• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,619 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...

First Day of Teaching

One morning at Twilight's castle, the ninja team had woken up and were at the table enjoying a pancake breakfast courtesy of Spike, "Eat up. Plenty for all." Spike said, as he served some to April and Karai.

"Thanks, Spike." Karai answered.

"Looks good." April said, as she began eating.

Rocksteady took a bite, and his eyes lit up, "Just like mama used to make."

"I hear ya, Rock. This here's good stuff." Bebop agreed.

"Waking up to this was worth it." Mikey said, as he stuffed some pancakes in his mouth.

"Mikey, chew, please." Twilight said sounding annoyed.

"Oh, my friends, I'm so excited today for we get to teach at the School of Friendship!" Fugitoid said all giddy.

"Why should it be so different to you, Professor?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah. You already teach a class." Casey reminded him.

"That may be, but I teach humanoid teenagers. Here I will be teaching ponies and other creatures some of the wonderful things about the galaxy."

"Or put them to sleep from boredom." Raph replied, as Mikey laughed.

Fugitoid laughed sarcastically, "How droll."

"Well, eat up all of you. We got a big day ahead of us." Twilight reminded them, as they continued to eat.

Later on at the school, Twilight had divided up the ninjas and such into groups to teach certain subjects. Fugitoid and Sunset Shimmer were currently teaching a class on alien species. The two stood before a board filled with pictures of several alien lifeforms they encountered during their time in space.

Fugitoid addressed the students, "As you can see, class. Much like Equestria, the world we come from particularly in outer space far beyond the galaxy exist numerous lifeforms of many kinds. Just like there's ponies, griffons, dragons, changelings, and all other matter of creatures here."

Sunset began listing them off, "There are the Salamandrians, the Aeons, the Daagon, the Kraang or Utrom, and the Triceratons."

Ocellus raised her hoof, "Yes, Ocellus?" Fugitoid asked.

"Professor, since you came from space according to Headmare Twilight. What species are you?" the changeling asked.

"Yeah. Are you from some planet where creatures are all metal and such?" Smolder inquired.

"Actually, no. I'm from the planet D'Hoonib. A planet of scientists obsessed with penetrating the highest truths of the universe, "Fugoitid explained, "One day I was working on a new form of psionic technology when the alien race called the Triceratons came looking for me. They came to me to force me to build them weapons. When I refused, they attacked and destroyed everything in sight, leaving me hanging by a whim. My robot assistant placed my own brain in its own body. A man merged with machine, and I was reborn as a cyborg!"

"Like wow!" Silverstream cheered.

Another pony raised their hoof, "Yes?" Sunset asked.

"You mentioned Utrom and Kraang together. Why do they have two names?"

"An excellent question," Fugitoid said, as he explained, "Long ago, the Utrom were a peaceful race of aliens with technology as evolved as any found on earth. But one day an Utrom scientist by the name of Kraang discovered the mutagen of a Kraathatrogon worm. Harnessing it's power, he became crazy and monstrous. He used his psychic abilities to brainwash millions of Utrom turning them into The Kraang Hive Mind with him as Prime. Many Utroms broke away from the hive mind and many more resisted his power and created the Utrom Council."

"But sadly, some Utrom joined the Kraang of their own accord." Sunset explained, while recalling Subprime was once Knight of the Utrom Council.

"Thankfully with the help of the Turtles the Kraang were defeated and many of them were returned to their Utrom selves. And now they're fellow allies of ours," Fugitoid finished. Sandbar raised a hoof, "Yes, Sandbar?"

"Tell us about the rivalry between the Kraang and the Triceratons." he requested.

"Very well. For millenia, the Kraang had waged war against their enemies the Triceratons for dominion over Dimension X. The Kraang used their intelligence to battle their foes, while the Triceratons relied on brute strength and cunning. It had seemed the Triceratons would be victorious, but the Kraang pulled a horrible act upon their enemies."

"What they do?" Yona asked.

Sunset answered with a sigh, "The Kraang used a powerful weapon know as the black hole generator to wipe out the Triceratons entire planet."

The students gasped in shock, as Gallus spoke, "Whoa."

"Only a single fleet survived, and they swore they would not stop until they had wiped the Kraang out of existence and destroy anyplace they were hiding out on, regardless of whoever else lived there," Sunset continued, "Led by both Emperor Zanmoran and Captain Mozar, the Triceratons searched the galaxy for any Kraang camps or hidden bases. When they discovered the Kraang had used planet earth as a backdoor to and from Dimension X, the Triceratons came to the planet and promised to get rid of the Kraang by destroying all of planet earth."

"Huh?" Smolder asked, "Let me get this straight. The Triceratons want to destroy the Kraang by destroying the planet they're hiding on? What about the other inhabitants of that planet?"

Fugitoid spoke, "Unfortunately, the Triceratons aren't so negotiable, and once they set their minds on something there's no swaying them away from it."

"They actually succeeded and destroyed planet earth," Sunset spoke, "My friends and I were lucky enough to escape with our ninja friends thanks to the Professor here. And with time travel we had six months to fix it by finding the three pieces of the black hole generator and destroy them. It came to a close call, but Fugitoid here was able to destroy the generator as well as the Triceratons mother ship taking them all out by sacrificing himself."

"Wow." the students gasped.

"So how're you still here?" Gallus asked.

"My head and brain remained intact after the explosion, but I just drifted among the debris in space. When I got close enough to the earths gravitational pull I fell to the planet and was discovered by Sunset Shimmer. They had a new body built for me. And I decided to remain on earth teaching at Sunset's High school."

"And that was the end of the entire Triceraton race?" Ocellus asked.

"Not all of them," Sunset replied, "We befriended two Triceraton rebels named Zeno and Traximus, who did not agree with the Emperor or the Captain's philosophies and were locked up and forced to fight in the Triceraton arena for survival and their people's pleasures."

"We discovered on another planet were several more Triceraton rebels who have started rebuilding a new Triceraton Empire free of corruption." Fugitoid finished.

"Pardon me, Professor." Cozy spoke up.

"Yes, Cozy Glow?"

"I just wanted to know, isn't it true that the black hole generator was actually your creation?" she asked.

Fugitoid remembering that couldn't lie, "Sadly, yes. I originally developed the black hole generator as an energy source. But when Kraang Subprime offered me a huge price to buy it, I gave in. I was greedy and I didn't care what they wanted to use it for. Back then all I cared about was money to finance my research. Soon enough I realized what a terrible decision I had made."

"So if you hadn't built the generator in the first place, the Triceratons wouldn't have lost their planet and wouldn't have destroyed planet earth just to defeat the Kraang?" Cozy continued to question him, as several students were taking all the facts in.

Fugitoid got nervous, until Sunset came to his defense, "The Professor was different back then. But he's changed a lot since that day. He saved me and my friends from being destroyed and gave us a chance to save our planet. He sacrificed himself to save it. Does that sound like something someone bad would do?"

The students taking Sunset's words into play started to forget the bad things that resulted from Fugitoid's mistake. Fugitoid looked at Sunset who winked at him, "Quite right, Sunset. Now then, let us discuss the Salamandrians and their habits, shall we?" the students looked interested.

Later on the students were in their next class with Donnie and Casey. Donnie had a board set up of pictures of the various mutants they've fought with, "Mutant; an organism or a new genetic character arising or resulting from an instance of mutation, which is generally an alteration of the DNA sequence of the genome or chromosome of an organism," The smart ninja explained, "The mutant enemies we've encountered were created through the substance known as mutagen. A formula discovered by the Kraang through a Kraathatrogon worm. It was originally meant to be used to terraform other dimensions into more versions of Dimension X, but when used on planet earth the mutagen instead caused whoever came into contact with the substance to mutate into a mutated version of the last organic thing that person came in contact with."

The students took notes, as Casey spoke, "Donnie and his brothers used to be ordinary turtles, until coming into contact with the ooze turned them into mutant turtles, and their father into a rat man."

"Basically depending on the subject it can turn animals into bigger sentient beings or monstrous forms." Donnie motioned to a picture of Slash and then the Squirrelanoids to demonstrate both examples.

"And sometimes it can turn a human into a mutant animal like Master Splinter, Bebop, and Rocksteady," Casey put in, "In fact you don't always have to have actually make contact with a living creature to mutate."

Donnie nodded, "Let's welcome our two guests Bebop and Rocksteady."

The class applauded, as the two mutants walked up and presented themselves, "What up, every creature?" Bebop greeted.

"We is here to help teach the class." Rocksteady added.

"Guys, when you were mutated into a warthog and rhino individually, you didn't actually come into contact with said animals, did you?" Donnie questioned.

"Nyet, we was tossed into mutagen vat mixed with DNA of certain animal." Rocksteady explained.

"It was sick, and not in the good way." Bebop added, still recalling how it felt to be mutated.

Silverstream raised her talon, "Yes, Silverstream?" Donnie asked.

"Do all mutants have to be animals?" she asked.

"Not at all," Donnie answered, "Mutants can stem from many kinds of things, such as Flora and Insecta." he motioned to a picture of Snakeweed for Flora and Stockman Fly for Insecta.

"There was even a time, a car turned into a mutant." Casey added.

"A car?" Smolder asked in confusion.

Donnie continued, "Anyway, mutagen can also be used on a human to give them other abilities. Like Dr. Victor Falco aka The Rat King," he motioned to a picture of the Rat King, "He used the mutagen to give himself psychic power, but one of his experiments went wrong causing him to become deformed and develop a psychic connection to rats. He controlled them through his telepathy and could even see through their eyes wherever they went making him their King. He twice brainwashed our sensei into attacking us, but Master Splinter defeated him by sending him plunging down into a chasm never to haunt him again."

"That must've been some fight." Gallus admitted.

"Another example is when the mutagen was used as an energy booster to our arch enemy the Shredder. It was originally used to heal him after a previous fight that left him weakened. The mutagen ended up turning him into a hulking muscled sharp bladed mutant we dubbed The Super Shredder."

"Basically, mutagen is not something you wanna get involved with. Stay away from it." Casey warned them like it was a PSA.

"It no good at all." Rocksteady agreed.

"So don't you go doing it." Bebop warned them.

Cozy raised a hoof, "Yes, Cozy Glow?" Donnie asked.

"I was wondering, Donatello, is it true you and your brothers were responsible for some of the mutants in your city? Like when April's father got turned into a bat mutant?"

Donnie recalled how it was his and his brother's mishap on a Kraang stealth ship that sent a whole supply of mutagen filled canisters raining down on the city causing some people like Sir Malachi, Pizza Face, Mondo Gecko, Bandit Raccoon, and Panther to turn into mutants, but none was worse than April's dad turning into a mutant Bat which temporarily put a strain on their relationship with April. But Donnie brushed it off, "Yes, it was our mistake that some mutants were created through a previous tussle with the Kraang, but we did the right thing by making up for it by recovering whatever mutagen hadn't been touched by anyone innocent, and turning April's dad back to normal."

"How did you do that?" a student inquired.

"By creating retromutagen." Donnie answered.

"What's retromutagen?" Smolder asked.

"The opposite of regular mutagen. I developed a formula that can un-mutate mutated DNA, after months of work. Though it's difficult to create and requires at least ten canisters worth of the stuff to synthesize a single dosage. But with a little help from my brother Mikey's recklessness we managed to create a super retromutagen and was able to un-mutate all the humans the Kraang mutated when they took over our city." The students continued to listen to the lesson until their next class.

The students were in another class where April, Karai, and Shini were gathered. One the board they set up were images of the Hamato and Foot clans, along with images of Shredder and Splinter before and after the incident, even with an image of Super Shredder and Zombie Shredder.

"All right, class listen up." April caught their attention.

"Today, April, Shini, and I will be talking about the history between two legendary Ninja clans of Japan. The Hamato and The Foot." Karai explained.

The students listened, as April started, "For centuries the two clans have had a bitter feud. The Shredder who was just known as Oroku Saki was the son of the Foot Clan leader of the time, but he was a just a child. When the Foot Clan fell, Splinter or Hamato Yoshi's father had taken him in and Saki and Yoshi were raised together as brothers, and rivals as siblings often act."

Karai spoke up, "But their rivalry turned bitter when a woman named Tang Shen came into their lives. The two competed for her attention and love, but in the end Yoshi earned Tang Shen's love, and eventually I came into their lives as their baby daughter Miwa," Gallus raised a talon, "Yes, Gallus?"

"If your name's Miwa, then why do your friends call you Karai?"

Karai continued, "Well, even after I was born, my mother had grown bored constantly of living in Japan and wanted to see the world like America. But my father was so honor bound to his family clan he did not want to leave, especially since Grandpa Yuuta was suffering from illness. Saki had tried to convince my mother to go away with him and bring me with because father would never give up the clan. Unfortunately Father saw through Saki's attempts to drive us away from him and would not have it. Saki's jealousy turned to anger when learned of his true heritage he rebuilt the Foot Clan while swearing vengeance. Adopting the identity of the Shredder, he invaded my parents home and attacked my father viciously, but before he could land the final blow, my mother took it instead and perished leaving both men torn. Saki escaped and had taken me in the heat of the confusion. He was so torn and ridden in guilt he convinced himself that it was my father that killed my mother. He took me in and renamed me Karai while making me think he was my birth father."

"Oh, my gosh." Silverstream gasped.

"So sad." Ocellus whimpered, as she hugged Yona who was tearing up as well.

Shini carried on the lesson, "For years under the guidance of Shredder Karai learned the ways of the Foot Clan and was convinced Master Splinter was her enemy and anyone associated with him, even the turtles."

"Though I was raised to fight my enemies, I had more common sense than Shredder about the bigger picture. When I discovered the Kraang during a brawl with the turtles I tried to get Shredder to consider how there's more than vengeance in life, but he ignored it, until finally he started listening to me and we forged an alliance with them. But over time something still didn't feel right when Shredder asked me to eliminate my enemies. Then when I discovered the truth about my own heritage, Shredder kept me in lock up while trying to convince me everything he did was out of love. But it was all just to satisfy his hidden guilty conscience. When I finally escaped and broke free of the Foot Clan I helped my real family take down Shredder and since then I began rebuilding the Foot Clan restoring it with honor and trust."

The students applauded, as April spoke, "We thought we'd seen the last of the Shredder, but even after he died, some of his followers sought to bring him back using magic of the netherworld. He came back in the form of a zombie, but he himself was not truly in control. Rather he was just used as a puppet by something far worse."

"Who that?" Yona asked.

Shini answered, "The Demodragon, Kavaxas."

Smolder gasped, "Did, did you say Kavaxas?"

Shini nodded, as April spoke,"Smolder, you seem to know the name of the subject. Care to tell us what you know?"

Smolder explained, "Kavaxas was the lord of all demodragons and ruler of the netherworld. I've heard legends of his existence from other dragons. He was not some dragon you ever wanted to mess with."

"Agreed," Karai nodded, "An old follower of Shredder forced Kavaxas to bring Shredder back from the dead, but he didn't come back whole. Kavaxas was just playing them as a means for him to be free from being controlled and made Zombie Shredder his puppet. In the end Kavaxas was sent back to the netherworld with Shredder being the one to drag him down. I guess you could say he spent his true last moment doing something right."

"You girls must really be quite a team." Sandbar said.

"Well, Michelangelo has dubbed us Team Kick Butt Babes." Karai answered, as April and Shini giggled.

"Pardon me," Cozy raised her hoof, "But isn't it true, Karai, that you're also part mutant?"

Karai raised a brow before answering, "Actually, yes." she shifted into her snake form and hissed making several students gasp in shock.

"She snake mutant?" Yona asked.

Karai shifted back into human form, "Part mutant, actually. And I wasn't born with that. It was thanks to Shredder unintentionally."

"How'd that happen?" Smolder asked.

"After the first time my friends helped me escape Shredder's prison, I tried to go after him on my own out of revenge and ended up getting captured again. He planned to use me as bait to lure the turtles into a trap where he planned to mutate them into mindless snakes. When they came to rescue me, Leo was about to set me free, but Shredder tried to attack him and ended up cutting the chain to my cage that was suspended above the mutagen vat, resulting in me falling into the mutagen. I came out as the snake mutant you just witnessed with my mind partly warped due to the snake DNA, and I kept losing my mind slowly over the months when I escaped Shredder. Not even Donatello's retromutagen could cure me."

"How're you able to shift between forms?" Gallus asked.

"This was all do some accident Baxter Stockman did when he mixed the snake DNA with the mutagen. When Shredder had me caught he had Stockman work on a way to restore my mind, and succeeded. But Shredder knew once I regained my senses I still wouldn't serve him anymore. So he had Stockman develop a mind controlling worm which he implanted into my brain putting me under Shredder's control once again."

"How did you get free?" Yona inquired.

Karai smiled, "My father used a technique he passed onto Leo, including your headmare guidance counselor Starlight, and Sunset Shimmer called the Healing Hands. He used it on me and I was free from the brain worm. That was when I went underground to hide out and start rebuilding a new Foot Clan with the help of my old friend Shinigami."

"So much history between you and the two clans." Ocellus gasped.

"Yeah. Though I was raised to be merciless by Shredder I learned to be who I wanted and not what others want me to be." Karai explained, as April and Shini put their arms around her and smiled.

Following the girls lesson, the students next class had Mikey and Keno standing before a table with ingredients, and off to the side was an over supplied by Pinkie Pie. Mikey addressed the students, "Alright, listen up, yo. Sensei Mikey's gonna be teaching ya something exciting today with the help of my assistant Keno here."

"Yo." Keno greeted them.

"So what're we going to be doing?" a student asked.

"We're gonna be teaching you to make the best food to ever have been made," Mikey began, as he and Keno announced, "Pizza!"

Some of the students were curious, until their teachers began showing them how to prepare it, "First you take some dough and do this," Mikey began tossing it up, before placing it down on the table, "Now you spread the tomato sauce like so." he began spreading the sauce all around.

"Once the sauce is spread you can start adding toppings. The main part it the cheese." Keno explained as he started spreading the cheese all around.

"Now comes the fun part. Additional toppings" Mikey said, as he brought up a variety of extra toppings, "You can be creative and add your own toppings to it. Trust me I'm an expert in that." Mikey and Keno started laying down several different toppings.

"Now you just pop it in the oven like so and then we wait." Keno said, as they put the pizza in the oven.

"How long do we wait, exactly?" Gallus asked sounding bored.

"Usually it takes about twenty minutes." Keno explained, as the students groaned.

"Don't fret, because Keno and I thought ahead and pre-made some already." Mikey said, as he brought out stacks of freshly cooked pizzas.

The fresh smell of pizza caught the attention of the students, as they gathered around seeing the various toppings used. Most of which were ingredients of food the ponies or other creatures ate. Smolder saw one of the pizzas looked sparkly, "Hey, are those?" she began.

"Gemstones?" Mikey asked, "That's right, dragon girl. Give it a try."

Smolder picked up a slice of gemstone pizza and took a bite. After swallowing her eyes widened, and she spoke, "Wow! This is good! A new way of eating gemstones."

"Come on, yo. Plenty for every creature." Mikey said, as each of the students started having some pizza, each one expressing their liking for it.

Later on, inside another room set up like a martial arts dojo. Leo and Raph were currently showing off martial arts moves through sparing, as the students watched from the sides. As Leo blocked Raph's strikes, he spoke to the students, "Remember class, martial arts isn't just a means of hurting others, it's to be used as self defense on yourself and to protect others."

As Raph fought Leo, he put in some words of his own to the students, "There are many ways of fighting, and each of us has a particular field. Take me for instance. I prefer to just strike as hard as I can." he demonstrated on Leo by fighting harder, as Leo continued to block.

"Yeah, fighting hard is good. But if you don't think when acting..." Leo blocked Raph before striking back knocking him to the ground, "You're the one who's going to end up losing."

The students applauded, as Leo helped Raph up, "You guys are so cool!" Sandbar cheered.

"I've never seen such style of combat up close ever." Ocellus added.

"Me neither," Cozy agreed, "Though, Raphael, don't you always go aggressive whenever you lose a spar against Leonardo or any of your brothers?"

Raph was surprised how she knew something like that, but brushed it off, "Not all the time. Only when I'm just too in the game to surrender or admit defeat."

"Which is more often than you think," Leo added, as Raph scowled at him, "Well, class that's it for today." the students began leaving.

Later on at the castle, the girls were listening to the ninjas talk about their first day of teaching, "The students sounded so interested in our lectures." Fugitoid explained.

"Even if those aliens may not exist in Equestria, they still were fascinated by their existence." Sunset added.

"And we're sure they learned something about our lesson about the Hamato and Foot Clans history." April put in, as Karai and Shini nodded in agreement.

"The Pizza Making lesson me and Keno taught was by far the best." Mikey boasted.

"Oh, please," Raph replied, "They were far more interested in mine and Leo's spar."

"The class on mutants, we did was much better." Donnie said on behalf of himself, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Casey.

"All right, dial it back, ya'll." Applejack said.

"Yeah. Teaching the students is what really matters. It's not a competition." Twilight explained.

"Just ask Applejack and Rainbow Dash." Pinkie motioned to said two whose eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" Rocksteady asked.

"Uh-well..." Applejack trailed off.

"Ya see..." Rainbow trailed off not sure how to say it.

Spike rolled his eyes, and decided to spit it out for them, "Applejack and Rainbow Dash were determined to win the Teacher of the Month award since Fluttershy had been winning it for so long. They kept competing with each other while on a field trip with the students to teach them about teamwork they ended up putting the students in danger."

The ninjas looked to the two ponies, "Is this true?" Leo asked.

The two felt embarrassed, before sighing, "Yeah. It's true." Rainbow confessed.

"What were you two thinking?" Sunset asked in disbelief, "I mean my worlds Rainbow Dash and Applejack love to compete, but they would never go so far as to risk the safety of others."

"We know. We never should've let our pride and competitiveness get in our way." Applejack sighed in guilt.

"But it still worked out," Rainbow noted, "Because in the end we ended up teaching them how to work together."

"Even so, I had to supervise them for a week to make sure they wouldn't make that same mistake." Twilight added.

"Ha!" Casey and Keno laughed, as Casey spoke to the two ponies, "You have to be supervised?"

"Yuck it up, Jones." Rainbow warned him.

Twilight cleared her throat, "My point being, don't start competing for who is a better teacher or teaches a better class. That's not what this school was made for."

"We understand, Twilight." Leo replied.

"Overall, we enjoyed teaching here." Fugitoid said.

"Da. We all make for good teachers." Rocksteady agreed.

"I'm just glad there's no Threat to Equestria this time around." Mikey said.

Meanwhile in another dimension at nighttime, inside an abandoned warehouse was who else but Shredder and Krang. The alien brain while piloting his exo-suit was busy working on a machine that had an archway.

Shredder sat down looking bored out of his mind, before speaking, "Krang, you bile brain! What's taking so long?!"

"Patience, Shredder. I'm almost finished." Krang answered.

"This better be worth it. I don't wanna have to go back to jail." Shredder warned him.

"Trust me, Shredder. Where we're going we'll never be going back to jail," Krang promised, as he started the machine which projected a portal, "Follow me." he led Shredder through the portal that closed.

The portal reopened at meadow and out came the two villains, with Shredder unable to stand up straight, "Krang, Krang what's going on, why do I feel so strange?" he tried to stand up but fell over, and picked himself back up finding himself on all fours, "Krang, you blithering blob of bile what happened to me? Why can't I stand up? And why does your android body look so odd?"

Krang's android body like before had been converted into a big pony look like before when he and Subprime came to Equestria, "Umm... no reason, ju-just don't look in anything reflective." he warned the ninja.

Shredder ran to a pond and looked down at his reflection. He saw he had been turned into a gray coated earth pony with a long black tail. He let out a panicked scream, while both Krang and his android body face palm, "I told you not to look at your REFLECTION!"

"Arg, Krang, you moron what have you done to me? Why am I a horse!?" Shredder demanded.

"You're not a horse, you're a pony!" Krang began explaining, "This is Equestria, a world outside the ten dimensions in an alternate reality. A reality of magic, mythical creatures, and... yes... taking ponies."

"But I don't wanna look like a little girls toy! I DON'T I DON'T I DON'T I DON'T I..." Shredder kept stomping his hoofs onto the ground so hard he was leaving deep hoof prints while causing Krang to lose focus from the ground shakes.

"Shredder, be careful!"

Shredder stopped and saw how deep his hooves went into the ground, "What the... how did I do that, am I really that strong?"

"You're an earth pony, one of the three main pony races of this world. You now have enhanced strength and a natural connection to the laaaaand."

Shredder tilted his head, "And you know all about this how?"

Krang frowned, "Mind your own business! That's how!"

"And why did you bring us to this place?"

"To get away from those loathsome turtles of course."

"But I want to rule earth. I made that very clear to you!" Shredder argued.

"We'll get to earth later. After our previous failures, I felt it was best that we start with somewhere else. My people tried to conquer this land centuries ago, but failed. This time we'll be doing it my way." Krang laughed cockily.