• Published 21st Sep 2019
  • 1,362 Views, 55 Comments

Regenfall - Flammenwerfer

Regenfall Schleier IV has been crowned the newest, youngest monarch of the rising nation and empire of Alemaneia. Her entire career would be gazed upon with hope and scrutiny: both her unprecedented rise... and her plummeting fall.

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1. Ascension

Author's Note:

I'm taking the same rule as I have with my previous stories. "Any translated language" not in English (Equestrian/Anglish/whatever you wanna call it) will be bolded.

Since a lot of this story has non-english parts, I debated on whether or not to bold the dialogue, but I did not want anyone getting confused if they were speaking English or not, so it's staying for now. Curious to hear your feedback on this, if any.

Hope you enjoy!

The ‘Gathering Room’ hidden away from the Parliament’s main chamber was as empty as it could be for its lone inhabitant… but at least for her, it held an innate sense of tranquility she had been sorely lacking these past few weeks.

The way that all the masterfully painted portraits of rulers past—her family, ancestors, and predecessors alike—were so painstakingly interspersed on each of the four polished walls was a small marvel for her. For exactly three of these portraits there were two smaller, ‘supporting’ canvases of the beautiful lands of Alemaneia flanking them.

A pattern. A sense of order and calculated deliberateness so simple that even she admired it.

Or rather, she envied it. It was the little things that truly mattered, after all.

The undoubtedly packed parliament building’s sounds could not be heard from within her little borrowed sanctuary, much to her comfort. The only sounds that graced her ears—their sharp tips accented with golden earrings in the form of an eagle’s wings—was the sound of her own hoof-falls.

She put thought into each and every step she took. One golden-shoed hoof in front of the other as she paced in a perfectly straight line from each end of the room. She fell back on a slowed down marching cadence that was instilled to her during her recent years at military academy. She honed her eyes onto the wooden floor beneath her, tracing the lines where each piece lined up with its neighbors.

Her eyes found the base of the wall for the umpteenth time, and she halted her trek where she stood. She allowed her eyes to flutter closed as she willed a deep, much needed breath into her lungs. Upon her exhale and a shaky, anxious sigh, she further steeled her resolve.

The mare’s focus was ruined, however, upon the gentle creaking of one of the entrance doors on the opposite side of the room as it swung open.

“Forgive me, Your Highness… but she’s here,” came the soft, but pointed words from behind her back that she had been hoping to hear for the last half an hour.

She took another deep breath, willed her steely, regal expression into existence, and turned on her hooves. She could sense the sudden bout of unease in her royal administrator the moment she locked her gaze onto his, but it left as quickly as it came when she was addressed further:

“She’d like to speak with you… shall I send her in?”

She blinked at him once, and in hearing those words, she let the right side of her lips curl upward just a smidge.

She nodded.

“Thank you. Please—send her in at once,” she delivered her reply.

Her servant bowed his head deeply in acknowledgement.

“Right away, Queen Regenfall.”

Regenfall knew she had only a couple of seconds to do a quick once-over before somepony very important entered the room… arguably more important that she would ever be in the course of her life. This pony had been more of a mentor—and dare she say, a friend—to her in the past years as she prepared for the inevitable.

But still, that didn’t mean that she couldn’t look her absolute best in front of her at all times. Impressions mattered consistently, or so Regenfall thought.

The moment the door closed, Regenfall sprinted towards the other side of the room where one of the only mirrors rested on the wall.

Once she found her own bright golden eyes—framed by meticulously curled eyelashes— staring back at her, she quickly ran her hoof through her straight, cyan mane, careful to avoid the golden crown above her head… a crown that held so much weight and meaning in that lone spike that sat atop the skullcap.

She scrutinized every bit of her coat on her narrow face, and nothing but gray follicles could be seen—free of blemishes and impurities. Her navy-blue royal uniform was shined and pressed to perfection, where somepony may have assumed it was sewn or even painted on her form. All the various medals made of multiple valuable alloys and purities that were passed down from her father hung in a neat row on her breast.

Her imperial sash woven with the colors of her flag was displayed proudly across her chest—it was her first true presentation in front of the parliament as the new ruler. She had to be dressed for the occasion, after all.

Regenfall let loose a shaky, shuddered breath as reality had finally sunk in. She was it.

All those years of preparation… all those merciless hours of studying under the finest scholars… her mandatory service in the army and her eventual commission as an officer…

...and to the abdication of the throne by her father. The final pieces had come together, and the official coronation had gone without a hitch.

She was now the Queen… a fledgling Empress to a nascent, booming empire. She was the Kaiserin.

She gulped, still facing herself in the mirror before drawing her gaze over towards the newest portrait in the room—one that had been added yesterday: an official portrait of herself in an ever so slightly more formal uniform, sans her crown.

Her painted self stared back unfazed… powerful and regal. Not in the slightest a reflection of her current torrent of emotions.

Under the portrait she read the simple title engraved within the golden plate:

Regenfall IV.

The door creaked open.

Regenfall whipped her head towards the entrance with a start.

Her heart rate ceased to pound against the inside of her chest like an annoyed beast at the sight of the pony who walked in… the one whose motherly lectures had been a calming voice of reason for her over the past many years at the request of her parents.

One whose coat was white as alabaster and with a prismatic mane that seemed to gently whip in an unseen wind like her nation’s flag.

Regenfall let out a sigh of relief and smiled proudly—likely not fooling her most noble guest in the slightest as she softly walked to meet her.

“Princess Celestia…” she spoke the tongue of her guest in her thick, Alemaneian accent.

Her guest returned her proud smile, and opted to do the exact opposite in terms of mother tongue:

“And good morning to you, Princess Regenfall… Or perhaps the winds of change have told me that you’ve been…”

Celestia hung on her last word, twirling her hoof as if stirring her mind for the right vocabulary. Nevertheless, Regenfall felt her warmth when the Equestrian Diarch righted her hoof right at her heart—at her imperial sash.

“...promoted,” she punctuated with a coy smirk.

Regenfall giggled into her own hoof—partly at Celestia’s remark, and partly because she couldn’t believe the little ‘gag’ they had going since they had been introduced all those years ago was still running: she herself would speak Equestrian, and Celestia would speak Alemaneian.

She never knew why the decided on this. They just rolled with it, and it’s been their little ‘thing’ ever since.

Regenfall added somewhat awkwardly:

“Heh… that’s one way to put it,” she said.

Celestia cocked her head.

“You seem… unsettled,” she noted.

Regenfall let her own nervousness manifest in the form of more awkward giggling as she pawed at the floor.

She then spit out her feelings with less-than-veiled sarcasm:

“Oh no… not at all! I just became the newest ruler of an upcoming empire… and the youngest ruler of all my contemporaries. What could I possibly be unsettled about? Nervous? I’m not nervous! You’re nervous!” she said as she began to pace.

Celestia rolled her eyes and chuckled as Regenfall paced away from her. Nevertheless the newest ruler felt the maternal presence of her taller, powerful counterpart from over an ocean away.

“It’s quite alright to be nervous, Regenfall…” Celestia cooed, and willing the two of them to stop in the middle of the room.

Though Regenfall did her best to hide it, she couldn’t help the anxiety-fueled tears beginning to spill over and down her beautiful face.

She said nothing as she felt a reassuring, golden-plated hoof rest on her back.

“This was a small lifetime in the making. The pressure was… unbearable at times, surely. But you made it. Since I was asked by your parents to guide you, I’ve watched you grow and pass milestones beyond expectations.

“I’ve known you since you were a teenager… but even after all these years, I want you to know that nopony will ever be ready for something like this.”

Regenfall quietly listened and let her eyes fall shut as Celestia’s voice continued to ethereally massage her nerves into a much calmer state. Internally she felt that if she could hire Celestia to talk to her about anything and nothing at all, she would probably fall asleep and have the best sleep experiences in all the land.

“But you…” Celestia continued. “You—I feel—are as ready as you will ever be. Most ponies in your position would have to watch their entire lives go by before they feel worthy of their thrones.

“But your father abdicating not long ago was no accident. He, too, feels you are ready. He has probably already told you this, but his words are genuine.”

Regenfall finally opened her eyes and gazed up and over at Celestia, who stared back with pride and fondness.

“You can do this, Regenfall. Like your father, and your grandmother before you.”

Regenfall’s eyes lit up.

“You did know my grandmother, didn’t you?”

Celestia nodded once and smiled brightly.

“I did. And if she were still around today, rest assured she would be so proud of you.”

Regenfall had expended the last of the tears she felt she needed to, and with Celestia’s reassurance, she could feel her pride and happiness chiseling a smile on her face.

However, she felt the last vestiges of her nervousness go forth and grab hold of her heart, and she turned her regally-dressed self away from her mentor.

“What if they don’t like me? What if they won’t have me?”

Though she couldn’t see her, Regenfall could practically feel the confusion radiating off of Celestia.

“What do you mean? The ministers? You’ve met with them all! Your coalition backs you fully and the opposition has expressed full willingness to work with you…”

Regenfall shook her head.

“No, no…” she began, then turned back towards Celestia, feeling her hopefulness pooling in her eyes.

“My ponies.”

Celestia’s look of shock instantly morphed into one of relief and pride.

“Oh Regenfall… if there was one thing that always warmed my heart about you, it was your love and concern for the average pony.

“You’ve shown time and time again your willingness to not only interact with the public, but genuinely mingle with them—understand them. Parties, charity drives, construction projects, and even your enlistment in the military as a common pony…” Celestia pointed out.

Regenfall felt the upcurl of the right side of her lips when Celestia pointed out what didn’t seem so obvious at first. She was right though—Regenfall was never one for lavish lifestyle of the royals, and the most she enjoyed was her regal getup that she currently had on… mainly because she earned all the militarily-affiliated medals, lapels, and sashes that were adorned on her.

She had always felt much more comfortable with the common ponies and amongst soldiers, rather than her ministers and her contemporaries when she would accompany her father and grandmother on diplomatic missions.

“The common pony has shown their love for you as their Princess… I have full confidence they will embrace you as their Queen,” Celestia finished.

Regenfall took a deep, calming breath and sighed out. Armed with the reassurance from the greatest mentor she could ask for, she held her head high and puffed her chest out. Her nervous tears had dried and the final sniffles had been expended. She channeled the confidence that she would use to go about her day as a Princess, and would take as similar of an approach as possible now as Queen.

She channeled honor.

She channeled regality.

She channeled her will of steel.

And she would channel the power now-vested within her as Alemaneia’s Kaiserin.

She met Celestia’s unchanged, prideful visage with her own aura of regality. She nodded once, curtly.

“Very well, my most noble teacher. Then I think I’m ready. Any final words of wisdom for a brand new ruler?” she asked with an air of both coyness and seriousness that had become the norm between her and Celestia over the last decade.

Celestia giggled but nodded.

“There's nothing left that you haven't heard, but I can reiterate some of the highlights. Of course!”

The continent’s newest, youngest ruler paid her full attention as Celestia stood tall in front of her.

Her words came with the appropriate gesturing of her right hoof:

“You are the supreme ruler of this nation—you have theoretical control over all.

“As you have learned, delegate appropriately. Let Parliament run the day-to-day. Resist the urge to lift your hoof unless a decision must be made, or you truly know deep in your heart you must intervene directly. Only you can truly determine when the latter is necessary.”

Regenfall nodded, and Celestia continued.

“When you must directly rule—rule firmly, yet justly. Your nation—your empire only exists because of your citizens. You want them to smile when they see your face, either in-pony, in the newspaper, or even at the mere mention of your name.”

Celestia’s expression darkened for the briefest of moments.

“Make humble your heart and keep it humble, my dear Regenfall… or I assure you it will be torn from your living, breathing chest.”

Regenfall gulped but nodded nonetheless. It made perfect sense, and Celestia took the cue to continue:

“Similarly, make sure you are known to your domain. Do not let your presence and legacy languish on the throne you will sit your flank and haunches on.”

The new queen didn’t get much of a chance to react before Celestia brought her pointing hoof right in front of her face in a rather poignant gesture:

“Your job as ruler is to protect all your subjects. All of them. Keep the peace and happiness. Sacrifices and tradeoffs are a part of life, and you will make mistakes. Be honest and true to yourself and your nation when you fumble.

“However, politics does not exist in a vacuum. I’m well aware of Alemaneia’s regional rivals… in the spirit of ways that have existed for centuries, all eyes will be upon you.

“You are young. You are fresh. You are an unknown quantity to the competition. Lessons through your travels should have kept you well abreast of the fact that your rivals will attempt to outmaneuver you.”

Regenfall watched and felt as Celestia placed her hoof on her shoulder. She never broke eye-contact, however.

Celestia added with no small sliver of crypticism:

“You have a powerful, loyal, well-trained military that looks up to you. Force should only be used as a last resort to defend your subjects and your home.

“However, do not allow yourself to be a doormat. In the spirit of defense and integrity, if you must resort to sabre rattling, do not make threats you that you cannot follow through with.”

Regenfall bristled at the thought, and she remembered the talk of the war that was fought under the rulership of her grandmother… before Alemaneia was even a fully united nation and empire that it was now.

She shook her head.

She would not be that pony.

She loved her subjects. She would only want to raise them up to or surpass the standards that other nations enjoy… never to hurt them or bring them hardship.

Looking up at Celestia, she understood her purpose now, completely. She understood what she had to do, and how to (somewhat) approach it. She was determined to leave a legacy… a legacy as the best ruler this nation had ever witnessed and embraced. She would be the ruler that would place their nation on the pedestal that other world powers rested on.

Alemaneia would have his place in the sun, for all citizens to bask in its reflected glory.

And with one final nod, she was ready.

Kaiserin Regenfall the Fourth was ready.

“Thank you, Celestia… for everything,” she said.

Celestia smiled brightly and nodded once before bestowing a gentle nuzzle onto the new ruler.

“The pleasure was all mine. You are my friend… and you may write to me any time you have any questions. And you will always be welcome in Equestria,” she said.

With one last pat of the young Kaiserin’s shoulder, she would usher her forward.

“You’re destined for greatness, Regenfall… the Dauntless that you are. This I know. Go and make it so!”

She smirked at the little nickname that Celestia had given her as a teenager… and yet somehow at twenty-five, she would hope to harness the energy that gave her that name in the first place.

And I shall make it so.

Once again channeling that steely resolve, and with Celestia’s eyes upon her, Regenfall marched forward towards the lone entrance and exit to her hitherto sanctuary.

She placed her shoe-clad hoof onto the knob and looked back toward Celestia one last time, and was pleasantly surprised to find her trotting over.

“You look so surprised—I can’t watch your speech from back here, now can I? You have a rather… rousing way with words.” she reminded.

Regenfall ‘juggled’ her head for a moment in ‘profound’ realization.

“Of course… wouldn’t want to miss that, right?”

With that, she turned the doorknob and pushed it forward, letting the natural light that shone through the various window-panes of the Parliament gathering hall hit her all at once. The sensory overload that was once hundreds and hundreds of ponies chit-chatting was silenced within seconds by her mere presence.

She paid it no mind, and welcomed the momentary blindness to her audience as she autonomically marched her way to the ebony-wooden speaker’s podium.

The temporary blindness receded, and as she ascended those final steps to the podium, the view of the entire, packed parliament overtook her vision completely. There she stood, silently drawing her gaze over the half-circle arrangement of the sea of ponies.

Scanning her eyes from the right, she found all her supporting ministers from her coalition… who silently smiled or conveyed their wordless, full support for her. On the left sat the rest of the technicolor lake of ponies… ministers who regarded her not with contempt nor suspicion… but rather, willing yet unconvinced.

Gazing back over her massive, well-dressed audience, she found even more ponies interspersed in the spaces between the wings, as well as wherever there was extra space to stand—reporters and journalists ready to take notes, and cameras and microphones ready to send her message to the waiting masses outside.

An entire country couldn’t fit into a single Parliament building next to the Royal Palace, after all.

Regenfall spared a quick glance behind her, and found the vacant throne—her throne that she would occupy during Parliamentary gatherings. It rested higher than she currently stood, and was built into a golden sculpture of an eagle flaring its wings.

Silence continued to reign supreme… almost eerily so for Regenfal, as when drawing her eyes back over her audience, all she could hear was the occasional cough, sniffle, and camera shutter…

...all awaiting their stoic-faced, regal-aura’d ruler to utter her first words as ruler to the nation.

Regenfall then—out of the corner of her eye—spotted Celestia flanked by two Alemaneian Honor Guards. Once their eyes locked, the Equestrian diarch gave her an excited wave, urging her onward.

That was all she needed.

Even though her crown, for some reason, felt like it was made of solid silver and weighing her head down… she raised herself on her hind legs and placed both her front hooves on the podium for support, as was customary when ready to speak.

Her mouth was now aligned with the unassuming microphones in front of her. On cue, the entire Parliamentary wring erupted in polite applause—not deafening, but acknowledging her presence.

Sparing nary a smile nor a frown… merely a stoic expression to all in attendance, Regenfall swept her eyes over her audience one last time as she held them on the edge of their seats despite applause.

She raised her right hoof, and the room quieted at an instant.

Regenfall sighed out, took one last, deep breath, and spoke commandingly in her native tongue while gesturing appropriately:

“Today, I do not address the Parliament… nor the reporters with their cameras… nor even the ponies who stand beyond the confines of this room.

“Today I address all of Alemaneia. As a single entity! One nation!”

She heard her voice echo through the Parliament hall, and she could hear the camera shutters having a field day with her image. Despite her previous nervousness, public speaking was something she found herself at home in… and in treating this like any other oration, she willed herself calm, collected, and stoic.

She was one.

“As with the path of succession in the house of Waldnacht before my family, and now with my current house of Schleier… fate has seen it that it is now my time to rule not as a Princess, but as a Queen.”

Regenfall paused for the briefest time, and swung her gaze over her audience.

“Many would look upon this time as something to spare nary a breath at. Others feel this is a time for great rejoice! But I?

“I see this as a time of reflection!”

She could hear the scattered murmurs at her words—and she smirked internally. Exactly as planned—her ability to command attention with her projected voice had only improved over time.

“I see this moment… this hour as a time for asking ourselves who we truly are, as a country? As Alemaneia?

“Are we a nation by ethnicity?” she asked rhetorically, then shook her head.

“No… we are all ponies… ponies of the Earth, the Sky, the Aether… and even of the Night! We come from all walks of life! Even now, I see a technicolor sea of my kin who I would gladly stand beside in defense of our virtues!” she said, and drew her golden-shoed hoof over her oratory canvas.

“But no… Alemaneia is not a nation merely of shared blood and soil. Our empire is unique in one aspect from our neighbors…

“We are an idea. We are a faith!

The rhythm of her words—words which she felt spawned and fell so naturally from her mouth—took hold of her fully.

She thrust her hooves outward.

“Not long ago were we squabbling, petulant children of kingdoms tearing each other’s throats out over petty quarrels! Yet here we stand.

“United!” she exclaimed.

“United in an idea of Alemaneia… United in a faith that we place within each other—holding ourselves to collective, higher standards worthy of Imperial statehood! Deserving of respect and reverence!

Regenfall was somewhat aware of her long, flowing mane bouncing at the fringes of her vision with every bit of gesticulation. Her cares were placed elsewhere as her confidence brimmed to new heights. She had not felt this comfortable in her own flesh and blood in weeks!

“And this is an image forged not by one pony… nor dozens… but all of us! As one!

“One Idea!

“One Faith!

“One Nation!

“One Empire!

She saw ponies literally sitting on the edges of their seats. This time, she did not bother to hide her pride nor the smirk that came with it.

“And I?” she asked aloud.

“I’m but a face. A face with the privilege to stand here today in our wondrous capital city of Siegstadt and show you—all of Alemaneia—that a new era has come! An era of prosperity! An era of respect! An era of pride!

“An era of belonging.”

Regenfall raised her head high, and looked down upon an enraptured audience. Not even the reporters were diligently tending to their equipment… seeming to prefer to listen to her in the moment.

Celestia herself appeared collected yet… floored all the same. She was stricken in the best ways of surprise, but proud nonetheless.

This was the final bit of motivation that Regenfall craved to take her to her crescendo:

“Our shared legends that go back to the dawn of time tell of a final Place in the Sun where all our likeness can finally bask in prosperity and greatness.

“And after centuries… as the newest, youngest Queen of this young, beautiful nation I call home… I declare that the new age be the Age of the Sun. And I intend to see to it fully that we all have our rightful place amongst equals!”

She raised a single, pointed hoof.

“This shall be my goal, which I shall personally see to the end… either to completion as the Grand Dream!”

She hung on her words for a couple rests.

“Or to my death… or my abdication of this very title and throne for such an inexcusable failure. This is my only promise to you!”

And with all resolve that she could surge through her blood, she poured her heart and soul into her final words of her short speech:

“I then ask… who of all of you, will help me, and work with me to ascend our nation to greatness unlike we have ever seen since our formation?


The reaction was so instantaneous that she would have doubled backward were it not for the massive amount of weight she placed in her hind legs. All ponies in the room—ministers, reporters, foreign dignitaries, civilians—stood from their seats in rapturous ovation.

And a collective chant manifested so perfectly—one that harbored the answer Regenfall was truly hoping for deep in her heart—it might as well have been a literal spell.

She embraced it… on a physical and ethereal level as she beamed. She let her eyes fall shut as the first chants graced her ‘wing-tipped’ ears:







