• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,619 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

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School Raze Part 1

One afternoon at the School of Friendship, the turtles were in the dojo practicing with their martial arts, “You know practicing our ninjitsu just doesn't feel right without something to prepare for.” Raph said, while dodging Leo..

“I know. Usually there's always something we have to be prepared for that requires training.” Mikey agreed, while trying to attack Donnie.

“Well, after the whole Shredder and Krang alliance with Chrysalis went south, I can't imagine any trouble suddenly springing up afterward.” Donnie admitted.

“Even so. We still need to keep up with our training,” Leo reminded them, “Master Splinter would want us too.” the brothers stopped and nodded knowing how right that was.

Suddenly Twilight's voice came on the speaker, “All extended faculty are to report to my office immediately!” The turtles hearing that sheathed their weapons and hurried off.

As they raced through the hall they met up with Bebop, Rocksteady, Keno, and Casey, “What's going on, yo?” Bebop asked.

“Don't know. But it must be urgent.” Leo suspected, as they entered the office to see the girls, Spike, April, Karai, Shini, Fugitoid, and Metalhead were waiting.

“What's the emergency?” Donnie asked.

Raph looked over at Rarity seeing her tail was messy and her brush was stuck in it, “Having a bad tail day, Rarity?”

“This is no laughing matter, Raphael!” Rarity spoke up

“Guys, something's wrong. We can't use our magic.” April said.

“It suddenly stopped working.” Shini said, as she, April and Sunset Shimmer tried concentrating but nothing happened.

“See?” Sunset asked.

“Rocksteady, how's your magic?” Twilight inquired.

“Piece of cake, Princess,” Rocksteady tried using his magic, but nothing happened, “Uh, give me one second,” he struggled to use his magic but nothing happened, “Is my horn broken?”

“It's just as I feared.” Twilight said.

“What's going on?” Donnie asked.

“We've all been called to an emergency meeting in Canterlot by the Princesses.” Twilight explained.

“They must have some idea what's causing this phenomenon.” Fugitoid added.

“We better go now.” Sunset suggested, as they took off.

Soon enough in Canterlot's Castle throne room, the ponies and ninjas stood before the royal sisters along with Cadence. Celestia began explaining to them, “Throughout our city, ponies have been reporting tales of their magic failing. Spells going wrong. Potions not working.”

“Even raising the moon has become difficult. Are there similar troubles in Ponyville?

“We experienced it first-hoof.” Twilight admitted.

“It's the same in my kingdom. The Crystal Heart seems safe for now, but I worry if this continues.” Cadence explained.

“What could be siphoning off the magic?” Fugitoid wondered.

Suddenly a messenger pony rushed in with a letter, “Letter for the princess from Star Swirl the Bearded!”

The group was curious as Spike took the letter and held it up to the Princess to read, “Ah!” she gasped, “It is even more terrible than we feared! Magic is disappearing all across Equestria!”

“What?” The turtles gasped.

“What else does it say?” Casey asked.

“Star Swirl believes the power will drain from our land in three days.” Celestia continued.

“Why's it always 'three days' for something?” Bebop asked Karai and April who shrugged.

“First, unicorn magic and spells will fail.” the Princess of the Sun continued.

“That's happening now.” Starlight noted.

“On the second day, creatures will lose their magic abilities.”

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy gasped.

“And finally, magical artifacts will stop working.”

“Even our medallions?!” Donnie gasped, as the turtles were worried.

“When the sun sets on the third day, the magic in our world will be gone forever!”

“But why is this happening now?” Cadence wondered.

“Yeah, what's the dealio?” Bebop asked.

“That's the worst part. We have no idea.” Luna admitted in worry.

“Has anypony checked on Tirek?” Twilight asked.

“Uh, who?” Keno asked.

“You know the big, red, scary centaur who eats magic?” Pinkie asked him.

“Yeah, first time actually hearing about him.” Keno admitted.

“You said when he escaped from Tartarus awhile back he assimilated the magic of unicorns, strength of earth ponies, the flight of pegasi, even all your magic.” Karai recalled Twilight's story.

“That's right,” Twilight confirmed, “He's the only one we know capable of assimilating magic.”

“If he has found some way to escape his prison or work from within it, he could be responsible for this.” Celestia suspected.

“That is the best explanation so far. Somepony should investigate.” Luna suggested.

“We'll go.” Twilight offered on behalf of herself and the others.

Rarity suddenly spoke up in protest, “Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no. Not without us, you wo- Wait. Did you say "we"?”

Twilight smiled, “I've finally learned that it's okay to count on your friends for help.”

“And all it took was you getting us kicked out of Seaquestria, yelling at Pinkie, magic zapping Leo, getting captured by Tempest, and having all your magic taken out of you by the Storm King.” Raph put in, making Twilight feel embarrassed.

“Yeah... But now I've learned my lesson, no more going solo! I said I was going to follow Friendship no matter what, and that includes letting all my friends help me. Um, you do want to come, right?” she hoped.

“Uh, duh!” Rainbow responded.

“Like you need to ask?” April asked rhetorically.

“We're glad you now understand the meaning of teamwork, Twilight.” Leo said feeling proud.

“Now if only you could learn that meaning, Leo.” Raph quipped, making Leo scowl.

“Thank you all,” Celestia began, “We will search for ways to protect Equestria in your absence.”

“Be careful. Tartarus has changed since you were there,” Luna warned them, “It now holds many dangerous creatures, and you won't be able to rely on your magic.”

“With her friends by her side, she won't have to.” Applejack promised them.

“We better get ready to go asap.” Karai suggested.

“Agreed. Let's get back to the school.” Twilight suggested, as they headed off.

Later on, Twilight was speaking to Starlight and Sunset Shimmer, “Okay. I left you my lesson plan, all my student files, and my annotated syllabus notes. If anything goes wrong, get Celestia.”

“We got it.” Sunset Shimmer answered.

Twilight was suddenly getting worried, “Maybe I should just close the school and send my students home.”

“Would you go save Equestria already?” Starlight sighed not wanting Twilight to start fretting again.

“We can handle it.” Sunset assured her.

So the group gathered together, as Spike looked in his backpack, “Okay. Cozy packed us all up for a trip to bad guy central.” Mikey looked questionably at his own prepared backpack.

Cozy brought over some bag lunches, “Don't forget the sandwiches. I marked whose is whose, just in case,” she whispered to Spike, “Starlight can't stand mustard.”

“That's so sweet of you, Cozy. But Twilight has asked me to stay here to run the school.” Starlight told her.

“And me and the others are staying behind too to run the classes.” Sunset added, while motioning to Casey, April, Karai, Keno, Shini, Bebop, Rocksteady, Fugitoid, and Metalhead.

“Oh. I thought that after what happened last time-” Cozy began, until Spike cut her off.

“Once she's survived Discord, anything else is a piece of cake.”

“Not to mention, surviving Shredder and Krang.” Fugitoid put in, as Cozy Glow whimpered.

“Plus, they'll have you to help them.” Twilight assured the little filly.

Cozy brightened up, “Oh, golly, yes! I promise I'll be the best assistant ever! Come on. We can start working on your substitute headmare and teacher plans right now, if you like.” she began leading Starlight, Sunset, Fugitoid, Bebob & Rocksteady, and the Allies away.

“Wow. Uh, okay.” Starlight began, until Mikey cut them off and spoke up.

“Whoa-whoa-whoa, hold up!”

“Is something wrong, Mikey?” Starlight asked in concern.

“You might say that, yeah,” he spoke to Cozy, while leading everyone back, “Could you excuse us all for just moment?” he pushed them around a corner, before doing a double check on Cozy Glow, “I can't believe you guys don't see it.”

“Don't see what?” April asked in confusion. Mikey pointed to Cozy Glow which got April irritated, “Oh, come on, Mikey! You still don't trust Cozy Glow?”

“You bet I don't. Don't you guys think it's a little suspicious that she's always prepared for stuff.”

“That's suspicious?” Karai asked dryly.

“Duh! And the fact that she expected Starlight, Sunset, and the others to go with us? And what about these sandwiches? How do we know she didn't poison them?” Mikey asked suspiciously.

Cozy Glow who had been listening in, gasped, “Poison?! I wouldn't do such a horrible thing!”

“She was eaves dropping on us!” Mikey accused, “Tell me that ain't suspicious! And who's to say that she's not the one behind this whole magic crisis and is pinning the blame on Tirek?” Everyone gasped at Mikey's accusation, while Cozy Glow started to tear up.

“Oh, I think my heart is broken!”

The group started giving Mikey disappointed and angry looks, “How could you accuse poor Cozy Glow of doing something so... Mean?!” Fluttershy scolded him.

“She's just trying to help us, Mikey!” Twilight added, while sounding equally angry at his behavior.

“Or maybe, she's playing us all for saps! Baiting us into a trap, just like Karai once did!”

Karai spoke in sarcasm, “Thank you so much for bringing up that horrible incident I'd prefer to forget.”

“And just how exactly is she "playing us for saps”?” Fugitoid inquired, while looking skeptic.

“Uh... I don't know? But I know that's what she's doing. I don't trust her! And for good reason too.”

“Let me guess. Because she's cuter than you?” Donnie asked dryly.

“That. And because I once overheard Cozy Glow tell the Young Six that Friendship isn't in their nature.”

“Young Six?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“You know, Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona, and Smolder.” Mikey named them off.

“And you call them the Young Six?” Shini asked.

“Yeah, cause they're young and there's six of them, but back to the point. If I recall, Cozy Glow did the same thing to you guys. Saying how Fugitoid doomed the Earth by building the Black Hole Generator, how we accidentally mutated April's dad, how Karai let Shredder be her puppet master, and how Raph's a sore loser. There's something not right about her. I can feel it!”

Raph frowned, and raised a fist, “Oh, you're about to feel something alright, Mikey!” Sunset stopped him.

“Raph, don't! I'll handle this,” Sunset walked right up to Mikey, who had a bad feeling, “Mikey... WILL YOU JUST GIVE IT A REST!” she snapped, “Ever since we got here, you've been suspecting Cozy Glow of suspicion and what PROOF do you have? HUH? Just because she pointed out some of our flaws doesn't mean she could be responsible for what is going on in Equestria. And because you accuse her of being cuter than you? That is most CHILDISH, IMMATURE, and above all GOOFBAG thing you have ever done! Now if you're done with wasting time on your goofballing imagination, we need answers from Tirek SO KNOCK IT OFF!”

Mikey looked about as hurt as Cozy Glow was. Raph on the other hand looked impressed, “Wow! You actually shut Mikey up.”

“Well, somepony had too.” Sunset answered, only to see Mikey frowning at her.

“So this is what it's like to be on the receiving end of a lash out from Meanset Shimmer.”

Sunset was taken aback at what he said, “What did you say?”

“You heard me. Meanset Shimmer!” Mikey announced, “It's what you're called when you lose your temper and lash out at others like ya did to Sci-Twilight at the Friendship Games!”

“Oh, dear.” Fugitoid had a bad feeling sparks were really going to fly.

“You're about to see how mean I can get!” Sunset was about ready to tackle Mikey, until Twilight shouted.

“ENOUGH!” everyone turned towards her, “We're wasting enough time as it is!”

Sunset just dropped it and walked off with Starlight, Fugitoid, Bebop & Rocksteady, and the Allies who frowned at Mikey while passing bye. But Mikey wasn't affected by them so much. Not even when his own brothers and the Mane Six glared at him. He reluctantly followed along.

As the allies walked down the hall, Starlight spoke to the filly, “Sorry about Mikey, Cozy Glow.”

Cozy smiled, “Oh, it's okay, I'm not offended. Sensei Mikey's just sick. Or incredible deluded.”

“Oh, you have no idea.” Starlight replied.

“Now, as I was saying, I have these really great ideas for some lesson plans.” Cozy continued.

As Twilight and the others headed out, she spoke to Spike, “See? Nothing to worry about. Tell me there's nothing to worry about.” she clutched Spike who made her drop him.

Mikey looked back, and spoke quietly to himself, “I'd say there's loads to worry about.”

Later on, the Mane Six, Spike, and the Turtles were heading to the entrance to Tartarus on hoof. Due to the gloomy weather, there were flies everywhere and Rarity was struggling with their bites and kept hitting herself when they flew too close to her.

“Ow! Ugh! I have had it with these horrible flies!” she started to whine, “I miss my magic!”

“Have you tried using your tail to shoo them away?” Twilight suggested.

Rarity gasped in shock, “Bite your tongue! It's for decorative purposes only!”

“You are such a girl.” Raph said, as A.J and Rainbow laughed, while Rarity scowled.

As the turtles followed the girls, Leo looked back seeing Mikey trailing behind not wanting to be near them and clearly still hurt by what Sunset told him.

Leo spoke to Donnie and Raph, “Guys, I'm worried about Mikey. Sunset was a little harsh on him.”

“Seriously?” Raph asked incredulously, “He accused a little kid. Even I wouldn't do that.”

“We can't worry about that right now, Leo. We got a bigger problem on our hands right now.” Donnie reminded him.

Leo sighed, “I know, I know. It's just that, in a way, he does have a point about Cozy Glow. And, now that I think about it, we don't really listen to him or never take him seriously. AND we have a nasty habit of getting into big trouble because of that.” he reminded them.

“Okay, you got a point there,” Raph hated to admit it, “But Cozy Glow being a suspect because she's cuter than him? Come on! That's ridiculous!”

“Yeah, but the part he said about her pointing out our flaws was true.” Donnie also admitted.

“Speaking of which, why would she point them out? Especially those we're the least proud of?” Leo wondered.

“Well, I mean, I'm used at everyone pointing out my temper,” Raph admitted, “But April's dad, Karai being mind controlled, and Fugitoid's black hole generator? That seems a bit too...”

“Sophisticated?” Donnie suggested.

“Yeah, that, for a school kid. I mean, not even the other students bothered to say anything.”

“Plus she does seem to be one of the school's best students for someone who was terrible at it when she first arrived.” Leo noted remembering how the CMC were the ones who helped tutor her.

“So, she's either a fast learner...” Donnie began.

“Or, she was faking it.” Raph said, as things started looking clear.

“Hey, ya wanna pick up the pace back there?” Applejack called.

The turtles continued, until they looked back and saw Mikey was further away from them. But they noticed it's not because he was slow, but because he was running back the way the way they came.

“Mikey!” Raph called, as the ponies and Spike looked back.

“What now?” Twilight asked not wanting more trouble.

“Where's Mikey going?” Pinkie asked.

“One guess.” Rainbow replied.

“We'll go after him,” Leo said, “You girls go on ahead. We'll catch up.”

“Ok, but try not to drag your hoofs.” Twilight said, as the turtles ran after their little brother.

The three were catching up to Mikey, as Donnie called out, “Mikey, wait up!”

Mikey stopped and spun around to speak, “I don't care what you dudes say. The real danger is back at the school. And I'm going back.”

“Mikey-” Leo began, but Mikey continued.

“Master Splinter always told each of us to trust our instincts. Well, I have my own. And if you think my instincts are always wrong and yours are always right then you're no brothers of mine!”

“MIKEY!” Raph shouted.

“What?!” Mikey shouted back.

“We're starting to think maybe your theory isn't as far-fetched as we thought.” Donnie admitted.

“What, really?” Mikey asked with joy, only to scowl, “Oh, so now you wanna believe me?!”

“Look. We're just saying after thinking about it there's some logic in your claim. So maybe we should go back and make sure.” Donnie replied.

“Fine. But don't think this means I've forgiven you for what you all said to me.” Mikey answered, as the turtles headed back.

By the time they returned to Ponyville it was already nighttime. They were on their way to the school, until they heard voices calling out to them.


The turtles looked over and saw the Young Six and the CMC racing over, “Guys, what's going on?” Leo asked.

“It's horrible.” Sandbar said in worry.

“It's a disaster!” Silverstream cried.

“Calm down, and tell us everything.” Donnie calmed the hippogriff.

“Chancellor Neighsay's taken over the school!” Sandbar explained frantically.

“What?!” the turtles gasped.

“Doesn't that biased pony have anything better to do during a crisis like this?!” Raph asked sounding irritated.

“He tried to capture the five of us to send us home,” Smolder continued, “He thinks our kinds are responsible for all this magic problem in Equestria.”

“There's a surprise.” Donnie said dryly.

“Luckily, our ninja training allowed us to avoid him and slip away.” Gallus added.

“What're Starlight, Sunset, and the others doing about it?” Leo asked.

“You mean they're not with you?” Applebloom asked.

“No. Why would they be?” Donnie wondered.

“Cozy Glow told us they were all called away to help you guys.” Sandbar answered.

“You don't say?” Mikey asked, while crossing his arms.

“So if other senseis not with you...” Yona trailed off.

“Then where are they?” Silverstream asked.

“Is there anything else you can tell us?” Leo asked.

“We saw Cozy Glow sneaking out of secret entrance to the caves underneath the school.” Sandbar explained.

“I see. Then we better investigate.” Leo said suspiciously.

“But that would mean going back into the school.” Silverstream feared.

“It's the only way.” Mikey said.

“Well, then. Count us in.” Gallus said on behalf of the Young Six.

“Us too.” Sweetie Belle said on behalf of the CMC.

“Then come on.” Leo said, as the group hurried to the school.

After reaching the school and sneaking inside, they went to the library where they found a secret entrance leading below, “She went down there?” Donnie asked.

“That's right.” Smolder confirmed.

“Let's go.” Leo said, as they each went down and found themselves in the caverns.

“Whoa. Check it out.” Mikey gasped.

“This cave has been under the school all this time?” Donnie asked.

“Yeah. We first came here and had a little test about ourselves.” Sandbar explained without saying too much.

They suddenly heard groaning and looked over seeing April, Karai, Shini, Keno, and Casey beaten and chained to the walls upside down.

“Guys!” the turtles gasped, as they raced over to cut them lose.

“Are y'all alright?” Applebloom asked.

“Not especially.” Karai groaned.

“Who did this to you?” Sandbar asked.

“No idea,” April groaned, as she grabbed her tessen and tanto, “Karai, Shini, and I were sparing in the dojo, when suddenly the lights went out and some one zapped me from behind.”

“Then two figures jumped us and knocked us out.” Karai added.

“Whoever they were, they were as tough as Tiger Claw.” Shini put in.

Casey spoke up on behalf of himself and Keno, “We were in the gym, playing one on one in basketball, when we were hit with smoke bombs and then...”

“Bam! Pow! Wham! Punching Bag City.” Keno finished.

“And none of you know who did it?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Nadda.” Keno replied.

“Uh... I think I might know.” Scootaloo said, in worry while looking through a window.

They all peeked through it and saw Starlight and Sunset trapped inside a large energy bubble, with the Dark Turtles surrounding them.

“The Dark Turtles?!” April whispered in shock.

“Well, that explains it!” Karai realized.

“They're alive?” Donnie asked in shock.

They kept quiet as they listened in. The Dark Turtles laughed at the trapped pair, “Ooo! Look at me! I'm the super powerful Starlight Glimmer and the fiery Sunset Shimmer!” Dark Mikey said mockingly before blowing a raspberry.

Dark Donnie chuckled, “And you were both too dense to notice you walked right into a trap! Right, Professor? Metalhead?” Everyone looked down to see a motionless Fugitoid and Metalhead, “Oh, that's right. I shut you two down with an EMP!” he laughed evilly.

Dark Raph spoke to the trapped pair, “You two are real chumps! You wouldn't know trouble if it was right in front of you. Just like that air-head Twilight and her doopy friends!”

“Not to mention our weak doppelgangers!” Dark Leo put in, as the turtles frowned, “I'll admit I was reluctant to follow the new boss. But she so earned it.”

“New Boss?” Casey asked.

“She?” Shini asked, while everyone had a bad feeling where this was going.

“Speaking of which, here she comes now!” Dark Mikey motioned to a figure walking out of the shadows.

“Enjoying yourselves in there, Starlight and Sunset?” the figure asked.

“That sounded like... no!” April gasped.

Coming out of the shadows was Cozy Glow, “I'm sorry I had to push you in. But what else could I do? You were going to ruin all my plans.” she frowned.

Everyone gasped, as the turtles allies asked together, “Cozy Glow?!”

Cozy continued to speak to the two unicorns, “You might get some company soon, if I can't make that annoying Neighsay BACK OFF!” she shouted insanely, before taking some breaths to calm down.

“Just say the word and we'll pound that stinkin' jerk into paste!” Dark Raph said feeling up for some pounding.

“Oh no, I could never have that! Besides, I've already got plans for him.” Cozy assured him.

“Aw!” Dark Raph grumbled.

“I have to say, Cozy, I'm impressed that you've been manipulating Twilight and the others from the very beginning.” Dark Leo admitted.

“When you duped those dumb fillies the Cutie Mark Crybabies into tutoring you!” Dark Mikey laughed.

The CMC looked at each other in horror, realizing they were used all this time. Dark Raph also commended Cozy, “You're ten times more cunning than Chrysalis ever was!”

“Aww, thank you,” Cozy flew up to the Dark Turtles, “Now you took care of the other senseis, right?”

“They never knew what hit'em!” Dark Mikey answered.

“Except Casey and Keno, my fists!” Dark Raph added.

“And Bebop and Rocksteady?” the filly inquired.

“We lured those two idiots into the deepest part of the cavern and, let's just say we 'rocked them to sleep'!” Dark Donnie chuckled.

Keno spoke to the guys in concern, “What did he mean, rocked to sleep?”

“I don't think I want to know.” Karai answered in worry.

“Oh, that's a relief,” Cozy said, “Those two were a real threat. All this magic needs time to drain from Equestria before my vortex sucks it to another realm. (giggles) Three days can sure seem like forever, huh?”

“I guess Neighsay was right about friendship being used as a weapon!” Dark Leo smirked.

“You know, I'm actually surprised that Mikey was the only one who wasn't fooled.” Cozy continued.

“Good thing no one ever listened to him!” Dark Donnie put in.

“What saps!” Dark Mikey laughed, as the turtles looked down in anger.

Cozy flew up to Starlight and Sunset, “I was so afraid when Mikey guessed my whole plan to you guys. Thank you so much for not listening to him! And for yelling at him too. Although, in hindsight, you really really should have listened. Oh, well!” she giggled.

“Losers!” Dark Mikey announced while making a L-shape of his digits on his forehead, while the other Dark Turtles laughed. Starlight looked so sheepish and Sunset covered her eyes in guilt.

“That's checkmate, girls. Check, mate!” Cozy announced, “You know, you ponies got it all wrong. Friendship isn't magic. Friendship is power! With Twilight and her lackeys out of my way, all of Equestria will bow to me! The future Empress of Friendship!” she dawned a crown of her own and cackled maniacally. The Dark Turtles bowed their heads to her, while the Young Six, the CMC, the Turtles, and their Allies watched in horror at what was happening.