• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,836 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Forever Foal

Scootaloo raced along on her scooter dragging the wagon often attached to it along for the ride. Her passenger, Rainbow Dash hung on tightly as even little bumps made her squeak.

"Oh, the Rainbow Dah fan club will love seeing you like this!” Scootaloo beamed as she looked at Rainbow Dash (who dressed in a Zapp from Power Ponies costume that Rarity had wanted her to try on). Daring had told Scootaloo to look after Rainbow for a while, making the excuse of needing time to plan her next book (in reality she was leaving on another of her adventures).

“Keep her out of trouble. I’ll be home by dinner time, I promise.” She had told Scootaloo. she'd be back by supper time at least. Scootaloo was loving being the big sister, and it had only been a week.

"Scootawoo! You goin' too fast!" Rainbow exclaimed even as she giggled somewhat.

"Sorry, Dash, I'm just so excited!" Scootaloo beamed while making a slower turn through the orchard, soon spotting the clubhouse that served among other things as the meeting place for the Rainbow Dash fan club. “I get to show you off to all your fans! How awesome is this?!”

"This place bigger than me remember." Rainbow remarked as her eyes took in the sights.

Scootaloo soon parked the scooter before scooping Rainbow onto her back, the diaper bag slung over her shoulder. “You’ll be fine for the meeting, right? No accidents?”

“Me promise.” Rainbow gave something of a salute. The last thing she wanted was to be clumsily changed by Scootaloo with everypony watching. It was a humiliation she’d never live down.

Walking up the ramp with a smile, Scootaloo heard the humdrum of voices coming from inside the clubhouse. The filly beamed as she opened the door. "Hey, everypony. Guess who I brought?!"

Rainbow, upon seeing the crowd of school aged ponies, blushed and tried to hide behind Scootaloo. "You said there’d onwy be one or two ponies!" She grumbled.

The few fillies and colts from school oohed as Scootaloo carried the foal up to the front. "Relax, Rainbow Dash, it's not that many," Then she smiled. "Welcome, everypony, to another meeting of the Rainbow Dash fan club. Who’s ready to see the cutest filly ever?!"

The colts and fillies were all glancing at Rainbow as if they had seen the cutest thing ever, which (of course) was true. A few colts giggled while the fillies just awwed. Scootaloo smiled. "Yeah I know, right? Cute as a little button. She’s a foal for a while until Twilight can fix her. I’m actually watching her while Twilight works on the cure. She’s pretty cute, aside from when she makes messes."

"Can I hold her?" One of the fillies asked.

Scootaloo set Rainbow down, letting a few other school ponies come closer. One of them reached out and tickled her tummy. "That's a silly costume. It’s not even Nightmare Night, you know."

Rainbow was unable resist the tickles and began to laugh. In between giggles she forced out. "I wike da costume! It nice, soft, and hide my diape- never mind." The last line was spoken with a noticeable blush.

Another filly touched the bulge the diaper made in the costume, causing it to crinkle. "Hehe, is she a heavy wetter?" She asked, watching Rainbow’s cheeks get even redder..

"I no wet diapee! You wying!" Rainbow loudly protested.

Scootaloo ruffled Rainbow's mane and defended her. "Hey, she’s just a foal after all. She can’t help it. Don't tease her for her condition, she still cool."

"And adorable!" A random filly cheered.

"I no adorable! Me awesome!" Rainbow yelled before swatting all of the hooves away from her tiny body.

Scootaloo was quick to shoo her classmates back with a smile. "Okay, okay give her some room." She smiled getting on her podium. "Let's get down to talking," And she sat Rainbow in a corner. “You stay there. Let me know if you need anything.”

Rainbow reluctantly obliged.

After nearly half an hour of talking about how awesome Rainbow Dash was, Scootaloo rode off with the foal, humming as they made their way into town. 'Hey, my sweet tooth is calling,” She commented to the foal and got an idea. “Want to go by Sugarcube Corner? I’m sure they have milkshakes you can handle. It’s gotta be better than plain old formula."

"Sure, but onwy cause I want cookie." Rainbow replied and beamed at the fast ride that resulted from it. Each little bump sent the filly bouncing, resulting in light crinkles of her padded bottom. It was a totally new experience feeling the wind rush by when she wasn't the one flying.

Thanks to her speed, Scootaloo reached the intended destination and carried Rainbow Dash inside after a quick diaper check.

As luck would have it, Pinkie was the mare operating the front counter when the two strolled in. "Aww, hey Dashie." She waved while watching them approach.

"Hi Pinkie, I wanna cookie!" Dash pleaded, making grabbing motions in the direction of a nearby cookie jar.

"It has to be something soft and kind of mushy," Pinkie cooed. "And what’s the magic word?” She asked as Scootaloo got out the bits.

"Pwease?!" Rainbow cutely yelled, which made all of the ponies around her aww.

Pinkie booped her nose lightly, before putting a soft, crumbly oatmeal raisin cookie into Rainbow's open hooves.

Scootaloo smiled as she watched the foal slowly reduce the crumbs to nothing. Then she got an idea. "Hey, you know, while I'm here, do you think Rainbow would like to play with the Cake Twins?" She suggested to Pinkie.

"What? Why wouwd me wanna pway with the twins? They babies!" Rainbow protested and then let out a giggle.

"Because you're a foal too, silly. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some ponies on your level for a change?" Pinkie made silly faces at Rainbow, watching her regressed friend nibble on the crumbs of the cookie some more.

Sensing that Pinkie wasn’t going to take no for an answer (and feeling slightly bored anyway) Rainbow sighed. "Fine. But me onwy do it fow mowe cookies!"

"Now Rainbow, you can’t always have cookies," Pinkie poked and prodded the foal’s tummy. "You'd get fat."

"Me no care! Cookies good!" Rainbow remarked.

Scootaloo added laughed a bit as Rainbow's childish behaviour. She seemed less likely to resist her foalish side. Then she ordered a chocolate milkshake. Once the pegasus had her shake, Pinkie helped sit Rainbow in a highchair, sliding it next to the table.

Rainbow sighed. "It been a week and Twiwight has no cuwe! I nevew gonna be a aduwt again!" Tears started to form in her eyes.

Scootaloo sipped her drink and patted the foal's back to calm her down. "Shh, it's okay, Rainbow, I'm sure she can find a cure. Twilight won't give up so easily."

"You just say that! Wah if she just give up, and me stuck as a poopy diapee baby forever?!" Rainbow pouted in protest.

“Well you would grow up again, eventually, I’m sure," Scootaloo rubbed her neck. "Don't' give up hope. I mean at least you would have your parents too, right?"

Rainbow sighed. "My pawents would just smother me, they awways do. Even when me aduwt. I dun wanna have to gwow up again!"

Scootaloo picked Rainbow up and snuggled her close to her chest to calm her down. "Shhh, it’s okay." She gently hummed.

Rainbow felt safe in the hooves of the filly. "Me wove you, Scootawoo."

Scootaloo patted Rainbow’s back gently. "I love you too, and I have faith that Twilight can fix you. Then you can help me learn to fly more." She gave the diaper a light pat, humming a little more.

Pinkie moved over, having watched the scene from afar. "If she needs a nap I'm sure the twins won't mind sharing their crib with her."

Rainbow yawned and smacked her lips. "Nappy sound good." Keeping the little one close, Scootaloo followed Pinkie upstairs and into the nursery where the twins currently resided.

Inside the nursery, the twines looked and cooed at Pinkie as she came in, before staring at the new foal as Scootaloo laid her down upon the mattress of the crib. She looked strangely familiar somehow, the tiny duo thought for sure they’d seen a pony just like her earlier.

Rainbow yawned again, feeling rather exhausted. Then again, ever since she had been turned into a foal she had to sleep a lot for some reason.

Scootaloo set the pacifier into the filly's mouth before sliding up the rails. "There we go."

Pinkie looked down at her friend as Rainbow's eyes slowly closed. The twins then looked at the crib with curiosity. "Who that, sissy?" Pound asked Pumpkin Cake.

"I no know, but she wook wike Auntie Pinkie Pie"s friend, Wainbow Dash." Pumpkin replied, crawling over to the crib.

Pound tried to flutter up in the air to peek into the crib. "She pwetty." He remarked.

Right before Rainbow fell asleep she saw Pound Cake fly right in front of her face, but before she could do anything about it she fell asleep.

Rainbow slept soundly, free of any bad dreams. When the little one eventually awoke though, she felt the familiar yet still unwelcome feeling of a used diaper. Her young emotions got the best of her as she began to tear up.

The Cake Twins (who had been playing with some blocks in a nearby playpen) heard her crying and crawled up to the crib. Pound flew up to Rainbow’s location and Pumpkin held onto pound Cake’s hoof (she didn’t feel like using her magic). "You otay?" The twins asked, once they’d gotten up and into the crib

Rainbow looked up at the twins and then at her diaper. "M-me otay."

Pound wasn’t fooled. He stood upon the mattress and poked at the diaper. "Squishy." He remarked. Then the twins could hear hoofsteps approach the nursery. They realizes the adults had probably heard the crying over the foal monitor.

Rainbow squirmed. "Don't touch me diapee!"

"You seems famiwiar. Who awe ya?" Pound commented right before the smell hit Rainbow's nose.

Rainbow’s nose scrunched up. "Eww! Wah that?!"

"That's you, siwwy," Pumpkin giggled, as did Pound. “Ya stinky!”

Soon the door opened as Pinkie came bouncing in and up to the crib, seeing the Cake Twins inside. "How’d you two get in there?" She cooed, before scooping up the little, crying rainbow foal. The smell hit her almost immediately. "Phew! Somepony made a stinky!"

"It wasn't me! It was them!" Rainbow pointed at the Cake Twins

Going on her instincts Pinkie reluctantly sniffed Rainbow’s bottom and made face. "P.U.! Nope, it's you, Dashie!" She took her over the changing table, humming as she did so. "Can't you tell when you’ve used your own diaper?" She asked as she went about the change.

Rainbow sighed and looked down. "Yeah, it just embarrassing. I no mean to do it, but..."

"Oh, I'm sure you made plenty of stinkies by now," Pinkie cooed, while wiping and powdering. “It’s what foals do,” Within two minutes Pinkie had easily taped the fresh, white diaper onto Rainbow Dash, giving it a pat. "There we go," She lifted the foal up nose to nose and nuzzled her. She was happy when she saw a smile

"Tankie, Auntie Pinkie!" Rainbow cooed, hugging the mare’s face as much as she could.

"No problem, Rainbow." Pinkie smiled, soon setting her on the floor before she went to wash her her hooves. She came back a short time later.

The twins waddled over, staring at Rainbow again. "Aww, they like you already.” Pinkie teased.

Rainbow giggled, "They just foals, they no understand grown-ups."

Pound held out a turtle plushie to Rainbow. "Pway?" He asked as Pinkie continued to keep an eye on them.

Pumpkin, meanwhile, found some blocks and began to stack them. "Hehe, blockie fun."

"How you tawk?" Rainbow asked as she crawled over to the blocks as well.

"Me no know, we just do." Pumpkin cooed as she clumsy started putting a block on top of another one.

Rainbow's tiny mind found the pretty colours to be interesting, so she crawled to the blocks and picked one up of them. "So, can you understand big ponies?" She asked the twins.

"Big words hard," Pound cooed. "I like simpwe words wike moo moo." He placed a third block on the tower, watching it wobble.

"They understand evew tink I say." Rainbow realized, grabbing the forth block and putting it on the tower, the tower was wobbling even more.

Pumpkin giggled as she swiped the tower, knocking it down as she clapped. "Hehe, big ponies funny."

Rainbow giggled. "Ya wight. To tink, I was big pony a week ago!"

"How big pony go small?"" Pound asked as they made their block tower once more.

Rainbow giggled. "Magic paci. Me put it in mouth and I become foaw."

The twins laughed a bit. They couldn’t understand why a pacifier could ever be magical. "That funny." Pumpkin said, before snuggling her blanket.

The group of foals keep playing happily together, not even noticing the time pass. In what felt like no time at all Scootaloo arrived entering the nursery and smiling. "Okay, Rainbow, time to take you home."

“But, but me wanna stay!" Rainbow pouted, looking at her new friends.

Scootaloo picked up Rainbow Dash even as she wormed around. "Rainbow, I'm sure you can come play again some other day. We need to get you home." She explained, sliding the foal onto her back. The twins happily waved goodbye.

"Bye bye, guys!" Rainbow replied back, snuggling into Scootaloo’s fur.

Scootaloo smiled as she carried Rainbow out of Sugarcube Corner and placed her in the wagon. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you like being a foal." She teased.

Rainbow smiled a bit and blushed. "Kind of..."

Scootaloo then embarked on the long trek toward Rainbow's house. "It’d be kind of funny if Twilight found the cure, but you chose to stay a foal." She joked whizzing along

"Well... I might wanna go to Twiwight and see if she found cure." Rainbow pleaded.

Scootaloo slowed the wagon and turned it around. "Well, okay. I think that’s where Yearling said to meet her anyway." She agreed, before speeding along.to the library. She rather enjoyed being a sitter for the young foal. Sure, it had taken some getting used to but she was settling into the role quite nicely.

Rainbow giggled the whole ride to the library. "This fun!"

"Yeah, I guess it is," Scootaloo replied, soon pulling up the library. Carrying Rainbow inside, she saw Twilight scanning through a few books, random papers pinned to billboards.

Spike waved a claw. "Hey girls."

"Hi, Spikey! How is you and Auntie Twily?" Rainbow asked, surprised at how foalish she sounded.

"Doing good, although Twilight’s still in a frenzy trying to figure out the counter spell to your curse." Spike explained as said princess turned her head and looked at her friend.

"I'm doing the best I can, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight answered. “I'm getting closer. I assure you."

Daring soon came out from the bathroom and approached with a smile hidden under her Yearling costume. "Hey, Scootaloo. Thanks again for looking after Rainbow Dash for me. Hope she didn’t give you a hard time."

"You no have to worry. Me kind of wiking being a foaw." Rainbow said with a giggle.

"But what about being a Wonderbolt?" Twilight asked Rainbow Dash. "This curse must be affecting your mind more. Just do you like calling Daring Do ‘Mama’?"

Daring took Rainbow from Scootaloo and smiled. "Well... uh, I... kind of don't mind being a mommy, just for a little bit. Gives me some practice in case I ever have foals of my own, it’s better than showing up to parenting classes in my A. K. Yearling disguise."

Rainbow sighed. "Me wanna be a Wonderbowt, but being foaw more fun!"

"Well, let's get you back home and get you ready for beddy bye. We can talk about this more later." Daring suggested, slipping Rainbow into the foal carrier on the elder pegasus’ side.

As Daring traveled back to Rainbow’s house, Rainbow stared down at the ground in thought and now feeling quite conflicted. "Mama, w-wouwd you be mad if me decide to stay as a foaw and you stay my mama?" Rainbow asked Daring.

Daring hesitated as she landed on the soft cloud surface leading up to the cloud house. "I-I'm not sure." She nervously stuttered in response.

Rainbow sighed again, a few faint tears forming in her eyes. "Otay."

Daring walked inside, feeling a little bad about not being able to answer Rainbow’s question. "I mean, I like to adventure and it’s not like I can take a foal out on such dangerous things. But I do like the feeling of being a mother, even the less pleasant stuff," She commented, then set Rainbow on the couch and patted her head. "I'll go make you a bottle."

"Otay Mam- Dawing." Rainbow replied as a noticeable hint of sadness crept into her voice.

Daring saw how distraught the foal was and was quick to make the bottle. Warming it up she headed back and pulled Rainbow close. "Uh, you can call me ‘Mommy’ if you really want to." She moves the bottle to Rainbow's lips. She too felt conflicted, she had never felt this way before.

"But you said that you no want me as you foaw." Rainbow commented, before she bit down on the rubber nipple of the bottle and started to suckle.

The milk felt soothing to Rainbow as the two ponies both thought in silence for a moment. "I just don't know, Rainbow. Just let me think on it, okay?" Daring pleaded.

Rainbow continue to suckle. She felt tired, but she didn't want to sleep. Daring watched the milk continue to drain, slowly rubbing Rainbow's tummy. She softly began to hum a lullaby, wanting to make the foal happy

Rainbow’s eyes closed more and more as the warm milk started to empty. She didn't care what was going on at that moment or what would happen after, she just wanted to sleep.

Daring waited till Rainbow fell asleep fully before gently carrying her up to the bedroom and into the bassinet. Letting out a sigh she sat down nearby and rubbed her head. "Ugh, what am i going to do?" She couldn't stay a mother, could she? Rainbow already had a mother, so what was Daring to do?