and she was shaking. Her neck bent forward, as if she wanted to reach out for her mother, but her hooves were rooted to the ground as if they’d been nailed down.

“Hello, my daughters. It has been a long time,” said Chamelia. Her green eyes were filled with tears, but the smile she bore for four of them didn’t waver for a moment. “And this,” she nudged Facere, who was slightly behind her. “Is your father.”

“Hello. I uh, hmm.” He pointed at Tethys. “Do we want to know?”

“Not for now,” Tethys said, chuckling. She turned to Alternia. “How long do you want the portal open?”

Everybody looked to Starswirl, who stroked his beard. “We can close it for the moment. We know that this is a closed loop, so… we should be fine. Just don’t tell her too much about the future. We just need to reopen the portal, and since we clearly got the target time period down, we can return them when you’re done.”

“If… if that is alright with you, Empress?” Alternia asked.

Tethys nodded. “Don’t rush. I’ll tend to business in Canterlot then.” And with as much discretion as a being of her size could manage, she thundered out of the view of the balcony’s occupants. Before she left, though, Mirage gave her god-mother a wave of her hoof, which the Empress reciprocated with a tentacle.

Chamelia took a deep breath of the crisp and fresh morning air, so different from the earthy must of her hive. “Future stuff?” she asked, both eyebrows raised.

“Future stuff… She was essential to helping us get Mirage and Kyria back from the past,” said Alternia. She let go of her daughters and husband and realized… that she was slightly taller than her own mother. “Mom. I…” her voice trailed off and she just studied her mother, and the detail in her features. She didn’t realize her mother’s eyes were such a particular gold-flecked green, or that one ear stood straighter than the other.

She was so fixated, that when she, and her sisters were surrounded by green magic, they did nothing, until they were all wrapped in their mother, and father’s embrace.

“I… I am so proud of you all. You’ve… from the little Mirage and Kyria have revealed me, you’ve done so well for yourself, and for the changelings.”

The four sisters broke down into fresh tears as they embraced their parents, so long not seen, except for Chrysalis. She briefly hugged her parents, and then recoiled as if shocked. Shaking, she broke free of the embrace, eyes averted.

“Chryssy?” Chamelia asked, eyes wide. The shame, the guilt she felt from the brief touch… she couldn’t believe her proud, self-assured daughter felt that way.

“Mom, dad… You can’t be proud of me.” Chrysalis shut her eyes. “You can’t. I… I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I did something I… something you can’t ever forgive. I… I—”

Facere gently extricated himself from his daughters’ hug and trotted over to his eldest daughter. “Chrysalis, whatever you did, whatever you might, or will do, you know we will always forgive you.”

“But I—”

Chamelia, letting go of her younger daughters, stepped toward her eldest. Chrysalis continued to back away, her haunches scraping on the ground. It must have been painful, but she kept backing up, even as her parents trotted toward her, until she hit the rail of the balcony.

Chrysalis buzzed her wings, but before she could fly away, Chamelia’s hoof touched her cheek. In that touch, was a mother’s love, warm, caring, forgiving. It wrapped around her guilt and shame, soothing the neverending ache in her heart.

“We love you, Chryssy. That will never change,” said Chamelia.

Facere, not tall enough to touch his daughter’s cheek, nonetheless touched her shoulder, and Chrysalis felt it too, forgiveness, the balm that she had wanted and thought denied to her for so long.

Sobbing, apologizing incoherently, Chrysalis collapsed into her father and mother’s arms and cried tears of pained anguish, and yet of relief. And Chamelia and Facere held her, quietly, without judgement, pouring the love they felt for their daughter.

Once Chrysalis had stopped crying and managed to actually stand on her hooves again, Chamelia actually had a chance to look around where she was.

Some on the balcony were familiar. Her daughters, her granddaughters, Celestia, but others were unfamiliar. She guessed the dark blue alicorn was Luna, but there was a wide-eyed purple alicorn looking at her as if she was dying to interview her, and a number of unicorns, who were all smiling.

“So, why don’t you show us around, Kyria, Mirage?” Chamelia asked.

Kyria bit her lip. “Would that be alright?”

The unicorns and the purple alicorn exchanged glances and quickly huddled, quiet voices. After a moment, they looked up and nodded.

“I think we should be fine. Just be careful not to let them know how things work,” said the purple alicorn.

“Oh! Let’s show them Canterlot first!” Mirage said.

“Canterlot?” Facere asked. It was then that both he and Chamelia saw it, behind the group and the massive form of the Empress, a city on the cliffside of a mountain, lit by the gleaming sun, with the Everfree Forest stretching out below it. A palace with towers of gold, purple and white stood proudly over it.

“Oh. That Canterlot,” whispered Chamellia.

Chamelia’s head was actually beginning to hurt. They were in Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. She was in a castle, built by ponies, for ponies, walking undisguised, and the ponies there were actually bowing in respect.

Alternia ruled from here. Alternia ruled ponies from here, and from how the staff bowed to her, and how she chatted to them without even batting an eye at Chamelia’s presence, she ruled with the approval, even admiration from ponies.

They weren’t walking unescorted. A changeling chevalier—Alternia’s personal guard’s captain, Diamondshell—with a prosthetic leg led a small escort of pony and changeling guards—that was something else she had to wrap her head around— whilst Kyria and Mirage directed the tour, and told her about how they grew up in this grand palace.

“Uh, I think I can tell you this, but well… changelings are—oh—Lamia, Melly!”

Chamelia blinked as two queens, both with green manes buzzed up to them. One was an ascended queen who was much older, probably in her thirties, the other seemed only about twelve.

“Cuz! You’re back!” shrieked Melly slamming into Kyria and quickly wrapping a hoof around Mirage. She looked up. “Who is this?”

“Mother, father, this is two of your other granddaughters. Lamia and Chamelia,” said Chrysalis, quietly, now smiling proudly.

Lamia and Chamelia II stared as Chamelia chuckled. “It is a very long story. I am just here for a visit.” She glanced at Alternia. “There seems to be quite a few changeling queens being born.”

Alternia nodded. “Belladonna gave birth to queen to a daughter recently too. Including Mirage and Kyria’s births, in the past twenty or so years, we’ve celebrated the birth of five queen daughters from four of our family’s queens.”

“That’s… that is a lot of queen daughters,” said Chamelia.

“We have been harvesting love on an unprecedented scale,” remarked Chrysalis. “Changelings… well, why don’t we show you.”

While the technology was impressive, the sight of changelings undisguised, and as members of Equestrian society were what really shook Chamelia. She saw changeling cooks, changeling guards, changeling entertainers, changelings not doing what their birth afforded to them but doing… what they chose to do.

It was a novel concept, and while part of Chamelia questioned if this was the right order of things, she could also feel how happy everybody, pony, changeling, and other creatures, were.

Happy, prosperous… Chamelia stopped in the centre of the street, in front of their destination, a ‘donut’ shop, whatever that was. Her heart was pounding and she felt so… ecstatic and yet, overwhelmed, to be simply walking in the open without a disguise, and only having some people glance at her with curiosity. Most were actually eyeing her daughters and greeting them.

A squawk brought her out of her trance, and she saw a phoenix soaring through the air and landing on Alternia’s hoof.

“Oh, Philomena, you’ve come at the perfect time. Mother, this is Philomena, my animal companion for many years,” Alternia said. The phoenix smiled, and squawked cheerfully at Chamelia.

“You have a pet phoenix?” stammered Facere.

“Do you need a moment, dad?” Harlequin asked teasingly, but with a mote of understanding. “It is a lot to take in.”

“Oh shush you young troublemaker,” hissed Facere, though his hiss had no actual malice.

They filed in and as Chamelia ducked under the slightly too-low door, she saw a foppish looking white pony with a golden mane eating a stack of donuts with a bat pony mare. The white stallion instantly got up and trotted up to them.

“Aunty, oh, Mirage, Kyria! You’re safe!”

“Uncle Blueblood!” exclaimed Mirage, hugging the stallion. She was shortly followed by Kyria.

“Um, Alternia, can you explain how I am related to a pony?” Chamelia asked, this time not even bothering to hide her confusion.

“Blueblood is my adopted nephew, mother,” said Alternia gently.

“Mother—” Blueblood’s eyes widened, and he immediately bowed. “It is an honor to meet you, Queen Chamelia.”

“Ah, it is very nice to meet you too, grandson,” Chamelia said. She took the offered seat and glass of water, which she practically sucked down. “Now, what are these donuts you have told me about? I need something to steady my stomach.”

The donuts were truly delicious, so much so Chamelia was tempted to take a few back with her to the past, but that would perhaps be tempting fate.

The tour was also beginning to feel like a blur in her mind, and Chamelia had a suspicion as to why. So as the party trotted to the airship docks—whatever they were—Chamelia raised a hoof.

“Mirage, Kyria, I think… I think Facere and I… we’ve seen enough. I don’t think either of us should see such advanced technology, and I suspect that your… large friend cannot stay here forever.”

Kyria looked stricken, even as Mirage nodded with understanding. “But—”

“There is a time to say goodbye, and while I would love to learn more about the world… this bright future, I think we are learning… well we are about to learn more than necessary. Right now… I am content to knowing you all grow up so well,” said Chamelia.

“Mom would you at least like to stay for dinner?” Belladonna asked.

Facere glanced at Chamelia, who hesitated, but nodded. “We would love that,” he said, giving them all a wide grin.

Chamelia and Facere had hesitated on the offer of dinner because they were both afraid that their imminent departure would cast a pall over the occasion. Yet, a few factors put that knowledge behind them.

First, was Chrysalis’s drone daughter, Cyndra, Alternia’s personal assistant. She had ensured they were undisturbed during the event, and had served dinner at the private retreat, in a large room with a round table. Everybody gathered there, their daughters and their mates, Mirage, Kyria, Chamelia II, Lamia, Prince Blueblood and his wife, had a chance to speak with them. Over pony and changeling food. Chamelia lamented that changeling cuisine seems to have lacked some of the old delicacies of the past, but it was good food.

What they laughed and talked about was honestly a bit of a blur for Chamelia. She had seen so much already, and she was still trying to comprehend that her daughters, kids and toddlers, were full grown ascended queens with their own children. Yet, the night had its highlights. She was pretty sure that the child that Simulacris was carrying was actually a queen. Facere and her also cuddled Belladonna’s newest daughter, Leticia.

But after meeting so many family members that she could scarcely remember their names, Chamelia had quietly excused herself and found an empty balcony.

From where she stood she could see the glowing lights of Canterlot, and hear the night life—such a foreign concept to her—that ponies and changelings were enjoying.

“Feeling in need of a break, mom?”

Chamelia looked over her shoulder to see Alternia trotting up to her. A soft smile was on her lips and she was emanating warm, comforting, love.

“Yes.” She gestured Alternia to lean against the balcony rail with her and her daughter complied, standing just close enough that their carapaces were touching. Her daughter didn’t say anything. Instead, she simply stood beside her, eyes glancing sidelong at her.

“We have not had a chance to talk much, have we? There were so many… I never imagined I would have so much family living in this future of yours—” Chamelia smiled “— come on, Alternia, I can only imagine what you want to talk about, given how you seem to have raised Mirage and Kyria to worship me.”

Alternia chuckled but stayed silent, a pensive smile on her face. “To be honest, I don’t know what to say. I… I have wanted to tell you so much about my life, how I lived, how… helpful your lessons were, but… honestly I am just glad you are here, even if for this brief moment.” Swallowing, the princess blinked, her eyes moist. “I really missed you, mom.”

“Oh, Alternia,” Chamelia pulled her daughter into a hug, tucking her head under hers. It was a strange feeling to hug your daughter when she was taller than you were, but it also felt right, comforting, and when they finally released each other, Chamelia wished she held on just a bit longer.

“Alternia, was there any advice that helped you—”

“I wish I could tell you mom, but I think we both know that wouldn’t be a good idea. I think we are skirting the edge of a major paradox as it is,” Alternia said gently.

Chamelia sighed. “I know, but it’s just-” she took a deep breath “—as a parent, you know you want to do right by your children, and I… I—” she bit her lip, but a weak snort escaped her struggling composure. “I’m scared.”

Alternia stared at her mother, “But you know—”

She shook her head, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “I do, but I don’t, Alternia. I know you think I taught you well, but I don’t know what I did t-to-to deserve-to have-to earn such a legacy. Most of all, I’m scared because I know that my five year old daughter is going to be facing trials that I won’t be there to help her with!”

“But you will—”

“I know I won’t!” Chamelia sobbed, and more quietly, said, “I can tell how long I have been gone from your lives. I know you are going to face your trials without me.”

“Perhaps, but that’s not what I mean, mom.”

Chamelia looked up at her daughter, whose smile, slightly teary, only spoke understanding, kindness, and the utmost loving admiration.

“Your example, your lessons, your love... they will help me—help us all—survive what is to come. You—your undying, uncompromising, love for us will guide us through all that we face.” Alternia took Chamelia’s hoof with both her hooves. “You know, for the longest time, I always wondered how I would live up to what you wanted for me. After Kyria was born, I realized that you would have been proud of me either way.” Equestria’s changeling princess shook her head. “My point is… you were the best mother we could have asked for.”

“That’s…” Chamelia sniffled and nuzzled Alternia’s forehead. “Thank you, dear.”

“You’re welcome, mom.”

Desert, honeyed fruit bats, was over too quickly, and they all, unicorns, alicorns, changelings, and massive kelpie empress, all met again at the retreat’s balcony, ready to cast the spell.

Facere suddenly raised his hoof, “Wait, hold on, before we leave, can you… can we take a um, you know, those really realistic portraits that Mirage and Kyria showed us? If it doesn’t take too long?”

Simulacris nodded. “Yes, but… you won’t be able to take it with you, dad.”

He sighed, eyes dropping to the balcony floor. “Just… I—we want something for you to remember us by.”

Belladonna nuzzled her father’s forehead. “We could do that, dad.”

It was a quick series of photographs, with Twilight taking the picture, and only the changelings participating. After that, the unicorns, alicorns and Tethys, opened the portal.

Chamelia took a deep breath. “Goodbye girls. We… we love you dearly.”

“And we are so proud of what you have accomplished,” Facere said.

Chrysalis, nodded, her cheeks wet, but her smile was grateful. Alternia was smiling too, a more contented smile, but both parents could tell she wanted to ask them to stay. Simulacris was beaming, and Belladonna was trying to smirk, but her moist eyes spoiled the attempt.

“And Mirage, Kyria, thank you for all of your help,” Chamelia said,

Mirage felt rather solemn, as if she was about to close a chapter in her life, but she forced a smile to her face. “It was our pleasure, grandmother, grandfather.”

“We’ll miss you,” croaked Kyria, sniffling as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.

“We’ll miss you too,” said Facere, his own eyes moist. He tried to blink it out, but was forced to wipe them.

Chamelia nodded. “Girls, since this is a closed time loop. I would like you to move my throne. I will have prepared one last gift for you all.” She turned to the unicorns, and to Empress Tethys. “Whoever you are, thank you for giving us this opportunity.”

Then without further ado, Chamelia and Facere trotted through the portal, which closed behind them.

Author's Note:

I know people expected something ... a little more epic, but I always envisioned book 3 to be more of an epilogue to the series. So yeah.

If you do want something more epic, I am working on an original serial story to be published online (free). It's in vomit draft stages. I'm just deciding on which platform I should publish on.

Enjoy the new chapter!